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【PS4】Fist of the North Star 人中北斗

2017-8-26 08:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-1-11 06:48 PM 编辑

Yakuza Studio announces Fist of the North Star game for PS4
「北斗之拳 × 人中之龙工作室」全新动作冒险游戏《人中北斗》震撼发表!

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/151703.html

  SEGA Games 今(26)日在东京举行《人中之龙》新作发表会中,震撼宣布将在 PS4 平台推出全新动作冒险游戏《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》,预定 2018 年推出,亦预定推出中文版。


  《人中北斗》游戏中将以《北斗之拳》原作为基础,发展出完全原创的剧情。 主角拳四郎背负着爱与哀伤,投身于宿命的战斗之中。 他在荒野里经历漂泊后总算抵达了奇迹之城「伊甸」,并展开北斗神拳传承者拳四郎的另一段「世纪末救世主传说」的传奇故事。


  成为故事舞台的地方,是奇迹之城「伊甸」。 这里虽处于暴力所支配的世界中却仍然不失光彩,人们的希望与欲望皆汇聚于这个世界末的大型红灯区。 故事将以伊甸这里为中心来发展,玩家能够和袭击城市的暴徒们展开秘孔动作战斗,并享受探索冒险要素等游戏乐趣。 此外,一如「人中之龙工作室」作品的风格,游戏中还准备了各式各样娱乐场所做为红灯区的特色玩法,所以也可以藉此饱享世纪末的欢乐人生。

  PlayStation 4《人中北斗》预定 2018 年发售。

Sega’s Yakuza Studio has announced Hokuto ga Gotoku, a Fist of the North Star (Hokuto no Ken) game developed by the studio behind Yakuza, for PlayStation 4. It will launch in Japan in 2018.

The action adventure game will star Fist of the North Star series protagonist Kenshiro, voiced by Yakuza‘s Kazuma Kiryu voice actor Takaya Kuroda, and feature a completely new story set in “Eden,” the great entertainment district of century’s end where the hopes and desires of the people assemble. Players will be able to enjoy various action and exploration, including Yakuza series-style play spots.

We will update this post shortly with a summary of the story and main character.

Watch the announcement trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery. Visit the official website http://ryu-ga-gotoku.com/hokuto-ga-gotoku/


2017-8-29 06:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-29 08:31 PM 编辑

Hokuto ga Gotoku confirms Shin and Yuria, game original characters

  SEGA Games 全新动作冒险游戏《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》,预定 2018 年推出,亦预定推出中文版。今天 Fami通曝光了首批人设图,一共六位角色。除了发布会上公开的健次郎,还包括了尤莉亚、希恩以及三名原创角色贾古雷、琪萨娜、凶王。


  《人中北斗》游戏中将以《北斗之拳》原作为基础,发展出完全原创的剧情。 主角拳四郎背负着爱与哀伤,投身于宿命的战斗之中。 他在荒野里经历漂泊后总算抵达了奇迹之城「伊甸」,并展开北斗神拳传承者拳四郎的另一段「世纪末救世主传说」的传奇故事。

  成为故事舞台的地方,是奇迹之城「伊甸」。 这里虽处于暴力所支配的世界中却仍然不失光彩,人们的希望与欲望皆汇聚于这个世界末的大型红灯区。 故事将以伊甸这里为中心来发展,玩家能够和袭击城市的暴徒们展开秘孔动作战斗,并享受探索冒险要素等游戏乐趣。 此外,一如「人中之龙工作室」作品的风格,游戏中还准备了各式各样娱乐场所做为红灯区的特色玩法,所以也可以藉此饱享世纪末的欢乐人生。




















  PlayStation 4《人中北斗》预定 2018 年发售繁体中文版。

The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has a few new details on Hokuto ga Gotoku, the newly announced Fist of the North Star game for PlayStation 4 from the developers of the Yakuza series.

Get the tidbits below.


