本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-9 02:08 PM 编辑
Edge of Eternity Steam Page Launched, New Logo and Screenshots
位于法国的游戏工作室Midgar Studio日前为旗下的JRPG新作《永恒边缘(Edge of Eternity)》公布了一批全新的游戏截图,并在Steam上架,同时本作的PC配置需求也一同公开。
根据Steam页面上显示的配置需求,运行《永恒边缘》至少需要一颗i5 2400处理器搭配GTX660显卡;如果想要体验流畅的游戏效果,则需要i7 3770处理器搭配GTX780显卡。以下是具体的《永恒边缘》PC配置需求:
操作系统:Windows 8.1 64位
CPU:Intel i5 2400 (2.5 GHz)
内存:4 GB RAM
DirectX:DirectX 11
硬盘空间:12 GB 可用空间
操作系统:Windows 10 64位
CPU:Intel i7 3770 (3.5 GHz)
内存:8 GB RAM
DirectX:DirectX 11
硬盘空间:12 GB 可用空间
据Midgar Studio介绍,《永恒边缘》设定在一种半英雄奇幻半太空歌剧的背景中,拥有丰富的剧情设定,结合经典的JRPG元素和创新的游戏机制,将带给玩家独特的JRPG游戏体验。
目前官方并未公布《永恒边缘》的发售日期,Steam页面上也只显示“Coming Soon(即将到来)”,还有比较遗憾的是本作并没有官方中文,希望开发团队能够在后续追加吧。
First Update!
We’ve been up to our necks into the development of Edge of Eternity. It is about time we share with you a bit of the good things we’ve been working on, lately.
First of all, what we have here is a... new Logo!
The previous logo was good for what it was, but it was still a bit far from the epic scope of a project like “Edge of Eternity.” As time went by and as the game began to evolve, we felt that our logo should be a little more fleshed out.
So Manon Sam has been working tirelessly to produce something that would be representative of the game, its story and its concepts.
Nifty! What’s the story behind this one, I wonder.
Read the full update at
Edge of Eternity's Steam Community