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【PS4】《英雄传说:闪之轨迹 IV》

2018-5-24 03:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-25 02:15 PM 编辑

「VII 班」的故事终于迈向完结! 《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》全套作品决定推出 PS4 繁中版
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/163054.html

  台湾索尼互动娱乐(SIET)与香港索尼互动娱乐(SIEH)今(24)日宣布,在 Nihon Falcom Coporation(以下简称「Nihon Falcom」)监修下,SIE 台湾中文化中心已在进行 PS4 版《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 》系列的繁体中文版开发工作。

  官方同时宣布将 8 月 17 日(五)推出第一波作品《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I:改 -Thors Military Academy 1204-》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II:改 -The Erebonian Civil War -》,是以 2014 年推出的 PS3 / PS Vita 版为基础,支持 4K 高画质、保存数据同步并追加新机能的 PS4 强化版。

  此二部作品的续集《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》、以及《闪之轨迹》最终章《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-》之发售日等详情则会在确定后陆续公布。

  同时,自本日(5 月 24 日)起,亚洲各地区的 PlayStation Store 已开放《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I:改 -Thors Military Academy 1204-》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II:改 -The Ereb onian Civil War-》此二部作品下载版的预购。 只要于 PS Store 预购页面预购下载版,即可从发售日当天 0:00 起立刻开始游玩。 并可获得以《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》和《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》为主题、搭配 BGM 的原创 PS4 主题,以及采用登场角色插画之个人造型套组等预购限定特典。 另外还会举办早鸟购入活动,玩家于 2018 年 8 月 30 日前能以平常价格的九折优惠价购入游戏。

首批限定特典! 采用特科班『VII 班』及动荡的埃雷波尼亚帝国为设计概念的豪华游戏封套

  实体版的首批生产份将分别限量赠送以主角黎恩 ‧ 舒华泽隶属的托尔兹军官学院特科班『VII 班』为设计主题的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I:改 -Thors Military Academy 1204-》特制游戏封套,以及以迎向动荡时代的故事 舞台埃雷波尼亚帝国为设计主题的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II:改 -The Erebonian Civil War-》特制游戏封套。 此外于全台 PlayStation 特约门市预约购买实体版的玩家并可获得以《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》和《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》为题材加上 BGM 的原创 PS4 主题,以及采用登场角色插画之个人造型套组等预购限定特典。



支持 60fps+4K+高音质化,并内建新机能「高速跳略模式」

  除了支持帧率 60fps、支持 4K 高画质、游戏内背景音乐进一步高音质化等强化项目之外,更内建了追加机能「高速跳略模式」,以满足无论是想轻松享受《闪之轨迹》与《闪之轨迹 II》剧情的玩家还是想深入钻研的玩家各种需求! 玩家只需按一颗按钮即可切换事件&原野 2 倍速、战斗 4 倍速,实现了超越以往的舒适游戏体验。

收录服装、装饰道具、配件套组等数十种以上的 DLC

  各角色的便服、各种装饰道具、有助玩家可轻松游玩惠配件套组等,过去在 PS3 / PS Vita 版《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》推出的共 40 种以上 DLC 内容,以及同样在 PS3 / PS Vita 版《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》推出的 共 100 种以上 DLC 内容皆完整收录! 帮助玩家可从一开始游玩便能够套用所有的 DLC 内容来尽情畅享。

分别支持与《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》保存数据的连动

  分别加载 PS3/PS Vita 版保存数据后,即可于解锁「获得游戏内服装」、「羁绊行动点数 MAX」、「获得 30 万米拉」等继承游玩特典要素的状态下进行游玩。

  此外,透过加载保存数据的方式,也能够随时承接《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I:改 -Thors Military Academy 1204-》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II:改 -The Erebonian Civil War-》的剧情进度游玩 。

  剧情 RPG《闪之轨迹》系列透过细腻的角色描写及壮阔的剧情发展,一直受到亚洲、日本以及欧美不分男女许多玩家的广泛好评,该系列作品并已累计销售量突破 100 万张。 无论是现在开始要进入《轨迹》系列的玩家,或是想再度重温托尔兹军官学院特科班『VII 班』故事的玩家,都请务必透过大幅升级强化的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I:改 -Thors Military Academy 1204-》与《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II:改 -The Erebonian Civil War-》来享受更精采丰富的游戏内容。



