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2018-5-14 11:02 PM

《狂怒炼狱 2》正式公布宣传影片

  Bethesda Softworks 刚刚正式公布《狂怒炼狱》续作《狂怒炼狱 2(RAGE 2)》的宣传影片,该宣传片倾向于概念预告,角色均为真人出演。预告片 BGM 为 Andrew W.K. 的《Ready to Die》。随后片尾中出现了将在 5 月 15 日明晚公布游戏的实机演示视频。

  《狂怒炼狱》是由 Id Software 开发的第一人称射击游戏,故事描述一颗小行星「阿波菲斯」撞击地球之后,为了保存人类文明,「方舟」在地底深处被建造完成。 这些低温救生艇搭载了人类的未来希望,保留了重建文明的工具。 但是当幸存者回到地面后,却发生许多出乎意料的事,有些人竟然在行星冲撞地球之后活了下来,且可怕的异变体在死亡城市中四处游荡。

  该作品于 2011 年上市后,官方曾透露续作《狂怒炼狱 2》已经有了开发计划,但后续没有更多消息。 睽违七年后,官方近日总算有了一些动作。



Bethesda Softworks has officially announced Rage 2 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Here is a brief overview of the game, via its official website:

Dive headfirst into a dystopian world devoid of society, law, and order. Rage 2 brings together a true open world FPS experience where you can go anywhere, shoot anything, and explode everything.

A gameplay reveal trailer willl follow tomorrow, May 15.

2018-5-15 10:27 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-15 11:13 PM 编辑

RAGE 2 First Gameplay Trailer Released
《狂怒炼狱 2》释出实机游玩宣传影片 勇闯无法无天的开放废土世界!

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/162638.html

  Avalanche Studios 与 id Software 开发,Bethesda Softworks 发行的开放世界第一人称射击游戏《狂怒炼狱 2(RAGE 2)》(PS4 / Xbox One / PC),现释出首部实机游玩宣传影片 。

  《狂怒炼狱 2》是 2011 年推出的《狂怒炼狱》的续篇新作,故事背景设定在 2185 年的未来世界,地球因为遭小行星「阿波菲斯」撞击而化为废土,人口大量减少。 玩家将扮演这个废土世界最后的巡警「沃克(Walker)」,他将深入这个无法无天的废土世界,摧毁残虐嗜血的帮派,寻找所需的工具和技术,对抗企图以铁腕统治幸存人类的暴虐当权者,彻底粉碎他们压迫的统治!

  Bethesda 表示《狂怒炼狱 2》诞生于射击游戏之神(原话)id Software 和制作开放世界游戏的能手 Avalanche Studios,在这个宣传片中可以看到它已经不是一个 3A 游戏了,“This is a f***ing AAAAAA game.”

  《狂怒炼狱 2》将登陆 PS4、Xbox One 和 PC 平台,Nintendo Switch 平台目前未定,预计 2019 年春季发售。Bethesda 表示,在今年的 E3 展会上他们会公布本作更多的内容。Bethesda 的 E3 发布会时间为大马时间 6 月 11 日上午 09:30

游戏名称:狂怒炼狱 2
游戏原名:RAGE 2
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / PC
开发厂商:id Software / Avalanche Studios
发行厂商:Bethesda Softworks


RAGE 2 – Announce & Gameplay Trailer

Mankind is in peril. In the decades following an asteroid’s devastation, most of the earth has become an unforgiving wildland where bloodthirsty factions vie for control of precious resources. Pockets of civilization have emerged to claim their space in the world, but the tentative peace they’ve established is being threatened. RAGE 2 follows Walker, the last Ranger of Vineland, as he fights to survive the chaos of the dystopian world into which he was born. With a wide array of weapons, vehicles and strange powers, Walker sets off to take down the tyrannical Authority. Get your first look at the insane action in the worldwide gameplay reveal trailer below and check out the live action teaser released on May 14 here. RAGE 2 will be launching on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC in Spring, 2019.

