《合金装备》(英文:Metal Gear Solid、日文:メタルギアソリッド、官方中文名为:潜龙谍影)是由日本科乐美(KONAMI)公司发行、小岛制作室(KOJIMA PRODUCTION)制作的著名战术谍报系列游戏。在任天堂的FC时代大陆、台湾与香港均译为:“燃烧战车”。后来SONY的PS时期大陆译为“合金装备”,而台湾则改译为:“特攻神谍”。虽然官方中文译名为“潜龙谍影”,但受PS时期的巨大影响,使其受到玩家广泛认同,因此“合金装备”这个名称在大陆一直沿用至今。
Metal Gear (メタルギア Metaru Gia) is a series of stealth video games, which carry the tragedy story element, created by Hideo Kojima and developed and published by Konami. The first game, Metal Gear, was released in 1987 for the MSX2. The player takes control of a special forces operative Solid Snake who is assigned to find the eponymous superweapon "Metal Gear", a bipedal walking tank with the ability to launch nuclear weapons. Several sequels have been released for multiple consoles after requests from Konami to produce new Metal Gear games. The sequels expand the original game's plot adding new characters opposing and supporting Snake, while there have also been a few prequels exploring the origins of the Metal Gear and recurring characters. Various parts were inspired by Hollywood films with character's names, settings and artworks often referencing them.
The series is famous for pioneering the stealth game genre, in which the character initially has only one weapon and has to go through the game to accomplish his mission by himself. Other notable traits are cinematic cut scenes, intricate storylines, offbeat humor and exploration of political and philosophical themes. The game franchise has sold over 30 million copies worldwide, with individual installments being critically acclaimed and receiving several awards. The franchise has also been adapted into other media such as comics and drama CDs.
中文名: 合金装备
外文名: Metal Gear Solid
游戏类别: 战术谍报
发行时间: 1987年(第一作发售时间)
主要角色: Solid Snake(固体蛇)、BIG BOSS(裸蛇)
主设计师: 小岛秀夫
游戏年龄: 18岁以上

《合金装备》是一款经典的战术谍报动作游戏,游戏以其独特的潜入谍报要素深受世界各地玩家的好评。1987年第一款《合金装备》就是出现在日本的简化PC MSX上。MSX是由当时的一些日本电器商如索尼、三洋和松下等公司制定的简化版PC,比起当时在NEC的主流型PC系列四、五十万的售价,MSX五万日元左右的价格无疑更为贴近普通用户,该主机在日本和欧美都算是相当流行,不过在IT业重镇美国就没有什么市场了。比起当时的其它主机MSX的性能相当落后,发色数仅为16色,尽管其后的MSX2达到了256色,但是核心处理器仍然为老旧的Z80,在游戏性能方面毫无优势。
《合金装备》之父小岛秀夫最初由小时候的捉迷藏游戏中得出灵感,打算制作一个类似电影《第三集中营》的游戏,并最后确定《合金装备》的游戏模式。游戏本身受到电影《逃出纽约》(Escape From New York ,1981 .值得一提的是合金装备中主角snake的名字以及他的造型都是来自于这部电影中的主角前空军中校 Snake Plissken)《第三集中营》(The Great Escape,1963 年)、《六壮士》(The Guns Of Navarone,1961 年)、《007金手指》(007: Goldfinger,1964 年)、《2001年太空漫游》(2001: A Space Odyssey,1968 年)等电影影响。
The first Metal Gear game for the MSX follows Solid Snake, a rookie member of the FOXHOUND special operations unit. He is sent by his superior Big Boss to the fictional South African fortress Outer Heaven, with the goal of finding the missing squad member Gray Fox and investigating a weapon known as Metal Gear. However, Big Boss is later revealed to be the leader of Outer Heaven. He fights Snake and, although he loses, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake reveals Big Boss' survival. The two face off, with Snake once again achieving victory.
Metal Gear Solid elaborates on the storyline of the earlier games and reveals that Solid Snake is a genetic clone of Big Boss, created from a secret government project. A new antagonist is introduced in the form of Liquid Snake, Snake's long-lost twin brother who takes control of FOXHOUND after Snake's retirement. A third Snake brother known as Solidus Snake is introduced as the United States President at the end of Metal Gear Solid and serves as the main antagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The game is set several years after Liquid's death in Metal Gear Solid, and it puts the player in control of Raiden, a soldier who fights against Solidus. Raiden joins forces with Snake, and later learns that they are all being manipulated by Revolver Ocelot, a spy from a group known as The Patriots that controls the United States.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, which is chronologically the first game in the series, introduces a younger version of Big Boss when he was under the codename Naked Snake during the Cold War.[43] The game focuses on the rise of Naked Snake from apprentice to legendary soldier as well as the downfall of his mentor and matriarchal figure The Boss whom he kills in a mission. The origins of Metal Gear, The Patriots, and the FOXHOUND unit are also explored in the game. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker serve as direct sequels to Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and follow Naked Snake's life until his decision to create Outer Heaven in reaction to the betrayal of his comrades in charge of The Patriots.[44] Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is the latest title in the Metal Gear series as it follows an older Solid Snake who is still on his quest to find and defeat Liquid Ocelot. His objective later changes to destroying the artificial intelligences of The Patriots and stop their oppression. After he and his allies succeed, Snake decides to live out his life peacefully.