产品名称:英雄传说 闪之轨迹 I:改 -Thors Military Academy 1204- 繁体中文版
游戏类型:剧情 RPG
发售日期:2018 年 8 月 17 日
支持机种:PlayStation 4
游玩人数:1 人
游戏分级:辅 12 级
开发厂商:Nihon Falcom CORPORATION

2018-5-24 04:45 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV details Special Support Section characters, Japanese limited edition

Falcom has released the new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~, officially announcing the game’s September 27 Japanese release date and detailing its “Eternal Preservation Edition,” as well as introducing three characters from the old Crossbell’s Special Support Section.

(Warning: The following content contains spoilers for previous entries in the Trails series of The Legend of Heroes games.)

Get the details below.

■ Release Date

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ will launch for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan for 7,800 yen.

■ Eternal Preservation Edition

For 11,800 yen, the Eternal Preservation Edition of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ includes:

  • A copy of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ for PlayStation 4
  • Three Eternal Preservation Edition-exclusive books made up of treasured scenario drafts from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I to III previously only seen by staff and produced before main scenario writings and various design works (characters, settings, etc.). “Uncensored” features developments, scenes, and so on different from the actual game scenario, entirely untouched as their original drafts. Their collective page count is about 700.
  • “Confidential Synopsis: Sen no Kiseki Uncensored”
  • “Confidential Synopsis: Sen no Kiseki II Uncensored”
  • “Confidential Synopsis: Sen no Kiseki III Uncensored”
  • Original Illustration Letter “To Millium” by Altina – A message card sent by Altina to Millium made into a physical good as an original illustration letter. It includes a downloadable content code to change Altina into her agency suit from The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II.
  • Special box

—“Completely Unaltered” Book Set

—Altina Costume Downloadable Content

■ Characters

Lloyd Bannings (voiced by Tetsuya Kakihara)

An investigator who belongs to the Crossbell Police Department’s Special Support Section.

He has a passionate heart brimming with a sense of justice, a persistent spirit able to overcome any barrier, and has led numerous difficult cases to their resolutions with the members of the Special Support Section.

After the occupation of Crossbell, he continued working as a member of the resistance, but two months earlier, he was confined to the Mishelam district as a result of Governor-General Rufus’ schemes.

However, thanks to Rean and the others, as well as the activities of the II Branch School, Lloyd was able to successfully escape.

Yelling in silence to Rean and the others, who were leaving Crossbell, Lloyd once again set off with his comrades to bring independence to Crossbell.

Elie MacDowell (voiced by Aya Endo)

The granddaughter of Crossbell mayor Henry MacDowell, she is the advisor to the leader of the Special Support Section.

She has cultivated culture and political senses studying abroad in various nations since she was young, and uses that vast knowledge and excellent negotiation senses to support the activities of the Special Support Section.

After the occupation of Crossbell, she searched for a way to free Crossbell from a political and economic point of view, such as attempting to contact the Empire’s leading figures and Reinford Group chief Alisa, and kept up her own individual activities.

In order to find the cause of the disaster that occurred in the Empire, as well as achieve her goal of freeing the Crossbell that lies before her, she and Lloyd appear on the scene to make moves.

KeA Bannings (voiced by Rie Kugimiya)

A naive girl loved by all. She was taken into the care of Lloyd as the result of an auction house incident caused by the Mafia, and has become like family to the Special Support Section ever since.

In actuality, she is a homunculus created by alchemists 500 years ago as a nucleus for the revival of the Mirage Treasure.

Although KeA, who is equipped with the Space and Time elemental attributes in addition to Mirage, utilizes her power as the Treasure of Zero, she was saved due to the activities of the Special Support Section and those that worked with them.

She seems to have currently lost her power as the Treasure of Zero, but is still marked as a person of interested by the Imperial government.

■ Keywords

Crossbell Police Department Special Support Section

A section established by the old Crossbell Police Department in a bid for popularity among citizens and as a countermeasure against the Bracer Guild.

