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【新闻部】Arc System Works -

2018-9-11 06:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-12 07:26 PM 编辑

Kill la Kill the Game: IF adds Ira Gamagori, Uzu Sanageyama
《KILL la KILL the GAME - 异布 -》新参战角色公布 原作学院学生会四天王中的二人确认参战

  今日FAMI杂志公布了由Arc System Works打造的《KILL la KILL the GAME - 异布 -》的最新情报。



  《KILL la KILL the GAME - 异布 -》预计将在2019年正式发售,将登陆PS4和PC平台

Ira Gamagori and Uzu Sanageyama will be playable in Kill la Kill the Game: IF, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.

The two characters join the previously announced Ryuko Matoi and Satsuki Kiryuin.

Kill la Kill the Game: IF is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4 and PC in 2019.
2018-9-13 05:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-14 08:52 PM 编辑

The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories launches October 11
《The MISSING J.J. 玛柯菲尔德与追忆之岛》10 月 11 日发售 公开正式官网并介绍四人登场角色

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/168241.html

  由隶属 White Owls Inc. 的 SWERY 主导制作的动作冒险游戏《The MISSING J.J. 玛柯菲尔德与追忆之岛(The MISSING - J.J. マクフィールドと追忆岛 -)》(PC / PS4 / Ninten do Switch / Xbox One),近(13)日透过 Arc System Works 公开正式官方网站,并确定发售日为 2018 年 10 月 11 日。 售价为 2990 日圆。

官方网站可看到新游戏截图,以及收录游戏内动作的 GIF 动图。

  配合公开正式官网,也释出了本作的四位登场角色情报。 预知游戏详情的玩家,敬请参阅以下公开新闻稿。

PS4 / Nintendo Switch / Xbox One / Steam
《The MISSING J.J. 玛柯菲尔德与追忆之岛》
决定 2018 年 10 月 11 日开放下载

Arc System Works 宣布,PS4 / Nintendo Switch / Xbox One / Steam 下载游戏《The MISSING J.J. 玛柯菲尔德与追忆之岛》,将于 2018 年 10 月 11 日上架。 本新闻稿除了公布同时设立的游戏正式官网,也将介绍首度公开的角色情报。

决定 2018 年 10 月 11 日开放下载
《The MISSING J.J. 玛柯菲尔德与追忆之岛》设立正式官网

《The MISSING J.J. 玛柯菲尔德与追忆之岛》决定 2018 年 10 月 11 日开放下载。 并同时公开正式官网,释出新游戏截图以及游戏内动作的 GIF 动图。

《The MISSING J.J. 玛柯菲尔德与追忆之岛》公开新情报


少女 “J.J.”,为了找寻突然失踪的好友,来到一座奇妙的岛屿「追忆岛」。







本作主角。 为寻找失踪的好友埃米莉,步步踏入「追忆岛」深处。

埃米莉. 汤普森(エミリー・トンプソン)

主角好友。 两人一起来到「追忆岛」,却在深夜突然失去踪影。


J.J. 从小珍惜至今的布偶。 不管到哪都会带着它,因此已残破不堪。



游戏名称:The MISSING J.J. 玛柯菲尔德与追忆之岛
原文名称:The MISSING - J.J. マクフィールドと追忆岛 -
游戏平台:PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch / Xbox One / Steam(下载专用)
上市日期:2018 年 10 月 11 日(四)
游戏售价:2990 日圆(含税)

The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories will launch digitally for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on October 11 for $29.99 / 2,990 yen, publisher Arc System Works and developer White Owls announced. It will support English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean language options.

Here is an overview of the game, via its official website:

The sudden disappearance of a dear friend spurs J.J. to go look for her friend on the curious Island of Memories.

You can’t die on this nightmare island, even if you’re seriously injured. No matter how many times J.J.’s brought back from the grips of death, she drags her mangled body deeper into the woods.

She risks the suffering of having h er arms and legs torn off, her neck broken, immolation, all in order to find her friend.

J.J. sacrifieces her own body and life on this journey so she can discover the answers to her questions: Why did my friend leave? What is this uncomfortable feeling?

2018-9-19 05:58 PM
The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories Offcial Trailer and Key Visual



The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories Overview

The sudden disappearance of a dear friend spurs J.J. to go look for her friend on the curious Island of Memories.

You can’t die on this nightmare island, even if you’re seriously injured. No matter how many times J.J.’s brought back from the grips of death, she drags her mangled body deeper into the woods.

She risks the suffering of having h er arms and legs torn off, her neck broken, immolation, all in order to find her friend.

J.J. sacrifices her own body and life on this journey so she can discover the answers to her questions: Why did my friend leave? What is this uncomfortable feeling?

2018-9-19 06:48 PM
Kill la Kill the Game: IF details Ira Gamagori, Uzu Sanageyama

Arc System Works has released new information and screenshots on recently confirmed Kill la Kill the Game: IF playable characters Ira Gamagori and Uzu Sanageyama, as well as launched the game’s official Japanese website.

Ira Gamagori

A power-type character with two phases: “Shackle Regalia” and “Scourge Regalia.” In the Shackle Regalia state, he can build up a dedicated gauge by guarding against attacks or attacking himself to strengthen his Scourge Regalia attacks. Be careful of guard break attacks while guarding against enemy attacks, then knock the opponent dead with overwhelming power.