Eden, the City of Miracles – A city with an inexhaustible supply of water and electricty from the giant dome-shaped old world relic overlooking the city. It has a circulation of currency, and even an entertainment district shining with neon lights.

Characters from the Original Work

Shin (voiced by Kazuhiro Nakaya, who voices Akira Nishikiyama in the Yakuza series) – Denshosha of the Nanto Koshu Ken martial arts style. He took Yuria from Kenshiro, and gave Kenshiro the seven scars on his chest.

Yuria (voiced by Aya Hisakawa, who voices Tayuu Yoshino in the Yakuza series and Faye Lee in Binary Domain) – Kenshiro’s fiancee.

Game Original Characters

Jagre (voiced by Kenta Miyake, who plays Yuya in the Yakuza series) – A man with overwhelming power who judges Kenshiro to be a monster. He imprisons Kenshiro in the dungeon of Eden.

Kisana (voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro, who plays the role of the blind woman in Yakuza 0) – The daughter of the founder of Eden. She listens to the voice of the people, and drafts and implements various policies. Some call her a “Saint.”

The Evil King (voiced by ???) – A mysterious kenpo user. He rounds up an “Evil King Army” of bandits and repeatedly attacks Eden.

Creators Interview Tidbits

General Producer Daisuke Sato: “I wanted to make a Fist of the North Star unique to Yakuza Studio. When considering what would make the best use of that collaborative feeling, I thought it would be good for the Yakuza voice actors to play the Fist of the North Star characters. Takuya Kuroda’s voice is very suited to Kenshiro.”

Original Author Tetsuo Hara: “On that premise, I think Kenshiro’s voice is suited to someone with a good body. Listeners can also tell when the voice is of someone with the same build as Kenshiro. Kuroda’s voice is genuinely strong, and it is also nice that it bears resemblance to Yusaku Matsuda. I thought it was fate, or that I had met the ideal Kenshiro.”

Kenshiro Voice Actor Takaya Kuroda: “Fist of the North Star is a very well known work, so I by no means want to destroy the image everyone has of Kenshiro, but at the very least I plan to do Kenshiro faithfully in regard to the author’s vision.”

Tetsuo Hara: “Concerning the game, I wanted it to be done in the worldview of Yakuza. Fist of the North Star will be 35 years old next year. If we don’t adopt new energies from scratch, it won’t be a game that people will love.”

Daisuke Sato: “You can think of it as a mix of the Fist of the North Star and Yakuza worldviews.”

Tetsuo Hara: “If it comes across on screen, in the art and such that we had fun making it, that we must love Fist of the North Star, then that’s already fine for me.”

Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan in 2018.
2017-8-29 07:59 PM
北斗之拳 × 人中之龙工作室《人中北斗》全新「世纪末救世主传说」即将揭开序幕
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/151752.html

  超级畅销作品《北斗之拳》(原作:武论尊/漫画:原哲夫)透过制作《人中之龙》系列的开发团队「人中之龙工作室」亲自操刀,首度化为动作冒险游戏之姿登场。 「北斗之拳 × 人中之龙工作室」将描绘出前所未有的北斗之拳世界。

  本作中将以《北斗之拳》原作为基础,发展出完全原创的剧情。 主角拳四郎背负着爱与哀伤,投身于宿命的战斗之中。 他在荒野里经历漂泊后总算抵达了奇迹之城,这里会有什么样的命运等待着他呢!?


  成为故事舞台的地方,是奇迹之城「伊甸」。 这里虽处于暴力所支配的世界中却仍然不失光彩,人们的希望与欲望皆汇聚于这个世界末的大型红灯区。 故事将以伊甸这里为中心来发展,玩家能够和袭击城市的暴徒们展开秘孔动作战斗,并享受探索冒险要素等游戏乐趣。 此外,一如「人中之龙工作室」作品的风格,游戏中还准备了各式各样娱乐场所做为红灯区的特色玩法,所以也可以藉此饱享世纪末的欢乐人生。


