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【PS4/XB1/PC】《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》

2018-2-2 07:47 PM
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet details Bazalt Joe, Gun and Sword, and online multiplayer

Bandai Namco has released new Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet information and screenshots introducing new character Bazalt Joe, the Gun and Sword equipment, and an overview of online multiplayer.

Get the details below.

■ Story Recap

You are the protagonist, who logs in to a virtual reality MMO for the first time after being invited by his childhood friend and heroine Kureha. That VRMMO is “Gun Gale Online,” a world of guns and steel. The protagonist, who unexpectedly comes into possession of an ArFA-sys (a valuable support AI that are few in number), catches the eyes of other players in “Gun Gale Online,” even though he is a newbie.

Also, there is another heroine named Zeliskam who came into possession of the same type of ArFA-sys. In order to clear the newly unlocked space ship area “SBC Fluegel,” the protagonist will travel across the vast world of “Gun Gale Online” alongside Kirito and company.

—From here on, this story is shaped by your decisions.

■ Kirito Mode Review

As you progress through the story, you will unlock “Kirito Mode,” which enables you to switch the playable character from the protagonist to Kirito. In Kirito Mode, you will be able to enjoy a different story from the main scenario depicting a battle against Death Gun. Be sure to check out the Kirito Mode-exclusive “Co-Sleeping” scenes, too!

■ New Character

Bazalt Joe (voiced by Rikiya Koyama)

A “Gun Gale Online” top rank player who takes a liking to the protagonist’s ArFa-sys and challenges him to a match many times over. Joe is very helpful, courageous, and popular among the members of his squadron. When it comes to a match, he is considerably persistent until he wins, but always shows good sportsmanship regardless of the results.

■ Customization Patterns

You can customize your avatar character from a wide selection of parts, including gender, such as figure, face, hairdo, voice, and more.

■ Gun and Sword

The dual wielding of a gun and Kagemitsu (light sword), which Kirito was able to equip in the “Phantom Bullet” arc of the Sword Art Online anime, will appear in Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet as the “Gun and Sword.” The Gun and Sword is unlocked when players clear a certain event with Kirito.

The Gun and Sword is a superior weapon type suited for any situation, be it close range or long distance. The Gun and Sword will also have exclusive skills.

■ An Overview of Online

Heated Online Battles and Co-Op

Get accustomed to battles so you can jump into online battles and co-op. You will be able to enjoy intense battles unique to this game, including powerful boss battles that one player alone cannot defeat, and four-versus-four team matches.

In online co-op, you can obtain rare items as a reward for clearing the objective. The items you obtain can be used to strengthen weapons at Lisbeth’s Workshop or create costumes for Asuna’s Costume Quests to further strengthen your avatar character.

Additionally, there are also time attack quests in online co-op where you compete to defeat enemies the fastest. Master your skills, strengthen your avatar character, and slice your way to the top of the time attack rankings!

*In the co-op lobby, you can use emotion commands such as waving and nodding, as well as voice chat, to communicate with other players.

*You can also show off your custom avatar character and ArFA-sys.

Online Battles

A grand free-for-all battle where players are divided into two teams: Alpha Team and Bravo Team. Players will have to predict not only the movements of the players on the opposing team, but also the movements of the target enemies. It’s a three-way battle where players will have to deal with a difficult, boss-class enemy, as well as attacks from the opposing team.

Online Co-Op

Combining players and ARfa-sys, up to eight characters (four players) can play together in online cooperative battles. Since powerful enemies will appear in each mission, the use of buff-type skills such as ally stat increases and HP recovery, as well as enemy stat debuff-type skills is required. Decide upon your roles, then head into battle.

■ New Co-Sleeping Event Scene

The following screenshot is the reveal of Argo as a Co-Sleeping partner.

■ βeater’s Player Authority Began on February 1

Users who purchase Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet for PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store in Japan will receive “βeater‘s Player Authority,” which enables early access to the beginning of the game, including the “Management Facility Ruins” and “Old Civilization Research Facility Ruins” dungeons in the “Remnant Wasteland” field. Early access began on February 1.

