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【PS4】Fist of the North Star 人中北斗

2018-2-17 01:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-17 11:10 PM 编辑


  SEGA Games 旗下人中之龙工作室制作,预定 2018 年 3 月 8 日推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》最新预告片,在这三段预告片中,展示了这款游戏里的战斗机制,从初级篇、中级篇到上级篇,玩家可以看到在游戏中出现的一些主要战斗技巧。

  《人中北斗》是人中之龙工作室结合经典漫画《北斗神拳》与自家人气游戏《人中之龙》两大题材而成的原创新作。 以《北斗神拳》原作的核战浩劫后世界为舞台,叙述古神秘暗杀拳法「北斗神拳」传承者主角拳四郎,为了寻找爱人尤莉亚而来到奇迹之城「伊甸」展开冒险的原创故事。

  游戏采用《北斗神拳》的世界观与角色结合《人中之龙》的系统与玩法。 拳四郎将在伊甸这个浩劫后世界中一枝独秀的奇迹之城中,寻找原先以为已经逝去之爱人尤莉亚的身影,同时以世纪末男子汉的身分,体验漫画从来没有涉及过的各种人生经历,像是诊疗师、酒保、夜总会保镳等。

  系统部分以《人中之龙》的干架战斗融合《北斗神拳》的暗杀拳,让玩家体验超越人类极限的「秘孔动作」,包括能造成敌人极大伤害的「准确秘孔」,能全面强化能力招式的「爆发模式」,能发挥各式各样效果的「宿星护符」等。 可透过能力成长系统与拜师学艺来进一步强化。

  不只单纯的拳法家,玩家还能见识到形形色色前所未见的拳四郎面貌,不论是摊商、诊疗师、酒保、夜总会少爷,活用拳法能力来造福伊甸居民。 此外还有各种只有在世纪末才有的独特娱乐,像是「死亡挥棒」、「狂飙拉力赛」,还有怀旧主机游戏与《人中之龙》系列熟悉的娱乐。

  SEGA Games 旗下人中之龙工作室制作,《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》预定 3 月 8 日同步推出繁体中文版。



2018-2-22 04:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-22 06:23 PM 编辑

Hokuto ga Gotoku demo now available in Japan
《人中北斗》试玩版现已 2 月 22 日发布下载试玩

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/944401.jhtml

  PS4《人中北斗》今日(2月22日)在日服PSStore 发布了试玩版下载体验。本次试玩版的内容包括系统教学、部分剧情/支线体验。



  《人中北斗》是人中之龙工作室结合经典漫画《北斗神拳》与自家人气游戏《人中之龙》两大题材而成的原创新作。 以《北斗神拳》原作的核战浩劫后世界为舞台,叙述古神秘暗杀拳法「北斗神拳」传承者主角拳四郎,为了寻找爱人尤莉亚而来到奇迹之城「伊甸」展开冒险的原创故事。

  游戏采用《北斗神拳》的世界观与角色结合《人中之龙》的系统与玩法。 拳四郎将在伊甸这个浩劫后世界中一枝独秀的奇迹之城中,寻找原先以为已经逝去之爱人尤莉亚的身影,同时以世纪末男子汉的身分,体验漫画从来没有涉及过的各种人生经历,像是诊疗师、酒保、夜总会保镳等。

  系统部分以《人中之龙》的干架战斗融合《北斗神拳》的暗杀拳,让玩家体验超越人类极限的「秘孔动作」,包括能造成敌人极大伤害的「准确秘孔」,能全面强化能力招式的「爆发模式」,能发挥各式各样效果的「宿星护符」等。 可透过能力成长系统与拜师学艺来进一步强化。

  不只单纯的拳法家,玩家还能见识到形形色色前所未见的拳四郎面貌,不论是摊商、诊疗师、酒保、夜总会少爷,活用拳法能力来造福伊甸居民。 此外还有各种只有在世纪末才有的独特娱乐,像是「死亡挥棒」、「狂飙拉力赛」,还有怀旧主机游戏与《人中之龙》系列熟悉的娱乐。

  SEGA Games 旗下人中之龙工作室制作,《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》预定 3 月 8 日同步推出繁体中文版。对本作有兴趣的朋友,不妨试试本次试玩版,再决定是否购买本作。

The demo for Hokuto ga Gotoku is now available on the Japanese PlayStation Store. It weighs in at 7.65 gigabytes.

