You can raise and lower your land to create mountains and valleys, or design a depression to accumulate water. Time will pass and living things adapted to the environment will be born. You can upload screenshots of the worlds you create with PlayStation 4’s Share functionality.
Birthdays, the newly announced simulation game from Bokujou Monogatari (Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons) creator Yasuhiro Wada and Toybox Games, will come to North America and Europe via NIS America, Japanese publisher Arc System Works announced.
2016-9-7 06:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-7 06:50 PM 编辑
BlazBlue: Central Fiction digital PS4 pre-orders include demo in Japan, second trailer
《苍翼默示录:中枢幻象》曝新预告 10月6日发行
今天 Arc System Works 放出了旗下游戏《苍翼默示录:中枢幻象》(BlazBlue: Central Fiction)的新预告,这款2D风格的格斗游戏包含多种对战模式,是今年主机品台最受期待的游戏之一。
Pre-orders for the PlayStation 4 version of BlazBlue: Central Fiction via the PlayStation Store in Japan include a downloadable demo, and download codes for playable character Es and additional character colors, developer Arc System Works announced.
The demo features Arcade Mode, VS Mode, and Training Mode. From September 9 to September 11, it will also include access to the Network Mode’s Online Lobby.
Es will otherwise cost 800 yen.
Arc System Works also released the second trailer for the game, introducing some of the game’s 34 playable characters and its various modes.
BlazBlue: Central Fiction is due out for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 on October 6 in Japan, this holiday in North America, and Q4 2016 in Europe
2016-9-14 06:58 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-15 07:26 AM 编辑
《牧场物语》之父领衔制作 《生日开始》新预告
Arc System Works 和Toybox近日放出了游戏《生日开始(Birthdays the Beginning)》的新预告。《生日开始》由《牧场物语》之父和田康宏领衔制作,为一款模拟经营游戏。
You can raise and lower your land to create mountains and valleys, or design a depression to accumulate water. Time will pass and living things adapted to the environment will be born. You can upload screenshots of the worlds you create with PlayStation 4’s Share functionality.
Birthdays, the newly announced simulation game from Bokujou Monogatari (Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons) creator Yasuhiro Wada and Toybox Games, will come to North America and Europe via NIS America, Japanese publisher Arc System Works announced.
2016-9-20 06:37 PM
2016-9-23 06:34 PM
系列最终作《苍翼默示录:神观之梦》将于 10 月 6 日同步发售繁体中文版
代理商杰仕登宣布,由 Arc System Works 开发、H2 INTERACTIVE 发行,全球知名的格斗游戏系列《苍翼默示录》系列最终作《苍翼默示录:神观之梦(旧译,BlazeBlue Centralfiction)》,即将于 10 月 6 日上市,并将同步发售繁体中文版。
ARC System Works 于近日公布,家用版《苍翼默示录:神观之梦(ブレイブルー セントラルフィクション)》(PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 3)内的玩家操纵角色「须佐之男(スサノオ)」的情报。