At first, it was ridiculed as a “Bracer imitation,” “odd job workers,” and the like, but the section eventually earned the approval of many through the steady activities and numerous difficult case resolutions of its members, including investigator Lloyd Bannings.

Accompanying the occupation of Crossbell by the Empire, the Crossbell Police Department became the Empire’s Crossbell Military Police, and in the process the Special Support Section was dissolved.

Due to the schemes of Governor-General Rufus—such as resistance that slipped past the Imperial army, the forced transfer to the Imperial military academy, and the supervised duties while there—each member of the section fell into a situation where they had no choice but to scatter.
2018-5-24 04:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-25 07:11 PM 编辑

《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV》9 月 27 日发售 同时推出附赠收录系列剧本原案的「永久保存版」
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/163141.html

  日本 Falcom 于昨(24)日,公开发表 PS4 专用角色扮演游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-)》(以下简称《闪之轨迹 IV》),已经决定于 2018 年 9 月 27 日正式发售。


  产品内容包含可以换上亚尔缇娜在《闪之轨迹 II》当中所穿的特工用服装之下载码「亚尔缇娜的插画 ~给米莉亚姆~」,以及将原本应该只有开发人员能够看到的《闪之轨迹》系列剧本原案整理成册,所制作出的数据集「Confidential Synopsis-SEN NO KISEKI-」(共三本)。

  「Confidential Synopsis-SEN NO KISEKI-」是总页数共有七百页的庞大数据集,同时还有收录和实际游戏发展不同的未使用剧本,真是会让忠实玩家垂涎三尺的贵重物品。

赠品数据集「Confidential Synopsis」

  除此之外在游戏官方网站上,还公开了在《零之轨迹》和《碧之轨迹》中以主角身份活跃的「罗伊德. 班宁斯」,以及他隶属的「特务支持课」,还有「艾莉」与「琪雅」的详细个人资料,详情请参阅以下公开新闻稿。

PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-》
决定于 2018 年 9 月 27 日发售!

日本 Falcom 公司在此通知,同公司代表作,剧情角色扮演游戏《轨迹》系列最新作,同时也是《闪之轨迹》系列最终章的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-》,正式定于 20 18 年 9 月 27 日发售。

另外还会同时推出内含五大豪华内容,收纳在制特美术外盒的《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA- 永久保存版》。


《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA- 永久保存版》,是内含仅有在本限定版当中才能够获得,全本厚达七百页以上的剧本原案、付追加下载服装的插画等等豪华内容,并且收纳在特制美术外盒当中,数量有限的限定版商品。

(1)PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-》
内含《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-》PlayStation 4 实体版游戏
(2)书籍「Confidential Synopsis -SEN NO KISEKI- 【完全无修正】」
(3)书籍 「Confidential Synopsis -SEN NO KISEKI II- 【完全无修正】」
(4)书籍 「Confidential Synopsis -SEN NO KISEKI III- 【完全无修正】」

在《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》~《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》撰写主要剧本、以及设定角色、舞台等各种世界观之前所制作,原本应该是「只有开发小组成员才能看到」的秘藏剧本原案,为了这次的「永久保存版」整理成书! 连和实际游戏剧本完全不同的发展、场面,都以『原案』定位「完全无修正」直接推出,全本页数约有七百页的超大份量!

(5)「亚尔缇娜的插画 ~给米莉亚姆~(アルティナのイラストレター ~ミリアムさんへ~)」
※ 附追加内容下载码

亚尔缇娜在米莉亚姆要求下所送出的卡片,现在将以全新插图的方式化为实体商品! 而且还附带能换上亚尔缇娜在《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》当中,所穿的特工用服装之追加内容下载码。

  • 游戏名称:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-》
  • 游戏类型:剧情角色扮演游戏
  • 对应机种:PlayStation 4
  • 发售日期:2018 年 9 月 27 日
  • 价格:
  • 【通常版】 7800 日圆(未税)
  • 【永久保存版】 11800 日圆(未税)







罗伊德. 班宁斯(ロイド・バニングス)/配音:柿原彻也

(登场作品:《英雄传说 零之轨迹》、《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》)

