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【PS4 / XB1 】Red Dead Redemption 2

2018-5-4 05:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-7 04:06 PM 编辑

2018-5-4 10:43 PM


2018-5-14 07:18 PM
《荒野大镖客2》大量新情报公布 努力打造一个真实可信的开放世界

  《荒野大镖客2(Red Dead Redemption 2)》看起来是Rockstar迄今为止最有野心,内容最丰富的游戏。最近,Rockstar的联席总裁Rob Nelson接受了JeuxActu的采访,透露了不少新的游戏情报,包括玩家游戏中的自由选择,动态的NPC互动和游戏室内场景的提升等等,让我们一起来了解下吧!


  Rob Nelson说:“《荒野大镖客2》有着动人的故事,玩家将会沉浸于一个真实可信的世界中,游戏的故事将会非常吸引人,但玩家也被赋予了自由,他们可以自由行动,然后以很自然的方式回到主线任务,我们很重视这一点。这也是我们只做《大镖客2》的主要目标,抹去游戏不同部分的界限,将他们彼此连贯融合,有机地组织在一起。游戏中的一切都必须显得自然,不能有任何突兀或者拖拉,从而增强游戏的沉浸感以及每一个任务之间的联系。”


  Rob Nelson还谈到了游戏中与NPC的动态互动,以及这种动态互动是如何影响游戏玩法的,Rob Nelson说:“举个例子,在营地的时候,与NPC的一次简单的对话就可以导致一桩银行劫案或者揭示出关于游戏故事和背景的重要内容,而它还将会触发新的任务,而玩家此时也可以选择继续做新任务或者之后有空再做。当玩家离开营地去寻找物资时,他也将会发现很多有趣的事情或者一些其他的任务目标。我们所做的一切都是为了让Arthur这个著名黑帮的亡命之徒的形象变得丰满起来,当然了,我们也会让游戏变得尽可能的好玩。”


  Rob Nelson谈到了游戏中玩家的选择权:“游戏中的黑帮需要钱,所以你必须要进行各种任务,比如抢劫银行,截击火车,偷盗,狩猎,也要做二道贩子。除了游戏的任务以外,你还会有1001种赚钱的方式,有正义的方式,也有不那么光彩的方式,玩家可以按照自己的喜好来。你可以杀死别人获得他们的钱财,你也可以不那么暴力,只是威胁一下他们然后获得金钱。我们认为,把选择权交给玩家是很重要的。玩家扮演的是Arthur,虽然Arthur有着自己的性格,但是你可以决定他的行为方式。”





  此外,Rob Nelson还谈到了游戏中的室内场景。因为熟悉R星开放世界游戏的玩家都会知道,尽管R星可以打造出宏伟和细节丰富的室外场景,但是他们的室内场景却做得不怎样,要么是室内场景缺乏真实感和细节,要么干脆就是房子进不去。不过看起来,这一点在《荒野大镖客2》中将会有所改观了。

  Rob Nelson说:“在《荒野大镖客2》中,我们试图提升室内场景的内容,现在你可以进入一个房子,打开一个抽屉,然后取走抽屉里的珠宝。游戏中会有很多这样的细节,从而使得这个世界会尽可能的真实可信,具有深度。从大金库到人们外套的小口袋里,你可以从一切地方去偷东西,甚至你都不知道会偷到什么东西。我们试图打造出一个真实可靠的世界,在其中你可以跳上火车,进入汽车,当你找到一个包,你可以打开它然后取走里面的东西,你也可以悄悄地下火车,一切皆有可能。”

  《荒野大镖客2》将于 10 月 26 日同步繁体中文版登陆 PS4 和 Xbox One 平台,敬请期待。
2018-5-31 08:08 PM
《荒野大镖客 救赎2》是否包含DLC?Take-Two总裁现身作答

  在《GTA 5》发售后,Rockstar 曾暗示会给游戏制作故事 DLC,但实际上这个 DLC 从没有出现过,这也让许多玩家感到失望。那么, Rockstar 会为他们的下一部作品《荒野大镖客 救赎2》制作 DLC 吗?尽管现在还不能确定,但 Take-Two 总裁 Karl Slatoff  表示,对公司来说, 推出 DLC 是“有利可图的”。

  在最近于纽约举行的 Cowen & Company 会议上,Karl Slatoff 谈到了公司对 DLC 的看法:“从全局来看,我们认为 DLC 是一种有趣的商业模式……Rockstar 明确表示过这是将来要考虑的事情,但他们对大镖客2以及之后的其它游戏并没有具体的声明……对我们来说,这是非常有利可图的模式;对于消费者来说,这也是一个非常引人注目的模式,因为它允许玩家以他们习惯的方式继续参与游戏。”

