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楼主: kirassss
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【PS4/XB1/PC】Devil May Cry 5

2018-9-29 11:51 AM
2018-10-1 04:20 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-1 04:23 PM 编辑

Adam Cowie

Emily Bador

Carlo Baker

Owen Hamze

Andrea Tivada

Ariana Damant

https://www.resetera.com/threads ... ors-revealed.71767/
2018-10-2 07:08 PM
《恶魔猎人 5》制作人介绍妮可:抽烟纹身爆粗口的女性形象虽然少见但很酷!

  《恶魔猎人 5(Devil May Cry V)》中新加入了一名女性角色“妮可”,她原名为Nicoletta Goldstein,是尼禄新机械手的设计者,同时她在游戏中也是尼禄的副手,为他驾车打杂。不久前外媒采访了《恶魔猎人 5》官方的Hideaki Itsuno和Matt Walker,询问了有关妮可的一些问题。



  《恶魔猎人 5》将会在 2019 年 3 月 8 日登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC,现在已经开启了预购。
2018-10-7 10:51 PM
Devil May Cry 5 NYCC 2018 off-screen Dante weapons gameplay, Deluxe Edition breakdown


Capcom debuted new footage of Devil May Cry 5 primarily focused on Dante’s weapons during the game’s New York Comic-Con 2018 panel.

Additionally, over at Capcom Unity, Devil May Cry 5 producer Matt Walker broke down the contents of the game’s recently announced Deluxe Edition:

e’ve had a lot of requests from fans recently to go into more detail on the Deluxe Edition of Devil May Cry 5, so we wanted to take the opportunity to do that – starting with the extra weapons.

When we started designing the game, the senior producer, Okabe-san, was adamant that the whole Devil May Cry 5 campaign be available without the need to purchase anything outside of the standard edition of the game, so when it came time to plan a deluxe version of the game, we were very careful to make sure that anything extra would literally be that – fun extras that hopefully the hardcore fans would appreciate.

That means none of the extra weapons should feel like they are “the best” weapon to have, but should offer something fun that might interest the hardcore players. With that being said – let’s get into the nitty gritty of these weapons!

First up we have Gerbera GP01. This is a version of Gerbera that features alternate coloring to pay tribute to its designer, Shoji Kawamori (famous for his design work on the Gundam GP01 and Macross Valkyrie). From a functional perspective, it features one alternate move compared to your standard Gerbera – when you use this Devil Breaker and keep the control stick neutral, Nero will perform “Jocky” and dart upward (from the ground) or downward (from the air), rather than sticking his hand out to face palm any enemies or projectiles that might be right up on him.

—OG Gerbera

—Gerbera GP01

Next is the Pasta Breaker. Nico fashioned this together using spare parts from other Devil Breakers and various kitchen utensils in order to help Nero twirl up that dinner of his. Since it was never intended to be used in battle, it’s not going to do much damage to enemies. Every time you use it, however, the remaining Devil Breakers in your inventory will cycle one spot. This means that it’s the only weapon that allows you to switch it up for the next Devil Breaker- should you choose. Because it’s not particularly effective in battle, however, you’ll want to think long and hard about whether you’d prefer to use up a spot in your DB inventory before taking the plunge.

—Pasta Breaker – it may not pack a punch…

—But it WILL let you cycle your next Devil Breaker.

Sweet Surrender is more of a passive Devil Breaker. As long as Nero has this equipped he’s not going to be able to attack demons with it at all, but you can use it to slowly regenerate some health. If you’re really in a pinch, you can use Sweet Surrender’s Break Age ability to regenerate a bigger chunk of health. Either way, as long as you have Sweet Surrender equipped you’ll have to focus on racking up those sweet combos with Blue Rose and Red Queen.

—Sweet Surrender – fun fact: in Japanese the onomatopoeia for the sound massagers make is “weeen weeen.”

Cavaliere R is a version of Cavaliere that Nico has tuned up and painted specifically for Dante. From a functionality perspective, it adds one new move, but Dante is more susceptible to being broken out of his attacks when compared to the OG Cavaliere. Sure, you have one more move at your disposal – but you’ll have to think about whether that tradeoff in losing the super armor is really worth it!

—Cavaliere R – Nico’s custom tune-up of the Cavaliere.

Finally, we have the Mega Buster! It’s the Mega Buster. It goes pew pew pew. Really, if you don’t know what I’m saying just watch this video cause man I love this video.

That wraps it up for the extra weapons. Hopefully we’ve answered the biggest questions everyone has about them. As I mentioned earlier, the intent was to balance them so that there’s no such thing as the “best” Devil Breaker or version of a weapon – just that the extra weapons should provide something fun the hardcore fans can dig into should they choose to.

Devil May Cry 5 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 8, 2019.

Dante Weapon: Cerberus

Cerberus has a different attribute for each of its modes—ice nunchaku, fire bo staff, and lightning chain staff.


Dante Weapon: Faust Hat

A special weapon that attacks by using red orbs. While its power is great, it consumes a large number of red orbs. It can also be used to make the enemy drop a lot of red orbs by throwing the Faust Hat onto its head and attacking it in that state.


Dante Weapon: Balrog


Dante Weapon: Cavaliere and Cavaliere R


The Cavaliere R is included with the Deluxe Edition.


Nero Devil Breaker: Sweet Surrender

Using this Devil Breaker gradually heals your HP. If you are attacked while healing, however, the healing will break.


Nero Devil Breaker: Pasta Breaker


2018-10-7 10:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-7 11:51 PM 编辑

《恶魔猎人 5》但丁多种战斗风格演示等合集绅士、拳王和摩托车风格 第3集武器Cerberus 回归登场

  在纽约动漫展(NYCC)上,Capcom 展示了《恶魔猎人 5/鬼泣 5(Devil May Cry V)》但丁多种不同的战斗风格。Capcom 虽然没有对外公开,但 R K 玩家非常贴心地将演示视频上传了上来。

  纽约动漫展上展示的《恶魔猎人 5》视频都是 Tutorial 教学性质,都是游戏中一般会有的教学内容,视频为《恶魔猎人 5》游戏中但丁不同战斗风格的操练。那么接下来就让我们来一起看看吧!

摩托车战斗风格(Cavaliere and Cavaliere R):





Cerberus 三种风格:ice nunchaku、 fire bo staff、lightning chain staff



浮士德之帽(Faust Hat):


  除此之外,还展示了豪华版附送的恶魔破坏者——「Pasta Breaker」以及「Sweet Surrender」。其中「Sweet Surrender”可以回复体力,在回复中如果被攻击打断则会坏掉。

Sweet Surrender


Pasta Breaker



  《恶魔猎人 5》是睽违多年的畅销动作游戏《恶魔猎人》系列最新作,故事承袭 2008 年的《恶魔猎人 4》,叙述恶魔力量的威胁又重回世间,自「恶魔之树」的种子在红墓城萌芽起,侵略就此展开。 当来自地狱的入侵开始占领这座城市的时候,年轻的恶魔猎人尼罗与他的伙伴妮可开著名为 “恶魔猎人” 的箱型车来到这个城市。 在自称武器职人的妮可协助下,尼罗运用被称为「Devil Breaker」的机械手臂来对抗各式各样的妖魔,像是吸血飞妖恩浦萨或庞大巨像妖魔歌利亚。

  本作将于 2019 年 3 月 8 日于 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 和 PC 推出《恶魔猎人 5》。

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