—Old Civilization Research Facility Ruins

—Management Facility Ruins

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 8 in Japan, and February 23 in the Americas and Europe.
2018-2-2 07:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-5 07:14 PM 编辑

《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》公布在线要素 除对战与共斗外还能进行竞时赛
转载- 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/158799.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 前日公布,将于 2 月 8 日推出 PlayStation 4 版与 Xbox One 版,2 月 24 日推出 PC 版的《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹(ソードアート・オンライン フェイタル・バレッ ト)》最新情报。

  本作将由玩家担任主角,描写与原作小说《刀剑神域(ソードアート・オンライン)》(以下简称《SAO》)不同的故事,并随着本篇故事进行,将解锁可变为操作「桐人」的「桐人模式」(相关报导)。 在这个模式,除了能欣赏与游戏本篇不同的故事,还准备了只有在这里才能体验到的「陪睡」场面。

  还将介绍新登场角色巴萨鲁特. 乔(バザルト・ジョー)、在原作里桐人使用的武器「枪 & 剑」,以及在线要素的对战、共斗、竞时赛系统。 在共斗里,过关报酬能够取得高稀有度道具,获得的道具可在「莉兹贝特工坊」或「亚丝娜的服装探索」,强化虚拟角色。

  此外 PlayStation 4 下载版的早期购入特典「βeater‘s Player 权」目前开放游玩中,期限至 2 月 8 日为止。 能够探索的区域为「残影的荒野」,并准备了「管理设备遗迹」与「旧文明研究设施遗迹」两个迷宫。 详情请玩家参考下列报导。


「主角 = 你」受到青梅竹马女主角「红叶」邀请,首次登入 VRMMO。 那里是被称为《Gun Gale Online》充满枪械与钢铁的世界。 「主角」偶然取得了十分贵重稀有的支持型 AI「ArFA-Sys」,瞬间成为受到《GGO》玩家们瞩目的新手玩家。

此外,另一位女主角「兹莉斯卡」也同样取得了「ArFA-Sys」。 为了攻略新解放的宇宙船区域《SBC 弗吕格尔》,「主角」与桐人一行人一同踏入这广大的世界。



随着本篇故事推进将开放从「主角」变为操纵「桐人」的「桐人模式」! 在「桐人模式」里,能享受与本篇不同,描写桐人与死枪(デス・ガン)展开死斗的故事,以及只有桐人模式才能欣赏到的「陪睡」场面,敬请期待!

参加 BoB(The Bullet of Bullets)大赛追捕死枪!


巴萨鲁特. 乔 ★新角色

很中意主角的 ArFA-Sys ,便数次挑起挑战的《GGO》上位玩家。 擅于照顾他人,又有男子气概,深受中内成员爱戴。 到打赢为止会不断前来求战,相当烦躁,但对当下输赢的结果却很干脆。




新武器种类(枪 & 剑)

本作以「枪 & 剑」重现了动画《刀剑神域》的《幽灵子弹》篇里,双手分持手枪与光剑的桐人装备! 「枪 & 剑」将在通过与桐人的某个事件后正式解锁!

不论在远、近距离任何场面都能应付的优秀武器种类! 甚至还有「枪 & 剑」装备限定技能!



习惯战斗后,就可以试着挑战线上对战、共斗。 会有一人无法击倒的强力头目登场,或是 4 人 VS 4 人的队伍战,享受游戏本篇无法品味到,紧张感十足的战斗!

在在线共斗里,过关报酬能够取得高稀有度道具! 获得的道具可用于「莉兹贝特工坊」强化武器,或是用在「亚丝娜的服装任务」制作服装,使虚拟角色更为强大!

另外,在线共斗也有尽速击倒怪物的竞时赛任务! 将游玩的手腕锻炼到极致,强化虚拟角色,让自己的名字在竞时赛排行榜上名列前茅!

※ 在共有大厅里,能以「挥手」、「点头」等情绪指令及语音聊天进行交流。
※ 秀出专属自己的虚拟角色及 ArFA-Sys!


看哪一方能迅速削减指定敌人的 HP !

玩家们分为 Alpha 小队、Bravo 小队,展开一场大混战。 不仅敌方队伍玩家,也得预测怪物的行动小心走位。 小怪物也会以头目级怪物为目标,敌方队伍、怪物都会毫不留情地展开攻势!