「--特务支持课,现在开始强制搜查! 」


在克洛斯贝尔被占领后,虽然持续投入抵抗活动,但是在两个月前,因为卢法斯总督的策略,而被困在米修拉姆(ミシュラム)地区。 多亏黎恩等第 II 分校成员的活跃,最后平安脱困。


艾莉. 麦克道尔(エリィ・マクダエル)/配音:远藤绫

(登场作品:《英雄传说 零之轨迹》、《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》)

「...... 真高兴能再见到妳。 但妳真的太差劲了! 」

克洛斯贝尔议长亨利. 麦克道尔(ヘンリー・マクダエル)的孙女,也是在『特务支持课』担任领队辅佐的女性。


克洛斯贝尔被占领以后,开始寻求和帝国权力核心以及 RF 集团室长亚莉莎(アリサ)等人接触,从政治与经济的观点上,摸索解放克洛斯贝尔的方法,持续独立活动。


琪雅. 班宁斯(キーア・バニングス)/配音:钉宫理惠

(登场作品:《英雄传说 零之轨迹》、《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》)

「只要能彼此成为对方的光芒,那就可以变强数倍、甚至数十倍! 」





2018-5-31 05:22 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV details Tio, Randy, Panzer Soldats, Lost Arts, and Auto Mode

Falcom has released the new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~, introducing characters Tio Plato and Randy Orlando, and the Panzer Soldat, Lost Arts, and Auto Mode gameplay systems.

(Warning: The following content contains spoilers for previous entries in the Trails series of The Legend of Heroes games.)

■ Characters

Tio Plato (voiced by Kaori Mizuhashi)

A young research director at the Epstein Foundation, Tio is a member of the Special Support Section who possesses extraordinary powers of sensitivity.

After the occupation of Crossbell, she temporarily returned to the Foundation headquarters, but after that she was appointed as the research director of the Crossbell branch.

While under the surveillance of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, Tio made moves behind the scenes towards the liberation of Crossbell, such as working with Alisa of the Reinford Group to identify the society’s hideout and keeping in contact with Randy, who was transferred to Thors Military Academy Reaves II Campus.

It seems her whereabouts are unknown since disaster broke loose in the Imperial capital…?

Randy Orlando (voiced by Shinichiro Miki)

Friendly and reliable, Randy is the instructor of Class VIII: Tactics Division at Thors Military Academy Reaves II Campus.

He was originally a jaeger part of the Red Constellation jaeger corps, which was said to the strongest in the continent.

However, after leaving the corps, he joined the Special Support Section by way of the Crossbell Guardian Force and solved numerous difficult cases with Lloyd and the others.

After the occupation of Crossbell, he was practically forced to transfer to Thors Military Academy Reaves II Campus by the schemes of Governor-General Rufus.

While getting closer to Rean and the others, who he met at the school, he continued to search for a way to liberate Crossbell.

When disaster breaks loose in the Imperial capital, he fights with all of his might to help the students of Thors Academy Reaves II Campus who fell into a crisis, but…

■ System

◆ Battle

Panzer Soldat Summoning: Even Juna and the Others Can Summon a Mecha

In The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~, members of Thors Military Academy Reaves II Campus who are not Awakeners of the Divine Knights—such as Juna, Kurt, and Altina— can each summon a Panzer Soldat during battle and utilize them as attack techniques.

Lost Arts: Dominate the Battlefield with the Strongest Magic

Lost Arts, which are a powerful and ancient Orbal magic that possess several attributes and first appeared in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II, will return in The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~. During battle, you can activate Lost Arts, which grant various effects to the entire battlefield, in exchange for all of the in-use character’s EP.

—Prominence Loa

A Lost Art themed after sunlight that possesses the attributes of fire, wind, and space. It is an ultra powerful attack art that sees a huge phoenix appear from within the swirl of a threatening blaze, who then burns the battlefield to bits. In addition to dealing major damage to the enemy, it has the additional effects of canceling out enemy ability buffs and having a high probability of inflicting the Burn status ailment.

—Rianon Kiss

A Lost Art themed after the moon that possesses the attributes of fire, mirage, and water. It is a top-level support art that sees a goddess charm the enemies on the battlefield with her graceful dance to support her allies. In addition to tricking the enemies into a “charmed” state of confusion, it has the additional effect of increasing every party member’s attribute values.

