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【Xbox】Xbox 新闻部 -

2014-2-28 07:31 PM

2014-3-10 06:39 PM

  《动物园大亨》是由英国工作室Frontier针对XBOX 360和XBOX One平台所开发的新作,此前已经于2013年11月30日登陆北美地区,而日版XBOX 360版将于2014年3月20日发售,日版XBOX One版则预计于2014年内上市。日前官方公开了本作日版的介绍影像和实际游戏影像,为大家介绍了本作的详情和玩法,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。

2014-3-11 07:17 PM
Spencer表示微软金牌游戏计划根本上与PS Plus不同

在SXSW展上,微软工作室合作副总Phil Spencer谈到Xbox目前的金牌会员游戏计划“从根本上”与“其他计划”不同,因为在该计划中,无论用户是否继续付费,都可以享受之前下载过的游戏。

Spencer特别提到了竞争对手索尼的PlayStation Plus计划,该计划也定期为付费用户提供一系列的免费游戏,但是如果会员期到了停止付费话,这些游戏也会被锁定,无法进入。微软则允许玩家在到期后继续拥有该游戏,只是取决于金牌游戏计划中所包含的内容以及用户在会员期内下载过哪些游戏。

2014-3-12 07:36 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-12 06:38 PM 编辑

Microsoft files trademark for LXP ~ Update: It's a first party studio
微软注册新商标LXP 为第一方游戏开发工作室

  微软近日注册了一个全新商标,名为LXP,当大家还在猜测微软是不是要为XBOX ONE准备独占新作的时候,官方正式LXP是微软注册的一家新的第一方工作室,全称为Leap Experience Pioneers。

  随即不久该公司的介绍也相继出炉,Leap Experience Pioneers(简称LXP)是总部设立在美国的微软第一方开发工作室。尽管该工作室在地下已经存在了很多年,而微软还是确定找一个合适的时间以确认他们的身份。LXP的业务涉及到各个方面,他们认为自己是开拓者,同时想要将美国精神浓缩其内部。然后他们开始着手创建了动画LOGO,和品牌的纲领性文件。

LXP - Identity

Leap Experience Pioneers (LXP) are an in-house games developer for Microsoft based in the US. Although they had been in existence for some years they thought it was the right time to define their identity. Something that all parts of their business could relate to, but more importantly, be inspired by. They considered themselves pioneers (as their name suggests) and wanted to encapsulate the the spirit of fronteering Americans - combining a cowboy with an astronaut with attitude. We then set about creating some short animated logo stings and brand guideline document.

2014-3-13 07:41 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-13 06:54 PM 编辑

'Forza: Deep South' Concept Art May Hint at Horizon Sequel
《极限竞速》概念艺术图 疑似《地平线》续作

  2012年推出的《极限竞速:地平线》虽然是一款外传性质的作品,但是意外的好玩儿,近日有关该系列续作的传闻浮出水面。由印度画家Sumeet Surve自己作画了两张概念图,其名为“极限竞速:南方腹地(Forza Deep South)”。

  Sumeet Surve在一家名为Dhruva Interactive的公司制作概念艺术图,他深爱《极限竞速》系列,并且自己投资为其作画,曾经他还制作过《极限竞速5》的概念艺术图,所以和官方也有着联系。而有关“极限竞速:南方腹地”,目前还不能确定真的是《极限竞速:地平线》的续作,因为从这两个命名来看没有太直接的联系。

  不过此前有关《极限竞速:地平线》登陆XBOX ONE的传闻也很多,大家也期盼着续作的到来,至于官方方面,IGN也联系了微软,他们表示不会对传言和猜测发表评论。

Sumeet Surve works as an artist for a production house called Dhruva Interactive, which did concept art for every Forza Motorsport game.