与同伴一同挑战强敌! 共斗游玩!

「玩家」加上「ArFA-Sys」,进行最多 8 人的共斗游玩! 不论哪种任务都会出现强劲的怪物,但过关报酬将能取得高稀有道具! 运用让我方能力提升或回复 HP 的 Buff 系技能、让敌人麻痹的 Debuff 系技能,掌握自己在队伍中的职责挑战共斗。



βeater‘s Player 权 自 2/1 起开放游玩!

《残影的荒野》区域里,包含了「管理设备遗迹」与「旧文明研究设施遗迹」两座迷宫! 更公布了这两座迷宫的内部场景!


2018-2-8 06:33 PM
《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》主题曲 LiSA 最新单曲「Thrill, Risk, Heartless」释出音乐影像
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/158955.html

  日本知名歌手 LiSA 今日于官方 Youtube 频道上,释出了个人最新单曲「Thrill, Risk, Heartless」的音乐影像。

  「Thrill, Risk, Heartless」一曲,是作为今(8)日发售,由 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 所制作的《刀剑神域》系列最新作游戏《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》的主题曲。 官方继日前释出了搭配游戏画面的片头影片后,今日推出了以歌手 LiSA 作为影像主题的歌曲宣传影像。

  「Thrill, Risk, Heartless」是以网络贩卖形式推出,目前全曲已于日本台湾多个平台上架,而游戏《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》也在今日正式推出。

2018-2-8 08:05 PM
《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》公开第一弹大型DLC详情 铳士X参战
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201802/0617117390.html

  即将在明天发售的新作《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》公开了第一弹大型DLC铳火之霸者相关情报,游戏在发售之后会推出共计3弹的大型DLC内容。






2018-2-9 05:20 PM
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet details more story

Bandai Namco has released a new Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet information and screenshots introducing more of the story, recently detailed character Bazalt Joe, other previously detailed characters, and the Dual Arms two-pistol style.

Get the details below.

Invited by a childhood friend Kureha, the protagonist will log in a world of guns through Gun Gale Online game. Unexpectedly he obtains ArFA-Sys, a newly implemented player support AI, and meets Kirito who requests his help to conquer the additional dungeon of the spaceship SBC Flügel. The protagonist has to collect all the key “ArFA-Sys parts” and fulfill the SBC Flügel requirements before heading to the spaceship.

In the middle of the adventure, they meet several characters such as Bazalt Joe a talented player, Zeliska also called the Uncrowned Queen who has the same Typ-X ArFA-Sys and the famous Squadron leader Itsuki who joins the group. Bazalt Joe has an obsession for the protagonist’s ArFA-Sys that he would like to own. To achieve his goal, he challenges the protagonist several time. While dealing with Bazalt Joe, the protagonist continues progressing in the conquest and finally reaches the SBC Flügel gate.

The SBC Flügel challenge becomes available but everyone wants to take it. To decide the winners the group plays rock-paper-scissors. The protagonist, Kirito, Kureha and ArFA-Sys win getting the right to challenge the gate!

In Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet there are several weapon types. Dual Arms is a two-pistol style with guns on both hands to produce tremendous attacks. Guns like the hand gun, sub machine gun, shotgun, assault rifle and launcher can be equipped on both hands and will double the power! Each weapon type has special techniques called “Weapon Arts” that can be purchased from Argo. Players can also reveal her information such as the ArFA-sys fund management function to get some money.

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet is available now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in Japan, and will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 23 in the Americas and Europe.

2018-2-14 06:36 PM
《刀剑神域》真人电视剧 将由 Netflix 平台推出 主角有望由亚洲人担纲演出
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/159230.html

  继 2016 年报导指出,美国电影电视制作公司 Skydance Television 有意将《刀剑神域》将改编真人电视剧的消息后。 Laeta Kalogridis 于 Collider 接受采访报导时指出,该系列作真人剧已由 Netflix 买下的消息。


