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【PC/PS/X360】Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 -

2013-8-27 06:32 PM

  《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》是Konami旗下《恶魔城》系列的最新作,游戏原本定于2013年冬季登陆PS3、XBOX 360和PC平台,而此前官方又确认本作将于2014年2月末发售。日前官方公开了游戏的最新艺术设定图已经公开,主要为大家展示了部分游戏场景以及登场敌人,下面就请玩家们一起欣赏一下。

2013-9-1 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-9-1 07:29 AM 编辑



  开发商David Cox告诉VideoGamer:



Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 – 60% of the game set in the city, 40% in Dracula’s castle; game length

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is set in two main locations. Players will venture through a new modern-day setting, which encompasses roughly 60 percent of the game. The other 40 percent takes place in Dracula’s castle.

Producer David Cox told VideoGamer:

“The game takes place about 60 per cent in the city and about 40 per cent in the castle, and you can go between the city and the castle at will [once you reach] a certain stage of the game. As the world opens you have the freedom to go back forth to both. The whole game takes place in one night, the night that Satan is coming back. So playing in this gothic fantasy city, you can imagine, we’ve got rain, we’ve got different weather effects, it still has that [Castlevania] feeling. We didn’t want to make it Gotham City and we didn’t want to put Dracula in the middle of Times Square. We thought that would be ridiculous.”

Cox also commented on Lords of Shadow 2′s length. It’ll be about as long as the original, though there will be “more reasons to explore” because of the game’s structure.

“I think it’s a really interesting take on the Castlevania universe. If you keep an open-mind and you expect the unexpected I think you can enjoy the game. I think if you [approach with a] closed mind and you say, ‘Oh, it’s not 2D, it’s not Metroidvania’, you’re not going to enjoy the game. If you go into it with an open mind I think we could surprise you. I think it’s the surprise that players will really enjoy.”

VideoGamer:http://www.videogamer.com/xbox36 ... raculas_castle.html

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 was considered briefly for next-gen, locked 30FPS targeted

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 isn’t heading to the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, but the team “did think about” bringing the game to next-gen consoles.

Speaking with VideoGamer, producer David Cox explained that it was ultimately decided to concentrate resources on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in order to make it “one of the last great current-gen titles”.

“When we started the game in 2010 we didn’t know about next-gen. Nobody really knew what was going on. Rather than bang out a sequel cheap as chips and just do more of the same we really wanted to make big changes, and to do that we needed to start with our engine and really think about performance, free camera [and] keep maintaining the level of detail whilst obtaining a pretty good frame rate.”

Cox added that the team was too far in development to give next-gen versions a big consideration. Instead, they were looking to address criticisms with the first Lords of Shadow.

“We were criticised for frame rate [in the original Lords of Shadow], we got criticised for being fixed camera, and we really wanted to fix these things. So I think when the next-gen consoles got announced we did think about it, but then we said we don’t really have to start again. We’d already gotten so far down the line we just thought, this is the path we’ve set for ourselves, let’s do it.

“We want this to be one of the last great current-gen titles. That’s what we wanted to do. We want to go out with a bang. We want to end the Lords of Shadows series with a bang.”

And speaking of frame rate, MercurySteam is “targeting locked 30FPS”.

“One of the issues with the previous game was the frame rate would go up and down, so when you get into combat you get issues with frame rate. [Frame rate is] absolutely key. Going for 60FPS would have meant dropping a level of quality in terms of the visuals but we didn’t want to do that. We decided that 30 would be better, but it had to be locked at 30FPS… The game is running at a rock-solid 30FPS.”

VideoGamer:http://www.videogamer.com/xbox36 ... s_of_shadows_2.html
2013-11-1 06:50 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-1 06:45 PM 编辑

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Trailer, Screens & Collector's Edition
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》特别版介绍 新影像公开

  《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》是Konami旗下《恶魔城》系列的最新作,游戏原本定于2013年冬季登陆PS3、XBOX 360和PC平台,不过此后官方又确认本作将于2014年2月末发售。日前官方放出了游戏的最新宣传片,此外还公布了本作特别版的相关情报,下面就为大家介绍一下。






Dracula returns for Halloween, as Konami reveals vampire’s role in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

Konami Digital Entertainment has used Halloween to update fans on key new elements to its vampiric Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and has outlined a series of pre-order incentives ahead of its February 28th release.

As attention turns to all things supernatural, Konami has released the packshot and a new themed trailer for the eagerly-awaited Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.

Named Dracula's Vengeance Trailer, Konami has issued an all-new trailer, focusing on Dracula as the game’s central anti-hero. Exploring the definitive vampire, the trailer focuses on the unwilling Dracula as he is charged with engaging an even more evil force: Satan himself.

Konami has also outlined the content for exclusive special editions and collectible content, available to pre-order.

• Leading the line is a ‘Dracula’s Tomb Premium Edition’ which is beautifully encased in a tomb casing, contains a copy of the game, four highly detailed miniature figurines designed by comic book artist Neil Googe (Judge Dredd, Wildcats), an A4 hardcover art book, and an exclusive Steelbook. This stunning item is limited to just 30,000 units across Europe and will be available in the UK exclusively via GAME.

