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【NS】『精靈寶可夢 Let's Go ! 皮卡丘 / 伊布』

2018-7-19 07:23 PM

2018-8-8 08:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-8 11:07 PM 编辑

Corocoro杂志情报《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》Mega进化确认!

  据推特网友上传的CoroCoro杂志图显示,Switch游戏《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》将包含宝可梦超进化系统,超级进化形态的妙蛙花、喷火龙(X/Y两种形态)和水箭龟都将出现在游戏中。此外,玩家的老朋友武藏和小次郎也会回归本作。

  《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》是首度在 Nintendo Switch 平台登场的《精灵宝可梦》系列最新作,以 1998 年推出的 Game Boy 游戏《神奇宝贝 皮卡丘版(Pokemon Yellow)》为基础,针对游戏玩法及故事剧情进行重新构筑。 透过融合《Pokemon GO》和 Nintendo Switch 的特征,为玩家带来全新的《精灵宝可梦》游戏体验。

  《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》预计 2018 年 11 月 16 日 Nintendo Switch 平台全球同步上市,专用装置「精灵球 Plus」也将配合发售。

2018-8-9 10:37 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-9 10:49 PM 编辑

Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! & Eevee! New Trailer, Mega Evolutions Shown
《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》新宣传片公布「超级进化」和「火箭队」即将登场

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/166639.html

  The Pokémon Company 预定 11 月 16 日推出的《精灵宝可梦》系列 Nintendo Switch 最新作《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》,新公布游戏要素和登场角色信息。

  《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》是首度在 Nintendo Switch 平台登场的《精灵宝可梦》系列最新作,以 1998 年推出的 Game Boy 游戏《神奇宝贝 皮卡丘版(Pokemon Yellow)》为基础,针对游戏玩法及故事剧情进行重新构筑。 透过融合《Pokemon GO》和 Nintendo Switch 的特征,为玩家带来全新的《精灵宝可梦》游戏体验。

超越了进化的进化! 超级进化登场!



  超级进化能够暂时解放宝可梦隐藏的力量,让牠们突破原本的进化极限,提升战斗能力。 这是宝可梦与训练家之间有着深厚牵绊的证明。

  在《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》中,训练家只要拥有「钥石」和与各种宝可梦对应的「超级石」这2种石头,就能在每场对战中发动1次超级进化。



  以下将为您介绍妙蛙花、喷火龙和水箭龟在超级进化后的姿态。 这 3 只宝可梦是主角在冒险中最先能够进行超级进化的宝可梦。


  超级进化的能量使牠背上的花成长得更大,而在底下支撑着这朵花的筋骨也变得更加强壮了。 牠的防御和特防得到了大幅提升,使牠能面不改色地挡下一般的攻击,活像一座铁壁要塞一样。

【超级喷火龙 X/超级喷火龙 Y】

  喷火龙能超级进化成「超级喷火龙 X」和「超级喷火龙 Y」2 种姿态。 根据情况来选择对战斗有利的超级进化吧。

  超级喷火龙 X 全身变成了黑色,火焰的颜色也因为温度上升而变成了蓝色。 此外,牠的属性会从「火/飞行」变成「火/龙」。

  超级喷火龙 Y 的身体和火焰的颜色都跟原本的姿态一样,但牠尖锐的犄角和长长的尾巴,还有那比原本的尺寸大一圈的翅膀,使牠得到了凌驾于喷射机之上的飞行能力。


  甲壳上的 2 门大炮变成了 1 门巨炮。 在获得超级进化的能量后,所发出的每一撃都威力惊人。 大幅提升的特攻使牠在对战中变得更有攻击性。

下一个城镇! 下一位道馆馆主!


  面向海洋的国际化港口城市。 这里有由马志士担任馆主的「枯叶道馆」,玩家可以跟他进行宝可梦对战。



  被称为闪电般的硬汉子的枯叶道馆馆主。 是电属性宝可梦的专家。


可怕的邪恶组织! 火箭队!