◆ New System

Auto Mode: High-Speed Play and Convenient Exploration

Auto Mode has been implemented as a new system to let players enjoy standard battles with greater comfort.

During Auto Mode, party characters carry out standard attacks at high speed. Also, by setting Combat Links, pursuits will activate automatically when Link Attacks occur.

Auto Mode is a convenient feature recommended for players who want to progress through the main story with little difficulty, or want to quickly explore fields and dungeons.

(During battle, you can switch Auto Mode on and off as you desire using the touchpad button.)

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.
2018-5-31 06:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-2 01:58 PM 编辑

《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV》公开「机甲兵」「失落魔法」「自动模式」等战斗系统全新要素
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/163459.html

  日本 Falcom 于今(1)日,更新预定在 2018 年 9 月 27 日发售的 PS4 专用角色扮演游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-)》(以 下简称《闪之轨迹 IV》)游戏官方网站,公开战斗系统全新要素,以及延续前作有继续登场的「缇欧」和「蓝迪」等游戏最新情报。

  在本作中,优娜(ユウナ)、库尔特(クルト)、亚尔缇娜(アルティナ)等第 II 分校成员,在战斗中都可以召唤出各自的「机甲兵」。 另外在《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》中登场的强烈古代导力魔法「失落魔法(ロストアーツ)」也在本作中复活,可消秏操作角色的所有 EP 发动失落魔法。




在本作当中,优娜、库尔特、亚尔缇娜等第 II 分校的成员,在战斗中也能召唤出自己的「机甲兵」,当作一种攻击招式来使用!

※ 是必须要消秏 EP(能量点数)发动的特殊技,和魔法一样需要咏唱时间
※ 各个角色在战斗中仅能使用一次


在《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》当中登场,拥有复数属性的强悍古代导力魔法「失落魔法」也在本作复活!

战斗中操作角色可以消秏所有 EP,发动能对战场全体造成各种不同效果的「失落魔法」。

※ 能发动失落魔法的结晶回路(クオーツ)全都是非卖品,无法从一般商店当中购买,必须要透过打倒部份特定魔兽等管道才可获得。









在「自动模式」开启的状态下,队上成员就会以高速自动施展出通常攻击。 另外如果有设定好战术水结的话,在触发链接攻击(リンクアタック)之后,就会自动发动追击。



(登场作品:《英雄传说 零之轨迹》、《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》)

「Äon System--限界解除。
给我飞到月亮上吧! 」



在帝国军情报局的监督之下,还是与 RF 集团的亚莉莎(アリサ)合作,一起找出结社的潜伏地点,也和被派遣到第 II 分校的蓝迪保持联络,暗中为了解放克洛斯贝尔而行动。


兰迪. 奥兰多(ランディ・オルランド)/配音:三木真一郎
(登场作品:《英雄传说 零之轨迹》、《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》)

什么叫做『支持课精神』!! 」

个性豪爽又可靠,是托尔兹第 II 分校《VII 班. 战术科》的级任教官。


克洛斯贝尔被占领之后,在卢法斯(ルーファス)总督的计策之下,被半强迫派遣到第 II 分校。 一面与在分校里结识的黎恩(リィン)一行人深入交流,同时摸索解放克洛斯贝尔的方法。

在帝都发生异变时,为了解救陷入危机的第 II 分校学生而拚命奋战......

2018-6-7 06:58 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-7 08:50 PM 编辑

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV Japanese Digital Deluxe Edition and PlayStation Store pre-order bonuses announced
日服《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV》数码版 PS商店开启预约内容公开

  日本 Falcom 于今日,预定在 2018 年 9 月 27 日发售的 PS4 专用角色扮演游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-)》的数码版已经上架日服 PS 商店开始接受预约,普通版含税7200日元、豪华版含税10800日元。预约版可获得预约特典:迷你原声音乐(MP3格式)、原创主题以及头像套装。


  另外游戏官网上也公开了部分店铺特典的情报。其中 GEO、Amazon、TSUTAYA三家店铺分别会送出阿尔提娜、尤娜、缪泽的服装DLC。

  《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV》日版将于 9 月 27 日发售,此前 SIE 台湾已确认本作与《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》都会推出繁体中文版,发售时间未定。

Falcom has announced a Digital Deluxe Edition and three PlayStation Store pre-order bonuses for The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ in Japan.