The Open-World Shooterverse

It’s the perfect mix: id Software’s first-person shooter pedigree, Avalanche Studios’ mastery of the open world sandbox, with a healthy dose of pedal-to-the-metal vehicle combat. From the swamplands and jungles where enemies lurk among the dense foliage, to the open deserts where a passing car is more likely to mow you down than offer you a ride, the world of RAGE 2 is not a gentle, nurturing place. The people who have survived in this landscape have had to learn to protect themselves and keep their heads on a swivel, especially with the reemergence of a familiar menace.

As if the gangs and mutants aren’t enough, Walker also has to contend with the Authority, returning antagonists from the first game who threaten anything good remaining in the world. Led by General Cross, the Authority is on a renewed mission to hunt down the few remaining pureblood Arkists left in the world, and Cross is willing to slaughter everyone to achieve his goals. That’s where Walker’s wealth of unique guns and gear comes in – and he’ll need every one of his powerful weapons to defend the wild wasteland he calls home.

Walker, Vineland Ranger

A Ranger’s arsenal isn’t limited to the abundance of upgradeable weapons and toys at their disposal. Fueled by Arkist blood, these elite fighters are the only people in the world who can harness special Nanotrite abilities. However, this blood has also made them a target for the Authority, and after years of fighting, Walker is the only Ranger still standing.

Among the arrows he can choose from his Nanotrite ability quiver are the power to crush enemies into paste from above in a devastating slam attack or send them flying away from him with a lethal energy push. Walker will also learn to channel these Nanotrites into his weapons, pushing them into an awe-inspiring Overdrive, a unique skill that lets him push his guns beyond their limits and unleash absolute hell on his foes. Chain these abilities together to make Walker a powerhouse of destruction, quickly refilling his Overdrive meter. While in Overdrive, Walker’s guns do more damage, they gain new attributes, enemies drop better rewards and Walker’s health starts to regenerate. When timed correctly, Overdrive is more than enough to tip the scales in a tricky fight.

There’s a lot more to come for RAGE 2. Tune into the BE3 Showcase on Sunday, June 10, at 6:30pm PT for more gameplay and details. You can catch the stream live on Twitch, YouTube, Twitter or Facebook

2018-5-17 07:48 PM
《狂怒炼狱 2》是服务型游戏,但不包含开箱要素
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/947865.jhtml

  紧随《狂怒炼狱 2》的公布,游戏开发商之一 id Software 的联合所有者 Tim Willits 在最近接受了德国网站Gamestar的采访,他透露《狂怒炼狱 2》将被定义为服务型游戏,但它并不会包含开箱内容。

  在访谈中,Tim Willits 谈到了两个开发商 id Software 与雪崩工作室的分工,id 主要负责《狂怒炼狱 2》的射击部分,而开放世界则交由雪崩工作室处理。

  当 Gamestar 在采访中询问《狂怒炼狱 2》是否为服务型游戏时,Tim Willits 给出了肯定的答案,他表示开发商希望玩家能够在《狂怒炼狱 2》中花费更多时间,为此他们为游戏带来了一些“有趣的东西”。尽管现在还不能告诉我们细节,但 Tim Willits 明确表示,《狂怒炼狱 2》不包含开箱内容,“我可以肯定地说,《狂怒炼狱 2》没有开箱。我们有这样一种新颖的方法,就是:你购买这个游戏,然后玩它。”

  《狂怒炼狱 2》是一个设定于废土开放世界中的射击游戏,玩家将能够使用多种武器和载具,与多个势力做周旋,本作预定于2019年发售,登陆 PC/Xbox One/PS4。
2018-5-31 07:57 PM
《狂怒2》公开视角景色 玩家喊话官方添加照片模式