  由 川原砾所著的《Sword Art Online 刀剑神域》,故事描述 2022 年,人类终于开发出真正的虚拟现实。 桐人身为 VRMMORPG『Sword Art Online(SAO)』的玩家其中一人,正当大家尽情地享受于 SAO 的世界时,包含他在内的一万多名玩家被迫参加游戏制作者的死亡游戏。 那就是,只有将游戏破关,才能够注销这个世界,而若是玩家在游戏中死亡,现实的肉体也会死亡。 这正是 SAO 恐怖的真相。 桐人比其他人还要早接受此事实,不打算组队,以独行玩家身分投身于看不见终点的死斗中......。

  作品除了在过去推出改编电视动画、电影、漫画外,外传小说《刀剑神域外传 Gun Gale Online》也即将于今年春季推出改编动画。

  与《死亡笔记本》不同,负责编剧、以及执行制作的 Laeta Kalogridis 在接受采访时强调指出,届时改编《Sword Art Online 刀剑神域》真人剧,桐人以及亚丝娜的演员选角,将会遵循原作寻找亚裔演员诠释演出。

  目前关于《Sword Art Online 刀剑神域》真人剧,官方尚未公开详细的选角名单、剧情走向等详细信息。 对于本作有兴趣的人,可注意后续相关报导。
2018-2-23 06:16 PM
Steam Users Get Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment Free with Fatal Bullet
采第三人称射击玩法新作《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》PC 版即将上市

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/159458.html

  台湾万代南梦宫娱乐旗下以动画《刀剑神域》为题材的系列最新作《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》PC 版即将在 24 日上市。


  以原作与动画中广受欢迎的枪之世界「Gun Gale Online」为故事舞台的《刀剑神域》系列游戏最新作《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》,采用有别于先前系列作的第三人称射击玩法,操作桐人与诗乃等各具特色不同的角色, 享受培育角色逐渐成长茁壮的过程,感受不同以往的游戏体验。

  《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》PS4、Xbox One 版本已于 2 月 8 日率先在亚洲发售,而 PC 版则将于 24 日在全球同步上市,届时将登上 Steam 平台,支持繁体中文接口与字幕。 官方表示,预购《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》PC 版的玩家将可以在游戏上市时获得《刀剑神域 Re:―虚空断章―》英文版。

  《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》PC 版即将在 24 日上市。

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment Available on Steam with Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Pre-Order Starting on March 23, 2018

Bandai Namco Entertainment America announces that gamers who have pre-ordered Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet for PC via Steam will be able to receive their free copy of Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment on March 23, 2018. To help fans experience the breadth of the popular manga and anime series, anyone who pre-order Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet before February 23, 2018 will automatically receive Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment when it is available on March 23, 2018.

Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment features an original story based on the hit anime, set in the simulated Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (VRMMORPG) world known as Sword Art Online. In Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment, players will play as the main character, Kirito, and fight through all the levels of Aincrad to break free from being locked within the virtual game world.
2018-3-11 06:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-11 07:24 PM 编辑

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet DLC to add Clarence, Shirley, Alice, and Eugeo
《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》DLC介绍视频 爱丽丝与尤吉欧参战

  万代南梦宫娱乐旗下以动画《刀剑神域》为题材的系列最新作《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》在昨天举行的电击感谢祭2018 上公开了未来三弹大型DLC内容的最新介绍视频。



  以原作与动画中广受欢迎的枪之世界「Gun Gale Online」为故事舞台的《刀剑神域》系列游戏最新作《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》,采用有别于先前系列作的第三人称射击玩法,操作桐人与诗乃等各具特色不同的角色, 享受培育角色逐渐成长茁壮的过程,感受不同以往的游戏体验。

  《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》PS4、Xbox One 版本已于 2 月 8 日率先在亚洲发售,而 PC 版则将于 24 日在全球同步上市,届时将登上 Steam 平台,支持繁体中文接口与字幕。 官方表示,预购《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》PC 版的玩家将可以在游戏上市时获得《刀剑神域 Re:―虚空断章―》英文版。

  《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》PC 版即将在 24 日上市。

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet will add Clarence and Shirley from Sword Art Online: Alternative Gun Gale Online, and Alice and Eugeo from Sword Art Online: Alicization Arc as part of its second and third downloadable add-ons, respectively, Bandai Namco announced.