  对火箭队来说,全世界的宝可梦都是用来牟取财富的犯罪工具。 他们在关都到处夺取别人的宝可梦,不断伤害牠们,做尽了各种坏事。

  红色的「R」是他们的标志。 火箭队的手下似乎都会穿著胸前印有大大的「R」字的黑色衣服。




  大家所熟悉的火箭队队员武藏、小次郎还有喵喵将会在《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》中登场。

  这 3 人组穿著一身有别于其他手下的显眼白色服装,他们会在冒险旅程的各处现身,妨碍主角前进。

  《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》预计 2018 年 11 月 16 日 Nintendo Switch 平台全球同步上市,专用装置「精灵球 Plus」也将配合发售。



Mega Evolutions and More Revealed in Latest Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! Announcement

The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo announced new details about Mega Evolution and much more in the highly anticipated Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! games, releasing later this year on the Nintendo Switch™ system. Both games are designed for players taking their first steps into the Pokémon video game world as well as longtime fans wanting a new way to play Pokémon.

Don’t Just Evolve—Mega Evolve

In Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, players will be able to Mega Evolve a Pokémon once per battle if they have a Key Stone and the Mega Stone corresponding to that specific Pokémon. Mega Evolution, known as “the Evolution that transcends Evolution,” momentarily unleashes the energy within a Pokémon and can only be accomplished when a strong bond exists between the Pokémon and its Trainer. The first three Pokémon that fans will be able to Mega Evolve during their adventure will be Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise.

Explore Iconic Kanto Region Location Vermilion City

Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! will bring players to a variety of interesting locations in the Kanto region, including Vermilion City, where the luxury cruise liner the S.S. Anne docks once a year. In the Vermilion City Pokémon Gym, players can battle Gym Leader Lt. Surge, who is also known as the Lightning Lieutenant.

Here Comes Team Rocket!

Team Rocket, a nefarious organization set on using the world’s Pokémon in despicable plots to make money, is another example of the diverse cast of characters that players will encounter in Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! This includes the most famous members of Team Rocket—Jessie, James, and Meowth!

Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! will release exclusively on Nintendo Switch on November 16, 2018. For all information, please visit pokemonletsgo.pokemon.com.
2018-8-19 10:43 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-20 06:59 PM 编辑

《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》新预告片 展示袋龙和暴鲤龙的MEGA进化!

  《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》即将发售了,尽管它并不是《精灵宝可梦》系列的正统续作,但相信首次登陆主机平台的《精灵宝可梦》新作还是会让很多粉丝感到激动的。

  官方昨天公布了一段《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》的新预告片,展示了袋龙和暴鲤龙的MEGA进化,以及它们的酷炫战斗技能。


  《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》将于今年11月16日登陆Switch平台,这也是Game Freak的《宝可梦 》游戏首次登陆主机平台。这款新作的目的是为了吸引到更为广泛的,更休闲的玩家群体,为此游戏也做出了很多改动和简化,不再是一款传统的《宝可梦 》RPG游戏。

2018-8-23 08:01 PM

2018-8-26 04:12 PM
《名侦探皮卡丘》真人电影LOGO公布 将于2019年夏季上映

  在今日召开的「2018宝可梦世界锦标赛」开幕式上,真人电影《名侦探皮卡丘》的主演和导演公开了本片的正式LOGO,电影正式名称为《Pokemon: Detective Pikachu》(精灵宝可梦:名侦探皮卡丘),将于2019年夏季上映。

  影片的导演Rob Letterman与两位主演Justice Smith(曾拍摄过侏罗纪世界2)和Kathryn Newton(曾拍摄过大小谎言)共同出席了本次活动,不过遗憾的是为皮卡丘配音的Ryan Reynolds(曾拍摄过死侍)这次没有出席活动。

2018-9-10 10:25 PM
Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! details Switch bundle, partner-exclusive moves, Celadon City, more

The Pokemon Company and Nintendo have released a new video, information, and a trailer for Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee! introducing secret techniques, partner-exclusive moves, partner interaction, Celadon City, and special Switch bundle.

Secret Techniques

On any journey, you’re sure to run into obstacles. Maybe your path will be blocked, or maybe you’ll have to cross the sea to get where you need to go.

Thankfully, your partner can learn handy Secret Techniques to help you!

Exclusive Moves

Your partner can learn some exclusive moves that no other Pokemon can learn. Because it’s going to be by your side throughout your journey, your partner needs some reliable moves to make sure you’re ready to face any challenge!

