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【PS4/NS】My Hero Academia: One’s Justice 我的英雄学院 我的正义

2018-3-16 06:59 PM
2018-3-20 03:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-9 11:44 PM 编辑

《我的英雄学院 一人的正义》介绍蛙吹梅雨、八百万百、上鸣电气等人的战斗风格
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/161107.html)

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 将于 2018 年内发售的《我的英雄学院 一人的正义(仆のヒーローアカデミア One's Justice)》 (PS4 / Nintendo Switch),是以推出漫画作品以及电视动画 的《我的英雄学院(仆のヒーローアカデミア)》为题材的对战动作游戏,由 BYKING 开发。

  此外,于周刊少年 JUMP 连载中的原作漫画,将于 4 月 4 日推出单行本第十八集,第三季电视动画将自 4 月 7 号起于日本电视台旗下频道开始播放。 而电影版动画《我的英雄学院 THE MOVIE(仆のヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ~2 人の英雄~)》日前也公布将在 8 月 3 日首映。

  本次报导,将介绍玩家操纵角色之中,雄英高中 1 年 A 班学生的「蛙吹梅雨」、「八百万百」、「上鸣电气」。

蛙吹梅雨(声优:悠木 碧)

上鸣电气(声优:畠中 佑)


  蛙吹梅雨(あすい つゆ)个性直爽有话直说,洞察力也相当高。 同时也拥有一颗温柔之心,很为同伴及朋友着想。


  在游戏里擅长远距离攻击,攻击威力并不高。 但不仅是普通攻击,连投掷技等技巧都能自远距离发动,如果可与对手保持距离,不被接近,就能一直保持有利的状态。

  上鸣电器(かみなり でんき)个性开朗好相处,是班上的开心果。 「个性」是让电流缠绕身体的「带电」。 虽然也能放电,不过一旦释放超出自己容量的大量电流就会短路陷入 “傻子” 状态。

  在游戏里属于中距离型,能够释放电流,或是设置电流陷阱,能使用各种技能操纵上需要技术的主攻型。 虽然也有以自己为中心释放广范围电流的强力技巧,但要注意长时间使用就会陷入 “傻子” 状态,除了比赞喊「呜~ 吚」什么都做不了。

  八百万百(やおよろず もも)是推荐入学就读雄英高中的优等生,班上的副班长。 其出众身材被众人评为 “发育的暴力”。


  在游戏里可以创造出铁球、枪、槌子各式各样武器,属于万能型角色,藉由长按按钮的时间改变创造出的武器,也能设置自动攻击对手的炮台。 此外,还有运用俄罗斯娃娃施展的 “攻击”。

2018-3-30 04:15 PM
My Hero Academia: One’s Justice adds Stain and Shota Aizawa

Villain Stain and hero Shota Aizawa will be playable in My Hero Academia: One’s Justice, the latest issue of Weekly Jump reveals.

Stain (voiced by Gou Inoue) trifles with opponents through quick movement, and specializes in long-distance knife-throwing attacks. His quirk, “Bloodcurdle,” stops his opponents from moving. The more he cuts the enemy, the greater Bloodcurdle’s effect becomes.

Shota Aizawa (voiced by Junichi Suwabe) fights using his Capturing Weapon, which makes his opponents unable to use their quirk. An opponent without a quirk is forced into close combat, where Shota can unleash his counter attacks.

Previously confirmed playable characters include Izuku Midoriya, Tomura Shigaraki, Katsuki Bakugo, All Might, Ochacho Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Shoto Todoroki, Tsuyu Asui, Denki Kaminari, and Momo Yayorozu.

My Hero Academia: One’s Justice is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC worldwide in 2018. In Japan, it will only be released for PlayStation 4 and Switch.
2018-4-4 10:50 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-19 03:41 PM 编辑

My Hero Academia: One’s Justice ~ Stain and Shota Aizawa Screenshots
《我的英雄学院 一人的正义》「相泽消太」「污点」参战 公布战斗风格及游戏截图

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/161561.html

Stain and Shota Revealed for My Hero Academia: One’s Justice

Two more characters are today revealed by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Stain and Shota Aizawa will join My Hero Academia: One’s Justice scheduled to be launched in 2018 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.

The horrifying Hero Killer Stain can paralyse his target by ingesting samples of their blood. He licks the blood from his knife to activate his Quirk. What could have happened in his life for him to grow such a hatred for Heroes?

Shota Aizawa, also known as Eraser Head, is a Pro Hero and the teacher of U.A.'s Class 1-A. His Quirk gives him the ability to nullify anyone's powers just by looking at them.

My Hero Academia: One’s Justice will be launched in 2018 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.

BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 前(17)日公布,2018 年年内发售的 《我的英雄学院 一人的正义(仆のヒーローアカデミア One's Justice)》 (PS4 / Nintendo Switch)的最新情报,「 相泽消太」、「污点(ステイン)」两位角色将参战。

  本作改编自在漫画及电视动画等领域发展的《我的英雄学院(仆のヒーローアカデミア)》,是一款对战动作游戏。 操作主角绿谷出久以及原作中耳熟能详的角色们,游玩充满《英雄学院》风格的战斗动作。

  本次发表参战的玩家操纵角色「相泽消太」,是担任雄英高中教师的职业英雄。 拥有将对手 “个性” 抹消的个性技,能在一定时间内让对手无法发动个性技与 Plus Ultra(プルスウルトラ)。 是个能强迫对手采取与平时不同战术的技术型角色。

【玩家角色】相泽 消太

担任雄英高中教师的职业英雄。 凡事追求合理思考避免浪费时间

“个性” 是能够消除自己所见之人的个性「抹消」!

藉由个性技让对手陷入「“个性” 抹消状态」,于一定时间内封印个性技与 Plus Ultra

“个性” 被封印,使大多数角色不得不采取近身战,方便使用束缚武器进行牵制或发动反击,大幅增加对手露出破绽的机会

  另一位参战角色「污点」是本作登场的敌人<villain>。 拥有独特的正义感,于各地袭击他认为是冒牌货的英雄,至今已杀害 17 人、让 23 人残废。 会用刀及投掷匕首攻击,以迅速狡猾的动作扰乱对手的速度型角色。 “个性” 为摄取对手血液让其无法自由行动的 “凝血”。

声优:井上 刚

世称「英雄杀手」。 认为社会被「假冒英雄的骗子」扭曲,具有独特的正义感,于各地杀害他认定为冒牌货的英雄

以刀械攻击与迅速的身手见长,拥有傲人的压倒性战斗力,“个性” 是摄取对手血液夺取其身体自由的「凝血」!



※ 图片为开发中画面 © 堀越耕平/集英社・仆のヒーローアカデミア制作委员会 ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
2018-4-13 10:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-14 10:17 AM 编辑

My Hero One’s Justice western title confirmed, trailer and fact sheet

My Hero Academia: One’s Justice will be called My Hero One’s Justice outside of Japan, Bandai Namco Entertainment America and Europe announced. It will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam in the Americas and Europe in 2018.

Here is the official fact sheet:


  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC
  • Genre: Fighting / Action
  • Release Date: 2018
  • Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Developer: Byking
  • Players: One to two players
  • Rating: Pending
  • Localization: English, French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese


Your justice begins now!

Whether you want to see the destruction of humanity or believe heroes should defend those in need, fight to prove your justice in My Hero One’s Justice. The popular Weekly Shonen Jump manga series comes to life, as players experience the abilities of fan favorite characters such as Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Tomura Shigaraki, and many more in this arena brawler, where you’ll get to choose between hero and villain in your path to justice.

Utilize Quirks and call upon your side-kicks to activate powerful attackers where your environments are at your disposal in total field destruction. The battle doesn’t just confine you to the ground—take the fight upwards where buildings and walls become a part of the action.

Key Features

  • Plus Ultra! – Based on the hit weekly Shonen Jump manga series.
  • Heroes or Villains – Choose between fan favorite characters like Deku, All Might, Tomura, and many more in your path to justice.
  • Total Destruction – The environments are at your disposal as players can destroy their surroundings in fierce battles.
  • Join Forces – Choose up to two sidekicks to unleash powerful combos.
  • Unleash Superpowers – Utilize each character’s Quirks to plant explosive attacks.


《我的英雄学院 一人的正义》公布最新宣传影片 众多正反派个性英雄陆续登场
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/161362.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 制作,预定 2018 年推出的 PS4 / Nintendo Switch 动漫改编对战动作游戏《我的英雄学院 一人的正义(仆のヒーローアカデミア One's Justice)》,现释出 介绍正反派登场角色的宣传影片,供玩家参考。

  《我的英雄学院 一人的正义》是以日本漫画家堀越耕平原作的人气动漫画《我的英雄学院》改编、契合英雄与反派 “个性” 的对战动作游戏。 游戏中玩家将驱使「个性」所赋予的超人力量,在写实的关卡中展开破坏场景与活用地形的多样化对战。 目前已知将收录英雄主角「绿谷出久」与敌人联军首脑「死柄木吊」,还有「爆豪胜己」、「欧尔麦特」、「丽日御茶子」、「轰焦冻」、「饭田天哉」、「蛙吹梅雨」、「上鸣电气」、「八百万百」、「相泽消太」、「污点」等。

游戏名称:我的英雄学院 一人的正义
游戏原名:仆のヒーローアカデミア One's Justice
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch
发售日期:2018 年
语言版本:繁体中文 / 日文等
开发厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
发行厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
代理经销:台湾万代南梦宫娱乐 / 香港万代南梦宫娱乐(暂定)

2018-4-16 10:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-4 04:49 PM 编辑

My Hero One’s Justice details Tomura Shigaraki, Sidekick System

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of My Hero One’s Justice introducing Villain character Tomura Shigaraki and the “Sidekick System.”