Watch a new trailer introducing the game’s three upcoming downloadable add-ons below.
2018-3-13 03:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-14 07:43 PM 编辑

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Season Pass first details, screenshots

  万代南梦宫公布了《刀剑神域:夺命凶弹(Sword Art Online:Fatal Bullet)》的季票详情以及相关的截图,还介绍了游戏的首个资料片“冒名顶替者的伏击”。除了首个资料片,季票中还将会包括第二个资料片“伙伴的背叛”和第三个资料片“平衡的坍塌”。


“冒名顶替者的伏击”资料片将会包含全新的故事剧情,全新的地牢迷宫和BOSS战。为了弄清楚关于敌人ArFA-sys作战单位的流言真相,主角和他的同伴们联手Yamikaze、Dyne和Musketeer X开始调查事件的真相,新的故事开始了。


· 新的可玩角色:Dyne、Yamikaze和Musketeer X
· 新的游戏模式“凶弹中的凶弹”:在这个全新的离线模式中,玩家可以用自定义的角色与Kirito和其他角色战斗
· 4V4的死亡竞赛多人模式:玩家可以组成一支四人队伍与另一支队伍战斗,其中没有其他BOSS和敌人


· “伙伴的背叛”资料片:加入Clarence和Shirley
· “平衡的坍塌”资料片:加入Alice和Eugeo

  《刀剑神域:夺命凶弹》现已全球发售,登陆平台为PS4/Xbox One/PC。

Bandai Namco has announced first details and screenshots of the Season Pass for Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, including its first expansion, “Ambush of the Imposters.”

The Season Pass will also include the second and third expansions, “Betrayala of Comrades” and “Collapse of Balance.”

Here are the first details:

“Ambush Of The Imposters” will feature a brand new story arc with a new dungeon and boss battle. Following rumors about enemy ArFA-sys units, the protagonist and its companions start investigating the rumors with the cooperation of Yamikaze, Dyne and Musketeer X…Another story starts.

Further features of the first expansion for Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet include:

New playable characters: Dyne, Yamikaze and Musketeer X
New game mode Bullet Of Bullets: With their customized characters, players can fight Kirito and other characters in this new offline mode
Four-versus-Four Deathmatch Multiplayer Mode (available in Hero Battle and Avatar Battle): Players can now fight in teams of four against each other without Boss enemy

The two others expansions of the Season Pass will also features new characters:

Clarence and Shirley (Alternative Gun Gale Online) for the expansion “Betrayal Of Comrades”
Alice and Eugeo (Alicization) for the expansion “Collapse Of Balance”

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet is available now worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

2018-4-23 06:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-23 11:16 PM 编辑

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet DLC ‘Ambush of the Imposters’ launches April 26 in Japan
《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》大型DLC铳火的霸者将于本周推出

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  万代南梦宫宣布《刀剑神域 夺命凶弹》第一弹大型DLC“铳火的霸者”PS4/Xbox One版将于4月26日推出,Steam版4月27日推出。该DLC包含新的剧情、新的角色暗风/达因/铳士X、新BOSS、新的线下BoB模拟竞赛玩法等内容。



The first downloadable expansion for Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, dubbed “Ambush of the Imposters,” will launch on April 26 in Japan, Bandai Namco announced. It will cost 1,200 individually or 3,000 yen as part of the Season Pass.

Game version update 1.2.0 will be released first on April 25, which includes a four-versus-four “Deathmatch” online multiplayer mode (without an enemy boss), increases the level cap to 175 and weapon rank to eight, and adds new weapons.

Here is a brief overview of the “Ambush of the Imposters” expansion, via Bandai Namco:

  • New story: The time is before the capture of the SBC Flugel—. Following rumors about enemy ArFA-sys units, the protagonist and its companions start investigating the rumors with the cooperation of Yamikaze, Dyne and Musketeer X… another story starts.
  • New playable characters: Dyne (voiced by Satoshi Tsuruoka), Yamikaze (voiced by Gou Shinomiya), and Musketeer X (voiced by Hibiku Yamamura)
  • New boss enemy: Elemental Wizard
  • New game mode Bullet Of Bullets: Offline-only. Fight against characters encountered at random. Win through the one-versus-one opening rounds three times, and aim for victory in the eight-person battle royale final round. Kirito, Asuna, and the others, as well as new characters Dyne, Yamikaze, and Musketeer X will appear as opponents.

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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