
發佈日期:2015/04/07    發佈部门:工程与资讯学院

南方大学学院电机与电子工程系很荣幸地得到了Altera Corporation 所慷慨捐送的FPGA开发套件。此捐赠包括了Terasic DE1-SoC电路板及Altera Quartus II软件。



Altera Corporation及 Terasic Technologies公司简介:
Altera 公司自从 1984 年发明世界上第一款可编程逻辑器件以来,一直为客户提供业界领先的定制逻辑解决方案。今天,分布在 19 个国家的 3,000 名员工将提供更巧妙的定制逻辑解决方案,包括了 FPGA、SoC、CPLD 以及电源管理产品等。

友晶科技(Terasic)成立於 2003 年,专注於开发高阶 FPGA 板卡,并提供包含半导体、软硬体科技等全球 FPGA专案服务。友晶於最高端 FPGA 系统之研发能力,为世界前五大 IC 设计公司 Altera 所承认采用,除为Altera 亚太区设计中心外,更成为 Altera 最新 FPGA 研发及生产夥伴,并连续五年获得Altera最佳供应商的殊荣。

For the coming new semester, students and lecturers from Electrical and Electronic Engineering department will be using the FPGA development platform recently donated by Altera Corporation for teaching and learning purposes. The donation includes Terasic DE1-SoC Board and the Altera Quartus development software. These add to our collection where our department previously only having the DE0-Nano FPGA board which is less powerful as compared to DE1-SoC Board.

As a private non-profit university college, this donation will help us to raise the quality of our program by giving our undergraduates an opportunity to experience the state-of-the-art technology and development tools that are widely used in the industry.

Parents and students are welcome to enrol or make any inquiry regarding Electrical and Electronic Engineering courses.

Brief introduction of Altera Corporation  and Terasic Technologies:
Altera Corporation has been delivering industry-leading custom logic solutions to customers since inventing the world's first reprogrammable logic device in 1984. Today, more than 3,000 employees in 19 countries are providing even more ingenious custom logic solutions which include FPGAs, SoCs, CPLDs and power management products.

Terasic Technologies is the leading provider in high-performance hardware and software solutions for FPGA/ASIC prototyping, multimedia and image processing markets. Terasic has created many FPGA boards for Altera including Altera DE2, DE1, Cyclone® II Starter Kit, and the new Cyclone® III FPGA Starter Kit.