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【多平台】Tales of Series 游戏系列讨论区:以往系列游戏问题都可以来这里讨论哦^^

2013-10-19 05:51 PM

2013-10-22 07:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-23 06:25 PM 编辑

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Collector's Edition Coming to Europe February 28



Namco Bandai Games Europe Announce Street Date And Collector's Edition For Tales of Symphonia Chronicles in Europe and Australasia

Leading video game publisher and developer Namco Bandai Games Europe officially announced today that a collector’s edition of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles is available, exclusively for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, while the game is scheduled for a release on February 28th 2014 in Europe and Australasia. Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the critically acclaimed classic, Tales of Symphonia and its follow-up story, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, together for the first time on a single disc containing the entire Tales of Symphonia storyline with updated HD graphics, the original Japanese voice overs and new content.

The Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Collector’s Edition comes packaged with an exclusive set of five Chibi Kyun Chara mini figures from Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, a paperback novel detailing the events between both games, a multi-disc soundtrack, and special collector’s packaging with artwork from Japanese animation studio, ufotable. The Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Collector’s Edition will be limited to 10,000 copies across Europe and Australasia.

“In celebration of the Tales of Symphonia 10th Anniversary, we wanted to mark the occasion! Bringing back this epic and oneiric adventure was the first step to please fans and newcomers alike” said Mathieu Piau, EMEA Marketing Director for Namco Bandai Games Europe. “The second step was to offer to all our beloved Tales Of fans the Collector’s Edition they deserve, with some fantastic collectible content to dive further into the Tales of universe!”

Follow Lloyd Irving as he embarks on a grand adventure with his friends to restore mana back to the world of Sylvarant, a source of energy necessary for the survival of their world. Along the way they learn of the parallel world of Tethe’alla, whose survival rests on the same source of mana Sylvarant needs to sustain life. How will Lloyd and his friends find a way to ensure the survival of both worlds? and Australasia takes the signature real-time battle system of the TALES OF role-playing games, allowing for direct control of their character through fast-paced tactical battles.

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World continues the story from the previous installment by delving into the consequences set into motion by Lloyd and his friends at the end of Tales of Symphonia. Take on the role of Emil Castagnier as he seeks to uncover the mysteries that have befallen his world. Dawn of the New World advances the series’ battle system by introducing a new monster recruitment feature that lets players capture more than 200 unique monsters and train them to participate in battles. Players have complete control over their roster of party members and monster allies, allowing for limitless combinations to take out to the battlefield.


Earlier today, Namco Bandai announced the Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Collector’s Edition for Europe. The news was accompanied by an official release date: February 28th.

Namco Bandai has since followed up with a launch date for North America. Tales fans in the US will be able to pick up the game starting on February 25th.

A tweet from Namco Bandai confirms:

2013-11-11 08:33 PM
2013-11-15 07:05 PM




GamingAngels:http://www.gamingangels.com/2013 ... new-york-comic-con/
2013-11-27 06:43 PM
NBGI传说系列预热网站上线 正统续作即将到来

  在之前接受外媒采访的NBGI传说系列制作人马场英雄曾确认新作正在开发中的消息,日前NBGI上线了一个题为“Next tales of”的新网站,网站上展示了一代传说作品《幻想传说》与二代《宿命传说》,以及两部作品的经典场面回顾影像及限定壁纸下载,为系列最新作的发表预热。在最新作发表日之前每日更新,让玩家重温历代作品。




2013-11-27 11:10 PM
kirassss 发表于 2013-11-27 06:43 PM
NBGI传说系列预热网站上线 正统续作即将到来

  在之前接受外媒采访的NBGI传说系列制作人马场英雄曾确认 ...

2013-11-28 06:58 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-28 07:04 PM 编辑
kahweng 发表于 2013-11-27 11:10 PM


新传说各方消息泄露 疑为《宵星传说(Tales of Vesperia》第二作

  在昨天报道“新作传说即将到来”之后,来自各方高人对新作预告网站中的种种信息进行解析,发现了很多相关的证据证明这次新作传说有很大的几率是《宵星传说》(又译《薄暮传说》)的后续作品,这些证据包括该页面宣传大图的图片地址为“http:// tales-ch.jp/images/bnr/tov_cnt.jpg”,关键字为“tov_cnt.jpg”,同时更有人解析出在该站页面内的css架构文件中包含下图信息。

  TOV是《宵星传说》英文“Tales of Vesperia”的缩写,日语写法也正是上图中的“テイルズオブヴェスペリア”相关字样,根据这些情报,这次新作传说与《宵星传说》的关联性将可能非常之大。

2013-11-29 06:44 PM
NBGI注册传说系列新商标再来 疑与新作有关

  最近刚刚开启新作发表预热网页的NBGI在网上又被曝出注册了两个新商标的消息,分别为:Tales of Asteria和Tales of KANADE,加上之前注册过的Tales of Bibliotehca、Tales of Memories、Tales of Favorite、Tales of Link、Tales of Jin、Tales of Ansis、Tales of Zestoria、Tales of Creales、Tales of Catastora等,除了已经公布的作品以外,剩下的新注册传说系列商标数量也还有不少,不知道这其中是否会有哪个将成为目前即将公布的传说新作的标题。

  日站有猜测说,新注册的“Tales of Asteria”中的“Asteria”在希腊语中是“星座”的意思,这和目前上线的预热页面主题十分接近。而且之前的报道中猜测这次新作传说有很大的几率是《宵星传说(Vesperia)》(又译《薄暮传说》)的后续作品,在《宵星传说》中主角尤利的公会还叫做“凛凛之明星”,不知道这个“Asteria”和这些有没有什么关系呢。一切都是脑补,只能等待官方日后公布正确答案,不过希望是会令各位玩家满意的结果。

2013-12-4 06:30 PM

Next Thursday, December 12 at 19:00 Japan time, the title will be announced in a live broadcast on Japanese video site
下个星期四 12月12号 日本1900时间,新作即将在NicoNico直播宣布。
JBTalks 新闻关注:http://www.jbtalks.cc/thread-1479162-1-1.html

2014-2-22 07:38 AM
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