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【PS/ XBOX】Grand Theft Auto 5 - Heist 3月10号大更新Online 内容

2013-8-14 07:50 AM


游戏中的Los Santos和 Blaine County会为你带来哪些特殊而难忘的体验呢?让我们一一细看:

  *指尖下的便捷购车:如果你想要驾驶一辆跑车到高速公路兜风或者想要开着SUV去Blaine County越野,又烦透和汽车推销员打交道,在网上车辆列表中动动指尖就能选择哦。

   *繁荣的经济与商务:每天的股票证券交易都有机会将懂得玩转市场的人催生为百万富翁。到Los Santos房地产市场获取你的收益和投资吧。想在这个小镇一夜暴富,你需要的仅仅是购买一栋建筑物。


  *车辆定制店:Los Santos居民非常看重汽车。每天大部分的时间他们都花了在汽车身上。当你不知如何开启你的旅程,来参观Los Santos海关吧,因为还有什么能比夜晚的霓虹灯更能一目了然呢。

  *购物和诱惑:旅客们来自世界各地,到Los Santos丰富购物的经验。从Rockford Hills高街商店里的定制时装到Hawick的时髦毒品,有各种各样的时尚商品供你选购。


  *你可以信赖的领导才能:你可以面临各种相当激动人心的时刻,作为与Sue Murry政见相左的挑战者参加目前的州长竞选,也可以与Jock Cranley在电视上比拼谁才是真正的天王级明星。


  *广阔无垠的户外:猎人和探险者能够在我们广袤的Blaine County外围找到伟大的运动挑战。带上足够应付这个危险游戏的装备,徒步攀登到雄伟的Mount Chiliad顶峰吧,或者租用飞机,体验高空跳伞的快感。

  *友好的邻居:各大街道充斥着形形色色各类服装的人物,他们悠闲享受着自己诸如土地交易、商业医疗之类的各种消遣。驻足与他们交谈,从贩子那里获得情报与启示,或者结交Blaine County的黑道头目,在那里他们总是不吝于向你伸出援助之手。

In preparation for your trip to Los Santos & Blaine County this September, please enjoy this special interactive travelogue to explore an unforgettable west coast destination with limitless possibilities, for holiday or to start life anew - including:

* Fast Cars at Your Fingertips: If you are ready to hit the highway in a sleek sports car or go off-roading in Blaine County in an SUV, avoid pushy salesmen and select from a stunning array of vehicular options online.

* Thriving Economy & Commerce: Every day the stock exchange is minting millionaires who know how to play the market. Take your gains and invest in the volatile Los Santos commercial real estate market. To go big in this town, you just might need to buy a building.

* Affordable Healthcare: Thanks to recent legislation, if you receive something as harmless as a scratch or as serious as a bullet wound, any of our state certified medical centers will patch you up and make sure the healthy bill is picked up by taxpayers.

* Vehicular Customization Shops: Residents of Los Santos take great pride in their cars. They spend the majority of the day in them. When you're ready to trick out your ride, visit LS Customs, because nothing says class like neon.

* Shopping & Glamour: Tourists come from far and wide for the experience of Los Santos shopping. From the well-tailored jet-setter couture in the high-street shops of Rockford Hills to the disheveled and disaffected drug addict hipster vibe in Hawick, there's a wide array of fashionable retail options for you.

* Accessible Air Travel: A wide range of aircraft are available for your travel and aerial transport needs. Log onto ElitasTravel.com and purchase luxury aircraft from the Luxor and Shamal jetliners to high-end helicopters and more.

* Leadership You Can Trust: You're arriving at quite an exciting time as our area is in the midst of the current gubernatorial race with Sue Murry running against conservative challenger and famous star of screen and TV, Jock Cranley.

* Beaches & Watersports: Our coastal areas and beautiful lakes and rivers are a dream come true for those who crave aquatic adventure.

* The Great Outdoors: Hunters and adventurers can find great sporting challenges across our vast Blaine County countryside. Bring a rifle to hunt for dangerous game, hike to the peak of the majestic Mount Chiliad, or hire a plane and parachute from on high.

* Friendly Neighbors: The streets are alive with all kinds of characters who coordinate clothing colors and enjoy leisurely pursuits such as territory clashes and pharmaceutical commerce. Stop and chat with a member of The Epsilon Program for some enlightenment, or head to Blaine County, where they always extend a helping hand to outsiders.

