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【PS4】Fist of the North Star 人中北斗

2017-9-21 04:21 PM
■ Adventure

During adventure parts, you can experience the charm of a new Kenshiro never before seen in the numerous Fist of the North Star titles. Like the Yakuza series, adventure parts are fully loaded with numerous play spots and side missions. There is day and night in “Eden, the City of Miracles,” where there are markets called bazaars and red-light districts glowing in neon, and you can even play at various spots in the vast “wasteland” outside of Eden. Enjoy your century’s end life as Kenshiro!

Hyahhaa Rally

You can explore the wasteland outside of Eden by riding a buggy. By collecting various materials, you can customize and upgrade your buggy. By upgrading your buggy, its exploration range will also expand. However, be aware of the dangerous outlaws that have formed factions and may attack. Also, by participating in rally races held in the wasteland, you can get various rewards.

Bartender Ken

A mini-game where Kenshiro becomes a bartender and serves customers. Skillfully serve up alcohol in response to the situation and problems of the various customers that show up at the bar.

Death Batting

A mini-game you can play at an old baseball field in the wasteland. Using an iron pole, hit a home run using the bike-riding scoundrels that come your way as balls. This is the Fist of the North Star version of the batting cages.

Kenshiro Clinic

Kenshiro wears a white robe and cures people by way of “pressure point treatment.” This is a rhythm action-style mini-game. Press the buttons with good timing to skillfully treat the patient. However, some of the patients that come to the clinic are scoundrels. In order to keep the peace in Eden, their “treatment” is necessary.

Black Suit Kenshiro

The “Nightclub” is a symbol of Eden’s nightlife and one of its greatest amusement facilities. At this nightclub, Kenshiro will don the black suit. Protect the nightclub’s proceeds and public order until the very end. Deal with customers who get drunk and act violently in a way that only Kenshiro can.

Sega Mark III (Sega Master System) Version of Hokuto no Ken

When exploring the wasteland, you can excavate a “Game Machine and Game Cabinet,” relics of the civilization of the old world. By taking the excavated game back to Eden, you can play it. In Hokuto ga Gotoku, you can play the Sega Mark III version of the 1986-released side-scrolling action game Hokuto no Ken.

Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on February 22.
2017-9-21 04:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-21 04:29 PM 编辑

2017-9-29 05:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-11 06:48 PM 编辑

Hokuto ga Gotoku extended TGS 2017 trailer
《人中北斗》公开 2017 东京电玩展(TGS)加长版宣传片

  SEGA Games 公开了东京电玩展(TGS)加长版《人中北斗》宣传片,将近 6 分钟的视频内展示了游戏的剧情与玩法,而健次郎那些熟悉的必杀技都在游戏中得以再现。由《人中之龙》开发团队带来的这款作品也会让大家看到区别于以往《北斗神拳》游戏的玩法以及健次郎难得一见的样子。

  本作舞台奇迹之城「伊甸」是个水与电力取之不尽的世纪末大繁华街,就彷佛是将《人中之龙(龙が如く)》的神室町溶入《北斗神拳(北斗の拳)》世界观一般。 以这座大繁华街为舞台,本作将展开完全原创的故事。

《人中北斗》是由人中之龙工作室描绘出《北斗神拳》世界的动作冒险游戏。 以荒废的世界为舞台,展开完全原创的故事,不仅原作角色就连新角色也将于游戏内登场。 能游玩到加入秘孔动作要素的爽快战斗,以及在世纪末繁华街尽情享乐的冒险。

  本作已经确定将在 2018 年 2 月 22 日发售,对应 PS4 平台,并同步推出繁体中文版。

Sega has released an extended version of the Hokuto ga Gotoku trailer that debuted at Tokyo Game Show 2017 lats week.

Whereas the first trailer was one-and-a-half minutes long, this trailer is nearly six minutes long.

Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 on February 22 in Japan in standard and “Century’s End Premium” editions.

2017-10-11 06:46 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-19 06:33 PM 编辑

《人中北斗》公布第 2 波声优专访影片 狂犬真岛化身世纪末恶徒!
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/154029.html

  SEGA Games 旗下人中之龙工作室制作,预定 2018 年 2 月 22 日推出的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》,现公布剧中角色「杰基」声优宇垣秀成等人的声优专访影片。


  《人中北斗》是人中之龙工作室结合经典漫画《北斗神拳》与自家人气游戏《人中之龙》两大题材而成的原创新作。 以《北斗神拳》原作的核战浩劫后世界为舞台,叙述源自古中国的神秘暗杀拳法「北斗神拳」传承者主角拳四郎,流浪来到游戏原创的奇迹之城「伊甸」展开冒险的故事。