1800 年来绵延相传至今的一子单传暗杀拳法,北斗神拳。





支持机种:PlayStation 4
发售日:预定 2018 年发售
游玩人数:1 人
版权标示:© SEGA © 武论尊 ‧ 原哲夫 / NSP1983 版権许诺证 GA-217
2017-8-30 07:21 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-30 11:07 AM 编辑

Toshihiro Nagoshi explains why Hokuto ga Gotoku does not use the Dragon Engine
名越捻洋透露 PS4《人中北斗》将采用旧版游戏引擎制作

  超级畅销作品《北斗之拳》(原作:武论尊/漫画:原哲夫)透过制作《人中之龙》系列的开发团队「人中之龙工作室」亲自操刀,首度化为动作冒险游戏之姿登场。就在昨天官方发布制作人视频访谈节目中透露了这款 PS4 独占游戏更多技术方面的情报。

  首先根据人中之龙工作室人中之龙系列创始人名越捻洋在视频中透露,这一次PS4《人中北斗》并没有采用《人中之龙 极 2》和人中之龙新作使用的「龙引擎」,而是使用了《人中之龙 极》的旧版引擎。对此名越捻洋表示,选用旧版引擎的原因主要是考虑到该引擎已经开发完备,更加适合新的开发人员使用,毕竟现在有更多的新人员加入到人中之龙小组开发游戏新作。

  名越捻洋还在视频中透露《人中北斗》与《人中之龙 极》虽然采用相同的引擎,不过画面上会有极大的差别,因为《人中北斗》采用了卡通渲染计划还原原著的动漫感。

  PlayStation 4 独占的《人中北斗》预定 2018 年发售,并且确认同步日版发售繁体中文版。

The newly announced Hokuto ga Gotoku, a Fist of the North Star game developed by the team behind Yakuza, uses the studio’s older engine, which is used in Yakuza: Kiwami, instead of the studio’s newer Dragon Engine, which is used in Yakuza 6: The Song of Life and Yakuza: Kiwami 2. During a Sega-Nama live stream today, Yakuza series general director and Yakuza Studio head Toshihiro Nagoshi explained the reasons for this.

According to Nagoshi, there are two reasons:

First off, the “Dragon Engine” is an in-development engine, and while it performs very well, it can be peaky and difficult to work with. Recently, there was a structural change at Sega Games and with it the team expanded, so a large number of staff that were not involved in the Yakuza project came in. Under such circumstances, given that things like the tools environment and development know-how of the earlier engine are complete compared to the Dragon Engine, it was more appropriate to use the earlier engine, which nevertheless has sufficient performance.

Hokuto ga Gotoku‘s graphics are realistic, but there is a bit of manga-esque shading called the toon shader. Considering that, they came to the conclusion that they should use the earlier engine rather than the Dragon Engine, which is more realistic and harder to work with.

Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan in 2018.
2017-9-3 02:22 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-5 06:59 PM 编辑

Hokuto ga Gotoku details Yuria, Shin, Kisana, Jagure, and Kyouou
《人中北斗》公布世纪末乐园「伊甸」与登场角色 将加入原作者设计监修的原创角色

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/152069.html

  SEGA Games 于近日公布由人中之龙工作室所制作的最新作品《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》最新情报。 揭露故事舞台奇迹之城「伊甸(エデン)」的游戏截图,及登场角色情报。

  本作舞台奇迹之城「伊甸」是个水与电力取之不尽的世纪末大繁华街,就彷佛是将《人中之龙(龙が如く)》的神室町溶入《北斗神拳(北斗の拳)》世界观一般。 以这座大繁华街为舞台,本作将展开完全原创的故事。

  登场角色除了主角拳四郎(ケンシロウ)、尤莉亚(ユリア)、希恩(シン)等在原作熟悉的角色,还有由《北斗神拳》原作者原 哲夫负责设计、 监修的游戏原创角色也会在游戏内登场。

由原作者原 哲夫设计、监修游戏原创角色也将于游戏内登场!

