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【PC/PS/X360】Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 -

2012-12-5 07:27 AM

  时至今日,《恶魔城:暗影之王2》游戏发售日并未公布,但是根据在线游戏零售商ShopTo的最新情报显示,Konami代理,Mercury Steam开发的这款《恶魔城》系列最新续作将于2013年5月10日在欧洲地区正式发售。


2012-12-5 07:20 PM

   《恶魔城:暗影之王2》游戏发售日并未公布,但是根据在线游戏零售商ShopTo的最新情报显示,Konami代理,Mercury Steam开发的这款《恶魔城》系列最新续作将于2013年5月10日在欧洲地区正式发售。

2012-12-9 07:39 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2012-12-11 07:32 AM 编辑

VGA 2012:《恶魔城:暗影之王2》超强实机预告



Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (HD Quality!) -


2012-12-11 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2012-12-11 07:37 AM 编辑


Konami发布了《恶魔城:暗影之王2》(Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2)的一组游戏截图和概念图。
  这些高清截图其实都出自Spike VGA上的预告片。让我们再来重温一下吧:

2013-1-9 07:05 AM
开发人员表示《恶魔城:暗影之王2》无Wii U版

《恶魔城:暗影之王2》(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2)登陆Wii U的流言已经被彻底终结。今天,Konami的Dave Cox在推特上说,《恶魔城:暗影之王2》将不会有Wii U版。

  网友问,Wii U上会不会玩到《恶魔城:暗影之王2》,Cox的回答非常直白,他说:“抱歉,要让你失望了,你没有机会见到它了。”一切流言都被粉碎了。


2013-3-1 07:17 AM
科乐美谈《恶魔城:暗影之王2》无Wii U版原因

Konami游戏制作人Dave Cox称,由于公司资源有限,《恶魔城:暗影之王(Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2)》暂时不会开发Wii U版。

  在与Eurogamer交谈时,Cox说:“那为什么我们又在开发这款游戏的PC版、PS3版和Xbox 360版呢?原因很简单,我们手头正好有这么多人。”

  “如果我们再加进一个Wii U版,那又需要另外招来20个开发人员,这已经超出了我们现有的资源量或预算范围。不过,这并不意味着我们不会出游戏的Wii U版,我的意思是,在目前情况下,我们不想失去我们工作的重心。


2013-3-4 07:40 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-3-4 07:42 AM 编辑


  《恶魔城:暗影之王2》将在2013年登陆Xbox360,PS3和PC平台。》制作组Mercury Steam打算在完成这部续作以后开启全新原创游戏项目,但如果玩家强烈要求的话,也不排除《恶魔城》Castlevania续作的可能。

  在接受媒体采访时,制作人Dave Cox说,“我们已经讨论过好久了,现在我们打算让《恶魔城》的故事暂告一段落,开启全新的历程。”

  “如果玩家强烈要求《恶魔城》续作的话,我们会响应要求吗?现在很难说,一方面,我们不想一辈子都活在《恶魔城》的阴影中,我们还有更伟大的计划,但与此同时我们又知道喜欢《暗影之王》 Lords of Shadow系列的玩家非常多。”

  制作人Dave Cox说,”不行,我们必须向前进’,但我的心则是另一种想法。或许我们应该另外组建一个新的创意团队?”

2013-3-15 08:24 PM

2013-5-12 06:48 AM

Update: Bumped to the front page. A few more details from OXM UK are posted below.

- New Mastery system
- Unlock extra moves/combos with XP
- Each time you use an unlocked combat move, you’ll earn Mastery in that skill
- Void Sword, Chaos Claws, or Blood Whip will level up once mastered based on the alignment of the skill
- Level up these weapons to heal faster, break enemy defences quicker
- If you stick to a couple of familiar combos, you’ll struggle when you get to the tougher levels
- Action is set over two time threads
- Most of the game takes place in the modern day that has been sculpted to fit the Gothic arches of Castlevania
- The other portion of the game takes place in the castle at a different point in time
- Platforming has improved
- “In a later conversation that we weren’t recording, Cox talked of whole optional areas, a substantial percentage of the game that’s a completely optional reward for dedicated players. Return to a girl once you’ve discovered the Mist ability, and you can pass through it to discover not just a chest, but a whole hidden area.”
- Biggest than the first game
- QTEs have been cut back
- Tiatan fights are “far more expensive, and they involve full control by the player as opposed to timed button presses.”

The latest edition of OPM UK includes the first actual gameplay details about Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. We’ve rounded up information from the magazine below. For a look at Lords of Shadow 2′s first screenshots, be sure to pick up OPM’s newest issue.

- Lords of Shadow 2 ends the story
- Less spoon-fed approach than the original
- Anchor points will be highlighted only if you ask them to be
- Anchor points won’t show up at all on harder levels
- Environment is seamless this time around
- Mission summaries have been replaced with teleporters like in Koji Igarashi’s Castlevania games
- Bosses have been changed; one is longer but more varied that what was included in the original
- Unclear if boss battle checkpoints are included
- Now have free camera control
- If you leave the camera alone, it’ll behave like it always has
- Combat Cross replaced with the Blood Whip
- The two are very much the same
- Still has extreme range attacks that fill the screen
- You’ll also still be stringing combos together from strong directed attacks, and lighter area attacks
- Magic replaced with Dracula’s blood
- Blood doesn’t regenerate
- Need to earn blood with kills and skilled fighting
- Add to your Focus gauge by evading, executing perfect blocks and counters
- When the Focus gauge is full, every hit explodes new blood into the battlefield
- If you get hit, you lose all Focus
- Channel raw blood into Void and Chaos
- Void: weapon switches to Void Sword, allowing you to regain some health with each hit
- Chaos: weapon switches to a pair of claws that can smash through enemy shields
- Dracula’s own tricks include glamouring mortals to control them and evaporating into a mist that lets him slip by unseen, or pass through grilles into secret areas
- Game has some humor
- Team debated over including a scene: “While no one’s winking at the camera, when Gabriel Belmont wrestles a crucifix out of a Golden Paladin’s grip, informing the Brotherhood that he, Dracula, has been chosen by God, what follows is an ecclesiastical nuclear blast so large that the camera cuts to a shot of the planet.”
2013-5-13 06:26 PM
《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》最新情报 系列完结作


  《恶魔城:黑暗领主2》游戏剧情紧接系列前作,游戏是《黑暗领主》系列剧情的完结,游戏关卡环境无缝过渡,任务摘要和Koji Igarashi此前负责的《恶魔城》系列游戏的提示摘要取代。



  《恶魔城:黑暗领主》中的“Combat Cross”系统被新作的“Blood Whip”取代,这个新系统类似前作,Blood Whip系统有着极限范围攻击可以无死角攻击敌人,玩家可以结合重攻击,轻击形成连招攻击。

  “Magic(魔法)”被“Dracula’s Blood(德古拉之血)”取代,玩家需要杀敌或者技巧战斗增长这一属性。


  Raw blood鲜血系统被分裂成“Void”和“Chaos”。在“Void”中玩家的武器是“Void Sword”,询问玩家每次攻击回血。在“Chaos”中武器是一对爪状武器,可以用于敌人盾形武器的破防。


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