• Konami has also created an alternative steelbook edition for pre-orders from Zavvi, which is encased in a metallic cover featuring an exclusive image of its central figure, Dracula. Those pre-ordering will also receive the alternate ‘Premium Dracula’ suit, a ‘Dark Dracula’ costume, or a ‘Relic Rune’ pack, that adds a wealth of relic items to the user’s inventory, dependent on where it is pre-ordered.

2013-11-8 07:47 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-8 06:48 PM 编辑

《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》开发日志影像 设计德古拉

  《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》是Konami旗下《恶魔城》系列的最新作,游戏将推出PS3、XBOX 360和PC版,预计于2014年2月25日登陆北美,2月27日登陆欧洲。日前Konami放出了游戏的一段开发日志影像,通过制作人Dave Cox和Enric Alvarez的讨论让我们了解游戏的情报,而视频中更是提到了他们如何设计并创造本作的主要角色德古拉的。

2013-12-19 07:50 AM

  发行商科乐美日前公布了PS3版的《恶魔城:暗影之王2》的包装盒效果图。该图应该是最后敲定使用的作品。《恶魔城:暗影之王2》由MercurySteam工作室开发,科乐美负责发行。据称这将会是MercurySteam最后负责的一部《恶魔城》系列作品。该作品背景设定为现代世界。《恶魔城:暗影之王2》将在2014年2月25日率先于北美登陆PC、PS3、Xbox 360。

2013-12-27 06:56 PM



  • 德古拉可化身为巨龙
  • 游戏里有一个“蛋”,当它孵化后会出来一只小的飞行生物,为你寻找道具。
  • 一些侏儒(小岛秀夫配音)会在城堡内建立商店,包括普通和稀有道具。
  • 游戏开始的大部分时间都发生在城堡。
  • 你可以变身为老鼠来躲避敌人。
  • 你可以搬运尸体通过现代社会的安全系统。
  • 你可以使用传送门随意穿越过去和现在。
  • 超多回忆杀剧情,此人为贝尔蒙特最后一人

2014-1-10 06:49 PM




2014-1-23 10:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-24 06:34 PM 编辑

《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》宣传片 介绍登场角色

  《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》是Konami旗下《恶魔城》系列的最新作,游戏预计将于2014年2月25日登陆北美,2月27日登陆欧洲,对应平台为PS3、XBOX 360和PC。近日Konami公司放出了本作的最新宣传影像“德古拉的命运(Dracula’s Desiny)”,重点介绍了本作中作为德古拉登场的加百列,此外还展示了一些其他的登场人物,下面就请玩家们一起来看一看。


Konami unveils new trailer depicting key cast from the epic ‘Lords of Shadow’ conclusion

Konami Digital Entertainment has released a new trailer showcasing key characters in its forthcoming Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 title.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is released for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC on February 28th, and acts as a shocking conclusion to the Gabriel story arc. Following the infamous revelation where Gabriel was revealed to be the legendary Dracula at the end of the first game, the new game finds the weakened vampire stranded in modern times, whereupon an old ally proposes a deal that could offer him freedom from his eternal existence...

The new 150-second trailer uses footage from the game to introduce a range of key characters and adversaries from the new instalment including; Dracula, once Gabriel, a member of the Brotherhood of Light who fought to avenge the death of his beloved wife Marie, but fate got the better of him, transforming him into Dracula – the most feared of all vampires. Also returning is Zobek, one of the founders of the Brotherhood of Light, who is, in reality, one of the evil Lords of Shadow who betrayed Gabriel and all of humanity. Additionally, Carmilla, Marie and Satan himself make a return, with many new characters introduced.

This new trailer also showcases some previously unseen locations and environments in addition to the wealth of characters.
2014-1-29 06:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-29 07:19 PM 编辑

《恶魔城:暗影之王2》新演示 德古拉大战撒旦





2014-2-2 08:50 AM



  这场全新的演奏会吸引了Dave Cox(暗影之王2制作人,Konami欧洲工作室总裁),在作曲人Oscar Araujo的陪伴下,他听完了整场音乐的演奏。



Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Uses Largest Ever Orchestra for a Video Game Soundtrack

As Konami Digital Entertainment gears up for the launch of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 on February 25, the publisher has released a special video showcasing the recording of the game's orchestral soundtrack at the iconic Abbey Road studios in London.

The new footage captures Dave Cox, Producer of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and Studio Head of European Production for Konami Digital Entertainment B.V., as he oversees the production of the game's soundtrack alongside composer Oscar Araujo. The acclaimed Araujo returns to the series following the stunning reception to his Lords of Shadow score, and has produced an epic soundtrack for the new game.

Dave Cox details how he was introduced to Oscar, and how the talented Spaniard has worked closely with the game to produce a musical 'heart' that is a fitting conclusion to the critically acclaimed series. The video also features exclusive footage taken from the recording, while Araujo himself details the methodology he uses in the creation of the game's soundtrack.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 soundtrack features the largest orchestra ever used in the production of a video game, and spanned several weeks of recording. Araujo's soundtrack has been designed to showcase the conflict Dracula feels, and the composer details why Abbey Road was important to the soundtrack for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC platforms.
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