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【PS4/XB1/PC】Dead or Alive 6

2018-8-26 04:51 PM
《生死格斗 6》乳摇物理效果并未被移除

  在早前宣传视频中《生死格斗 6(Dead or Alive 6)》因移除了乳摇效果,引发了不少玩家争议。众所周知,《生死格斗》系列拥有“胸部物理模拟”系统,作为头号乳摇厂突然说取消,实在让人有些难以接受。近日制作人早矢仕洋介在本届科隆展会表示这个元素并没有取消,并发布了一段演示。


  早矢仕洋介表示“胸部物理模拟”系统将较之前作更加逼真。据悉前作用来打造“胸部物理模拟”的柔软引擎(Soft Engine)已经被革新为全新引擎,为了展现更为逼真的效果,光荣特库摩团队打造了一个全新引擎专门针对“胸部物理模拟”进行制作与优化。


  值得一提的是,这是第一次曝光的 PC 版游戏视频,该作还将登陆Xbox One、PS4主机平台,预定2019年发售,敬请期待。
2018-9-10 06:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-10 10:51 PM 编辑

Dead or Alive 6 launches February 15, 2019
《生死格斗 6》公开新宣传影片 确定明年 2 月发售 即日起开放预购

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/168024.html

  台湾光荣特库摩今(10)日宣布,激斗娱乐游戏 PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / Steam《生死格斗 6(DEAD OR ALIVE 6)》确定将于 2019 年 2 月 15 日(五)发售。 此外,一般版与特别版也于今日起同步开放预购。

  此外,于 PlayStation LineUp Tours 上首映的《生死格斗 6》预告影片也公开了,别错过新参战的格斗家们所带来的激烈武打画面。

  3D 对战格斗游戏「DEAD OR ALIVE」系列睽违 7 年推出续作《生死格斗 6》,本次推出的最新 作中,不只提升了灯光照明、质感、脸部表情变化等视觉方面,更追加了新系统「崩解量表(必杀技量表)」,并导入全新武打动作「 致命突击」,让新手玩家也能享受魄力十足的对战,全方面进化打造出名符其实的系列最新作。


  另外,各项特别版也决定发售,「Digital Deluxe Edition」中将附「追加角色『PHASE-4』使用权、 「Deluxe 服装组合(25 套)」、「Deluxe 追加 BGM」以及「Digital Deluxe 特典:服 装(霞)」;「 Collector's Edition」内附收录游戏 BGM 的「原声带音乐光盘」、「官方设定集」以及「纪念徽章组合(25 个)」; 「最强组合包」则包含「Collector's Edition」品项在内,加上「动漫 3D 鼠标垫(玛莉、穗香、女性新角色)」、「动漫床单(霞 & 绫音)」以及「浴室海报组合(5 张)」三样令系列玩家垂涎不已的豪华周边,本次将推出上述三款各自拥有不同魅力的特别版。

  而为了能使更多玩家轻松体验《生死格斗 6》,也计划在本作发售后发布「基本免费版」。 具体内容及发布日期现正规划中。


对应主机:PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / Steam
发售日期:2019 年 2 月 15 日(五)预定
特典        :
实体版 预购特典:追加角色「女天狗」使用权 ・首批封入特典:服装(霞)

下载版 预购特典:追加角色「女天狗」使用权 ・早期购入特典:服装(霞)
layStation Store 预购特典:主题 ・Microsoft Store 预购特典:服装(龙隼)

※ Steam 版的早期购入特典内含追加角色「女天狗」使用权。 ※ 特典可能会于日后开放付费下载,敬请见谅。

开发制作:Team NINJA 制作人&监制:新堀洋平
版权标示 © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD. All rights reserved.

『DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Digital Deluxe Edition』介绍

产品名称:DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Digital Deluxe Edition
对应主机:PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / Steam
发售日期:2019 年 2 月 15 日(五)预定
■ 游戏软件
■ Deluxe 组合 ・追加角色「PHASE-4」使用权 ・Deluxe 服装组合(25 套) ・Deluxe 追加 BGM
■ Digital Deluxe 特典:服装(霞)

※ Deluxe 组合及特典可能会于日后开放付费下载,敬请见谅。


・预购特典:追加角色「女天狗」使用权 ・早期购入特典:服装(霞)
layStation Store 特典:主题 ・Microsoft Store 特典:服装(龙隼)

※ Steam 版的早期购入特典内含追加角色「女天狗」使用权。 ※ 特典可能会于日后开放付费下载,敬请见谅。

『DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Collector's Edition』介绍

产品名称:DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Collector's Edition
对应主机:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2019 年 2 月 15 日(五)预定


・Deluxe 组合 ・原声带音乐光盘 ・官方设定集 ・纪念徽章组合(25 个)

『DEAD OR ALIVE 6 最强组合包』介绍

产品名称:DEAD OR ALIVE6 最强组合包
对应主机:PlayStation 4
发售日期:2019 年 2 月 15 日(五)预定


・Deluxe 组合
・纪念徽章组合(25 个)
・动漫 3D 鼠标垫(玛莉、穗香、女性新角色) ・浴室海报组合(5 张)
・动漫床单(霞 & 绫音)



Dead or Alive 6 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide on February 15, 2019, Koei Tecmo announced.

Find information on pre-order and early purchase bonuses, as well as a Digital Deluxe Edition, below.

PlayStation 4 Pre-Order Bonuses

PlayStation 4 owners who take advantage of pre-order sales will score a unique Dead or Alive 6 theme, as well as obtaining “The Female Tengu” Nyotengu as a playable character.

Xbox One Pre-Order Bonuses

Xbox One gamers who pre-order the title will also be able to download Nyotengu to their roster on top of receiving a pre-order bonus costume for the legendary Ryu Hayabusa.

Early Purchase Bonuses

A special Early Purchase Bonus program for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners was also announced, as gamers who digitally purchase Dead or Alive 6 by March 14, 2019, will receive a bonus costume for one of the game’s most popular characters, Kasumi. Gamers who enter the Early Purchase Bonus program on Steam will collect the Kasumi costume as well as Nyotengu as a downloadable character.

Digital Deluxe Edition

In addition, Team Ninja unveiled a Digital Deluxe edition of the game for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam that will include a set of 25 extra costumes, three bonus musical tracks, a DDX exclusive Kasumi costume, and an exceptional character added to the lineup, the formidable Kasumi clone, Phase 4.

2018-9-20 06:39 PM
Dead or Alive 6 details Ayane, Marie Rose, Honoka, Bayman, and Lost Paradise stage

Koei Tecmo has released new information and screenshots of Dead or Alive 6 at Tokyo Game Show 2018 detailing recently confirmed playable characters Ayane, Marie Rose, Honoka, Bayman, as well as the new “Lost Paradise” stage.

■ Characters


The first fighter returning to the fray is Ayane. Ordered to hunt down her half-sister, Kasumi, Ayane’s Mugen Tenshin Hajinmon style of Ninjutsu is as fierce as it gets. Dubbed “The Killer Kunoichi,” Ayane’s ever-changing moves are polished to the point that her opponents have a hard time seeing what is coming next. Forced to live in the shadows, she attempts to fight through her conflicted feelings toward her half-sister, while also fighting her way to the top of the tournament.

Marie Rose

The second combatant marking her return is Swedish martial artist, Marie Rose. Marie, known as “The Wicked Lil’ Servant,” boasts a Russian military style emphasizing constant fluidity of movement, enabling the fighter to utilize her small frame to her advantage, outmaneuvering enemies with a variety of tricky moves while turning her opponent’s attacks against them.


Next up is the “Super-Secret Fighter Chick” known as Honoka. This 18-year-old fan of professional wrestling and martial arts movies invented her own fighting style known as Honoka Fu; an art where she combines her favorite moves from fighters she has observed. While in her Hissatsu-no-Kamae stance, she is imbued with unbelievable strength, making her capable of delivering attacks the likes even she has never seen before as her right hand emits a mysterious glow.


