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【PS4/PSV】キャサリン・フルボディ Catherine: Full Body

2018-9-16 08:13 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-16 08:23 AM 编辑

《凯瑟琳 Full Body》公布追加新要素信息 享受凯瑟琳 11 变化的诱惑声线
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/168304.html

  ATLUS 制作,预定于 2019 年 2 月 14 日(西洋情人节)推出的 PS4 / PS Vita 动作益智冒险游戏《凯瑟琳 Full Body(Catherine Fullbody)》,官方网站今(16)日配合 15 日晚间播出的 niconico 直播节目大幅更新,公布第 2 波宣传影片以及追加新要素等新信息,供玩家参考。



  《凯瑟琳》是由曾打造《女神转生》、《女神异闻录》和《世界树的迷宫》等知名游戏系列的 ATLUS 于 2011 年在 PS3 / Xbox 360 上推出的动作冒险游戏,以独特的「成人&惊悚」为诉求。 游戏中玩家将扮演 32 岁的平凡上班族文森特,自从某日邂逅与女友凯瑟琳名字近似的小恶魔美女凯瑟琳后,便开始陷入奇怪的恶梦中。 他将周旋于 2 名女性之间,见证充满诱惑与惊悚的终局。





  本次预定推出的《凯瑟琳 Full Body》除了论及婚嫁的正牌女友凯瑟琳、一夜春宵的外遇对象凯瑟琳之外,还会加入第三名 “凯瑟琳” 的少女(? )琳,让原本混乱的三角关系升级成更混沌的四角关系,交织出全新的故事。 让文森特在现实世界与梦境世界都将面临极限的恶梦考验。

洋溢着独特魅力的第三名 “凯瑟琳” 琳

  在主要游戏模式的动作益智解谜部分,这次特别考虑到不擅长动作与益智解谜、只想享受剧情的玩家,提供超简单的「安全(Safety)」模式,在此模式下陷阱不会发动、没有时间限制,甚至不会 Game Over。 此外还准备了让玩家更安心的辅助功能,包括单键自动登顶的「自动游玩」,能回到死掉的地方直接重新开始的「重玩协助」,以及倒带回到死前一刻的「自动 Undo」。





  这次游戏还准备了「凯瑟琳 “理想的声音” 全语音组合」DLC,小恶魔美女凯瑟琳除了原班底的声优泽城美雪之外,还可以替换为其他 10 种知名女性声优担任配音的版本,总共有 11 种声音让玩家自行选择。 目前已公布的新声优阵容包括能登麻美子与小清水亚美,其余尚待揭晓。

提供 11 名知名女性声优诠释的凯瑟琳配音,让玩家选择自己理想的声音







  官方同时公布了初回生产限定版「凯瑟琳 Full Body Dynamite Full Body Box」的内容,采用角色设计副岛成纪绘制的彩绘包装盒,收录「凯瑟琳 “理想的声音” 全语音组合」及「特殊内容 “尼罗眼镜(Nero Glass) “」两种 DLC 兑换代码,4 片装原声 CD 组合 与美术画册等丰富周边。 其中尼罗眼镜是可以让事件场面与酒吧中登场的角色全部换成性感睡衣姿态的神奇眼镜。

初回生产限定版「凯瑟琳 Full Body Dynamite Full Body Box」

「尼罗眼镜」DLC 可以让事件场面与酒吧中登场的角色全部换成性感睡衣姿态

  各版本共通的抢先购入特典为「女神异闻录 5 可游玩角色 “Joker” & 怪盗团特别实况组合」的 DLC 兑换代码。 可以在动作益智解谜的巴别塔(Babel)与竞技场(Colosseum)使用来自《女神异闻录 5》的主角 Joker 来游玩。 当操作 Joker 时,其他怪盗团成员会现身观看游玩实况直播。

抢先购入特典「女神异闻录 5 可游玩角色 “Joker” & 怪盗团特别实况组合」


  《凯瑟琳 Full Body》将在 2018 东京电玩展展出试玩与贩卖周边商品。

游戏名称:凯瑟琳 Full Body
游戏原名:Catherine Fullbody
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita
发售日期:2019 年 2 月 14 日
建议售价:一般版 7980 日圆,初回生产限定版 13980 日圆
     下载豪华版 12980 日圆(皆未税)
游玩人数:1~2 人
年龄分级:CERO C(适合 15 岁以上)
发行厂商:SEGA Games
2018-9-20 06:22 PM
Catherine: Full Body DLC ‘Ideal Voice’ set adds Aoi Yuuki

The fourth voice actor option to voice Catherine in Catherine: Full Body is Aoi Yuuki, Atlus announced during a stage event at Tokyo Game Show 2018.

