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Too Kyo Games

2018-9-10 07:06 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-10 07:08 AM 编辑

Mysterious game company Too Kyo Games established, led by noted game creator
某游戏创作者成立新公司Too Kyo Games 或是与SQUARE ENIX 有关

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201809/8322920916.html

  今日,日媒FAMI通宣布他们成功拿下了某个游戏创作者所成立的新公司的情报,并进行了独家采访。这个新设立的公司的名字叫做Too Kyo Games,将在时间 2018 年 9 月 11 日 18时进行直播活动,介绍该公司的全貌。

Too Kyo Games官方网站 | Too Kyo Games Facebook | Too Kyo Games Twitter

  目前已经开放了官方推特、Facebook与官方网站(具体还没有任何内容)。Too Kyo就是过于疯狂的意思,希望将过于疯狂的游戏、动画、娱乐,从东京带到全世界。

在直播活动中,该创作者将登台进行介绍公司成立的经过以及目前Too Kyo Games正在开发的项目。

  虽然目前没有公布这个神秘的游戏创作者是谁,不过他这次请来了Square Enix的齐藤阳介来为他站台,再加上这个癫狂的风格,很难让人不想到横尾太郎。而事实如何,等到了直播活动当天自然会见分晓。

Famitsu.com is reporting on the establishment of a new game company called Too Kyo Games by a “certain well-known game creator.”

Too Kyo Games will host a live stream on September 11 at 19:00 JST where that creator will appear, and details about the company’s establishment, goals, and current project will be revealed. The broadcast will also feature Famitsu editor-in-chief Katsuhiko Hayashi, Too Kyo Games staff, and voice actors. It will be streamed on YouTube and Niconico (the YouTube link will be shared at a later time).

As a countdown to the live stream, Too Kyo Games will be publishing videos of other game creators who know its own noted creator well. The first video features Square Enix’s Yosuke Saito, who says, “Actually, (redacted) asked me for advice about this a while ago, like ‘But wouldn’t this be good? Wouldn’t this be good?’ Since what I told that person then is connected to now, if I can get back like 10 percent or so, it will all be worth it. Please make sure everyone has fun.” Saito seems to be joking about giving this creator advice on starting up a company, and now wants a cut of the profits in return.


The company’s first tweet describes the studio as “Too crazy games, anime, and entertainment, from Tokyo to the world.” The Japanese description of “too crazy” used in the tweet is “狂イ過ギ,” which itself is very eccentric. It is only speculation at this point, but the eccentric wording combined with Yosuke Saito being one of the creators who knows Too Kyo Games’ noted creator well seems to indicate that the company is led by NieR director Yoko Taro. Saito previously worked closely with Taro on NieR: Automata.

Visit the Too Kyo Games official website https://tookyogames.jp/ , Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TooKyoGames , and Twitter account https://twitter.com/TooKyoGames
2018-9-11 07:25 PM
Too Kyo Games led by Danganronpa and Zero Escape creators Kazutaka Kodaka and Kotaro Uchikoshi, four projects underway
Too Kyo Games设立发表会 Spike Chunsoft 前成员占大多数

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201809/5994920970.html

  近日,某个知名的制作人宣布将成立新游戏公司 Too Kyo Games,在时间今日(9月11日)举办的“Too Kyo Games设立发表会”活动中终于确定这个制作人是原 Spike Chunsoft 的小高和刚,此外还有 6 名公司成员在本次活动中登场。


监督/剧本:中泽工(Ever 17)

  以上7人为Too Kyo Games的初始成员,将在活动中介绍今后这个公司之后的方向与企划等等。文章将随发布会进行状态而更新。


Too Kyo Games设立发表会 Spike Chunsoft前成员占大多数



  第二个企划不是游戏,是动画项目。企划的主题是全员恶棍,同时公布了主概念图。制作动画的公司是pierrot工作室,曾制作过《火影忍者》和《东京食尸鬼》等动画,擅长制作动作场景。负责担任的监督曾制作过《女神异闻录 电影版》、担任剧本的在《枪弹辩驳 3》中也担任动画剧本。