The final fighter re-entering the arena is former professional assassin, Bayman. Known as “The Man Who Overcame Death,” Bayman stands inside the ring with the same kind of cold-hearted professionalism that made him such a successful mercenary thanks to his devastatingly-dangerous skills in Combat Sambo.

■ Stages

Lost Paradise

Also making its debut in Tokyo will be the new stage entitled “Lost Paradise.” The magnificent jungle is mixed with the decaying remains of man-made constructions, with some surprising secrets popping out of all corners. Collide with the extremely large eggs and you will not only disturb whatever’s inside, but also alert their mother – a giant Pteranodon who will swoop in for the attack. But that’s not the only danger lurking, as the fence separating the fighters from the jungle is sparked with electricity. Fall to the bottom level and a Tyrannosaurus awaits, ready to rip into anyone within biting distance.

Dead or Alive 6 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 15, 2019.
2018-9-20 06:40 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-20 10:36 PM 编辑

《生死格斗 6》舞台活动中公布了4位新角色、新舞台「LOST PARADISE」和新技能情报!4位新角色分别是肃杀忍者绫音(CV:山崎和佳奈)、“小”恶魔女仆玛丽·萝丝(CV:相泽舞)、绝对秘密女生穗香(CV:野中蓝)以及超越死亡的男人拜曼(CV:银河万丈)。

2018-9-22 01:51 PM
《生死格斗 6》新堀洋平:不会遗漏经典服装 摇晃反应更加拟真
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/168641.html

  KOEI TECMO Games 制作,3D 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗(Dead or Alive)》系列最新作《生死格斗 6(Dead or Alive 6)》将在 2019 年 2 月 15 日(五)在 PS4、Xbox One 与 St eam 平台推出。 巴哈姆特 GNN 在 2018 年东京电玩展中,访问到本作游戏总监新堀洋平,他解答了一些游戏发表以来广受关注的问题,玩家可参考本篇文章一探究竟。

媒体:TGS 开始首度揭露了游戏剧情的部分,尤其是穗香和玛莉萝丝似乎有在主线剧情出现,这两人在五代和主线没有很大的关联,这代她们和主线有关吗?

新堀:TGS 版宣传影片里面,她们两人都有出来对吧,6 代会描述她们最初相遇的场面,还有怎么熟识,甚至有些她们一起同游的场景。 准备了不少让喜欢她们的粉丝一定会感到开心的要素。


新堀:从 5 之后登场的角色,他们的历史相对较短,印象还没深入人心,所以默认是之前的服装,但还是准备很多新的服装可供选择,TGS 的试玩版本内也有展示。

媒体:6 代时间轴的设定在?

新堀:大概是 5 刚结束的时间点,霞和海莲娜告别左右。 在这边第一次公开,这次故事的起点是「穗香」。 某人发现她神秘的力量,之后为了揭开这个谜团开始展开故事。

媒体:本次游戏内容是倾向核心玩家来制作? 还是轻度玩家?

新堀:应该说双向都有延伸。 6 代加入了「致命突击」这种连按就可以施展连续技的玩法,准备对新手玩家很友善的环境。 但也调整的很巧妙,持续钻研下去还是会渐渐碰壁,你会发现需要更多手动连招的部分,得提升自己的技巧。

  在高手对决的机制,也加入了「崩解量表」等要素,高手之间来斗智斗勇,强化心理上的对抗。 所以不论轻度或深度玩家,两方都可以有更多乐趣。



媒体:想请问这代角色收录的方式。 是玩家购买游戏后,全数都已经收录在本体游戏中? 还是会以季票、DLC 的方式,发售后陆续更新新角色,让玩家保持新鲜感? 还有 PHASE-4 和女天狗都是特典角色,类似这样的角色还会很多吗?

