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【PS4/XO/PC】Tom Clancy's The Division -

2013-6-13 10:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-11 12:30 PM 编辑


  玩家所扮演的精英执法人员,来自特别行动部"The Division",专门负责疏导难民,打击犯罪,在稳定危局恢复秩序的同时还步步进逼幕后真相。



The Division is inspired by Operation Dark Winter and Directive 51, real-world events which "revealed how vulnerable we've become"; society has become "fragile" and "complex". In the game, a disease that spreads on Black Friday causes the United States to collapse in 5 days.The player is part of an unconfirmed group that was established to combat the threat and do whatever it takes to "save what remains" in a massive multiplayer online situation, putting them against friends, AI and other players.

Developer(s)开发商:Ubisoft Massive
Platform(s)平台:PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release date(s)发售日:Q4 2014
Genre(s)类型:Massively multiplayer online game, Third-person shooter, action role-playing
Mode(s)模式:Single-player, multiplayer


2013-7-1 06:51 PM

  资深开发者 Antoine Emond带来了《隔离区The Division》新的多人合作模式和对战信息。




2013-7-21 10:52 AM

  育碧CEO Yves Guillemot在财报说明会上表示《隔离区》的发售日将会是在2014年底,但是依然没有公布具体日期,还强调不是财年年底而是真正的2014年底。

  《隔离区(The Division)》游戏设定在2001年,一组科学家和政客发起了名为黑暗之冬的项目用于测试生化攻击的应急反应,模拟显示人类应对危机的衰败时间,大规模的伤亡,以及城市文明的崩塌。却意外导致病毒扩散。


The Division begins recruiting 'closer to the end' of 2014

During Ubisoft's first quarter investor call today, CEO Yves Guillemot narrowed the release window of open-world Xbox One and PS4 RPG The Division to late in 2014.

"We can expect it will be closer to the end of the year than the beginning," said Guillemot, adding a follow-up clarification that he meant for the calendar year and not the fiscal, which would have meant January-March, 2015.

Today's call emphasized Ubisoft's next-gen strategy, which will be a heavy investment and focus on open-world games with multiplayer components.

http://www.joystiq.com/2013/07/1 ... to-the-end-of-2014/
2013-8-20 07:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-25 08:08 AM 编辑

展示平板游戏体验 《全境封锁》gamescom宣传片


2013-8-22 06:37 PM
微软公布:《隔离区》将有XBOX ONE独占内容

  微软虽然没有在科隆前召开大型发布会,但是为了这个小型发布会他们还是做足了准备,除了拉拢EA和动视之外,微软还拉拢了索尼的好朋友育碧。微软在科隆游戏展上公布育碧旗下全新游戏《隔离区(The Division)》将推出XBOX ONE独占内容。

  独占内容的名字为“before and after”,但是官方并未放出具体的内容。除了XBOX ONE平台之外,该作还将登陆PS4平台,近日育碧还公布该作将登陆PC平台。本作是一款在线的开放世界RPG,玩家需要不断的探索和寻找同伴,游戏也会拥有PVP模式。
2013-8-25 08:12 AM






  《全境封锁》由育碧Massive开发,今年E3上正式公布,之前只宣布了登陆Xbox One和PS4两大平台。

2013-8-29 12:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-9-1 07:02 AM 编辑

The Division Q&A

Q: The Division is based upon Operation Dark Winter. Will we see the five days leading up to the collapse of the US, or will we only be playing through the aftermath?

A: There is a reason why we picked 22 days later. We wanted some time to have passed for a few reasons. Firstly we wanted to give enough time for factions to form and people to start to group together. We also wanted to ensure that there is a rich world for players to enter into. A world that is already full of content and context, so when they start playing the game they don’t quite have the full story – they have to explore, uncover and get immersed in the world in order to really progress.

Q: In what year will The Division be set?

A: We don’t specify a year; the setting is the “near future.” It’s a Clancy game so it’s definitely grounded in reality, but we’re using all the wiggle room we can in order to try to create the world we want.

Q: We know it’s set in Manhattan, but will we have to chance to explore some territories outside of the New York area?

A: Absolutely. Exploration is key to the game. The majority does take place in Manhattan – but, yes, you will be able to explore other areas in the game.

Q: Will there be serious decisions that will change the overall storyline? And will there be side quests?

A: The content is emergent and at the heart of the game it is about the player’s choice. The stories behind how each player develops and grows will always be different, which makes this quite unique. The storyline is the storyline, but how you unravel it and how you get there is really up to you. A lot of what we were trying to do with the demo was hint at the idea of discovery; it’s hugely important to the game. We will probably never reveal in full how the game works before we release it because really at the core of the game is the idea of discovery and exploration.

Q: Will PvP be included in the storyline?

A: Yes! Unfortunately we can’t get into too many details yet, other than to say PvP is incredibly important to the game. We were asked how we wanted to do it and we realized that separating it out as a multiplayer wouldn’t make sense. We looked at a range of different games and then decided we wanted to keep it ambiguous. We wanted to integrate it into the storyline and add an element of mystery, so you don’t know who is a friend and who is an enemy. To be honest, it’s the thing I’m most excited about for the game!

Q: Will the shooting/combat system be focused on RPG features like skills, damage, statistics, and critical hits? Or will it be more a more traditional skill-based shooter?