  虽然有三个 Spike Chunsoft 成员离职了,但 Spike Chunsoft 的社长还是来到了现场进行祝福,并表示就算破产了也没关系,回来上班就行了。

  最后一个项目是 Spike Chunsoft 和 Too Kyo Games 之间合作开发的黑暗幻想风悬疑作品,在本作中玩家将在一个充满幻想的城市中冒险,面对各种各样惊悚的事件。此外,许多曾经开发过《枪弹辩驳》的成员都会参与到本作的开发之中。从这图中来看虽然有赛博朋克的元素,但并不是赛博朋克风格的作品,还会有更多元素。

  几个《枪弹辩驳》主创离职之后,Spike Chunsoft 一方是不希望再出新作。但小高和刚表示也没有那么绝望,将来提升了自己的实力以后说不定也会回来继续开发《枪弹辩驳》的系列新作的。

Too Kyo Games, the mysterious game companed announced earlier this week, is led by Danganronpa series creator Kazutaka Kodaka, Zero Escape series creator Kotaro Uchikoshi, and other well-known creators, Famitsu reported.

Seven key figures are leading the company:

• Director / Scenario writer: Kazutaka Kodaka (Danganronpa series)
• Composer / Arranger: Masfumi Takada (Danganronpa series, 100 Sleeping Princes & the Kingdom of Dreams)
• Illustrator / Character Designer: Shimadoriru (Danganronpa series, Fate/Grand Order)
• Director / Scenario Writer: Takumi Nakazawa (Ever17, Root Double)
• Novelist / Scenario Writer: Youichirou Koizumi (Break-kun Core, Ultra Despair Hagakure)
• Director / Scenario Writer: Kotaro Uchikoshi (Zero Escape series)

“The object of this company is to do something new, which is the creation of a new IP commonly known all over the world and in a future we will make indie games by ourselves,” Kazutaka Kodaka said in a statement. “This new company enables us to move freely towards the goal.”

Four new projects are currently underway at TOo Kyoo Games. Here is a piece of concept art and bit of information about each project:

Project #1 (Game)
“A Game with a Kodaka x Uchikoshi Joint Scenario! ‘Limit’ x ‘Despair.'”

A video game that all creators of Too Kyo Games will concentrate their abilities on. The genre has not revealed yet. Kodaka and Uchikoshi will make the scenario together.

Project #2 (Anime)

“Everyone is a Villain.”

An anime in collaboration with Studio Pierrot. The original author is Kodaka and the character designer is Komatsuzaki. They will depict the image of action films in the 1990s such as Pulp Fiction and The Professional.

Project #3 (Game)

“A Children’s Death Game, By Children, for Children.”

An action adventure game by Kodaka as a general manager, Uchikoshi as a scenario writer, and Nakazawa as a director. The concept art drawn by Take (illustrator, known for Tawagoto) represents school children playing death game. It is very shocking.

Project #4 (Game)

“A Spike Chunsoft x Too Kyo Games Dark Fantasy-Esque Mystery.”

Collaboration of the development team of Danganronpa and Spike Chunsoft. Kodaka actually started this project before his retirement of Spike Chunsoft. We imagine a kind of cyberpunk world from this art. Komatsuzaki designs the characters, Shimadoriru designs background, and Takada directs the sounds.

Visit the company’s official website https://tookyogames.jp/english/
2018-9-13 06:39 PM
《枪弹辩驳》编剧小高和刚成立新公司「Too Kyo Games」 公开正在制作中的游戏企画
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/168152.html

  由《枪弹辩驳(ダンガンロンパ)》系列作企画、剧本的小高和刚担任社长的新游戏公司「Too Kyo Games」于 9 月 11 日举办网络直播成立发表会,将踏足游戏与动画制作领域。 另外还有以《极限逃脱(Zero Escape)》系列闻名的打越钢太郎,《Ever17》游戏总监中泽工等七名知名游戏创作者加入。