Players can change Catherine’s voice to Aoi Yuuki via the game’s “Ideal Voice” set downlodable content, which is included with the game’s Dynamite Full Body limited edition in Japan. It will also be sold separately at a later date.

Previously announced voice options include original Catherine voice actor Miyuki Sawashiro, Mamiko Noto, and Ami Koshimizu. Both Sawashiro and Noto are included with the base game and do not require the downloadable content.

Catherine: Full Body is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on February 14, 2019 in Japan. A western release is also planned, but has yet to be dated.

Watch a gameplay video showcasing Aoi Yuuki as Catherine, as well as a message from pro gamer Tokido below.


2018-9-21 06:28 PM
Catherine: Full Body details story, puzzle action, and three “Catherines”

Atlus has released new information and screenshots of Catherine: Full Body introducing the game’s story, puzzle action, and three “Catherines.”

■ Story

An extraordinary story that revolves around an ordinary man.

Vincent, the protagonist, is a man living in the city. He and his girlfriend Katherine have been dating for five years, but he is accustomed to the carefree bachelor life and has no interest in marriage.

One day, at the bar Vincent frequents, he meets a beautiful woman and has an unexpected affair. While Vincent takes every precaution as not to let the fact that he cheated leak out, he also starts to receive the affection of Rin, a pianist who lost her memory.

In the meantime, strange rumors have begun circulating the city—“Cheating men will fall into a nightmare. If someone dies in their dreams, it will bring about death even in the real world.”

Will Vincent be able to escape his nightmare? And who will Vincent choose after repeatedly fighting through hell…!?

Vincent Brooks (voiced by Kouichi Yamadera)

The protagonist. A 32 year-old bachelor. Neither his work or personal life are anything that stand out. His girlfriend of five years wants to get married, but he is accustomed to the carefree bachelor life and cannot make up his mind. He will be confronted with a big choice at the end of his journey through love.

—Despite having a girlfriend, Vincent unexpectedly has an affair. Of course, love difficulties await.

—Rather than marriage, Vincent wants to spend his time as he likes at the bar with his friends.

—Men are weak to partners who embrace them when their heart is vulnerable…

—Vincent is worn out from nightmare after nightmare. Will the reason for his curse and the person behind it be revealed?

■ Which K/C/Qatherine will you choose?

The original Catherine had players stuck between a proper girlfriend in Katherine and a cheating partner with devilish charm in Catherine. The game system of the original Catherine where players constantly question their values through Vincent returns in Catherine: Full Body. And with the appearance of new character Rin (Qatherine), the choices you can make for your future are even more abundant.

—Mysterious parameters sway from left to right as you play through the game. The ending of the story will change depending on your choices.

—Depending on your responses, a completely new route may even open…

The Love Difficulties Escalate with New Events

More than 20 new animated scenes have been produced, with animation handled by the returning Studio 4°C.

Scenario Volume Drastically Increased

With the appearance of new character Rin, the scenario volume has significantly increased. Enjoy completely new story developments!

New Endings Also Added for Catherine and Katherine

New journeys are also being prepared for Catherine and Katherine, the heroines of the original game.

New love problems.
New awakenings of values.
New decisions.

■ Puzzle Action

Cheating men are cursed and fall into a nightmare…

One day, Vincent starts having nightmares. Players will control Vincent in his dreams as he climbs piled up blocks.

—Vincent is suddenly taken into a nightmare and finds himself in the difficult situation of defenselessly climbing a pile of blocks.

—In the dream world, Vincent meets other men in the form of sheep.

—Even in his cruel nightmares, is there someone who will give Vincent strength…?

If you fall in your dream, you die in reality…?

—Move the blocks to create a path…

—Avoid traps…

—Deal with enemies to reach the goal…

Difficulty Modes for Beginners and Experts

The difficulty of action parts was a hot topic when it came to the original Catherine. For Catherine: Full Body, adjustments have been made so that all players can enjoy the game. Players will be able to select from four difficulty modes: Safety, Easy, Normal, or Hard.