A: We are an RPG first and foremost. So the emphasis for the game is definitely on skill/talent synergies along with your weapon characteristics. We are a Clancy game, we are also an open-world game but really we’re an RPG first. Gear will be important, levels will be important, modifications to weapons will be important… everything that makes a fantastic RPG will be important to the game.

Q: What impact will the actions of the players will have on the game? For example: During the gameplay video you showed us at E3 the players cleared the police station from hostile NPCs. What will happen to this station afterward? Will there be new mission opportunities that unfold from there?

A: To answer it simply: Yes, your actions as a player are very important; the game world will change depending on your actions or inactions. I’ll try to give you a little more than I did at E3. We’re fixing New York, the whole quest or overarching objective of The Division is to get the “grid” back online and functioning; by grid, we mean water, power, sewerage, sanitation, etc. Your actions will change the face of your New York.

Q: What kind of loot can we expect to see and how does it affect the skills of the player character?

A: The short answer is that I believe in loot-based RPGs; I think they’re fantastic and loot will be hugely important in The Division. You’ll have a range of items from gear to weapons, each of which will have various mods and things that we’ll get into later on. However, we don’t want this to become one of those loot-based RPGs where it’s all about gear and there is a ridiculous gap between old and new players; if I’ve just started playing the game but my friend has been playing for a few months, we want those guys to be able to play together. It’s a tricky balance and one that we want to try to solve.

Q: Will we see content in the game that will require you to group up with more than four players?

A: For retention and the end game, “group-plus” content will be really important. I can tell you that there will be multi-group content. I can’t get into it too much, but I can say there will be at least eight-player content.

Q: Can we customize our weapons?

A: Yes, absolutely, weapons are very important to the game and depending on the type there will be a range of different customizations and modifications that you can do. We’ll get into that a little more soon.

Q: Will the companion app be exclusive to tablets, or will it work on smartphones as well?

A: We’re shooting for all the major mobile OS for release, including both phones and tablets, so Android, iOS and Windows. In terms of tablets compared to smartphones, there may be a slight difference between screen type and quality but overall it will be the exact same experience.

Q: Are we able to customize or upgrade the drone?

A: Absolutely! At the moment we only have one in development, but this is going to increase as we continue to develop the game, it will also depend on what type of drone you want to be. Customization and socialization of the drone are really the key elements of the companion app so yes these will definitely be available.

Q: Do dogs have any significance in the game?

A: Well, it’s a next-gen game so obviously it’s got to have dogs! No, dogs won’t have any special significance other than the fact that New York has over 300,000 dogs living in the city, so imagine if they are all let loose at once… You may encounter some particularly nasty ones, but no they don’t play a significant role.

Q: What are the primary challenges faced in developing for next-gen consoles?

A: For me I would say making sure you set the scope of the game correctly: It has to be big but also possible, and that’s a fine line to walk. Recently we announced the game for PC, so really the way we look at it now is that we have three games. We have an Xbox One, PS4 and PC game, each of which we are developing for. We can’t just port to PC; we are building all of these games simultaneously and it’s a huge undertaking. But having said that, we have a fantastic team at Massive and we’ll be working with some other studios at Ubisoft to get the job done.




  因为《全境封锁》的单人游戏和多人游戏是无缝连接的,一个小队可能会同时遭遇AI敌人和其他人类玩家。游戏知道Ryan Barnard在科隆游戏展的问答环节中回答玩家提问,确认游戏中会存在PVP,但没有具体解释育碧的计划。


2013-9-5 07:34 AM
《全境封锁》加入动态生成内容 故事结局多样化

  育碧公司对于其即将推出的最新游戏《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁》(The Division)有着这样的要求,那就是“无限的动态剧情”。开发商Ubisoft Massive公司是这样表述的,游戏将能够为玩家们提供动态的游戏内容,从而实现“无限剧情。”

  在谈论到有关这部游戏的最新视频与Xbox官方杂志对游戏相关评论时,Ubisoft Massive公司的雷恩·伯纳德(Ryan Bernard)说到,“我想提到的这样几件事情,如果你有看到过游戏的官方视频,你会发现许多游戏中的动态内容。当然,团队合作也是是游戏的一大组成部分。我们想要做的鼓励玩家一起来进行合作,从而实现更好的游戏体验与更多的游戏奖励。”



  《全境封锁》将于2014年在PC,Xbox One与PlayStation 4平台登陆。
2013-11-18 07:08 AM

  Massive团队的Ryan Barnard说线上游戏没有真正的友情了,每个玩家都很担心小白的叫嚣,而开发者与发行商都很想把秘密说出来:玩家其实不需要互相帮忙。Barnard计划以《隔离区》改变这一切,它是一款末日题材的生存游戏,该作将登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX360、XBOX ONE和PC推出。





  关于《隔离区》还有些必知情报:本作“潜能无限”并且不会强迫玩家长时间黏在游戏上,提供数千种武器类型,Xbox One版本还有独占DLC。
2013-11-26 07:10 PM


感謝各位玩家的支持,Ubisoft 官方專頁達成 160 萬名粉絲!這裡我們為大家獻上由我們 Tom Clancy's The Division《湯姆克蘭西:全境封鎖》開發團隊所帶來的獨家遊戲畫面慶祝。

1,600,000 Fans. Thanks for your support! Here’s an exclusive screenshot to celebrate. With love, from the Tom Clancy's The Division Dev Team.

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