微软LXP工作室或正在开发Kinect未公布新作  不久前微软注册了全新商标LXP已经确定是一个第一方工作室,而现在有关LXP更多的消息放出。据称该团队是致力于一个“未公布的孵化项目”,而很有可能是为Kinect打造的。

  日前从微软高级项目经理Nikc Fajt的简历中显示,他已经接管了微软LXP工作室,下方的经历中写道,LXP目前是一个拥有30+人员的团队,正在致力于两个未公布的孵化项目,且以Kinect优先。也许在2014年4月8日《Kinect运动》发售不久,会有由LXP制作的次世代Kinect新作出现。
2014-3-16 07:37 AM

  2012年5月时微软推出了99美元签约XBOX 360主机,购买这个99美元的同捆Kinect的XBOX 360主机套装需要玩家与微软签署长达两年的XBOX Live金会员合约,其中每月15美元的月费,而且包含XBOX Live金会员资格以及一些额外的电视流媒体增值服务内容。不过现在微软确认,他们将停止这种服务。

  在接受《华尔街日报》的采访时,微软的发言人David Dennis透露了这一情报,并表示这个计划本身是作为一个试点试验而存在的。“这项计划一开始就是一项试验,而微软也会定期调整提供给客户的产品组合,这种变化其实只是一种标准的商业惯例。”
2014-3-18 06:46 PM
Xbox chief product officer Marc Whitten leaves Microsoft

Best Wishes to Marc Whitten as He Departs Xbox

Following the launch of Xbox One, the most successful launch in Xbox history, and the recent launch of “Titanfall,” the most anticipated game of this generation, the Xbox team is sad to share today that Marc Whitten, Chief Product Officer of Xbox, will be leaving the team to become Chief Product Officer of Sonos.

Marc joined the Xbox team in 2000 and delivered three console generations, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Xbox, along with helping to build Xbox Live and making it one of the world's top online communities with 48 million members in 41 countries. Xbox One is off to the hottest start in Xbox history, Xbox 360 has sold 80 million consoles and the original Xbox sold 25 million units. Many of you have enjoyed his letters to the community over the years and playing with him on Xbox Live.

“I have had the extreme pleasure over the last 14 years to work on the greatest product with the greatest team and for the greatest community,” said Whitten. “Xbox is so special because of the amazing team I’ve had the opportunity to work with and because our fans are the most incredible fans on the planet. It has been the highlight of my career to work on a product so loved. It’s incredibly tough to leave but I am confident the best days are ahead for Xbox fans, in the capable hands of a very talented team.”

Phil Spencer, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Studios, said “I’ve had the pleasure of working with Marc for more than a decade and he has always led Xbox forward with a focus on our fans and delivering a platform that developers and creators can embrace to deliver incredible entertainment. We wish Marc well, while looking forward to the next chapter of Xbox.”

The remainder of the Xbox leadership team will remain intact and Marc’s team will report to Terry Myerson, executive vice president that oversees the teams building the software platform and experiences for Windows, Windows Phone and Xbox. “I’m thankful for Marc’s leadership on Xbox and the incredible team he’s helped build,” said Terry Myerson, executive vice president of the operating systems group. “I look forward to working with Yusuf, Phil and the rest of the team to find a great replacement.”

“Marc played a pivotal role in building the Xbox business over the last 14 years and has been a great partner for me personally,” said Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President of Strategy and Marketing, “Marc has built a very strong and passionate team that has delivered innovative technology for game and entertainment fans. Our fans will continue to inspire us to do great work on their behalf.”

You can continue to play with Marc on Xbox Live under the gamertag notwen.

A Note from Marc Whitten

I started at Xbox on April 1, 2000, when the console was just a vision of what gaming could be. Over the last fourteen years, I’ve worked with an amazing team of highly passionate people who are driven to make gaming and entertainment the best experience for our Xbox fans. Since then, we’ve shipped over a hundred million consoles with tens of millions of people on Xbox Live. And, we are just getting started. There are amazing things on the horizon and I am so excited to see where this talented group of men and women will take Xbox.