  游戏采用《北斗神拳》的世界观与角色结合《人中之龙》的系统与玩法。 拳四郎将在伊甸这个浩劫后世界中一枝独秀的奇迹之城中,寻找原先以为已经逝去之爱人尤莉亚的身影,同时以世纪末男子汉的身分,体验漫画从来没有涉及过的各种人生经历,像是诊疗师、酒保、夜总会保镳等。

  游戏请到《人中之龙》系列声优原班人马演出《北斗神拳》的主要登场角色,主角「拳四郎」由饰演 “堂岛之龙”「桐生一马」的声优黒田崇矢饰演,狂野反派「杰基」则是由 “嶋野的狂犬” 「真岛吾朗」的声优宇垣秀成饰演。 此外,参与演出的声优还包括久川绫(吉野太夫)、中谷一博(锦山彰)、三宅健太(雄哉)、森川智之、咲野俊介(柏木修)、山路和弘(伊达真)等。

2017-10-25 06:02 PM
2017-10-30 06:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-30 06:15 PM 编辑


《人中之龙 极 2》《人中北斗》公开中文字幕 TGS 特设剧场影片
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/154538.html

  SEGA Games 宣布,「人中之龙工作室」开发的最新游戏《人中之龙 极 2》《人中北斗》,公开在东京电玩展 2017 的 SEGA 摊位「人中之龙工作室」特设剧场中上映的最新影片。 此影片集结了各游戏的最新信息,有兴趣的玩家不妨观看。


《人中北斗》(PlayStation 4/预计于 2018 年 2 月 22 日发售)

  超级畅销漫画「北斗之拳」的世界,透过「人中之龙工作室」亲自操刀,化为动作冒险游戏登场。 以荒废后的世界为游戏舞台,发展出完全原创的剧情,除了原作的角色外,也有新角色登场。 秘孔动作的爽快战斗与探索世界末的红灯区等冒险也是令人瞩目的要素。 此外,主角・拳四郎的声音,是由《人中之龙》系列・桐生一马的声优黒田崇矢先生负责配音。
2017-11-1 04:04 PM
2017-11-22 07:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-11-23 04:25 PM 编辑

Hokuto ga Gotoku Japanese box art
漫画原作者「原哲夫」全新绘制! 《人中北斗》释出游戏封面插画

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/155619.html

  SEGA Games 发行,「人中之龙工作室」开发的 PlayStation 4《人中北斗》,新公开了游戏封面插画。 本插画特别邀请到《北斗神拳》的漫画原作者「原哲夫」全新绘制,展现了魄力满点的高超画技。

  《人中北斗》是人中之龙工作室结合经典漫画《北斗神拳》与自家人气游戏《人中之龙》两大题材而成的原创新作。 以《北斗神拳》原作的核战浩劫后世界为舞台,叙述源自古中国的神秘暗杀拳法「北斗神拳」传承者主角拳四郎,流浪来到游戏原创的奇迹之城「伊甸」展开冒险的故事。

Sega has revealed the official Japanese box art for Hokuto ga Gotoku, its upcoming Fist of the North Star game for PlayStation 4 from the studio behind the Yakuza series.

The illustration was drawn by Tetsuo Hara, who illustrated the Fist of the North Star manga.

Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 on February 22 in Japan in standard and “Century’s End Premium” editions.
2017-12-10 06:46 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-10 08:53 PM 编辑

Hokuto ga Gotoku demo launches February in Japan
《人中北斗》体验版将于2月推出 销售目标40万份


Sega will release a demo for Hokuto ga Gotoku, its Yakuza-style Fist of the North Star game from Yakuza Studio, for PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store in February in Japan.

Here are some other new details:

  • Sega will run online video advertisements for Hokuto ga Gotoku from late December to mid-January, as well as both online video advertisements and website advertisements in February.
  • Gameplay video(s) will come out in mid-January.
  • Hands-on events are planned for the second half of December into January in cities such as Tokyo and Osaka.
  • TV commercials will run from mid-February into early March.
  • They’re targeting 400,000 sales.

Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 on February 22 in Japan in standard and “Century’s End Premium” editions.

2017-12-14 04:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-14 07:25 PM 编辑

SEGA Games 宣布《人中北斗》将延期至 2018 年 3 月推出
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/156545.html

  SEGA Games 今(14)日宣布,原定 2018 年 2 月 22 日(四)同步在日本与亚洲地区推出的 PS4 专用游戏《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》,发售日期将变更为 2018 年 3 月 8 日(四)。

  《人中北斗》是人中之龙工作室亲自操刀,让《北斗之拳》的世界在《人中之龙》架构的动作冒险游戏中重现的作品。 官方表示为了达到让《北斗之拳》与《人中之龙》两系列的粉丝都能满意的质量,

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