Get the details below, via Bandai Namco.

Tomura Shigaraki

The leader of the League of Villains is Tomura Shigaraki! Using his quirk “Decay,” he will make his opponents rot and won’t hesitate to destroy anyone who stands in his way. For every consecutive hit of his special skill, a countdown starts to decide your opponent’s fate! When this special attack hits 4-times in a row, it will automatically decrease the opponent’s HP to 0!

Sidekick System

In the new Sidekick System feature, players will cooperate with two sidekicks in a fight turning the tide of battle! They can pair with a character of their choice and with one button they will receive various support from them. This is a perfect way to increase your odds in battle by creating devastating combos!

My Hero One’s Justice is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC worldwide in 2018. In Japan, it will only be released for PlayStation 4 and Switch.

《我的英雄学院 一人的正义》介绍死柄木吊的战斗风格和「战友」系统
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/162151.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 预计 2018 年内发售的 PS4/Nintendo Switch 游戏《我的英雄学院 一人的正义(仆のヒーローアカデミア One’s Justice)》,近日公开了最新情报。

  本作为对战型动作游戏,改编自目前连载于「周刊少年 JUMP」,并于今年 4 月 7 日开始播映电视动画第三季的人气漫画《我的英雄学院》。

  游戏由参与过多款硬派对战动作游戏的 BYKING 负责开发,重现了原作角色各自拥有的「个性」,加上活用设置于战场的大楼、墙壁进行走位、利用角色攻击破坏战场等等,融合多项要素带给玩家白热化战斗体验。




  使用特定的个性技击中对手四次,就能无条件使对手崩坏=体力归零! 此外也能使用让对手陷入「崩坏状态」,体力逐渐减少的技能。


  本作中可以消耗「战友量表」召唤战友,发动各式攻击支持玩家。 可直接造成伤害、让对手暂时无法行动等等,战友使出的攻击效果五花八门,清楚掌握每个战友的特性,打出漂亮连击吧!


2018-5-11 07:41 PM
My Hero One’s Justice adds Fumikage Tokoyami, Kyoka Jiro and Eijiro Kirishima

2018-5-14 06:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-15 11:03 PM 编辑

My Hero One’s Justice launches August 23 in Japan
《我的英雄学院 一人的正义》8 月 23 日发售 公开预约特典及早期购入特典情报

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/162626.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 旗下新作游戏《我的英雄学院 一人的正义(仆のヒーローアカデミア One's Justice)》,发售日决定为 2018 年 8 月 23 日,实体、下载版售价皆为 7600 日圆(未税) 。

  本作为对战型动作游戏,改编自堀越耕平原作,目前连载于「周刊少年 JUMP」的漫画《我的英雄学院》。 由主角绿谷出久领衔,各角色将发挥各自的特殊能力「个性」展开对战。

  公开发售日的同时,也决定本作预约特典为大型机台游戏《我的英雄学院 冲突英雄战斗 PLUS ULTRA!!! (仆のヒーローアカデミア 激突ヒーローズバトル PLUS ULTRA!!! )》专用的限定宣传卡片 2 张。

  早期购入特典则为「爆豪胜己 特别服装 军装」、「绿谷出久 胜利语音 C」等五项产品的下载序号。

《我的英雄学院 一人的正义》决定 2018 年 8 月 23 日发售

  近日,BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 宣布旗下游戏《我的英雄学院 一人的正义》发售日为 2018 年 8 月 23 日,并即日起开放预约,想取得预约特典及早期购入特典的玩家请尽早前去各通路确认。


  大型机台游戏《我的英雄学院 冲突英雄战斗 PLUS ULTRA!!! 》专用的限定宣传卡片 2 张


  附赠以下特典的下载序号。 下载后即可在游戏内使用。

  • 爆豪胜己 特别服装 军装
  • 绿谷出久 胜利语音 C
  • 称号「第一女主角」
  • 八百万娃娃
  • 峰田抱抱娃娃

  《我的英雄学院 一人的正义》是以日本漫画家堀越耕平原作的人气动漫画《我的英雄学院》改编、契合英雄与反派 “个性” 的对战动作游戏。 游戏中玩家将驱使「个性」所赋予的超人力量,在写实的关卡中展开破坏场景与活用地形的多样化对战。 目前已知将收录英雄主角「绿谷出久」与敌人联军首脑「死柄木吊」,还有「爆豪胜己」、「欧尔麦特」、「丽日御茶子」、「轰焦冻」、「饭田天哉」、「蛙吹梅雨」、「上鸣电气」、「八百万百」、「相泽消太」、「污点」等。

  目前,本作 Xbox One 与 PC 版发售日期尚不确定,但按计划应该在年内发售。繁体中文版将同步日版发售。

游戏名称:我的英雄学院 一人的正义
游戏原名:仆のヒーローアカデミア One's Justice
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Nintendo Switch
发售日期:2018 年 8 月 23 日
语言版本:繁体中文 / 日文等
开发厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
发行厂商:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
代理经销:台湾万代南梦宫娱乐 / 香港万代南梦宫娱乐(暂定)

My Hero One’s Justice will launch for PlayStation 4 and Switch in Japan on August 23, Bandai Namco announced.