One of the best parts of Xbox has been its fans. I want to thank you for making Xbox what it is today and what it will be in the future.

Since the beginning, it’s always been about gamers. In my heart, I am a gamer and Xbox has been my family. While today I am announcing my departure from Microsoft, I have the utmost confidence in this amazing team and our products.

See you on Xbox.

Marc Whitten (Gamertag – Notwen)

微软再撤一高管 XBOX LIVE创建元老宣布离开

  继小唐的离开,诺基亚CEO Julie Larson-Green接管XBOX部门之后,微软XBOX部门面临着一系列的动荡,日前又一位元老级高管宣布离开微软XBOX部门,他就是目前XBOX首席产品官Marc Whitten,他的下一站是出任微软旗下无线音箱公司Sonos的首席产品官。
  Marc Whitten自2000年便加入微软,并且在他的帮助下成立了XBOX LIVE,直至今天还拥有来自41个国家超过4800万名的用户在XBOX LIVE中活跃着。“我对过去14年里能在最伟大的团队生产最伟大的产品并服务于最伟大的社区而感到极致的荣幸。”Marc Whitten说道:“我有机会可以和一个神奇的团队工作,我们的粉丝也是这个星球上最棒的,这些原因赋予了XBOX特别之处。”


  目前微软方面表示接任Marc Whitten的将会是XBOX部门执行副总裁Terry Myerson,他还将负责监督团队的建设,并且为Windows平台和WP手机及XBOX提供有经验的人才。

  Marc Whitten还在一封私人信件中说道:“从一开始我们关心的就是玩家,在我心中,我就是一个玩家,而XBOX就是我的家人。虽然今天我宣布会离开我的团队,但是我有极大的信心相信我们的团队和我们的产品。”
2014-3-25 08:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-25 06:01 PM 编辑

Microsoft Trademarks 'Secrets and Treasure'

  在本月中,微软在美国专利和商标局注册了新游戏应用软件商标名为《秘密和宝藏(Secrets and Treasure)》,而该商标日前被外媒发现,微软也正式承认,并且表示该商标是于2014年3月14日注册的。上面并未提及游戏的开发商和对应平台的计划,而外界猜测该计划应该和微软的ID@Xbox计划有关。

  近日微软一直在大肆宣传ID@Xbox计划,微软工作室副总裁Phil Spencer也表示在E3上微软的发布会将以游戏为主,他们还和日本有实力的开发团队合作为日版的XBOX ONE带来独家游戏内容。而刚刚结束的开发者会上,微软也公布了25款ID@Xbox计划中的独立游戏。

2014-3-25 06:01 PM

  微软工作室副总裁Phil Spencer在开发者上提到大量的Xbox One话题,像是付费试玩、零售机与开发机的转换,以及虚拟现实的潜力。





  谈到虚拟现实的趋势,Spencer说“Oculus Rift”或“Project Morpheus”都是很酷的科技,而且相信它们的确有做到“东西就在眼前”的感觉,但他不认为任何游戏都需要在脸上带个护目镜才能玩。

  Oculus Rift


  目前谣传微软正在开发自己的虚拟实境技术,以强化Kinect 2.0的追踪性能。

  作为除错机功能的Xbox One

  另外一个话题,是将零售主机传为开发用机的功能持续延宕中。微软在去年7月发表这项功能,声明这项功能可以让Xbox One零售机转变为除错机,以便让开发者测试游戏编码。



2014-4-11 06:26 PM
《Below》公布PC版 最新宣传片放出 PAX出展

  Capybara Game于去年E3上公布的XBOX ONE平台独占游戏《Below》日前公布将推出PC版,一段全新的预告片介绍了游戏的新内容。该段预告片名为“从风暴中来”,视频中展示了自去年6月公布之后到如今游戏的新开发近战。本周末的PAX上,该作也将会出展,同时游戏的玩法也会第一次披露。

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