—New Difficulty Mode: Safety

This difficulty mode is for players who simply want to enjoy the story or are bad at puzzle games. It features:

No traps
No time limit
No Game Overs
And if that is not enough, you can skip the puzzle entirely.

—In Safety mode, the dangerous traps that activate when you step on top of them are all surrounded by strong cages, allowing you to safely pass.

Other support functions such as Auto-Play Mode, which has Vincent automatically climb the shortest route, are also included.

—There are various support functions for people who are bad at puzzles, or who want to solve the puzzle on their own. Support functions can be turned on or off. You can also customize support to match your level.

More Side Stuff to do with Tons of Diverse Puzzle Stages

—More Than 500 Stages

Players can select between Catherine‘s Standard puzzles and Catherine: Full Body‘s new puzzles. That way, even players who played the original Catherine can enjoy new puzzle stages by choosing “Arrange Mode.” Standard Mode has the same stage composition as the original game, but adjustments have been made to make it overall easier to play.

—Completely New Stages not in the Original Game

Depending on your choices during the course of the game, completely new stages may appear.

2018-9-21 06:28 PM
■ Katherine, Catherine, and Qatherine

Katherine (voiced by Kotono Mitsuishi)

A career woman who works for a mid-size clothing company. She is level-headed and strong-willed, and always leading around her boyfriend Vincent. She wants to get married and conveys that desire to Vincent, but is irritated by his ambiguity.

—The start of Vincent and Katherine’s relationship will be revealed in a new animated scene.

—When word gets out that Vincent cheated, the love problems begin.

—Vincent and Katherine were classmates in high school. Back then it seems that Katherine was well-known for her beauty.

Catherine (voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro)

A beautiful girl Vincent meets at a bar he frequents. In contrast with her innocent young girl-like face, her body possesses an unbalanced voluptuousness. She assertively pursues Vincent and spends the night with him. Her name is coincidentally the same name as Katherine, Vincent’s girlfriend.

—A self-proclaimed “Cooking Expert.” She brings the homely appeal with her homemade cupcakes.

—Vincent is at the mercy of Catherine’s daring actions.

—Vincent and Catherine wake up next to each other the morning after a night of drinking. The love difficulties begin from here!

—Contrary to her cheerful looks, Catherine’s actions are followed by suspicion…

Catherine’s voice can be changed in the game. In addition to Catherine’s default voice actor Miyuki Sawashiro, you can also change her voice actor to Mamiko Noto. Through additional downloadable content, nine more voices will become available.

Qatherine (voiced by Aya Hirano)

A third “Catherine,” Qatherine is a soothing presence for Vincent, who is stuck between Katherine and Catherine. She saves Vincent at a time he is being chased. Her circumstances seem to be somewhat complicated, and she has lost all memory other than her name.

—Rin, who has pure values, brings about change to those around her.

—Even when you first meet Rin, new love difficulties begin!

—The innocent and simple-minded Rin will gradually captivate the heart of the troubled Vincent.

—Vincent kindly watches over Rin, who works as a pianist. At first he felt like her guardian, but…

Catherine: Full Body is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on February 14, 2019 in Japan. A western release is also planned, but has yet to be dated.
2018-9-23 06:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-26 05:10 PM 编辑

《凯瑟琳 Full Body》公布开场动画

  ATLUS 制作,预定于 2019 年 2 月 14 日(西洋情人节)推出的 PS4 / PS Vita 动作益智冒险游戏《凯瑟琳 Full Body(Catherine Fullbody)》今天公布了开场动画。

  《凯瑟琳》是由曾打造《女神转生》、《女神异闻录》和《世界树的迷宫》等知名游戏系列的 ATLUS 于 2011 年在 PS3 / Xbox 360 上推出的动作冒险游戏,以独特的「成人&惊悚」为诉求。 游戏中玩家将扮演 32 岁的平凡上班族文森特,自从某日邂逅与女友凯瑟琳名字近似的小恶魔美女凯瑟琳后,便开始陷入奇怪的恶梦中。 他将周旋于 2 名女性之间,见证充满诱惑与惊悚的终局。