SEGA Games 于近日公布了人气漫画《北斗神拳》(原作 武论尊、漫画 原哲夫)与「人中之龙工作室」合作作品,PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件 《人中北斗》的故事舞台「城镇」与「游戏内登场角色」情报。

《人中北斗》是由人中之龙工作室描绘出《北斗神拳》世界的动作冒险游戏。 以荒废的世界为舞台,展开完全原创的故事,不仅原作角色就连新角色也将于游戏内登场。 能游玩到加入秘孔动作要素的爽快战斗,以及在世纪末繁华街尽情享乐的冒险。

这次将公布故事舞台奇迹之城 “伊甸” 以及包含主角拳四郎在内的六位角色情报。 除了他最爱的未婚妻 “尤莉亚” 及宿敌 “希恩” 等原作角色,由原作者 ‧ 原哲夫设计的游戏原创角色也将于游戏内登场。


奇迹之城 “伊甸”

俯视城镇的巨蛋型旧世界遗产 “球型都市(スフィア・シティ)” 提供了取之不尽的水及电力,拜此之赐该城镇人民过着在这个时代里无法想象的丰饶生活。 也因此成为了野外盗贼及暴力份子等武装势力所觊觎的地区。 主角拳四郎听说本应死去的尤莉亚还活着的传闻,徘徊于荒野最终抵达了奇迹之城 “伊甸”。

是流传了 1800 年的漫长岁月,一脉单传的暗杀拳-北斗神拳的继承者。 在胸口被人刻上了宛如北斗七星的 “七道伤疤”。


尤莉亚(声优:久川 绫)
为寻找能够安稳度日的地方,正要与拳四郎一同踏上旅程时,被希恩强行掳走。 在这之后听说已经亲手结束了自己的生命...。

使用南斗孤鹫拳的高手。 强行掳走了拳四郎的未婚妻尤莉亚,并在那时于拳四郎的胸口留下了七道伤疤。

琪萨娜 (キサナ)(声优:泽城美雪)

因此也被人们称之为 “圣女”。

杰格雷 (ジャグレ)(声优:三宅健太)


凶王(声优:??? )
不断吸收各路野外盗贼,并将他们组织为 “凶王军”,是在乱世中拥有庞大势力的男人之一。


Sega has updated the official website for Hokuto ga Gotoku, its upcoming Fist of the North star from the studio behind Yakuza, with descriptions and artwork of existing characters Yuria and Shin, and new characters Kisana, Jagure, and Kyouou.

Get the details below. (We already detailed Kenshiro, but we’re throwing him in there regardless.)

Kenshiro (voiced by Takaya Kuroda)

Successor of the Isshi Souden no Ansatsuken and Hokuto Shinken martial arts styles handed down for 1,800 years. He has seven scars that form the shape of the Big Dipper engraved into his chest. Defeated by Nanto Koshuken user Shin, and his fiancee Yuria stolen from him, he again overcomes death and exacts his revenge. However, Shin told him of Yuria’s death. Kenshiro was knocked down to the depths of despair, but his only remaining hope exists in rumors that Yuria is alive. After wandering through the wasteland, he reaches Eden, the “City of Miracles.”

Yuria (voiced by Aya Hisakawa)

Kenshiro’s fiancee. She was traveling with Kenshiro in search of somewhere to live peacefully, but was kidnapped by Shin. Kenshiro exacted his revenge against Shin, and was expected to be reunited with Yuria. However, Shin tells him of Yuria’s death. She was said to have died, but…

Shin (voiced by Kazuhiro Nakaya)

Successor of the Nanto Seiken and Nanto Koshuken martial arts styles. The former is said to be the opposite of Hokuto Shinken. He kidnaps Kenshiro’s fiancee Yuria. At that time, he gave Kenshiro seven scars on his chest. He dies in a rematch against Kenshiro.

