《Celestial Destroyer》 is developed on the same Perfect World 3D engine that brought forth games like the Perfect World and Q-World, with various innovative new elements added. Now, players can choose to join a righteous or a heretical clan, learn its secret, arcane martial arts and sorcery, possess powerful magical items that can shake the foundations of earth, use Blood Refinement to enhance the equipments; the adept players can even get their name ranking recorded in the ancient tome of Exalted Aspiration.
Celestial Destroyer Online is a breakthrough in Chinese online gaming industry, where players can enjoy the high quality game, as well as experiencing the depthness of Oriental mysticism. With the English version of Celestial Destroyer, international players will be introduced to realm of Chinese fantasy literature, and getting to know Eastern culture better
《Celestial Destroyer》官方网站: 请点击这里
《Special Force》, the military FPS game, provides full tactical action much like the real deal. Special forces around the world vie for the ultimate goal: To be the BEST! With this in mind, Special force was developed to provide intense action and commando feel right in your screens.
《Special Force》官方网站: 请点击这里
《Special Force》FB专页: 请点击这里
《Forsaken World》 has what other fantasy role playing games have, but it outdoes others by having various innovative features, where the players have power to decide the flows of events. The game has the special character customization function, where players can design their own unique, one-of-a-kind characters.
Forsaken World introduces several revolutionary brand new features, and one of them is to absorb the soul of your enemies. You can also activate the wrath mode to increase your attack power, and inflict deadly blows to your enemies.
You can also ascend to become a god that rules the world. You will be able to possess highly rare skills and gather your own devotees; and as a god you will be able to bless your devotees with special powers!
There are five playable races in the Forsaken World, from the wise human, the graceful elf, the sturdy dwarf, the brave Myrmidon to the mysterious Kindred. Each race has its own special skills, and you need to choose wisely the right race depending on your gaming style.
《Forsaken World》官方网站: 请点击这里
《Forsaken World》FB专页: 请点击这里
《万王之王3》成功荣获由 "台湾GAME STAR" 所颁发的 [國內自製最佳线上游戏銀奖], [最佳年度大赏奖] , [最佳线上游戏], [最佳游戏制作人], [最佳美术设计], [最佳程式设计], 总五个大奖。
拥有丰富的故事设定、多样化游戏内容及新颖的游戏机制,势必带给玩家更多不同层次的游戏体验游戏内包含了首创的自定义城邦建设系统、七大界域、39个独一无二的职业、逾百种全新玩法及近千种的技能组合 除了自定义城邦建设经营系统、波澜壮阔的战争系统、缤纷魔幻的职业系统和唯美动听的魔法吟唱等独创的特色。。同时也赋予了玩家全新游戏体验和娱乐方式 "DIY",让玩家感受极限创意。
《万王之王3》官方网站: 请点击这里
《万王之王3》FB专页: 请点击这里
《武林外传》官方网站: 请点击这里
《武林外传》FB专页: 请点击这里
《STEPS》是一款以都市生活为背景的3D写实休闲游戏。游戏以时尚、活力、嘻哈、动感为主流。虚拟现实的场景配合华丽激情的舞步动作,眩目的时尚服装,个性化人物造型,将带给舞蹈玩家全新的震撼体验。 《STEPS》中引入大量突破传统的系统模式。 功能强大的化妆系统,使游戏中人物可以描眼线,画腮红,涂抹唇彩、瞳彩等,使玩家们充分秀出自己的化妆技巧,精心打造靓丽的帅哥、美女造型,打破以往舞蹈游戏“千人一面”的局面。
《STEPS》官方网站: 请点击这里
《STEPS》FB专页: 请点击这里
You've seen the movie and now for the first time in English on MMORPG, 《Red Cliff》.
18 Weapons Choice: Choose from a range of 18 weapons to fight for your territory. Choose a sub weapon to aid you in different battle scenarios.
Pledge Allegiance: Lead one of the three nations and build your strategy, whether as an ally or enemy to conquer new territories! Make your mark: Leave your mark in history. Enter the Red Cliff Ranking Chart!
In the heat of the battle, the arrival heroes can determine the outcome of war; whether it's to boost the morale of fellow soldiers or to lend a helping hand during critical moments.
《Red Cliff》官方网站: 请点击这里
三国争霸将是《赤壁》游戏的主要框架, 玩家可以在游戏内自由选择自己喜爱的阵营. 无论玩家身处魏蜀吴哪一国家,都能身临其境般地体验三国之间互助、斗争的历史场面. 数百数千人的大规模的国战将再现三国时期赤壁大战的壮观场面。为了帮自己的国家、家族争取最大限度的荣誉和利益, 在国战期间各国将士将奋勇杀敌、倾尽全力争夺城池.
《赤壁2》官方网站: 请点击这里
《赤壁2》FB专页: 请点击这里
《诛仙2》游戏系统采用了与北京完美时空所开发的和完美世界、武林外传相同的引擎, 同时加入了许多崭新的元素, 当中包括了玩家能选择加入小说所提到的各大正邪门派, 修炼这些门派的武功密法、在战场上使用种种奇异惊人的法宝、透过血炼来让玩家的物品更充满神威、甚至让能力强大的玩家的盛名纪录在《神魔异志录》, 名垂青史!
《诛仙2》网游是中文线上游戏的一大创举, 领导中文游戏迈入新时代. 以传统中华修真为基础, 更让玩家在享受优质中文游戏的乐趣之余, 重温小说的情节、感受浩瀚的神州文化.
《诛仙2》官方网站: 请点击这里
《诛仙2》FB专页: 请点击这里
丰富多样的宠物系统是《寻仙》的一大特色,巨型骑宠充当“现代化坦克”,可同时承载五 人,一人充当驾驶员,操纵宠物施法,其余人可使用自己本身技能,更加讲究团体配合作战精神, 为游戏玩家创造了更多的互动机会!同时玩家随时随地可将妖怪打回原形并收做宠物,十足体验 宠物养成中的无穷乐趣。
《寻仙》官方网站: 请点击这里
《寻仙》FB专页: 请点击这里
游戏架构了一个名为“克兰蒙多”的奇幻世界,并拥有时间法则、空间法则、魔法、神等众多精彩元素。在庞大 世界观架构下独有编年史体系,使得服务器中的纪元年代、星辰运转、神祗诞生等核心游戏内容都能由玩家意志影响。
《神魔》官方网站: 请点击这里
《神魔》FB专页: 请点击这里
游戏架构了一个名为“加尔加隆” 大陆将开放前所未见暗黑区域,更多海量副本,更多精彩活动,更多劲爽PK模式颠覆传统网游设定,重装登陆这个世界。
《魔界2》官方网站: 请点击这里
《魔界2》FB专页: 请点击这里
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