2018-9-27 05:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-28 05:11 PM 编辑

《凯瑟琳 Full Body》公布堀江由衣配音演示

  ATLUS 制作,预定于 2019 年 2 月 14 日(西洋情人节)推出的 PS4 / PS Vita 动作益智冒险游戏《凯瑟琳 Full Body(Catherine Fullbody)》今天公布了堀江由衣配音游戏片段演示公布, 娇嗔语气配上性感撩人游戏画面令人遐想。


  《凯瑟琳》是由曾打造《女神转生》、《女神异闻录》和《世界树的迷宫》等知名游戏系列的 ATLUS 于 2011 年在 PS3 / Xbox 360 上推出的动作冒险游戏,以独特的「成人&惊悚」为诉求。 游戏中玩家将扮演 32 岁的平凡上班族文森特,自从某日邂逅与女友凯瑟琳名字近似的小恶魔美女凯瑟琳后,便开始陷入奇怪的恶梦中。 他将周旋于 2 名女性之间,见证充满诱惑与惊悚的终局。

  《凯瑟琳Full Body》将会在 2019 年 2 月 14 日发售。

2018-10-5 06:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-8 10:38 PM 编辑

Catherine: Full Body DLC ‘Ideal Voice’ set adds Kana Asumi
《凯瑟琳 Full Body》公布第六位声优 阿澄佳奈

  ATLUS 制作,预定于 2019 年 2 月 14 日(西洋情人节)推出的 PS4 / PS Vita 动作益智冒险游戏《凯瑟琳 Full Body(Catherine Fullbody)》今天公布了第六位可替换声优:阿澄佳奈。她的主题是“一心一意的乙女”。


  《凯瑟琳》是由曾打造《女神转生》、《女神异闻录》和《世界树的迷宫》等知名游戏系列的 ATLUS 于 2011 年在 PS3 / Xbox 360 上推出的动作冒险游戏,以独特的「成人&惊悚」为诉求。 游戏中玩家将扮演 32 岁的平凡上班族文森特,自从某日邂逅与女友凯瑟琳名字近似的小恶魔美女凯瑟琳后,便开始陷入奇怪的恶梦中。 他将周旋于 2 名女性之间,见证充满诱惑与惊悚的终局。

  《凯瑟琳Full Body》将会在 2019 年 2 月 14 日发售。


The sixth voice actor option to voice Catherine in Catherine: Full Body is Kana Asumi, Atlus announced.

Players can change Catherine’s voice to Kana Asumi via the game’s “Ideal Voice” set downloadable content, which is included with the game’s Dynamite Full Body limited edition in Japan. It will also be sold separately at a later date.

Previously announced voice options include original Catherine voice actor Miyuki Sawashiro, Mamiko Noto, Ami Koshimizu, Aoi Yuuki, and Yui Horie. Sawashiro and Noto are included with the base game and do not require the downloadable content.

Catherine: Full Body is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on February 14, 2019 in Japan. A western release is also planned, but has yet to be dated.

《凯瑟琳 Full Body》陆续公布悠木碧、堀江由衣等「凯瑟琳 “理想的声音”」配音演出阵容
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/169306.html

  ATLUS 制作,预定于 2019 年 2 月 14 日推出的 PS4 / PS Vita 动作益智冒险游戏《凯瑟琳 Full Body(Catherine Fullbody)》,官方网站陆续公布担任追加下载内容「凯瑟琳 “理想的声音” 全 语音组合」配音演出的声优阵容宣传影片,供玩家参考。

  《凯瑟琳 Full Body》是曾打造《女神异闻录》和《世界树的迷宫》等知名游戏系列的 ATLUS 担纲制作、以成人&惊悚为诉求的动作冒险游戏,以 2011 年推出的《凯瑟琳》为基础加以强化,追加第三名 “凯瑟琳”,提供不擅长动作解谜 的玩家更简单贴心的模式,支持网络联机合作。

  为了带给玩家更多新体验,游戏还准备了「凯瑟琳 “理想的声音” 全语音组合」DLC,小恶魔美女凯瑟琳的配音除了原班底的泽城美雪之外,还准备了由其他 10 名知名女性声优配音的版本,包括能登麻美子、小清水亚美、悠木碧、堀江由衣、 阿澄佳奈等,总共有 11 种声音可以选择。