Get the details below.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ Digital Deluxe Edition (PlayStation Store)

  • A digital copy of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~
  • DLC Costume Full Set (Season Pass) – Grants access to all of the paid downloadable content costumes due out sequentially after the game’s release.
  • DLC Attachment Item Full Set (Season Pass) – Grants access to all of the paid downloadable content attachment items due out sequentially after the game’s release.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ PlayStation Store Pre-Order Bonuses

The following bonuses are included with pre-order for both the standard and Digital Deluxe editions of the game when purchased via the PlayStation Store:

  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ Original Soundtrack Mini – A careful selection of numerous battle background music, dedicated event music, and more from the game. The tracks can be played in the PlayStation 4 Music Player or on any device that can play MP3s.
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ Original PlayStation 4 Theme – An original PlayStation 4 theme that uses a beautiful illustration and includes music from the game.
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ Avatar Set – A PlayStation 4 avatar set made up of illustrations of characters from the Trails of Cold Steel series such as protagonist Rean Schwarzer, the members of both the new and old Class VII, and other popular characters.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.

2018-6-14 09:18 PM
《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV》数名敌方角色截图与本作故事走向

  PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV》公开了一组敌方角色的清晰设定图与游戏画面,本次配合着近藤社长的讲解为大家介绍他们在新作中的一些注目点和发展走向。


















2018-6-15 06:14 PM
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV details Ouroboros and Gnome related characters

Falcom has released the new information and screenshots of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~, introducing characters related to the Ouroboros society and Gnomes clan.

Get the details below.

Mariabell (voiced by Rie Tanaka)

The third Anguis of the Ouroboros society and an alchemist known by the name “Primordial.”

She is a descendant of the Crois family, which governs the Sept-Terrion of Mirage, but her knowledge and sense concerning magic are far greater than any of her relatives. And as the acting president of IBC (International Bank of Crossbell), she is able to fully demonstrate that ability.

Even though she is able to complete the Treasure of Zero using the homunculus KeA produced by her ancestors, she parts with KeA due to the efforts of Lloyd and company, and leaves the land of Crossbell.

After that, Mariabell, who becomes an Anguis of Ouroboros upon receiving an invitation from its leader, uses the disaster that hits the Empire as a chance to visit the land of Crossbell once again, but…

Arianrhod (voiced by Aya Hisakawa)

Known as a noble and supreme warrior, Arianrhod is the seventh Anguis of the Ouroboros society.

She entered the Empire with the Stahlritter in order to recover the Phantasmal Blaze Plan, and using Aion she was performing the society’s “experiment,” but…

She is actually the patriot and hero Lianne Sandlot, who was supposed to have died in The War of the Lions 250 years ago, and the Awakener of Argreion, the Silver Knight.

The Great Twilight, a disaster she long desired, has begun, but as the world heads for its end, what she feels and what she is trying to accomplish are still shrouded in mystery.

Duvalie (voiced by Naomi Ohzora)

A valkyrie who serves as the lead soldier of the Stahlritter, which is the military unit that reports directly to the seventh Anguis, Steel Maiden.

Known as “Duvalie the Swift,” with sword techniques that leverage her overwhelming speed, she is a powerhouse able to hold her own against the Enforcers, but…

She worships her master, the Steel Maiden, so much that she cannot get anything done. Members of the society, and occasionally even enemies like Rean and company, find her heartwarming at times.

When Duvalie learns that the disaster caused by the association and the Osborne camp would lead the world to its end, she seems to question her master’s actions for the first time.

George (voiced by Takeshi Mori)

The third disciple of Professor G. Schmidt, the greatest engineer in the Empire, and a former senior to Rean and company at Thors Military Academy.

He possesses excellent technological ability, and in his student days Angelica, Towa, and Crow relied on him in every way.

After he graduated, he traveled to engineering workshops around the continent. After a year and a half, he returned to the Empire, and even showed up in front of Rean and the others, but has since broken contact.