Kisana (voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro)

The daughter of the founder of Eden, the “City of Miracles,” and its current ruler. In order to become a fine ruler like her father, she listens to the voices of the people every day, and drafts and implements various policies to improve the city. Kenshiro, who hears that Yuria headed towards Eden, goes to visit the Eden ruled by Kisana, but…

Jagure (voiced by Kenta Miyake)

Commanding officer of the Eden Garrison. Upon seeing Hokuto Shinken user Kenshiro’s overwhelming strength, he deemed him to be a monster and immediately imprisoned him in the Eden dungeon. While he does not trust Kenshiro at first, he later opens up to Kenshiro and will eventually become a partner-like character.

Kyouou (Evil King) (voiced by ???)

A man with great influence in this troubled world, who took in bandits one after the next to put together his “Evil King Army.” He is a mysterious kenpo user who is persistent on Eden and attacks it regularly, making him most feared by its people.

Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan in 2018.
2017-9-11 06:35 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-12 11:13 PM 编辑

  SEGA Games 公布由人中之龙工作室所制作的最新作品《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》最新情报。

  本作舞台奇迹之城「伊甸」是个水与电力取之不尽的世纪末大繁华街,就彷佛是将《人中之龙(龙が如く)》的神室町溶入《北斗神拳(北斗の拳)》世界观一般。 以这座大繁华街为舞台,本作将展开完全原创的故事。

《人中北斗》是由人中之龙工作室描绘出《北斗神拳》世界的动作冒险游戏。 以荒废的世界为舞台,展开完全原创的故事,不仅原作角色就连新角色也将于游戏内登场。 能游玩到加入秘孔动作要素的爽快战斗,以及在世纪末繁华街尽情享乐的冒险。

《人中北斗》托席及雷伊将于游戏内登场 采用《人中之龙》令人熟悉的声优阵容
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/152424.html

  SEGA Games 于近(11)日公布将在 2018 年发售的 PS4 动作冒险游戏《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》登场角色新情报。

  本次报导公布的是拳四郎的师兄弟托席(トキ),使用南斗水鸟拳的雷伊(レイ),以及雷伊之妹艾丽(アイリ)三位角色。 各角色的声优,皆由《人中之龙》系列里令人熟悉的声优阵容来担任。

决定让北斗四兄弟的二哥 “托席” 登场!

SEGA Games 于近日公布人气漫画《北斗神拳》(原作・武论尊、漫画・原哲夫)与「人中之龙工作室」合作作品 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件 《人中北斗》的第二波「游戏内登场角色」情报。

这次公布的是,北斗两千年历史中具有最华丽武艺的男人 “托席”、南斗水鸟拳正统继承者 “雷伊”、雷伊的妹妹 “艾丽” 等角色。 此外,他们的配音都是由《人中之龙》系列里令人熟悉的声优阵容来诠释。


北斗四兄弟 二哥

自幼就与拳四郎一同学习北斗神拳的师兄弟。 是心技体各方面都十分卓越的拳士,却在最终战争时,暴露在「死之灰」之下而罹患了不治之症,就此放弃成为继承者的道路。 之后将北斗神拳用于医疗。


使用南斗圣拳百八派系之中,人称是最为华丽的南斗水鸟拳的高手。 寻找着被胸口有着七道伤口的男子所带走的妹妹艾丽。 在听闻了来源相当可信的某项情报后,来到伊甸。


结婚典礼前夕被胸口有着七道伤口的男子带走,对自己的命运感到绝望,进而封印了自己的视力。 身处在十分刻苦的环境中。

Hokuto ga Gotoku details Toki, Rei, and Airi

Sega has updated the official website for Hokuto ga Gotoku, its upcoming Fist of the North Star game from the studio behind Yakuza, with descriptions and artwork of newly confirmed characters Toki, Rei, and Airi.

Get the details below.

Toki (voiced by Shunsuke Sakuya)

A fellow student who studied the Hokuto Shinken martial arts style alongside Kenshiro from a young age. He has heart, technique, and physique, and in all was an excellent fighter, but because he was exposed to the “nuclear fallout” during the final war, he suffered from an incurable disease and gave up on the path of succession. After that, he tried to put Hokuto Shinken to use as a means of medical treatment.