新堀:应该说玩家最希望登场的角色,会在初始的本篇中出现。 游戏上市后,也有可能透过 DLC 推出服装和新角色等,但距离发售还有一段时间,现在还没确定规格,之后会陆续发表。

媒体:会有和其他游戏或动漫作品合作的角色吗? 像是《VR 快打》和「不知火舞」都是很受欢迎的企划。


媒体:E3 首度发表时,还没有展示出任何性感元素。 随着 GC 和 TGS 一步一步地公开,性感要素慢慢展示出来。 这是受到玩家舆论的影响? 还是单纯的原本就是这样的计划。

新堀:其实 E3 展时,我们的游戏引擎还没准备好,大概是 30% 的进度。 到了德国 GC 展览的阶段,我们有抢先给一部分媒体先看过更新的版本。 到现在 TGS 终于达到约 70% 的进度。 新的引擎对于不同服装材质的仿真效果是很拟真的喔,你看,这种护甲硬材质的服装比较不会摇;软的布料材质就会有相对应的反应。


新堀:目前还在开发阶段,老实说还没进展到那个部分。 不过方向性来说,并不是朝从亚洲连到地球另一端的巴西,都可以无延迟的对打。 短期目标还是先放在亚洲地区的玩家彼此之间可以顺畅的对打。 但也得看平台商的服务器,我们并不是架设自家的服务器。

媒体:关于电竞的推广,如果没有全球规模的在线联机大赛,是透过线下比赛推广推广电竞? 目前的规划是?

新堀:在线的全球大赛我想是难达成。 在各地举办比赛,聚集每个区域的顶尖高手,在某地举办大会对决,是我心中的梦想。 但目前都还没具体计划就是了。

媒体:这款游戏不会登陆 NS 平台,理由为何呢?

新堀:现在我们的技术,DOA6 不可能在 NS 上跑 60fps,就算只有 30fps 也跑不太动。 未来技术进步我们有能力的话,还是很希望能登上 NS。

媒体:DOA5 有 PSV 版,NS 性能应该比PSV 强?

新堀:6 是完全新作,画面进步很多,要登上 NS 还是有点难度。 首发之后好好的思考看看还有没有移植的空间。 但这还是蛮将来的事情。

媒体:那在 NS 上推 DOA6 云端版本?



新堀:因为技术上的局限,DOA6 没有收录双人组队的打法,只能割爱。 会加入某种能够摄影的机制,请期待后续的发表。

媒体:在 E3 刚发表的时候,完全看不到那些初期的经典服装。 现在的 TGS 版本看起来是有几件经典服装,这些衣服是要另外付费购买? 还是购买游戏本体就会收录了。

新堀:刚刚你们看到的 TGS 版本,确定会收录这些经典的服装。 应该说大家不用太担心,「买游戏就可以得到这些全部经典的服装」,最后成品大概是比较接近 5 的规格,应该是不会让大家失望。

  但关于日后的 DLC 或季票究竟会收哪些内容? 现在还没有一个明确的方向。
2018-9-29 11:49 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-30 07:46 AM 编辑

Dead or Alive 6 coming to arcades
《生死格斗 6》日本将推出街机版本

  发行商光荣特库摩日前公布消息,《生死格斗 6(Dead or Alive 6)》除了登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 之外,还会在日本地区登陆街机平台。

  街机版的《生死格斗 6》将采用世嘉互动街机内容发布服务“ALL.Net P-ras MULTI Version 3.”,但目前具体的截图、发行日期以及版本差别还没有公布。

  《生死格斗 6》将在 2019 年 2 月 15 日发售,登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台。

Dead or Alive 6 will be released in arcades in Japan in addition to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, publisher Koei Tecmo announced.

The arcade version of Dead or Alive 6 will use Sega Interactive’s arcade content distribution service “ALL.Net P-ras MULTI Version 3.”

Further information was not announced.

2018-10-5 06:12 PM
Dead or Alive 6 adds Bass, Tina, and Mila


Bass, Tina, and Mila will be playable fighters in Dead or Alive 6, publisher Koei Tecmo and developer Team Ninja announced. A new wrestling stage called “The Muscle” was also revealed.