  「凯瑟琳 “理想的声音” 全语音组合」DLC 将收录于初回生产限定版(13980 日圆,未税)与下载豪华版(12980 日圆,未税)中,后续并预定开放单独下载贩卖,价格未定。
2018-10-8 10:52 PM
《凯瑟琳 Full Body》「第三个凯瑟琳」的声优平野绫寄语

  今天是日本女性声优、歌手&演员平野绫的生日,她也将在预定于 2019 年 2 月 14 日推出的 PS4 / PS Vita 动作益智冒险游戏《凯瑟琳 Full Body(Catherine Fullbody)》中扮演第三个「凯瑟琳」琳。Atlus 在 TGS2018 的舞台活动之后录制了平野绫的寄语,并于今日公布了这段视频。


  《凯瑟琳 Full Body》是曾打造《女神异闻录》和《世界树的迷宫》等知名游戏系列的 ATLUS 担纲制作、以成人&惊悚为诉求的动作冒险游戏,以 2011 年推出的《凯瑟琳》为基础加以强化,追加第三名 “凯瑟琳”,提供不擅长动作解谜 的玩家更简单贴心的模式,支持网络联机合作。

  为了带给玩家更多新体验,游戏还准备了「凯瑟琳 “理想的声音” 全语音组合」DLC,小恶魔美女凯瑟琳的配音除了原班底的泽城美雪之外,还准备了由其他 10 名知名女性声优配音的版本,包括能登麻美子、小清水亚美、悠木碧、堀江由衣、 阿澄佳奈等,总共有 11 种声音可以选择。

  「凯瑟琳 “理想的声音” 全语音组合」DLC 将收录于初回生产限定版(13980 日圆,未税)与下载豪华版(12980 日圆,未税)中,后续并预定开放单独下载贩卖,价格未定。

2018-10-11 06:05 PM
2018-10-12 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-12 06:23 PM 编辑

Catherine: Full Body DLC ‘Ideal Voice’ set adds Haruka Tomatsu
《凯瑟琳 Full Body》凯瑟琳第七位声优公布「戸松遥」

  ATLUS 制作,预定于 2019 年 2 月 14 日推出的 PS4 / PS Vita 动作益智冒险游戏《凯瑟琳 Full Body(Catherine Fullbody)》,公布凯瑟琳第七位可替换声优「戸松遥」(代表角色:《刀剑神域》的亚斯娜、《女神异闻录 5》的奥村春等)。她的主题是「傲娇女友」。

  《凯瑟琳 Full Body》是曾打造《女神异闻录》和《世界树的迷宫》等知名游戏系列的 ATLUS 担纲制作、以成人&惊悚为诉求的动作冒险游戏,以 2011 年推出的《凯瑟琳》为基础加以强化,追加第三名 “凯瑟琳”,提供不擅长动作解谜 的玩家更简单贴心的模式,支持网络联机合作。

  为了带给玩家更多新体验,游戏还准备了「凯瑟琳 “理想的声音” 全语音组合」DLC,小恶魔美女凯瑟琳的配音除了原班底的泽城美雪之外,还准备了由其他 10 名知名女性声优配音的版本,包括能登麻美子、小清水亚美、悠木碧、堀江由衣、 阿澄佳奈等,总共有 11 种声音可以选择。

  「凯瑟琳 “理想的声音” 全语音组合」DLC 将收录于初回生产限定版(13980 日圆,未税)与下载豪华版(12980 日圆,未税)中,后续并预定开放单独下载贩卖,价格未定。


The seventh voice actor option to voice Catherine in Catherine: Full Body is Haruka Tomatsu, Atlus announced.

Players can change Catherine’s voice to Haruka Tomatsu via the game’s “Ideal Voice” set downloadable content, which is included with the game’s Dynamite Full Body limited edition in Japan. It will also be sold separately at a later date.

Previously announced voice options include original Catherine voice actor Miyuki Sawashiro, Mamiko Noto, Ami Koshimizu, Aoi Yuuki, Yui Horie, and Kana Asumi. Sawashiro and Noto are included with the base game and do not require the downloadable content.

Catherine: Full Body is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on February 14, 2019 in Japan. A western release is also planned, but has yet to be dated.
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