Rei (voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa)

A Nanto Suichiouken user said to be the most elegant in Nanto Seiken Hyakuhachi-ha. He is searching for his younger sister, Airi, who was kidnapped by a man with seven scars on his chest. He hears of certain plausible information, and visits Eden.

Airi (voiced by Ryoko Shiraishi)

After she was kidnapped by a man with seven scars on his chest on her wedding day, she rendered herself blind by pouring poison into her eyes in despair of her own destiny. It seems she was placed into a cruel environment.

Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan in 2018.
2017-9-15 04:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-18 06:09 PM 编辑

Hokuto ga Gotoku details Raoh, Rihaku, Taruga, and Lira

Sega has updated the official website for Hokuto ga Gotoku, its upcoming Fist of the North Star game from the studio behind Yakuza, with descriptions and artwork of newly confirmed characters Raoh and Rihaku, as well as game-original characters Taruga, and Lira.

Get the details below.

Raoh (voiced by Masami Iwasaki)

The Conqueror of Century’s End and “King of Fists,” he is the oldest of the four Hokuto siblings. He uses the Hokuto Shin Ken martial arts style for his own military rule, and tries to bring unity to the troubled times through violence.

Rihaku (voiced by Kazuhiro Yamaji)

One of the few doctors in town at Eden’s medical institution. Knowing much about kenpo and the state of things outside Eden, he is a man of extensive knowledge who doesn’t seem to be merely a doctor.

Taruga (voiced by Yuichi Nakamura)

No. 2 of the Kyouou Army, just below Kyouou himself. Contrary to his light voice, he has a cruel and inhuman personality. He uses a pistol, which are of value in this age, and has mastered a taijustu that the average swordsman stands no chance against.

Lira (voiced by Aya Hisakawa)

A voluptuous woman who runs the nightlife of Eden, from night clubs to Colosseum battle betting, and so on. She is strong-minded, intelligent, and has calm judgment. She is also very popular among the women in the city. She also has the full confidence of Eden’s ruler, Kisana.

Hokuto ga Gotoku is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan in 2018.

《人中北斗》公布第三波角色 世纪末霸者「罗王」与伊甸夜之女王「莱菈」登场
转载- 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/152657.html

  SEGA Games 于近日公布预开发中 PS4 动作冒险游戏《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》的第三波登场角色。

  本作是以奇迹之城「伊甸」为舞台,展开一场与原作完全不同走向的原创故事。 本次报导公布的是北斗四兄弟的长兄罗王(ラオウ)(声优:岩崎征实)、居住于伊甸的医生里哈克(リハク)(声优:山路和弘)、掌管伊甸 “夜之世界” 的莱菈(ライラ)(声优:久川 绫),凶王军 No.2 的达鲁加(タルーガ)(声优:中村悠一)等四位角色。


世纪末霸者 “罗王” 堂堂登场!

SEGA Games 于近日公布了人气漫画《北斗神拳》(原作・武论尊、漫画・原哲夫)与「人中之龙工作室」合作作品的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件 《人中北斗》第三波「游戏内登场角色」情报。

这次所公布的是,世纪末霸者「拳王」的北斗四兄弟长兄 “罗王”,居住于故事舞台-奇迹之街 ‧ 伊甸的医生 “里哈克” 等四位角色情报。 当然担任配音的是《人中之龙》系列中令人熟悉的声优阵容。 请玩家们期待前所未见的「北斗」世界!

