Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Season Pass announced
Nintendo Switch《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》中文更新同步推出 SEASON PASS 时程揭露
Ubisoft 今(24)日正式宣布,《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》中文语系更新将在游戏上市时同步推出,玩家透过软件更新即可取得繁体中文语系。
同时官方亦公开上市后续追加内容发行计划,陆续为玩家带来新武器、单人挑战、合作地图以及全新剧情内容;拥有 Season Pass 资格的玩家将可在日后享用三款 DLC 下载内容。
《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》的故事让最知名的电玩游戏角色玛利欧和天不怕地不怕、行事作风混乱的疯狂兔子意外地凑在一起去拯救被神秘漩涡搞得四分五裂的蘑菇王国。
Season Pass 资格将收录以下内容:
- 游戏上市时将提供 8 款独特的蒸气庞克武器,每款武器有各自的属性。
- 今年秋天将推出全新单人挑战让玩家考验自己的本事,并将提供额外的合作地图让玩家与好友同乐。
- 2018 年将带给玩家全新的剧情内容。
《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》将在 8 月 29 日于 Nintendo Switch 平台独占推出;《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》Season Pass 将于 8 月 29 日起在 eShop 数字商店贩卖、售价为 19.99 欧元,亚洲地区商店暂未开启。
Ubisoft Announces Season Pass for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Today, Ubisoft announced the post-launch plans for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, which will include new weapons, solo challenges, co-op maps and brand new story content.
Season Pass owners will be able to enjoy three pieces of DLC:
• 8 unique steampunk weapons will be available at the launch of the game, each one with its own statistics. These items will be exclusive for season pass owners.
• This autumn, players will be able to test their skills with new solo challenges, or with a friend, through additional co-op maps.
• In 2018, players will be able to play through brand new story content.
The season pass will be available for Nintendo Switch on August 29th, 2017 for $19.99.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Battle is the story of an unexpected encounter between the most famous video game character, Mario, and the irreverent and chaotic Rabbids, as they join forces to restore the Mushroom Kingdom, which has been torn apart by a mysterious vortex. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle will be available exclusively for Nintendo Switch on August 29TH, 2017.