As detailed earlier today, the demo will offer two playable modes:

“Experience Hokuto Shinken” – Learn the game systems by battling longtime enemy Shin. This includes a battle tutorial.
“Experience the Story” – Play a special side mission. This includes Ken driving a buggy, fighting scoundrels, and strolling through Eden.

Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 on March 8 in Japan.

2018-2-26 07:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-26 07:03 PM 编辑


  SEGA Games 旗下人中之龙工作室制作,预定 2018 年 3 月 8 日推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》最新预告片,在这两段预告片中,分别为“荒野探险”以及“世纪末欢乐街「伊甸」”编。

  《人中北斗》是人中之龙工作室结合经典漫画《北斗神拳》与自家人气游戏《人中之龙》两大题材而成的原创新作。 以《北斗神拳》原作的核战浩劫后世界为舞台,叙述古神秘暗杀拳法「北斗神拳」传承者主角拳四郎,为了寻找爱人尤莉亚而来到奇迹之城「伊甸」展开冒险的原创故事。

  游戏采用《北斗神拳》的世界观与角色结合《人中之龙》的系统与玩法。 拳四郎将在伊甸这个浩劫后世界中一枝独秀的奇迹之城中,寻找原先以为已经逝去之爱人尤莉亚的身影,同时以世纪末男子汉的身分,体验漫画从来没有涉及过的各种人生经历,像是诊疗师、酒保、夜总会保镳等。

  系统部分以《人中之龙》的干架战斗融合《北斗神拳》的暗杀拳,让玩家体验超越人类极限的「秘孔动作」,包括能造成敌人极大伤害的「准确秘孔」,能全面强化能力招式的「爆发模式」,能发挥各式各样效果的「宿星护符」等。 可透过能力成长系统与拜师学艺来进一步强化。

  不只单纯的拳法家,玩家还能见识到形形色色前所未见的拳四郎面貌,不论是摊商、诊疗师、酒保、夜总会少爷,活用拳法能力来造福伊甸居民。 此外还有各种只有在世纪末才有的独特娱乐,像是「死亡挥棒」、「狂飙拉力赛」,还有怀旧主机游戏与《人中之龙》系列熟悉的娱乐。

  SEGA Games 旗下人中之龙工作室制作,《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》预定 3 月 8 日同步推出繁体中文版。


2018-3-1 12:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-1 08:03 PM 编辑

山田孝之爆笑广告影片再一波! 《人中北斗》世纪末拳法家「山田孝四郎」登场?!
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/159648.html

  日本 PlayStation 官方频道为了宣传即将于 3 月 8 日(四)推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》,公布了一段由 PlayStation 系列产品代言人日本知名演员山田孝之演出的趣味广告影片「山田孝之, 我已经死了(山田孝之、俺はもう死んでいる)」篇,供玩家欣赏。

※ 小提醒:影片有包含繁体中文字幕,观赏时可以打开

  在这段影片中,山田孝之穿著《北斗神拳》主角拳四郎的肌肉服,在健身房中大展神威(大肆捣蛋? ),还自称自己是「孝四郎」,看到名为「友利爱」的女性工作人员就爆气化身为肌肉贲张的巨汉,不过却被女性工作人员的一巴掌击沉,以搞笑的演出浓缩了原作的许多经典台词。

  SEGA Games 同时宣布,预定 3 月 10 日(六)在台北举办的《人中北斗》发售纪念活动,原定 2 月 28 日截止报名,但为了让更多玩家有机会参加,将延后至 3 月 4 日(日)23:59 截止,有兴趣但还没报名的玩家不妨把握机会。 活动中将邀请《人中之龙》系列总监督名越稔洋,《人中北斗》总制作





2018-3-2 04:08 PM
Hokuto ga Gotoku details Casino and Coliseum play spots

Sega has updated the official Japanese website for Hokuto ga Gotoku with information and screenshots on the game’s Casino and Coliseum play spots.

Get the details below.


The casino is one of the recreational facilities located in Eden’s red light district. Here, you can purchase casino chips and enjoy a total of four game types. You can exchange the chips you earn for valuable items.


The Coliseum, which is located in the center of Eden, is where the two competitions known as “The Prisoner Fight” and “Duels” are held. Kenshiro participates as the popular “fist” fighter at this event. Bury incoming enemies with your polished Hokuto Shinken!

Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 on March 8 in Japan. A demo is available now on the Japanese PlayStation Store.
2018-3-2 04:09 PM

2018-3-8 06:49 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-8 07:26 PM 编辑

《人中北斗》将通过免费更新追加原作模式 遵循原作设定

  SEGA GAMES 制作的 PS4 新作《人中北斗》今天正式发售,两位制作人名越稔样、佐藤大辅亲自前往秋叶原为游戏宣传。在现场两人表示游戏会在未来通过免费更新的形式增加一个新难度“原作模式”。此外还会分8次推出各种免费DLC道具等内容。


  《人中北斗》是人中之龙工作室结合经典漫画《北斗神拳》与自家人气游戏《人中之龙》两大题材而成的原创新作。 以《北斗神拳》原作的核战浩劫后世界为舞台,叙述古神秘暗杀拳法「北斗神拳」传承者主角拳四郎,为了寻找爱人尤莉亚而来到奇迹之城「伊甸」展开冒险的原创故事。

  游戏采用《北斗神拳》的世界观与角色结合《人中之龙》的系统与玩法。 拳四郎将在伊甸这个浩劫后世界中一枝独秀的奇迹之城中,寻找原先以为已经逝去之爱人尤莉亚的身影,同时以世纪末男子汉的身分,体验漫画从来没有涉及过的各种人生经历,像是诊疗师、酒保、夜总会保镳等。

  系统部分以《人中之龙》的干架战斗融合《北斗神拳》的暗杀拳,让玩家体验超越人类极限的「秘孔动作」,包括能造成敌人极大伤害的「准确秘孔」,能全面强化能力招式的「爆发模式」,能发挥各式各样效果的「宿星护符」等。 可透过能力成长系统与拜师学艺来进一步强化。

  不只单纯的拳法家,玩家还能见识到形形色色前所未见的拳四郎面貌,不论是摊商、诊疗师、酒保、夜总会少爷,活用拳法能力来造福伊甸居民。 此外还有各种只有在世纪末才有的独特娱乐,像是「死亡挥棒」、「狂飙拉力赛」,还有怀旧主机游戏与《人中之龙》系列熟悉的娱乐。

  SEGA Games 旗下人中之龙工作室制作,《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》预定 3 月 8 日同步推出繁体中文版。


Hokuto ga Gotoku free DLC difficulty level ‘Original Mode’ announced

Sega has announced plans to release an “Original Mode” difficulty level as free downloadable content for Hokuto ga Gotoku in Japan.

Described as a new difficult level in addition to “Easy,” “Intermediate,” and “Hard,” “Original Mode” reproduces the strength of the characters as they appeared in the Fist of the North Star manga. Normally, the difficulty level is set so that enemy characters gradually strengthen based on the player’s progress, but in “Original Mode,” characters from the manga will appear with the strengths set for them in the original work, ignoring the player’s progress. That being said, even for enemies that appear in the begging of the game, if they are strong characters that appear in the original work, their strength will remain as is.

Hokuto ga Gotoku is launched today for PlayStation 4 in Japan. A demo is also available on the Japanese PlayStation Store.
2018-6-12 06:26 PM
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise coming west on October 2


Sega will release Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, known as Hokuto ga Gotoku in Japan, for PlayStation 4 both physically and digitally on October 2 in North America and Europe, the company announced.

Here is an overview of the game, via Sega:


Brought to you by Ryu ga Gotoku Studio, the development team behind the acclaimed Yakuza series, Lost Paradise is a high-intensity action-adventure RPG based within the world of the beloved Fist of the North Star manga. Players take control of Kenshiro as they progress through an alternate universe of the original story, explore the post-apocalyptic wastes of the Earth in a customizable buggy, and tear through groups of thugs using Kenshiro’s signature Hokuto Shinken techniques. Lost Paradise will launch exclusively in both physical and digital formats on the PlayStation 4 on October 2, 2018 for $59.99. Pre-orders are available now at the official website.

As you might expect from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, Lost Paradise‘s world is packed with character-developing and world-building side missions, as well as a collection of hilarious minigames. From buggy races and rhythm-based Hokuto Shinken chiropractic therapy sessions, to managing a nightclub and more, there are plenty of adventures that explore the world outside of battle in new and creative ways. Combat and character progression also play major roles in Lost Paradise. Kenshiro fights using classic Hokuto Shinken assassination techniques unlocked with experience earned throughout the story, by defeating enemies, and completing side missions and minigames.

Key Features

• Become the Fist of the North Star – Explore an alternate version of the Fist of the North Star canon; take control of Kenshiro as he searches for his lost love Yuria in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. For anyone unfamiliar with the original story, Lost Paradise can be enjoyed as a completely standalone experience.