Look for the Los Santos & Blaine County travelogue to be updated soon with more to explore including our local artisans, exciting music and entertainment, exclusive country club lifestyle, and so much more…

Official Update(点击更新更多新新图):http://www.rockstargames.com/new ... os-santos-blai.html
2013-8-14 08:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-15 06:23 PM 编辑

两段新影像公开 多张截图更新

  作为Rockstar旗下的看家大作,《侠盗猎车5》将于2013年9月17日登陆PS3和XBOX 360平台。而日前官方就对游戏的官网进行了一次更新,公开了两段简短的游戏剧情宣传片,此外还放出了几张新的截图,主要为大家展示了游戏中的各处场景,也充分的表现了本作高自由度的特点。



2013-8-15 10:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-16 06:42 PM 编辑


  R星官方放出了《侠盗猎车5》在线模式的宣传视频,并且将其在线模式命名为《侠盗猎车:在线(Grand Theft Auto Online)》。游戏支持最多16人在动态的网络世界中畅游,在视频中我们可以看到,在线模式保持了单人模式的多样性,玩家可以自定义角色,进行各种运动,组队战斗,购买公寓和跑车等。玩家还可以自行创建赛道和战斗地图。官方承诺今后会持续地为《侠盗猎车5》的在线模式创造内容。





Grand Theft Auto Online Overview

Grand Theft Auto Online is a dynamic and persistent online world for 16 players that begins by sharing gameplay features, geography and mechanics with Grand Theft Auto V, but will continue to expand and evolve after its launch with new content created by Rockstar Games and the Grand Theft Auto community. Grand Theft Auto Online takes the fundamental Grand Theft Auto concepts of freedom, ambient activity and mission-based gameplay and makes them available to multiple players in an incredibly detailed and responsive online world.

In Grand Theft Auto Online, players have the freedom to explore alone or with friends, work cooperatively to complete missions, band together to participate in activities and ambient events, or compete in traditional game modes with the entire community, all with the personality and refined mechanics of Grand Theft Auto V.

Players can invest in their character through customizing their appearance, improving their stats, owning customized vehicles, purchasing personal property, and taking part in missions, jobs and activities to earn reputation and cash to open up new opportunities to rise through the criminal ranks. The world of Grand Theft Auto Online will constantly grow and change as new content is added, creating the first ever persistent and dynamic Grand Theft Auto game world.

Access to Grand Theft Auto Online is free with every retail copy of Grand Theft Auto V and launches on October 1st.

2013-8-15 10:29 PM
kirassss 发表于 2013-8-15 10:09 PM
Grand Theft Auto Online Overview

Grand Theft Auto Online is a dynamic and persistent online w ...

GTA Online要在10月1号才能多人模式?我没看错吧?
2013-8-16 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-16 05:55 PM 编辑
№Dante 发表于 2013-8-15 10:29 PM
GTA Online要在10月1号才能多人模式?我没看错吧?

我看了媒体的报导是这样写的哦。但是Free Access for Retail Copy 给零售商第一时间体验而已。不知道是不是真的。

刚刚官方的Newswire和我的那个也是一样写 10月1日。
2013-8-16 08:46 AM
本帖最后由 №Dante 于 2013-8-16 08:50 AM 编辑

R星表示侠盗猎车5将把Xbox360 ps3机能发挥到极致,而且是竭尽全力开发~

     Rockstar北部负责人Leslie Benzies表示自家的新开放式动作游戏《侠盗猎车5》将会把本世代主机的“每一盎司性能都榨干。

     最近Rockstar北部负责人Leslie Benzies表示《侠盗猎车5》将会把本时代主机Xbox360和ps3发挥到技术极限。






      还有一个月 大家静待gta5的降临~

PS: 榨干?!   黄灯和三红看来要再次降临


附加多人模式 中文字幕视频

2013-8-16 03:58 PM
kirassss 发表于 2013-8-15 10:09 PM
Grand Theft Auto Online Overview

Grand Theft Auto Online is a dynamic and persistent online w ...


Grand Theft Auto Online将作为DLC形式推出,并于10月1日开始下载

2013-8-17 07:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-17 03:41 PM 编辑

《横行霸道5》成就列表透露 奖杯控可以参考



2013-8-17 08:47 AM
kirassss 发表于 2013-8-17 07:29 AM

GTA Online的奖杯比之前4的来的多.要白金这游戏有点难度
2013-8-17 12:12 PM
№Dante 发表于 2013-8-17 08:47 AM
GTA Online的奖杯比之前4的来的多.要白金这游戏有点难度

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