Get the details below, via the official website.


Country: USA
Age: 48
Blood Type: O
Height / Weight: 196cm / 157kg
Occupation: Former Oil Platform Employee
Favorite food or drink: Chicken Sauté
Hobby: Motorcycles, training with Tina
Fighting Style: Professional Wrestling – He overwhelms his opponents with his impressive raw power and versatile throwing techniques. A single blow of his can be enough to change the tide of any fight.

An immensely strong former professional wrestler. He always worries about his and his late wife’s only daughter Tina, as she keeps chasing various dreams, trying herself out as a model, an actress, and even a rock star, instead of keeping with the family legacy and focusing on becoming a world-class wrestler. Bass had moved to New York, bringing Rig with him, after the DOATEC plant they both worked on was destroyed, but what does he plan to do now?


Country: USA
Age: 24
Blood Type: O
Height / Weight: 174cm / 56kg
Occupation: Model, Actress, Rock Star
Favorite food or drink: Seafood dishes
Hobby: Fighting games, cycling
Fighting Style: Professional Wrestling – An all rounder, with a variety of powerful throws and strikes in her arsenal.

The only daughter of a legendary professional wrestler, Bass. Despite her father’s intentions to raise her as a champion wrestler, she used the ring as a stepping stone to pursue her own dreams in life, such as becoming a model, actress, and even a rock star. Now, her newest dream is to run for the post of the governor?! What else will she come up with this time?


Country: Spain
Age: 21
Blood Type: O
Height / Weight: 170cm / 52kg
Occupation: Part-time worker
Favorite food or drink: Seafood Paella
Hobby: Watching Wrestling
Fighting Style: Mixed Martial Arts – Mila is an aggressive MMA fighter who mixes quick, orthodox strikes with a strong follow-up ground game from her takedowns.

A young up-and-coming mixed martial arts champion who has scored spectacular victories all over the world. She is a devoted fan of Bass, her admiration towards him so intense that one of her biggest dreams is actually to meet him in the ring. She spends her days training at the gym in between shifts of her part time jobs to make that dream come true. Her true charm lies in that earnestness and the tomboyish personality of hers.

“The Muscle” Stage

All three characters are instrumental to Dead or Alive 6’s new wrestling stage “The Muscle.” As an introduction to their new fighting ring, the father-daughter duo of Bass and Tina gather reporters inside an arena to unveil their new professional wrestling organization, also known as The Muscle. Inside the arena stage, not only will the action be fast and fierce, but the ring ropes surge with electrical current while the steel pillars surrounding the squared-circle bellow fire at warry brawlers. Who has what it takes to bring home the championship?

Dead or Alive 6 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 15, 2019. An arcade version is also planned for release in Japan.
2018-10-5 06:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-6 10:36 AM 编辑

《生死格斗 6》「巴斯」「蒂娜」「米拉」确定参战

  光荣特库摩今(5)日宣布预定于 2019 年 2 月 15 日发售的 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台3D 对战格斗游戏《生死格斗 6》公开一段最新宣传片,并确认三位熟面孔「巴斯」、「蒂娜」和「米拉」将会在本作中登场。同时还展示了新的对战场地THE MUSCLE。


身高/体重:174cm / 56kg


身高/体重:170cm / 52kg


身高/体重:196cm / 157kg

  3D 对战格斗游戏「DEAD OR ALIVE」系列睽违 7 年推出续作《生死格斗 6》,本次推出的最新 作中,不只提升了灯光照明、质感、脸部表情变化等视觉方面,更追加了新系统「崩解量表(必杀技量表)」,并导入全新武打动作「 致命突击」,让新手玩家也能享受魄力十足的对战,全方面进化打造出名符其实的系列最新作。

  而为了能使更多玩家轻松体验《生死格斗 6》,也计划在本作发售后发布「基本免费版」。 具体内容及发布日期现正规划中。

  《生死格斗 6》将在 2019 年 2 月 15 日发售,登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台。


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