• “You Are Already Dead” or “Omae wa Mou Shindeiru?” Why Not Both? – Lost Paradise features English / Japanese dual-track audio, so you can ‘ATATATA!’ in the language of your choosing.

• Master the Hokuto Shinken Style – Kenshiro’s ultimate assassination techniques, the Hokuto Shinken, are at your disposal in battle. After building up the Seven Star gauge, you can demolish enemies from the inside out with dozens of brutal and iconic Hokuto Shinken techniques, faithfully recreated from the original manga. More lethal techniques will be available as you progress through the story and battles. Keep your fists up!

• Explore a Lost Paradise and the Wasteland Surrounding It – Even Kenshiro needs the occasional break from beating up thugs. Luckily, even in the dilapidated city of Eden, there’s no shortage of engaging side missions and minigames to take part in. Use the power of Hokuto Shinken to prepare drinks at a bar, manage a struggling nightclub, customize a buggy and race through the barren desert, play retro games at the arcade or your hideout, including the original Fist of the North Star game, and more! Tired of the city? Head out into the wasteland in your buggy to collect materials and complete side missions, but be careful of hidden dangers lurking beyond the dunes!

• Extra Carnage – Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise features everything available in the original Japanese version, plus extra carnage for the localized version! For the first time, witness the full effects of Kenshiro’s brutal Hokuto Shinken on the lowlifes and thugs of the post-apocalyptic wastes.

2018-8-4 11:13 AM
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise box art

Sega has revealed the final box art for the western release of Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise.

Here is an overview of the game, via Sega:


Brought to you by Ryu ga Gotoku Studio, the development team behind the acclaimed Yakuza series, Lost Paradise is a high-intensity action-adventure RPG based within the world of the beloved Fist of the North Star manga. Players take control of Kenshiro as they progress through an alternate universe of the original story, explore the post-apocalyptic wastes of the Earth in a customizable buggy, and tear through groups of thugs using Kenshiro’s signature Hokuto Shinken techniques. Lost Paradise will launch exclusively in both physical and digital formats on the PlayStation 4 on October 2, 2018 for $59.99. Pre-orders are available now at the official website.

As you might expect from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, Lost Paradise‘s world is packed with character-developing and world-building side missions, as well as a collection of hilarious minigames. From buggy races and rhythm-based Hokuto Shinken chiropractic therapy sessions, to managing a nightclub and more, there are plenty of adventures that explore the world outside of battle in new and creative ways. Combat and character progression also play major roles in Lost Paradise. Kenshiro fights using classic Hokuto Shinken assassination techniques unlocked with experience earned throughout the story, by defeating enemies, and completing side missions and minigames.

Key Features

Become the Fist of the North Star – Explore an alternate version of the Fist of the North Star canon; take control of Kenshiro as he searches for his lost love Yuria in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. For anyone unfamiliar with the original story, Lost Paradise can be enjoyed as a completely standalone experience.

“You Are Already Dead” or “Omae wa Mou Shindeiru?” Why Not Both? – Lost Paradise features English / Japanese dual-track audio, so you can ‘ATATATA!’ in the language of your choosing.

Master the Hokuto Shinken Style – Kenshiro’s ultimate assassination techniques, the Hokuto Shinken, are at your disposal in battle. After building up the Seven Star gauge, you can demolish enemies from the inside out with dozens of brutal and iconic Hokuto Shinken techniques, faithfully recreated from the original manga. More lethal techniques will be available as you progress through the story and battles. Keep your fists up!

Explore a Lost Paradise and the Wasteland Surrounding It – Even Kenshiro needs the occasional break from beating up thugs. Luckily, even in the dilapidated city of Eden, there’s no shortage of engaging side missions and minigames to take part in. Use the power of Hokuto Shinken to prepare drinks at a bar, manage a struggling nightclub, customize a buggy and race through the barren desert, play retro games at the arcade or your hideout, including the original Fist of the North Star game, and more! Tired of the city? Head out into the wasteland in your buggy to collect materials and complete side missions, but be careful of hidden dangers lurking beyond the dunes!

Extra Carnage – Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise features everything available in the original Japanese version, plus extra carnage for the localized version! For the first time, witness the full effects of Kenshiro’s brutal Hokuto Shinken on the lowlifes and thugs of the post-apocalyptic wastes.

Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise is due out for PlayStation 4 on October 2 in the Americas and Europe.
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