As you shower your partner with love, it’ll sometimes send you a sign during battle. Wave your detached Joy-Con when the partner sign appears to have your partner use its special partner power.

Your partner may even send you a sign when it’s not the one battling. If you respond, it’ll cheer on the Pokemon in battle by boosting its stats!


When you see the partner sign in battle, your partner Pikachu will be able to use Pika Papow. The power of this move will increase based on how good of friends you and your Pikachu are.

Pikachu can also learn the Water-type move Splishy Splash. This move has a chance to paralyze opponents!


When you see the partner sign in battle, your partner Eevee will be able to use Veevee Volley. The power of this move will increase based on how good of friends you and your Eevee are.

Your Eevee also has a Water-type move it can learn—Bouncy Bubble. This move will heal Eevee for half the damage it deals to the opponent.

The Electric-type move Buzzy Buzz will leave the opponent paralyzed after the move hits.

Make good use of the Fire-type move Sizzly Slide. This move will always leave the opponent with the burned status condition!

Play with Your Partner

In between exploring and battling, it’s a good idea to relax with your Pokemon buddies. Enjoy a little playtime with Pikachu or Eevee in order to strengthen your bond with it. It will sit on your arm, allowing you to pet, feed, and even tickle it. Good things might happen as the two of you become closer.

You can play with your partner Pikachu or Eevee when you’re not in battle by selecting the Pikachu or Eevee icon on your main menu. The more time you spend with your partner, the more it’ll grow to love you! As you become closer, it’ll give you high fives or even find gifts for you as you travel. Lots of good things can happen if you’re friends with your partner!

Interact with your partner Pokemon by controlling the cursor with a detached Joy-Con. You can pet and play with your partner, and it may even grow closer to you as you become friendlier with it. In handheld mode, you’ll be able to play with your partner directly by using the touch screen.

2018-9-10 10:31 PM

Dress Up Your Partner Pokemon

You can feel closer to your partner Pokemon by dressing alike! Yes, you can dress up your partner Pokemon in various outfits, give it accessories, and change its hairstyle. Coordinate your wardrobes by matching their outfit to yours, or mix and match different items to give your partner its own style.

While playing with your partner, you can give it a quick makeover by ruffling its hair using the touch screen. Its hairstyle will change depending on your actions. Try out different things until you get a hairstyle you like. Find a good outfit to go with your favorite hairstyle to make your partner truly your own!

Celadon City

There’s a lot to see and do in Celadon City! This large city, known as the “City of Rainbow Dreams,” has loads of places to explore, including an arcade and a department store. Just watch out—Team Rocket seems to have a presence here. What could they be up to?

Erika, sometimes called the Nature-Loving Princess, is the Gym Leader of the Celadon City Gym. She specializes in Grass-type Pokemon, so make sure your team is ready to counter her Pokemon’s attacks.

Special Nintendo Switch Bundle

A special bundle that includes a Nintendo Switch system will be released on Friday, November 16, 2018, complete with Pikachu- and Eevee-themed Joy-Con controllers, a digital copy of Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, and a Poké Ball Plus!

The front of the Nintendo Switch dock features Pikachu and Eevee gazing at you in a most adorable fashion.

As for the system itself, it includes Pikachu- and Eevee-themed Joy-Con controllers.

The back side of the console has Pikachu and Eevee silhouettes drawn on it!

Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee! are due out for Switch on November 16.
2018-9-10 10:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-10 11:01 PM 编辑



《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘 / 伊布》公布「搭档特别招式」及「NS 同捆主机」信息
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/168027.html

  The Pokémon Company 预定 11 月 16 日推出的《精灵宝可梦》系列 Nintendo Switch 最新作《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》,今(10)日公布了游戏新要素和 Nintendo Switch 同捆主机的信息。


  《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》是首度在 Nintendo Switch 平台登场的《精灵宝可梦》系列最新作,以 1998 年推出的 Game Boy 游戏《神奇宝贝 皮卡丘版(Pokemon Yellow)》为基础,针对游戏玩法及故事剧情进行重新构筑。 透过融合《Pokemon GO》和 Nintendo Switch 的特征,为玩家带来全新的《精灵宝可梦》游戏体验。


  《精灵宝可梦 Let's Go! 皮卡丘/Let's Go! 伊布》的冒险旅程充满高潮起伏。 只要有搭档皮卡丘/伊布在身边,即使遇上任何难题都能够迎刃而解。 下面将为大家介绍几个和搭档进行冒险时不可或缺的要素。

和搭档一起开拓前进之路! 「秘术」简介

  玩家在冒险途中将会遇到阻塞道路的障碍物,有时候又需要越过大海才能到达目的地。 这些时候就要借助搭档的「秘术」的力量了!