  今天《狂怒2(Rage 2)》官方发布了一张全新游戏截图,并称这是《狂怒2》杀手视角看的景色。图片中游戏晚霞景色优美,周围全是耸立的高山,玩家似乎站在悬崖边上。


  《狂怒2》将于2019年春季发售,登陆PC,PS4和Xbox One。

2018-6-11 05:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 10:37 PM 编辑

Rage 2 launches spring 2019; E3 2018 gameplay feature
《狂怒炼狱 2》释出实机游戏试玩影片 在开放世界反抗暴虐当权者

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/163841.html

  由 Avalanche Studios 与 id Software 开发,Bethesda Softworks 发行的开放世界第一人称射击游戏《狂怒炼狱 2(RAGE 2)》(PS4 / Xbox One / PC)今日在 Bethesda  E3 展前记者会,公开了 Pre Alpha 版本实机游戏试玩影片,游戏预定 2019 年春季上市。

  《狂怒炼狱 2》是 2011 年推出的《狂怒炼狱》的续篇新作,故事背景设定在 2185 年的未来世界,地球因为遭小行星「阿波菲斯」撞击而化为废土,人口大量减少。 玩家将扮演这个废土世界最后的巡警「沃克(Walker)」,他将深入这个无法无天的废土世界,摧毁残虐嗜血的帮派,寻找所需的工具和技术,对抗企图以铁腕统治幸存人类的暴虐当权者,彻底粉碎他们压迫的统治!

  今日 Bethesda E3 展前记者会中,由ID Software 总监 Tim Willits 与 AVALANCHE Studios 游戏总监 Magnus Nedfors 共同宣布,《狂怒炼狱》新作回来了,将让玩家感受到无接缝 开放世界射击游戏的狂杀乐趣:


Rage 2 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in spring 2019, Bethesda Softworks announced during its E3 2018 press conference.

A $79.99 Deluxe Edition will include the following:

A copy of the game
Digital contents
“Rise of the Ghosts” Campaign Expansion
Doom BFG UAC Super Weapon
Nicholas Raine Armor and Settler Pistol
Mutant Monster Truck Skin
“Wasteland Wizard” Cheat Codes
Progress Booster
Exclusive Mission: “Cult of the Death God”
Progress Booster
Battle Standard

A $119.99 Collector’s Edition will include the following:

A copy of the game
Ruckus the Crusher Talking Head
Monster Truck
Collector’s Edition poster
Digital contents
“Rise of the Ghosts” campaign expansion
Doom BFG UAC Super Weapon
Nicholas Raine Armor and Settler Pistol,
Mutant Monster Truck Skin
Exclusive Mission: “Cult of the Death God”
“Wasteland Wizard” Cheat Codes
Progress Booster
Battle Standard

《狂怒炼狱 2》2019 年春季上市 收藏版「变种人头颅壁饰」公开

  Bethesda 今日在洛杉矶的 BE3 Showcase 活动上,公开了更多《狂怒炼狱 2(RAGE 2)》混乱世界的全新内容。 这款开放世界第一人称射击游戏,预计于 2019 年春季在 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 及 PC 上推出。 另外,限量收藏版的赠品--能说能唱的变种人头颅壁饰--也在活动中首次亮相。


  《狂怒炼狱 2》收藏版预购活动现正开跑,购买即享丰富好礼,还可获得「粉碎者」闹哥头颅壁饰! 快把这只半死不活的可爱变种人带回家,让它在你的墙上说话唱歌。




尼可拉斯 ‧ 莱恩的护甲与拓荒者手枪

2018-6-14 02:06 PM
2018-6-14 08:07 PM
《狂怒炼狱 2》将支持60帧

  Bethesda 在本届 E3 为我们介绍了《狂怒炼狱 2》的新消息,这部续集着实令玩家期待。而现在,如果你是主机玩家,并有一款更强性能的机器,你将能享受媲美PC的流畅体验。

  Avalanche打造的这款开放世界FPS游戏,使用了自家的Apex引擎,但这款以开放世界游戏著称的引擎并不适合对流畅性要求较高的射击游戏,在主机上并不支持60帧。不过id Software在自家的射击游戏上对60帧的追求从来没有停止过,在前作《狂怒炼狱 2》上就完成了60帧。

