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【PS/ XBOX】Grand Theft Auto 5 - Heist 3月10号大更新Online 内容

2013-8-26 08:22 PM
№Dante 发表于 2013-8-26 07:44 PM

2013-8-27 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-27 08:11 PM 编辑

Grand Theft Auto V Special & Collector’s Edition DLC Detailed

More Details from the Grand Theft Auto V Special and Collector's Edition Digital Content

Grand Theft Auto V's Special and Collector's Editions include a bevy of enhancements and accessories for all three of protagonists as well as your character in Grand Theft Auto Online as you navigate the streets, skies and showrooms of Los Santos and Blaine County. Here are more details about these unique digital items that are included as part of the Special Edition and Collector's Edition:

Additional Weapons

Regardless of which version you've chosen, your local Ammu-Nation will always be stocked with a pair of special firearms at no additional cost that also have their own unique customization options, skins and attachments - the .50 Caliber Pistol and the Bullpup Shotgun. You'll also have access to the Hammer, which acts as a brutal melee weapon.

Bonus Outfits, Tattoos and More

When visiting any shops around Los Santos and Blaine County, Michael, Franklin and Trevor will receive a special 20% discount along with access to special items either in their personal wardrobes or from stores. Each character will receive 1 outfit each, one article of clothing - shirt, hoodie and jacket - each, a special haircut, facial hair look and tattoo.

Custom Characters for Grand Theft Auto Online - Collector's Edition only

GTA Online introduces a new spin on traditional character creation with the hereditary-based creation system. Select your character’s appearance by choosing your parent’s heritage, then use the gene dominance meter to dial-in which parent your appearance favors more. Additionally, you'll customize your character's daily activities - everything from family time to illegal work and sports to couch potato hours all have an impact on your character’s appearance and skill set and you can always rank up your skill stats more via gameplay. As part of the Collector’s Edition package, you'll get Niko Bellic, along with both Claude and Misty from Grand Theft Auto III to use as parent options within the character creation system.

Special Ability Boost

Michael, Franklin and Trevor each have a their own unique Special Ability, which can be activated once each of them fills up the Special Ability bar based on various actions. Michael is an expert marksman - his Special Ability slows down time in a gunfight allowing him to pick off his targets with greater ease. Franklin is a skilled driver with sharp reflexes - his Special Ability lets him slow down time while driving any road-based vehicle, allowing him to quickly navigate through traffic with ease and take corners at high speeds. Trevor is a drug-addled sociopath with a short fuse - his Special Ability sends him into a rage, causing double damage to enemies while only taking half as much damage himself when hit. With the boost that's included in both the Special and Collector's Editions, the Special Ability bar will generate 25% faster.

Stunt Plane Trials

Take in Los Santos and Blaine County at breakneck speeds in the Grand Theft Auto V Stunt Plane Trials. In five thrilling and unique challenges, you’ll zip through mountains, deserts, oceans, and cities as you navigate through a maze of checkpoints, each placed to push your Stunt Plane to the limit. Completing each Trial will improve the piloting skill of your character. Compare your times with friends and vie for the top spot on the leaderboard.

Unique Vehicles and Garage Property - Collector's Edition only

The Collector's Edition also features an exclusive garage to store custom vehicles, that comes stocked with the CarbonRS sports bike and the Hotknife - an open frame 1930’s style hotrod. In Grand Theft Auto Online your garage and the high-end Khamelion electric car, which is specific to GTA Online, are both purchased through in-game websites accessed through your Online character’s cell phone.

Official News:http://www.rockstargames.com/new ... -v-special-and.html






  在大都市Los Santo与布莱恩郡任何一处购买服装,三痞子皆有享受20%折扣的机会,特别的发型、胡须、纹身都可利用。







2013-8-28 07:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-28 06:28 PM 编辑

Grand Theft Auto V: The Official Trailer Coming this Thursday

The Official Trailer for Grand Theft Auto V will debut here at the Rockstar Newswire and on the GTA V site this Thursday, August 29th. Details on exact timing forthcoming...

《横行霸道5》官网更新 新宣传片将于周四公开

  Rockstar的《横行霸道5》将于2013年9月17日正式发售,游戏将登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台。日前官方在官网上透露了本作的新情报,确认他们将于8月29日(即本周四)公开本作的最新宣传片,虽然现在还不知道他们会放出怎样的宣传影像,不过届时还请玩家们继续关注。

Newswire:http://www.rockstargames.com/new ... -this-thursday.html
2013-8-28 04:39 PM
kirassss 发表于 2013-8-28 07:07 AM
Grand Theft Auto V: The Official Trailer Coming this Thursday

The Official Trailer for Grand  ...

2013-8-28 05:48 PM
iamcadence 发表于 2013-8-28 04:39 PM

PC、WiiU、PS4、Xbox One平台一切都要等到发售后才会宣布哦。
2013-8-28 05:52 PM
kirassss 发表于 2013-8-28 05:48 PM
PC、WiiU、PS4、Xbox One平台一切都要等到发售后才会宣布哦。

2013-8-28 06:18 PM
索尼Twitter曝《横行霸道5》上PS4 事后不承认

  昨天SonyUK Twitter上发表的《横行霸道5》登陆PS4的消息被证实是个手滑的操作失误,SonyUK Twitter当天在Twitter上发表了《横行霸道5》在PS4上看起来相当震撼的一段文字。索尼为此向广大受骗的玩家表示歉意。

2013-8-29 07:58 PM





  在《横行霸道OL》中,玩家将扮演从外地来到洛圣都的新住民,在这个新天地寻找各种 “赚钱” 与 “花钱” 的路子,尽情享乐与惹上麻烦。玩家可以四处闲逛,结交朋友或树立敌人,结伙组织帮派抢劫银行或商店,还可以体验典型的线上多人对战玩法。除此之外还有很多乐子可找。

  《横行霸道5》将于9月17日登陆PS3和Xbox 360平台,《横行霸道OL》将于《横行霸道5》发售两周后的10月1日正式上线。
2013-8-29 11:02 PM
2013-8-30 08:48 AM

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