Uzu Sanageyama

A power-type character that attacks with the massive “Blade Regalia Mk.II.” He dominates his opponent with overwhelming pursuit ability and attack reach using a giant bamboo sword. While he has a weakness in that he does not have an attack method to reach a distant opponent other than charge inputs that leave him wide open, he also has a tricky side in that he can step even while guarding an opponent’s attack. Look for a chance to close in on the opponent, then shower them with attacks.

Kill la Kill the Game: IF is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4 and PC in 2019.
2018-9-19 06:50 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-20 09:57 PM 编辑

《KILL la KILL the GAME - 异布 -》公布新玩家操纵角色蟇郡苛与猿投山涡
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/168552.html

Arc System Works 近(19)日公布预定 2019 年发售的 “KILL la KILL 耐纤动作游戏”《KILL la KILL the GAME - 异布 -(キルラキル ザ・ゲーム - 异布 -)》(PC/PlaySta tion 4)最新情报,即日起同步开设官方网站。

  本作是将堪称 TRIGGER 代表作的动画《KILL la KILL(キルラキル)》做为主题的动作游戏,是该公司与 Arc System Works 连手打造的游戏作品。

  本次报导将介绍于本作内身为玩家操纵角色,皆属力量型的蟇郡 苛与猿投山 涡,并揭露个别视觉插图与令人在意的角色性能。 请玩家们在仔细确认的同时,让期待逐渐扩大。

  此外,本作也预定于 9 月 20 日至 23 日在千叶. 幕张国际展示场举办的 2018 东京电玩展中(一般参观日为 22 日与 23 日)展出试玩机台,届时玩家在试玩里也能够体验到这次公布的两位角色。


蟇郡 苛(がまごおり いら)

学生会四天王之一。 对皐月誓言绝对忠诚。 是取缔反抗学生的风纪部委员长。

猿投山 涡(さなげやま うず)

学生会四天王之一。 是运动社团统辖委员长,统辖网球社、保龄球社等运动社团。


蟇郡 苛

拥有「缚之装」、「死缚之装」两种阶段的力量型角色。 藉由在「缚之装」状态格挡攻击,或是伤害自己累积专用量表,使「死缚之装」状态攻击的威力提升。



「缚之装」为永久防御状态。 虽无法攻击却能以鞭子伤害自己,藉此累积专属量表强化「死缚之装」的攻击

破防攻击是朝对手突进撞击。 若有专属量表将会像原作一样巨大化!?

必杀技完全重现原作! 让角色巨大化击飞对手,攻击演出保证原作粉丝欲罢不能

猿投山 涡

以弩级大小的(超巨型)「剑之装 改」战斗的力量型角色。 以巨大竹刀施展压倒性的攻击间距与突进能力压制对手。 虽然除了破绽较大的蓄劲攻击,没有任何可以触及远处对手的攻击方法,但也有着能在格挡对手的攻击时施展出垫步的狡猾一面。 找出对手的破绽并令其进入至自己的攻击距离下,一口气向对手连续猛攻。

近战攻击是与原作相同的剑道技术。 竹刀攻击范围很广,能打出各种连击

如打出 Counter Hit 就能给予大量伤害。 仔细观察对手行动趁隙出手吧

由手腕射出竹刀击飞对手的破防攻击。 是也有在原作里给予流子重击的技能

伴随特写施展超有魄力的必杀技。 巨大身躯爆发爽快连击让人上瘾!?
2018-9-25 03:48 PM
Kill la Kill the Game: IF has original story starring Satsuki Kiryuin

Kill la Kill the Game: IF will have an original story starring Satsuki Kiryuin, who is the rival of Kill la Kill anime protagonist Ryuko Matoi, publisher Arc System Works announced.

An Original Story by Kazuki Nakashima, the Original Writer of Kill la Kill

Kazuki Nakashima, the original writer of the Kill la Kill anime scenario, has created an original story for Kill la Kill the Game: IF. An “IF” story that diverges in the middle of the anime plot, players will be able to enjoy the game as a new episode of Kill la Kill.

Satsuki Kiryuin is the Protagonist of the Story

Satsuki Kiryuin, who is the rival of Kill la Kill anime protagonist Ryuko Matoi, is the protagonist of Kill la Kill the Game: IF.

A New Game-Original Costume “Junketsu Shinzui” Appears

A new game-original costume appearing for the first time in this game called “Junketsu Shinzui” will appear. It is designed by Shigeto Koyama with touchups by Kill la Kill character designer Sushio. It is meant to act as an opposite to the “Senketsu Kisaragi” costume worn by anime protagonist Ryuko Matoi.

Kill la Kill the Game: IF is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4 and PC in 2019.

2018-10-3 10:13 AM
2018-10-11 02:49 PM
2018-10-11 03:27 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-11 06:12 PM 编辑

《The MISSING J.J麦克菲尔德与追忆之岛》中文版发售

  ARC System Works 亚洲分店表示,动作冒险游戏《The MISSING -J.J 麦克菲尔德与追忆之岛-》之繁体中文版(以下简称《The MISSING》)将于今日(2018年10月11日)正式发售 PlayStation®4、Nintendo Switch™、Xbox One 与 数位版。而且明日(2018年10月12日)将发售Steam 数位版。


■「The MISSING」 简介

  《The MISSING》是以《D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die》而闻名的日本游戏开发者「末弘 秀孝」(SWERY) 率领之工作室「白色猫头鹰」(White Owls) 开发的动作冒险游戏,玩家需操作为了寻找朋友,面对残酷的死亡及痛苦仍不断復活的主角,于广袤的自然环境和佈满无情陷阱的「追忆之岛」中探险。


▼「The MISSING」官方网站(支援繁体中文)







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