In Japan, pre-orders will include two exclusive promotional cards for the arcade game My Hero Academia Gekitotsu! Heroes Battle Plus Ultra!!!.

Early purchases will include the My Hero One’s Justice “Customization Pack” downloadable content, which features the following:

Katsuki Bakugo: “Army Costume”
“Izuku Midoriya Victory Voice C”
Title: “Main Heroine”
Accessory: “Yaoyoroshka” (Yaoyorozu’s matryoshka dollsS)
Accessory: “Mineta Leg Doll”

In the west, My Hero One’s Justice will be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC in 2018.

My Hero One’s Justice Eijiro Kirishima, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Kyoka Jiro screenshots

Bandai Namco has released a new set of My Hero One’s Justice screenshots featuring newly confirmed playable characters Eijiro Kirishima, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Kyoka Jiro.

2018-5-29 05:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-29 05:49 PM 编辑

My Hero One’s Justice details attack actions, special actions, Kyoka, Fumikage, and Eijiro

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of My Hero One’s Justice introducing attack actions, special actions, and latest playable characters Kyoka Jiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Eijiro Kirishima.

Get the details below.

Attack Actions

Hero Combo – Easily connect combos with the press of a button. The number of hits varies depending on the character.

Guard Weak Point Attack – An attack that breaks through the opponent’s guard. Although it cannot lose against a counterattack from the opponent, you should be cautious as it is slow to unleash.

Counter Attack – Negates the opponent’s attack while unleashing your own attack. However, it is unable to negate Guard Weak Point Attacks and attacks with a large number of hits.

Quirk Techniques – You can use three types of “Quirk” techniques by using pressing buttons in combination with movements of the joystick. There are some techniques that cannot be used or have different effects when used in the air.

Plus Ultra Technique – You can trigger your strongest special move by consuming the Plus Ultra Gauge. There are two types of Plus Ultra Techniques, and the Plus Ultra 2 plays out an intense attack scene after it hits.

Special Actions

Just Guard – By guarding against an attack with the right timing, you can momentarily freeze your opponent in their tracks to create the opportunity for a counterattack. You normally cannot guard against an aerial attack, but this is possible with a Just Guard.

Guard Break – By continuously attacking and wearing down your opponent’s endurance to zero, you can perform a Guard Break. Cancel their guard to create the opportunity for an attack.

Stun – If you take a lot of damage in a short amount of time, you will fall into a stunned state. If you are stunned, you will be defenseless for a fixed amount of time.

Wall Rush Chance – If you attack your opponent after blowing them back into a wall, an on-the-wall battle will commence.

Latest Characters

Kyoka Jiro (voiced by Kei Shindou) – A rock music girl with an aloof atmosphere about her. Her Quirk, “Earphone Jack,” allows her to plug the earphone jacks that hang from her ears into an object to channel the sound of her heartbeat into it and attack with sound waves. In battle, she is a mid-distance specialized type with steady reach. Since heartbeat sound attacks can be used as traps, you can gradually set up traps from a distance to fight in a way that drives your opponent into a corner.

Fumikage Tokoyami (voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya) – A character with a cool personality and a bird-like appearance. His Quirk, “Dark Shadow,” allows him to materialize a retractable shadow-like monster. In battle, he is a technique type that utilizes offensive and defensive modes depending on the situation. In the attack-based “Solo Mode,” you can have Dark Shadow charge your opponent and continue attacking. And in “Team Up Mode,” you can keep Dark Shadow out the whole time to increase your guard capabilities.

Eijiro Kirishima (voiced by Toshiki Masuda) – A passionate hero prospect whose motto is to be “manly.” His Quirk, “Hardening,” allows him to harden his whole body, which greatly enhances his attack and defense. In battle, he is a power type who does not falter from enemy attacks. His “Hardened State” is a super armor mode which is able to last for a fixed period of time, and he is a power fighter who can attack while not flinching from enemy attacks. But since that does not make him invincible, be sure to properly manage his health.

My Hero One’s Justice is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on August 23 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC in 2018 in the Americas and Europe.

2018-6-1 01:17 PM
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