World of Tanks是一款在2010年由Wargaming.net公司推出的 3D 队制MMO游戏。玩家会扮演1930到1950年代的战车进行 玩家对战(PvP),高度要求战略和合作性。有多于90台苏联、德国、美国的战车可供玩家选用,一些法国、英国的战车也将会推出,「全都根据历史高度还原」,到时估计将有合共约500台战车。游戏2010年10月30日在俄罗斯首发,2011年4月12日在北美和欧洲推出。
这是成立于白俄罗斯的Wargaming.net公司首次发佈的免费网络游戏(F2P)。该游戏软件可在官方免费下载,公司收益为微收费模式,用于游戏中购买高级道具的金币。本游戏成功取得健力士世界纪录大全中的「同一时间及MMO伺服器中最多在线玩家(Most Players Online Simultaneously on One MMO Server)」纪录。该纪录注册于2011年1月23日,共91, 311名玩家连线俄罗斯伺服器。
而现在World of Tanks已经来到东南亚地区,马来西亚、新加坡、泰国以及菲律宾在同一个伺服器。在不久的未来会有更多的国家陆续加入,而东南亚伺服器版本将会与世界进行同步。欢迎大家加入东南亚区World of Tanks 粉丝团(按我)
Update 7.4 is rolling close with many new changes that are set to diversify your gameplay and provide you with more fun and enjoyable memories in World of Tanks.
Note: Content for the 7.3 update will be implemented and released along with the 7.4 update. Moreover, the time you will be able to receive your daily double again after receiving it will be set at 00:00 SGT after the update.
Let’s take a look at some of the changes to find out what new toys lie in store for you.
Fans of the French tanks will be happy to know that several new additions have been planned for more tanks to join the family. SPGs such as Bat. Chatillon 155 and the Lorraine 39 L AM and Tank Destroyers AMX 50 Foch and Somua Sau 40 will be joining in the French line-up.
List of new French vehicles:
French SPG:
Renault BS
Lorraine 39 L AM
AMX 105 AM
AMX-13 F3 AM
Lorraine 155 (50)
Lorraine 155 (51)
Bat. Chatillon 155
French TD:
Renault FT AC
Renault UE 57
Somua Sau 40
S 35 CA
ARL V 39
AMX AC de 100
AMX AC de 120
AMX 50 Foch
For the Soviets, a number of changes will be in place as several tanks will be moved around in tiers and some new ones such as T-150, KV-4 and IS-8 will be added to the tech tree. A new premium vehicle, the IS-6 will also be added to the line-up at Tier 8 and will be available to all players in the in-game store.
Changes for the Soviet tech tree:
- KV-3 will be moved from Tier 6 to Tier 7 as a Soviet heavy tank and rebalanced.
- T-150 will substitute KV-3 as a Soviet heavy tank Tier 6.
- KV-4 will be added as a Soviet Tier 8 heavy tank.
- ST-I will be added as a Soviet Tier 9 heavy tank.
- IS-4 will be moved from Tier 9 to Tier 10 in the Soviet tech tree and rebalanced.
- IS-8 will substitute IS-4 as a Soviet Tier 9 heavy tank.
- KV will be divided into KV-1 and KV-2. KV-2 will become a Soviet Tier 6 heavy tank.
Look forward to some new premium vehicles like the USSR Heavy Tank IS-6 and the French Tank Destroyer FCM 36 Pak 40 that are bound to keep you entertained for hours.
Also new to the game are two combat modes (Assault and Encounter) that will give you a refreshing outlook to how the game is played in the familiar maps that you are accustomed to. If you’re starting to get bored of the existing maps, then we have just the thing for you with the addition of these four new maps.
South Coast (subtropical Mediterranean map)
Dragon Ridge (first Chinese map)
Get ready for more good times in World of Tanks with Update 7.4 which is scheduled for release on 28 June, 2012.
Let’s Battle!
For information on the full update notes, please click here.
To watch the sneak preview trailers for update 7.3 & 7.4, please click here.
2012-2-25 02:56 PM
中型坦克的介绍 :
Clan War 领土争夺战
2012-2-25 02:56 PM
领土争夺战是World of tanks基于浏览器的多人军事模拟游戏。玩家在全球作战地图上进行领土争夺,全球地图被划分为上万个不同地区。要想加入到全球领土争夺战中来,玩家首先要创建自己的军团,军团有严格的等级划分与分工,包括:军团总指挥官、战地指挥官、外交官、财务官等等,除此之外还有普通士兵与雇佣兵。军团指挥官以及军团管理者通过对军团的管理、对作战地图的分析制定符合自身发展的战略规划。通过向其他领地发动战争进行领土扩张,壮大自身的实力。每占领一个地区,该地区就将为军团带来一定的金币收益,军团管理者可以将收益分配给普通士兵与雇佣军,以此来增强军团的凝聚力与整体实力。