E 小队在敌方展开攻势的炮击期间迅速进行有利布署,完成反击态势。 终于以战车为主力的帝国军现身了,E 小队各成员也分头进行迎击。
虽然 E 小队展现出精锐游骑兵部队的风范,迅速歼灭了帝国军,但库罗德眼中,却只看到因战斗让花田被破坏殆尽的悲伤景象。
连邦军直捣帝国弱点展开反攻,带着势如破竹的气势进击帝国领土,但库罗德一行人却被古代城寨改造的敌方临时要塞,以及设置于此的重型巨炮阻挡了去路,而且我方炮兵前来支持需耗时一周的时间。 库罗德,和同样参与作战的 F 小队小队长. 弥涅耳瓦(ミネルバ)都了解,北十字星作战的成败正取决于进军速度,因此决定要在毫无支持的情况下突袭要塞。
Valkyria Chronicles 4 PS4 demo launches February 26 in Japan
Sega will release a demo for the PlayStation 4 version of Valkyria Chronicles 4 via the PlayStation Store in Japan on February 26, Sega announced.
The demo, which is based around the opening parts of the game, will feature an exclusive mission, and its save data can be transferred the full game.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 is due out for PlayStation 4 on March 21 and for Switch this summer in Japan, and for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch in 2018 in the Americas and Europe.
SEGA Games 今(26)日宣布,预定在 2018 年 3 月 21 日在 PlayStation 4、夏季在 Nintendo Switch 上推出的仿真 RPG 游戏《战场女武神 4》,今日开始释出 PlayStation 4 版本试 玩版,有兴趣的玩家可以连至日本 / 台湾的 PlayStation Store 免费下载游玩。
PlayStation 4 版本的《战场女武神 4》试玩版,将可以游玩至相当于正式版游戏序盘的第二章为止,最后还可以游玩试玩版专用的「额外任务」。 额外任务中可以体验新登场兵种「掷弹兵」为主轴的内容,玩家可以仔细地确认新要素的乐趣。
The PlayStation 4 demo for Valkyria Chronicles 4 is now available via the Japanese PlayStation Store. It weighs in at 5.3 gigabytes.
The demo will let you play from the beginning of the game up until the second chapter of the main scenario, and its save data can be imported into the full release when it launches. If play the demo until the end, you will be able to take on an extra mission based around the new “Grenadier” class.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 is due out for PlayStation 4 on March 21 and for Switch this summer in Japan, and for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch in 2018 in the Americas and Europe.
2018-3-2 05:23 PM
SEGA GAMES 公开 PlayStation 4 版预定于 2018 年 3 月,Nintendo Switch 版预定于 2018 年夏季发售的《战场女武神 4(戦场のヴァルキュリア 4)》公开战斗系统玩法介绍视频。
Sega has released a new trailer for Valkyria Chronicles 4 introducing the game’s snow cruiser Centurion.
Here is an overview of the Centurion, via our previous coverage:
Built in secret, the Edinburgh Navy constructed cruisers for use in battle. Three warships of the same model were built, and the Centurion, which Claude and the others embark on, is the second of the three. It can presumably move through fields of ice, and is equipped with a huge ram for breaking ice at the warship’s head. At over 230 meters in length, the Centurion is like a tank riding on ice as if striding across a stretched out crevasse. This giant warship’s ability to travel on land is thanks to technology given to Edinburgh by the United States of Vinland. Those details are country-level top secret.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 is due out for PlayStation 4 on March 21 and for Switch this summer in Japan, and for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch in 2018 in the Americas and Europe.
2018-3-14 03:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-16 04:52 PM 编辑
SEGA GAMES 公开 PlayStation 4 版预定于 2018 年 3 月,Nintendo Switch 版预定于 2018 年夏季发售的《战场女武神 4(戦场のヴァルキュリア 4)》公开了内含豪华特典的限定版「10th周年纪念包」以及首批特典的追加任务详情。
Valkyria Chronicles 4 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch in the Americas and Europe this fall, Sega announced.
The western release was previously only dated for a general 2018 release window.
In Japan, the PlayStation 4 version is due out on March 22, and the Switch version this summer. An Xbox One version will not be released.
In related news, Sega has also launched the English official website for Valkyria Chronicles 4. It currently contains information on the game’s world, characters, and systems.http://valkyria.sega.com/
2018-3-16 07:37 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-16 07:45 PM 编辑
SEGA GAMES 公开 PlayStation 4 版预定于 2018 年 3 月,Nintendo Switch 版预定于 2018 年夏季发售的《战场女武神 4(戦场のヴァルキュリア 4)》关卡场景介绍视频,介绍了在本作的关卡中会出现的一些特殊的机关与地图障碍,比如冰面、火场等特殊的地形,将拥有系列规模最大战场。