If anyone seen this dog around area in tmn mida2/tmn pelangi/paya pulai/abdullah or somewhere pls kindly contact me to claim back the dog... My dog has gone missing... If anyone out there see this nearby your and u had actually keep her in your Hse. Pls be kind enough this dog to me.. Anyone one who's found this dog will be rewarded..... Tq very much

我的狗不见了。如果有人在Tmn mida2美达花园/tmn Pelangi 彩虹花园/Paya pulai/阿罗拉 或是其它地方发现这只狗,恳请通知我领回她。寻获有酬。拜托大家留意看看,谢谢。
我的手机: 013-7589716