  雪崩工作室向外媒Eurogamer确认《狂怒炼狱 2》也将支持60帧,但是仅限于PS4 Pro和Xbox One X 和 PC。

  《狂怒炼狱 2》将于2019年春季发售,登陆PS4,Xbox One和PC。
2018-8-11 01:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-11 04:57 PM 编辑

RAGE 2 'Eden Assault' Extended Gameplay Feature
《狂怒炼狱 2》公布 7 分钟实机演示

转载 - IGN

  由 Avalanche Studios 与 id Software 开发,Bethesda Softworks 发行的开放世界第一人称射击游戏《狂怒炼狱 2(RAGE 2)》(PS4 / Xbox One / PC)今日在 QuakeCon 2018 上公布了最新实机演示,视频向我们介绍了游戏的部分剧情。

  演示中大部分镜头都是主角Walker闯入伊甸空间中心(Eden Space Center),并按照Kvasir博士的指示,从太空召唤卫星的过程。这段演示是本作E3预告片的延伸,不过其中还向我们公布了许多剧情信息。

  《狂怒炼狱 2》的故事设定在前作剧情的30年之后,地球正在从毁灭性灾难中恢复过来,无论是丛林、沙漠还是湿地,丰富多样的生物都在渐渐复苏。在游戏机制方面,《狂怒炼狱 2》中除了步枪、火箭发射器等武器以外,还加入了可以设定飞行轨迹的回旋镖以及主角的各种强力技能。在消灭敌人后,主角会不断积累过载(Overdrive)能量条。能量条充满之后就可以开启过载状态,此时玩家所有的武器都会突破性能上限,并解锁各自的特殊技能。

  视频ho向我们介绍了游戏中的两个反派阵营:无法无天的疯狂朋克暴徒“Goon Squad”以及由高科技精英土匪组成的“Immortal Shrouded”。每个阵营都会有各自的领地、独特的战斗风格以及独有的载具。


  据开发商表示,《狂怒炼狱 2》会是一款完全无缝衔接的游戏,在游戏过程中不会有任何载入画面干扰体验。

  《狂怒炼狱 2》是 2011 年推出的《狂怒炼狱》的续篇新作,故事背景设定在 2185 年的未来世界,地球因为遭小行星「阿波菲斯」撞击而化为废土,人口大量减少。 玩家将扮演这个废土世界最后的巡警「沃克(Walker)」,他将深入这个无法无天的废土世界,摧毁残虐嗜血的帮派,寻找所需的工具和技术,对抗企图以铁腕统治幸存人类的暴虐当权者,彻底粉碎他们压迫的统治!

  本作将于2019年春季登陆PC、PS4以及Xbox One平台,并已经开启预售,各位玩家敬请期待。


The QuakeCon 2018 Keynote brought us a delight of new RAGE 2 footage

It’s got everything. A big, beautiful, seamless open world. Explosions. Vehicle combat. Explosions. Sick f***ing powers. Explosions. In addition to providing an extended look at the world of RAGE 2 (have we mentioned explosions yet?), the QuakeCon footage also showed off the game’s massive and monstrous convoys for the first time. Check out the full video and get an idea of how the game’s convoys work.

The streets of RAGE 2 are dangerous, and not in a Hitcher way, although you probably shouldn’t just pick up strangers you see on the side of the road. In addition to some of the more commonplace faction activity – random attacks, roving patrols, etc. – you’ll also encounter many of the gigantic convoys you saw in the video.

These wheeled fortresses are heavily defended and will pose a hefty challenge to anyone ballsy enough to try to take them down. But Walker isn’t too worried. With the help of his all-purpose death machine (the Phoenix), he bobs, weaves and blasts through the enemy onslaught, deftly avoiding traps and meeting fire with fire. Taking down a convoy will net you some sweet rewards, including bigger and badder vehicle weapons for future encounters on the road.