世纪末霸者「拳王」,同时也是北斗四兄弟的长兄。 为了自己的霸业使用北斗神拳,企图以暴力统一乱世。

在伊甸的诊疗所里屈指可数的医生。 他很了解拳法及伊甸外的情势,拥有让人无法认为是个一介医生应有的渊博见识......。

莱菈(声优:久川 绫)
经营夜总会并在竞技场举办赌博竞技等事业,掌控着伊甸夜晚世界的妖艳女子。 有着不输男人的个性,同时拥有聪慧冷静的判断能力,也深受城镇里女性们信任。 就连伊甸统治者的琪萨娜也完全信任她。

位居仅次于凶王,号称凶王军第二把交椅的男人。 与轻浮的口吻相反是个性格残忍的人。 善于使用在这个时代里相当贵重的手枪,也学会了普通的拳士所无法匹敌的体术。

2017-9-19 07:13 PM
Hokuto ga Gotoku launches February 22 in Japan
《人中北斗》宣布 2018 年 2 月 22 日问世 曝光最新宣传影片

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/152701.html

  SIE 今日在东京举行 2017 东京电玩展的 PlayStation 展前发表会,揭露 SEGA 旗下 PS4 新款动作冒险游戏《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》预定 2018 年 2 月 22 日上市,日币不含税售价 8390 日圆。


  《人中北斗》游戏中将以《北斗之拳》原作为基础,发展出完全原创的剧情。 主角拳四郎背负着爱与哀伤,投身于宿命的战斗之中。 他在荒野里经历漂泊后总算抵达了奇迹之城「伊甸」,并展开北斗神拳传承者拳四郎的另一段「世纪末救世主传说」的传奇故事。


Hokuto ga Gotoku will launch for PlayStation 4 on February 22 in Japan for 8,390 yen, Sega announced at the 2017 PlayStation Press Conference in Japan.
2017-9-21 07:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-21 07:30 PM 编辑

  SEGA Games 公布由人中之龙工作室所制作的最新作品《人中北斗(北斗が如く)》最新情报。

  本作舞台奇迹之城「伊甸」是个水与电力取之不尽的世纪末大繁华街,就彷佛是将《人中之龙(龙が如く)》的神室町溶入《北斗神拳(北斗の拳)》世界观一般。 以这座大繁华街为舞台,本作将展开完全原创的故事。

《人中北斗》是由人中之龙工作室描绘出《北斗神拳》世界的动作冒险游戏。 以荒废的世界为舞台,展开完全原创的故事,不仅原作角色就连新角色也将于游戏内登场。 能游玩到加入秘孔动作要素的爽快战斗,以及在世纪末繁华街尽情享乐的冒险。




Three minutes of Hokuto ga Gotoku gameplay
《人中北斗》新试玩 各种经典招式

  在今年 TGS 展会上,世嘉展示了新的《人中北斗》游戏试玩,虽然试玩只有短短3分钟但是暴露出来的东西还是很多的。





Sega debuted nearly three minutes of gameplay from Hokuto ga Gotoku during a Tokyo Game Show 2017 stage event.

It was the first live gameplay demonstration of the PlayStation 4 game, which was recently dated for the release in Japan on February 22.

2017-9-21 04:21 PM
Hokuto ga Gotoku details story, four new characters, and play spots

Sega has updated the official website for Hokuto ga Gotoku with details and screenshots of the game’s story, four new characters, and play spots.

Get the details below.

■ Story

In the year 199X, the world was engulfed in nuclear flames! The oceans have dried and the earth had split, and it seemed as though all forms of life were annihilated. However, humanity was not destroyed!

Kenshiro, the successor of the Isshi Souden no Ansatsuken and Hokuto Shinken martial arts styles, was defeated by Nanto Seiken user Shin, and his beloved fiancee Yuria was stolen from him.

In order to take back Yuria, Kenshiro rose again. When he attacked the lone Shin’s castle, he defeated him in a battle to the death and got his revenge. However, after the fierce fight, Shin revealed the shocking truth of Yuria’s death.

Kenshiro was knocked down to the depths of despair, and wandered the wasteland. However, one day he heard a rumor that a woman named Yuria is alive. It was just a rumor with no basis. But for Kenshiro, it became his only living hope.

Kenshiro searched for “Eden,” the city where Yuria was said to have been heading. He tread upon the vast wasteland that forbids the existence of life.

“I want to see Yuria.”

With only that thought in mind when overcoming a fierce sandstorm, a huge city appeared. It was the city of miracles, “Eden.”