  「秘术」是搭档宝可梦独有的特别能力,能在行进间发动。 用「袈裟斩」把挡在前方的树木砍掉、用「水上飘」跨过水面...... 和搭档一起开拓冒险的道路吧!

被树木挡住了不能前进...... 这时候就要用「袈裟斩」! 它能把挡在前方的树木斩开。




  玩家可透过在路上开启「心情」画面,随时跟搭档皮卡丘/伊布互动。 与搭档互动的次数越多,您和搭档就能变得越亲密! 当感情变好后,搭档就会靠过来跟您击掌,或是送您从别处捡来的礼物等,似乎会有各种好事发生。

您可以透过改变 Joy-Con 的角度来移动游标,选择想要互动的地方。 边按 A 键边挥动 Joy-Con 就能抚摸搭档。


和搭档的感情变深后,牠偶尔会送礼物给玩家。 那一定是些很棒的东西。


在手提模式下,玩家可以使用触控屏幕直接(? )与搭档互动!


  玩家除了可以为搭档宝可梦换上不同的服装和饰品外,还能替牠梳出各种多变的发型。 试着在手提模式下用触控屏幕抚摸搭档头上的毛发吧。 搭档的发型会根据不同的抚摸方式而有所改变。 多尝试不同的抚摸方式,直至梳出令您满意的发型为止吧。

  玩家可透过不同的抚摸方式来改变搭档的发型。 至于怎样的抚摸方式会变出怎样的造型,就请您多试几遍来发掘一下了。 如果能同时找到中意的服装和发型,您也许会更加喜爱自己的搭档宝可梦?


  跟搭档的感情变好后,搭档在战斗中有时候会向玩家发出信号。 在「搭档信号」出现后挥动 Joy-Con,搭档便会做出特别的动作。

在对战中出现了「搭档信号」! 挥动Joy-Con,搭档宝可梦便会使出强力的「搭档招式」进行攻击,而这些招式是搭档独有的。

即使搭档不在场上,「搭档信号」也有可能会出现。 搭档会帮在场上战斗的宝可梦加油打气,提升牠的能力。


  以下将为您介绍几种只有搭档才能学会的「搭档招式」! 搭档在冒险旅程中无时无刻都与玩家在一起。 纯熟地运用各种可靠的搭档招式,和搭档一起渡过难关吧!


当搭档信号出现时才能使用的招式「闪闪雷光」。 和皮卡丘的关系越好,招式的威力就越大。

水属性的招式「滔滔冲浪」。 这招式有时候能使对手陷入「麻痹」状态。


当搭档信号出现时才能使用的招式「砰砰撃破」。 和伊布的关系越好,招式的威力就越大。

水属性招式「活活气泡」。 这招式在给予对手伤害的同时,还能回复我方相等于伤害值一半的HP。


2018-9-10 11:01 PM


玉虹市是个拥有游戏城和百货公司等设施的大城市。 市内到处都有火箭队的踪影,他们聚集于此到底有什么企图呢?

热爱自然的大小姐。 她是玉虹道馆的馆主,能把草属性宝可梦运用自如。

Nintendo Switch 特别组合登场!

  与 Nintendo Switch 主机同捆的特别组合将从 11 月 16 日起发售。 组合内容包括 Nintendo Switch 主机(含皮卡丘/伊布配色的 Joy-Con )、《精灵宝可梦 Let’s Go! 皮卡丘》或《精灵宝可梦 Let’s Go! 伊布》游戏软件,以及「精灵球 Plus」。


组合包括以皮卡丘和伊布的主题色来设计的 Jon-Con!


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