Both the Goon Squad and the Immortal Shrouded have their own convoy networks, and these groups are stubborn; take down one convoy and a tougher one will rise up to take its route. Both factions’ convoys will be uniquely armed and defended, so don’t get too complacent with one style of attack. The convoy you encounter in the demo belongs to the Immortal Shrouded, as is evidenced by their high-tech weaponry. The smaller vehicles in the convoy can drop electric traps for Walker to avoid, and the heavier “mid-sized” vehicles are equipped with energy shields, allowing them to act as bodyguards for the leader. Of course, no convoy would be complete without pesky bikes acting as a first line of defense. Immortal Shrouded bikes can chain electric traps between them, making them perfect for creating a quick and dirty moving obstacle for Walker to overcome.

Of course, convoys are just one of the many dangers of the wasteland. In a lawless world, anything goes. Between the iron fist of The Authority, the cutting-edge technology of the Immortal Shrouded, the bloodthirsty savagery of the Goon Squad, and everything else the wasteland wants to throw at you, you’ll need to keep your head on a swivel if you want to survive.

2018-8-11 04:59 PM
《狂怒炼狱 2》负责主要开发的其实不是B社
转载 - IGN中国(http://www.ign.xn--fiqs8s/kuang-nu-2/25889/news/kuang-nu-2-fu-ze-zhu-yao-kai-fa-de-qi-shi-bu-shi-bshe)

  贝塞斯达公司新作《狂怒炼狱 2(Rage 2)》在今年E3展之前经历了沃尔玛泄露风波,然而这款游戏却因祸得福,避开了大作云集的E3展,得到了不少玩家的关注。就在今天凌晨,《狂怒炼狱 2》在QuakeCon 2018上公布了一段7分钟的实机演示视频,IGN也有机会与游戏开发商之一雪崩工作室(Avalanche Studios)的游戏总监Magnus Nedfors进行了对话。

  在交谈中,他向我们表示《狂怒炼狱 2》目前主要由雪崩工作室负责开发,而贝塞斯达公司旗下的《毁灭战士(Doom)》厂商id Software则一直在创意层面与雪崩工作室进行密切合作。他说道:“我们负责编写游戏代码,进行美术创作,这些工作都是我们雪崩工作室在斯德哥尔摩完成的。”

  “但我们与id Software的合作依然十分密切,在涉及到射击方面的开发时,我们就会向他们请教。”在《狂怒炼狱 2》的实机演示中,我们可以很明显地看出id Software对这款游戏的影响,枪支设计和游戏节奏都很像《毁灭战士》。Nedfors表示,id Software创意总监Tim Willits希望《狂怒炼狱 2》是一款拥有id风格的射击游戏,因此也与雪崩工作室分享了很多经验。


  如此看来,雪崩工作室与id Software的合作十分融洽,期待两家工作室能为我们带来神似《毁灭战士》但又超越《毁灭战士》的后启示录射击体验。

  《狂怒2》预计于明年春季登陆PC、PS4以及Xbox One平台,目前已经开启预售,并会于下周公布更多实机演示,各位玩家敬请期待。
2018-8-13 05:06 PM
官方透露《狂怒炼狱 2》不会有任何开箱内容 游戏将会包含社交元素

  Bethesda即将在今年发售《狂怒炼狱 2》,而制作小组在最近的一次采访中表示,虽然游戏没有多人游戏,但其中会有一个社交组件。而工作室老板Tim Willits也谈到了游戏和社区的重要性。


  Willits还谈到了《狂怒炼狱 2》的发布后内容,即使在首发之后也会有很多事情要做,提供大量的活动,将值得玩家花的钱。


  《狂怒炼狱 2》中将不会有任何开箱内容,“我们不会有开箱,但是我们正在努力弄清楚它是如何运作的。最终的目的是取得平衡:你不希望人们觉得你太想掏空他们的钱包,但你想让人们有机会获得他们想要的经验,并延长游戏长期表现,所以我们仍然在努力安排和计划。”
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