After that, he appears again with the disaster that occurs in the Imperial capital, but… he is not the young man named George that Rean and the others knew. He is Georg, who works under the orders of Alberich as a Gnome.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV ~The End of Saga~ is due out for PlayStation 4 on September 27 in Japan.
2018-6-15 06:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-16 08:20 AM 编辑

《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV》公开敌对势力重要人物情报与背景数据
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/164165.html

  日本 Falcom 于近(14)日公开《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA,以下简称《闪之轨迹 IV》)》中与游戏登场人物相关的最新情报。 PS4《闪之轨迹 IV》预定在 2018 年 9 月 27 日发售。

  这次要公开和以敌对势力身份登场的结社「噬身之蛇(身食らう蛇)」以及「地精」有关的重要人物详细个人资料。 「玛利亚贝尔」、「雅瑞安洛德」、「杜巴莉」和「盖鲁格」这四名角色的背景数据,有兴趣要购买的玩家可以仔细参考。

PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-》


(登场作品:《英雄传说 零之轨迹》、《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》)

你那灵魂的姿态,实在是很吸引我哦? 」


是司掌『幻之至宝』的库罗伊斯(クロイス)后裔,关于魔导方面的知识和天赋都是家族中最为杰出的人物,作为 IBC(克洛斯贝尔(クロスベル)国际银行)总裁代理,也充份发挥出自己的能力。



(登场作品:《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》)



为了夺回「幻焰计划」,和『铁机队』一起进入帝国,要利用神机 Aion(アイオーン)执行结社的「实验」......

其真实身份是应该在 250 年前『狮子战役』身亡的救国圣女『莉安娜. 桑德罗特(リアンヌ・サンドロット)』,同时也是『银之骑神』亚尔古雷昂(アルグレオン)的启动者。


(登场作品:《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》)

至少要自己亲眼见证才行......! 」





(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)

「拜托你可不要轻举妄动啊--『克洛』。 」





2018-6-21 07:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-22 06:21 PM 编辑

《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV》公开穿上制服的谢莉、操纵绯之骑神的塞德利克等敌对势力情报
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/164415.html

  日本 Falcom 于近(21)日,公开预定在 2018 年 9 月 27 日发售的 PlayStation 4 专用角色扮演游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-(英雄伝说 闪の轨迹 IV -THE END O F SAGA,以下简称《闪之轨迹 IV》)》最新情报。

  这次公开的情报,是在最新发展中和铁血宰相合作的「噬身之蛇(身喰らう蛇)」成员,「坎佩尼拉」、「马克邦」与「谢莉」三人,以及和铁血宰相一起行动的「绯之骑神」起动者「塞德利克皇太子」等角色的个人资料。 可以确认这些角色的过去登场作品,以及现在所处的情况。

PS4《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 IV -THE END OF SAGA-》


(登场作品《英雄传说 空之轨迹》系列、《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》)

新仇旧恨对决,真是让人兴奋呢! 」

拥有『小丑』称号的结社『噬身之蛇』执行者 No.0。



(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 II》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》)

老实说,根本就不关我的事。 」

拥有能自由操控火焰的能力,结社『噬身之蛇』的执行者 No.I。




『红之战鬼』谢莉. 奥兰多(《红の戦鬼》シャーリィ・オルランド)/配音:竹达彩奈
(登场作品:《英雄传说 碧之轨迹》、《英雄传说 闪之轨迹 III》)

是不是该来玩一下呢? 」

结社『噬身之蛇』的执行者 No.XVII,同时也担任大陆最强猎兵团『红色星座』大队长,是个浑然天成的战斗狂。

在第三柱使徒玛利亚贝尔(マリアベル)的要求下进入帝国,兴高采烈地在帝国各地执行确认猎兵团情况、破坏工作,以及袭击第 II 分校等任务。



塞德利克皇太子(セドリック皇太子 )/配音:进藤尚美
(登场作品:《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》系列)

在这伟业之前,『弱小』是敌人......! 」

尤肯特三世(ユーゲント III 世)嫡子,拥有第一皇位继承权的埃雷波尼亚帝国(エレボニア帝国)皇太子。





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