小高和刚(Too Kyo Games 社长)
高田雅史(作曲. 编曲家)
小松崎类(角色设定. 插画家)
岛 drill(插画家. 角色设定)
中泽工(游戏总监. 剧本家)
小泉阳一朗(小说家. 剧本家)
打越钢太郎(游戏总监. 剧本家)


※ 以下图片为直播影片截图。

小高与打越共笔作品! 「极限」×「绝望」


全. 员. 恶. 人

动画制作公司 PIERROT 原创动画作品,由小高负责原作,小松崎担任角色设定
如同宣传标语,是以 1990 年代风格的暴力动作电影为概念


和 IzanagiGames 共同开发的新作游戏,由小高担任总监督,打越撰写剧本,中泽担任游戏总监

Spike Chunsoft × Too Kyo Games 推出 黑暗奇幻风悬疑游戏

由 Spike Chunsoft 负责开发,Too Kyo Games 成员也有参与的全新游戏


Too Kyo Games 合同公司成立

小高和刚、高田雅史、打越钢太郎、小松崎类,将成立全新内容产品制作公司「Too Kyo Games」。


目前有四个全新项目正在运作中的 Too Kyo Games,目标是不忘独立精神,坚持日本原创内容,并能推出让全世界玩家都能享受之作品为目标,希望能成为这样的内容产品制作公司。


担任《枪弹辩驳》系列作(《枪弹辩驳》、《超级枪弹辩驳 2》、《绝对绝望少女》、《枪弹辩驳 3》、《新枪弹辩驳 V3》)原作剧本,系列各作品都有改编为舞台剧或电视动画,在海内外都获得极高评价,其他还担任许多漫画原作并撰写小说, 在各领域都十分活跃。


参与《七面杀手(killer7)》、《神手(God Hand)》、《地球防卫军》系列作、《节奏 DJ IIDX(beatmania IIDX)》、《新‧光神话 帕尔提娜之镜(新・光神话 パルテナの镜)》、《邪灵入侵(サイコブレイク) 》、《数码宝贝物语 网络侦探(デジモンストーリー サイバースルゥース)》、《梦王国与沉睡中的 100 位王子殿下(梦王国と眠れる 100 人の王子様)》等,众多知名游戏作品编曲。

在《枪弹辩驳》系列中,负责所有音乐音效制作。 另外有在动画、舞台剧、音乐朗读剧以及广告音乐等,游戏以外的许多领域活动。

打越钢太郎(游戏总监. 剧本家)

担任《infinity》系列作(《Never7》、《Ever17》、《Remember11》)、《极限逃脱 9 小时 9 人 9 道门(极限脱出 9 时间 9 人 9 の扉)》、《极限逃脱 ADV 好人不长命(极限脱出 ADV 善人シボウ デス)》、《极限逃脱 时刻困境(ZERO ESCAPE 刻のジレンマ)》等,众多知名游戏作品的原作剧本。

另外在动画《Punchline(パンチライン)》负责原作剧本,真实逃脱游戏「真实轮回游戏 偶像会死 100 万次」当中负责企画. 构成,活动范围广泛。 海外玩家对其评价也很高,获得众多奖项,并在「GDC」以及「Anime Expo」等活动中演讲数次。

小松崎类(设定师. 插画家)

负责《枪弹辩驳》系列作(《枪弹辩驳》、《超级枪弹辩驳 2》、《绝对绝望少女》、《枪弹辩驳 3》、《新枪弹辩驳 V3》)所有角色的设计工作。

在总下载人次突破一千两百万的智能型手机游戏软件《Fate/Grand Order》当中,负责「爱德蒙. 唐泰斯(エドモン・ダンテス)」、「克丽奥佩脱拉(クレオパトラ)」等当红角色设计工作。
2018-9-27 03:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-27 05:11 PM 编辑

Too Kyo Games’ announced titles likely due out in two to three years
Too Kyo Games 新游戏将在 2 至 3 年内发售 会加快制作步伐

