本帖最后由 凛君 于 2012-7-2 01:24 PM 编辑
回复 71# 私服的粉丝
你要问问客服他们到底是卖prepurchase 还是preorder code。我看他们的都挂号(pre order)
Guild Wars 2 CD Keys (Pre-Order Codes) Important Note:(preorder好像除了早进一天就没其他奖励了)
Pre-Order Codes only allow
one day early headstart.
Full game activation keys will be sent when Guild Wars 2 officially launched.也就说推出后才会收到cd key
Guild Wars 2 (US) Deluxe Edition
(Pre-purchase Code) includes: (这个是USD 79.。90的版本)
Access to all Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Events(其实这个还好,因为就剩下1个beta weekend 了)
Three days of Headstart Access
Hero's Band
Summon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill
Rytlock Miniature
Golem Banker
Chalice of Glory
Tome of Influence
Guild Wars 2 (US) Standard Edition (Pre-purchase Code) includes: (这个是USD 69.90版本)
One Day Headstart Access
https://buy.guildwars2.com/en/ 买的
All Pre-Purchase editions include these exclusive bonuses:
-Access to all Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Events
-Three days of Headstart Access
-Hero’s Band
我那天直接prepurchase,他是把cd key还有download link直接寄到我email里的
所以这个你也要和他们confirm 一下,到时候要怎样下载和创号
还有查清楚是prepurchase 还是preorder。preorder是提早一天进入,而且也没任何奖励
当然如果有maybank debit,推荐你直接通过
https://buy.guildwars2.com/en/ 就能买