A strange, dome-shaped structure towered over the city. The city spread out at its base was closed off behind a solid wall.

People swarmed the outside of the city gate seeking water, food, and supplies. But the Garrison that defends the gate are like puppets without compassion, who only stand to block their way.

Yuria may be in this city. Kenshiro, who had made his resolve, decided to take unexpected action in order to get into the city…

There were bandits taking aim at those gathered in front of the city gate.

The bandits repeatedly robbed and murdered, regardless of whether their target was woman or child. While the Garrison watched over the situation, Kenshiro used his Hokuto Shinken fighting style to defeat the bandits one after the next.

The Garrison was frightened by the mysterious Ansatsuken that caused people to explode. As a result, one man suddenly pointed a gun at Kenshiro. That man was Jagure, the commanding officer of the Eden Garrison.


Jagure, who detests warriors, captured the suspicious Ansatsuken-using Kenshiro and threw him into a prison beneath the city as a criminal. Just what Kenshiro had hoped for…

Kenshiro planned to break out of prison at night. Escaping the underground, he immediately ran into a young woman living in the city.

She was a woman suspicious of Kenshiro’s jailbreak. Kenshiro spoke frankly and told her that he broke out in order to search for someone. Then the woman said, “You should win the prisoner fight.”

The prisoner fight… Killings and a show held by the prisoners in the city once a month. If you win, it is said that you can make a request to the city’s leader.

In order to find Yuria, Kenshiro chose to win his freedom rather than be chased down as a criminal. He returned to prison in order to participate in the prisoner fight…

The following day. Criminals gathered at the coliseum in the center of the city. From warriors who cannot stand but to kill to ruffians whose only dreams are to sleep with women… Kenshiro was thrown into a crowd of hopeless clowns.

However, after getting rid of the low-ranks with his overwhelming power, the last opponent of the show made an appearance. It was the incarnation of the devil that lives beneath Eden, a monster known as Devil Rebirth.

“Prisoner fights are just public execution,” Jagure muttered, chuckling from his seat in the coliseum.

Everyone in the coliseum believed that Kenshiro would die. But Kenshiro was different…

A few minutes later, the people of Eden witnessed an impossible scene. Kenshiro defeated Devil Rebirth, who is overwhelmingly bigger in size when compared to Kenshiro.

The audience broke out into a frenzy while making a loud rumble. Jagure, dumbfounded and without words, approached Kenshiro with the city’s leader.

A beautiful woman in a white dress. The coliseum fell silent at the appearance of their leader. That woman was the same woman in the city who told Kenshiro of the prisoner fight the night before.

“What do you want from this Eden?”

“I want to see a girl named Yuria, who is in this Eden… That is all.”

■ Characters

Souther (voiced by Hiroki Touchi)

A man who calls himself “Emperor,” he is one of the characters who reigns supreme in these turbulent times. He is the sole successor of the Nanto Houhouken martial arts style, and the strongest Nanto Seiken user. His excessive pride, which looks down on other warriors as lesser, seems to be come not only from his combat ability, but also from a big secret he holds.

Jagi (voiced by Hidenari Ugaki)

One of Kenshiro’s brothers who studied Hokuto Shinken. He is envious that Kenshiro was selected as the successor of the Hokuto Shinken fighting style, and dislikes the existence of a younger brother superior to an older brother. He wears a strange helmet and has seven scars on his chest like Kenshiro. He is an unpredictable man with madness in his eyes.

Uighur (voiced by Naomi Kusumi)

A man who runs a prison called Cassandra, where it is said that once you’re in, there is no getting out alive. The legendary “Impregnable Cassandra” is accomplished by this man’s overwhelming power.

Nadai (voiced by Masato Obara)

The founder of Eden who discovered the sphere city. He achieved frequent feats in his lifetime, building up Eden in a single generation, putting together the walls and Garrison, and so on, but died suddenly several years ago. It seems that even now he is worshiped in Eden as a hero.
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