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201809/3298121319.html

  由原Spike Chunsoft的小高和刚等人成立的Too Kyo Games之前曾发表过新游戏企划的相关内容,在近日接受IGN日本采访时,之前公布的游戏可能会在2至3年内发售。


Too Kyo Games, the newly established studio led by well-known developers such as Danganronpa series creator Kazutaka Kodaka, Zero Escape series creator Kotaro Uchikoshi, and Ever17 and Root Double writer Takumi Nakazawa, will not release any of its four in-development projects announced alongside its establishment earlier this month for about two to three years, Kodaka told IGN Japan at Tokyo Game Show 2018 last week.

Here is the snippet:

While this might be difficult to answer, about how long from now do you plan on releasing the titles you have currently announced?

Kodaka: “I think it’ll probably be about two to three years for the titles we’re currently working on, but we’re working to put them out as quickly as possible.”

2018-10-3 05:21 PM
Too Kyo Games, Grounding, and Izanagi Games announce action adventure death game Deathmatch Club

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals Deathmatch Club, one of the four projects in production at the recently established Too Kyo Games. It is being developed in collaboration with Grounding for release on PC by publisher Izanagi Games in 2020.

Described as a controversial work where a death game unfold between 12 yeaer-old elementary school students, the game is divided into action and adventure parts. Players will control a young boy named Reicho and solve puzzles while clearing stages.

Here is the game’s development staff:

• Creative Director: Kazutaka Kodaka
• Scenario and Director: Kotaro Uchikoshi
• Director: Takumi Nakazawa
• Character Design: Take
• Art Director: Kentarou Yoshida
• Producer: Shinsuke Umeda
• Development Director: Yukio Futatsugi
• Developer: Too Kyo Games and Grounding

And here are some interview tidbits:

• Kodaka: “I settled on a children’s death game project with Uchikoshi. Since I’m finally taking a break from Danganronpa, I wondered if maybe that was enough death games, but Uchikoshi said he wanted to give another death game a try, so.”
• Uchikoshi: “(There were things that we didn’t get to put in Zero Escape.) I persuaded Kodaka and won him over.”
• Kodaka: “In exchange for making this game, we promised that this will be our last death game. Then I’m done with death games. So this game will be the last death game we work on.” […] “We’re leaving the action parts to Futatsugi and the team at Grounding.” […] “The people at Grounding have a lot of experience and can actually make things happenl it hit me again how amazing they are”
• Izanagi Games’ Umeda: “I want to sell games made by Japanese creators directly to big markets overseas.” […] “There are other titles are in development at Izanagi Games, too.”
• Kodaka: “Since I had never heard of a group of people like Izanagi Games, it was a little shady when they reached out to me.” […] “Action parts are side-scrolling.” […] “This title is a children’s game for adults.”
• Kodaka: “The tagline is ‘Trust each other, die.'” […] “Unfortunately when you abbreviate the title of the game, it’s DMC. (Laughs.)”
• “The tagline for Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward was similar, ‘If only we trust each other, if only they would die.'” Uchikoshi: “No way! Seriously!?” […] “Now that you mention it, we did use that! I thought we threw it out.” Umeda: “Do you want to change the tagline?” Kodaka: “I’m sure you’ll think of something better by tomorrow.” Uchikoshi: “Give me a little longer than that…”
• Kodaka: “For example, an elementary school student with the special ability to throw various things will appear. The reason will be revealed as you progress through the story.” […] “There are also elementary schoolers with crazy abilities. There’s even a character that can control electricity.” […] “The only character you can control is called ‘Reicho.’ Other characters will follow, as well as cooperate during buddy actions.” […] “The volume of the scenario is huge. You can look forward to plenty of unexpected twists until the very end of the story.” […] “Reicho doesn’t talk. The reason is similar to that of our national RPG.” (Editor’s Note: He is referring to the Dragon Quest series, whose protagonists do not speak.) […] “Adventure parts will be fully voiced.” […] “It will take about 20 hours to finish the game.” […] “Since our main target is overseas players, we’re doing PC first.” […] “It’s a 2020 release, we announced it early because it’s common to release information on indie games pretty far in advance.”
• Umeda: “Another reason is that this company has overseas funding. There may be a surprise announcement before release.” […] “I would like to release an action gameplay demo as soon as we possible to get feedback.”

2018-10-4 04:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-4 05:20 PM 编辑

Death March Club details story, characters Reycho and Vanilla

Publisher Izanagi Games has launched the official website and Twitter account for Death March Club, its newly announced action adventure game due out for PC in 2020 from developers Too Kyo Games and Grounding. And Famitsu has gone up with the first screenshots.

■ Synopsis
Kill 12 people? 12 year-olds play. 12 death game.

Just another elementary school in Tokyo—with a “LOSER” class where all sorts of drop-outs are brought here. Reycho is an oddball who’s in this class. On one summer day, Reycho’s class was on its way to a school trip when the bus was caught in a rock slide.

The students woke up… only to find themselves in an amusement park under the sea. It must have shut down a long time ago. Reycho and his friends were trapped in a deserted and spooky ruin. A clown appeared from out of nowhere… and it demands the kids to play a game to kill each other! Without time to understand what is going on, Reycho and his classmates are dragged into a game of life or death!

How will these kids survive this insane situation? While they are at their wit’s end… mysterious and uncanny powers awaken within them.

At the same time… an emergency situation took place above the waters.

■ Characters

A sixth grade boy.

A curious boy who sticks his nose into everything. He steps up to the plate in a crisis situation, not because he is courageous, but only because he is not aware of the potential risks. He is definitely a brat, in both good and bad ways. He is an immature and naive boy… and oblivious when it comes to girls.

A sixth grade girl.

A happy, but crazy, scatterbrained, and ditsy girl. She is totally off-key and usually ignored by others. She plays dumb, but actually has a brilliant mind. She is one of the first to notice the conspiracies plotted by the grown-ups.

■ Staff

Creative Director: Kazutaka Kodaka
Scenario and Director: Kotaro Uchikoshi
Character Designer: Take
Director: Takumi Nakazawa
Art Director: Kentaro Yoshida
Producer: Shinsuke Umeda
Development Producer: Yukio Futatsugi

由《枪弹辩驳》系列编剧领军开发新作《死亡游行俱乐部》公开 一场小学生的死亡游戏
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/169141.html

  由《枪弹辩驳(ダンガンロンパ)》系列作企画、剧本的小高和刚率领新公司「Too Kyo Games」所开发 PC 新作《死亡游行俱乐部(暂译,原名:Death March Club/デスマーチクラブ)》近日正式公开, 同步揭露两名角色信息。

  由小高和刚、高田雅史、打越钢太郎、小松崎类等多位知名游戏创作者组成的新内容产品制作公司「Too Kyo Games」于上个月直播活动中预告四款新作信息(参考新闻),其中以「小孩」为题材的游戏近日正式揭晓。

  《死亡游行俱乐部》是款 PC 动作冒险游戏,故事描写以 12 岁小学生为主的死亡游戏。 坐落于东京的一所小学有一个名叫「LOSER」的课程,各式各样的辍学生聚集于此。 Reycho 是这堂课里古怪的一个人,夏季的某日他们班上在前往校外教学的路上时,浏览车发生了意外。

  学生们醒来后,发现自己身在彷佛关闭许久的海底游乐园,Reycho 与他的朋友们被困在这个诡谲的废墟中。 小丑忽然出现,要求孩子们玩一场自相残杀的游戏。 Reycho 与他的同学被卷入一场生死游戏,这些孩子将如何度过这种疯狂局面?


  她是一位乐天、疯狂的小学六年级女孩,常常让人觉得脱序、很傻,但实际上有个聪明的头脑。 她是第一个注意到大人所策划的阴谋的人。

  PC 新作《死亡游行俱乐部》预计 2020 年上市。

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