  去年10月,Rockstar 的设计总监也曾被问到了有关《GTA 5》DLC 的问题,他在那时表示,对于《GTA 5》来说,工作室不认为单人拓展是必要或是可能的,但他们可能会在未来的项目中制作这些东西。结合开发者和管理层的言论,推出《荒野大镖客 救赎2》的(单人剧情)DLC 是一件几率很大的事情。

  《荒野大镖客 救赎2》将于2018年10月26日发售,登陆 PS4/Xbox One,中文版预计将同步推出。
2018-6-4 03:28 PM
Red Dead Redemption 2 Pre-Order Bonuses Revealed
《荒野大镖客2》预购奖励公布 7月31日前预购有额外赠品


· 战马
· 法外之徒生存包
· 《荒野大镖客2》故事模式的金钱奖励
· 能立刻在《GTA Online》中使用的50万美元(需要在预购了RDR2之后在微软商城内搜索和下载‘$500,000 for Grand Theft Auto Online’)



  《荒野大镖客2》将在10月26日发售,游戏平台为PS4和Xbox One,中文版同步。

Red Dead Redemption 2 Pre-Order Details

Pre-Order Red Dead Redemption 2 to get:

• The War Horse

• The Outlaw Survival Kit

• Cash Bonus for Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode

• Bonus GTA$500,000 to spend immediately in Grand Theft Auto Online. After pre-ordering your copy of Red Dead Redemption 2 through the Microsoft Store on Xbox, this GTA$500,000 bonus can be downloaded by searching for “$500,000 for Grand Theft Auto Online” on the Microsoft Store.

In addition, pre-order by July 31, 2018 to get an exclusive Treasure Map for Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode.

America, 1899. The end of the wild west era has begun as lawmen hunt down the last remaining outlaw gangs. Those who will not surrender or succumb are killed.

After a robbery goes badly wrong in the western town of Blackwater, Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are forced to flee. With federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, the gang must rob, steal and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. As deepening internal divisions threaten to tear the gang apart, Arthur must make a choice between his own ideals and loyalty to the gang who raised him.

From the creators of Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in America at the dawn of the modern age.
2018-6-5 12:58 PM
Red Dead Redemption 2 Special Editions and Pre-Order Bonuses Announced

The Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition, Ultimate Edition and Collector’s Box

Today we're pleased to announce details for the Special Edition and Ultimate Edition of Red Dead Redemption 2, along with extra pre-order bonuses for all three versions and a unique assemblage of real-world collectibles inspired by the game.

All pre-orders of Red Dead Redemption 2 will include this pair of Story Mode enhancements:

War Horse: This handsome iron-grey-colored Ardennes War Horse can always be relied on in the heat of the battle. With greater courage and stamina than the average steed, this is a horse that knows how to keep its head under fire.

The Outlaw Survival Kit: The Outlaw Survival Kit contains a collection of key supplies for enduring the rigors of life on the frontier, including items to replenish Health, Dead Eye and more.

Digital Pre-Order Bonuses

In addition to the War Horse and Outlaw Survival Kit mentioned above, digital pre-orders on the PlayStation Store and Xbox Store will also receive these added rewards:

Cash Bonus for Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode: The Van der Linde gang is always looking for ways to make more money and bring in new supplies. This in-game cash bonus will give Arthur Morgan enough to buy a weapon, some food, a handful of useful items and ammunition.

Treasure Map: Secret buried treasure can be found throughout the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. This exclusive Treasure Map for Story Mode will give Arthur a head start on the hunt for hidden riches. Must pre-order by July 31, 2018.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition

The Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition delivers exclusive content for Story Mode including:

Bank Robbery Mission and Gang Hideout in Story Mode: Get exclusive access to a Bank Robbery Mission, in which Arthur and a couple of his fellow gang members come up with a daring plan to break in and rob the bank in the southern town of Rhodes. Elsewhere, the Del Lobos Gang has taken over a hacienda - clear this gang’s hideout and rob their stash for a lucrative take.

Dappled Black Thoroughbred: This thoroughbred racehorse sporting a beautiful reverse-dappled black coat will keep you at the front of the pack with its exceptional speed and acceleration. You will also get the exclusive Nuevo Paraiso Saddle, handmade in dark chocolate leather with silver medallion detailing. This horse and saddle are available in Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode.

Talisman and Medallion Gameplay Bonuses: These special Story Mode items will give Arthur a helping hand whenever they are equipped. Attaching the Eagle Talon Talisman to his boot, Arthur’s environmental awareness skill will last longer. By carrying the Iguana Scale in his personal Satchel, Arthur will take less damage while riding on horseback.

Gameplay Boosts, Cash Bonuses & Discounts: This collection of exclusive Story Mode boosts, bonuses and discounts will help Arthur to survive out in the harsh wilderness and better provide for his gang members and their camp. The Core Stat boost benefits Arthur’s Stamina, Health and Dead Eye Cores. Earn more cash during robbery missions with the Van der Linde gang, and when hunting and selling animal carcasses. Receive discounts on all upgrades to the Van der Linde gang’s camp.

The Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger Outfit: This exclusive Story Mode outfit for Arthur is inspired by the clothing worn by vaqueros and banditos south of the border. The outfit features a wide brimmed black cowboy hat, deep indigo coat, worn denim chaps, leather gloves and boots.

Free Access to Additional Weapons: A good range of weapons is essential for survival in the Old West. Get free access to three weapons at the in-game Gunsmiths in Story Mode: the robust Volcanic Pistol, devastating Pump Action Shotgun and versatile Lancaster Varmint Rifle.

The Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition is available for pre-order on the PlayStation Store, the Xbox Store, the Rockstar Warehouse and at other select retailers.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition

The Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition delivers all of the Story Mode content from the Special Edition plus additional bonuses for online including:

Bonus Outfits: Get two exclusive outfits for your online character. The Blackrose Bounty Hunter Outfit features a long oxblood-colored coat, a vest with gold pocket watch chain, and dark pants tucked into chocolate leather boots. The Copperhead Enforcer Outfit features a fur-lined saddle-brown leather waistcoat, two-tone gloves, and pinstripe black pants tucked into black leather boots.

Black Chestnut Thoroughbred: Outrun the competition with this thoroughbred racehorse in a striking black chestnut coat and also receive the exclusive High Plains Cutting Saddle beautifully crafted in jet-black leather with gold metal accents. This horse and saddle are available in online.

Free Access to the Survivor Camp Theme: Customize your own personal Camp in online with free access to the Survivor theme.

Free Access to Additional Weapons: Get access to the Volcanic Pistol, Pump Action Shotgun and Lancaster Varmint Rifle, free of charge from Gunsmiths in online.

Rank Bonuses: As a great start for all Ultimate Edition players, you can rank up faster in online, up to rank 25.

The Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition is available for pre-order on the PlayStation Store, the Xbox Store, the Rockstar Warehouse and at other select retailers.

Bonus GTA$ For Digital Pre-Orders

No matter which version you choose, all digital pre-orders from the PlayStation Store or Xbox Store will receive an immediate infusion of GTA$ to their Maze Bank accounts in GTA Online:

Red Dead Redemption 2: Standard Edition Digital Pre-Order: Get GTA$500,000
Red Dead Redemption 2: Special Edition Digital Pre-Order: Get GTA$1,000,000
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition Digital Pre-Order: Get GTA$2,000,000

Red Dead Redemption 2: Collector’s Box

The Red Dead Redemption 2: Collector’s Box, available exclusively from select retailers and the Rockstar Warehouse, features a curated assortment of outlaw essentials all packaged in a thick gauged metal tithing box (Red Dead Redemption 2 sold separately).

Metal Tithing Box with Lock & Key: Inspired by the lockbox used by the Van der Linde gang to stash contributions to the camp’s upkeep, this thick gauged metal box includes a lock & key, and features black metal band detailing and an engraved Cornwall Freight & Commodities plaque.

Collectable Challenge Coin: Featuring the majestic American Buffalo on one side and a scenic landscape on the other side, this engraved, gold-colored collectable coin comes in a magnetic presentation holder with a black, engraved plaque describing the history of this endangered species.

Double Sided Puzzle: This double-sided, 100-piece wooden jigsaw puzzle features an illustrated view of the bustling port of Saint Denis on one side, and a classically inspired Rockstar Games logo on the reverse.

Six Shooter Bandana: A staple for any frontier outlaw, this bandana features a traditional paisley-inspired pattern with hidden weapon iconography throughout.

Treasure Map: Printed on durable, unrippable paper, this exclusive treasure map reveals the location of some buried treasure that may start Arthur on a search for more riches hidden throughout the world of Red Dead Redemption 2.

Pin Set: This set of six individual pins includes representations of key weapons from Red Dead Redemption 2 including a shotgun, revolver and Dead Eye “X” marker. The set comes in a canvas carrying bag.

Playing Cards: Commemorate the outlaws of the Van der Linde gang with this fully illustrated deck of playing cards featuring key members of the gang including Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Javier Escuella, Bill Williamson and Dutch van der Linde.

Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Catalogue: The one-stop shop for everything from weapons to clothing, the Wheeler, Rawson and Co. Catalogue is an essential shopping tool for turn of the century life. This complete 150-page book is a replica of the edition found in stores throughout Red Dead Redemption 2.

12 Cigarette Cards: These beautifully-illustrated collectable cards can be found throughout the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. This physical collection includes one select card from each set like Famous Gunslingers and Outlaws, Stars of the Stage and Marvels of Travel and Locomotion.

The Red Dead Redemption 2 Collector’s Box is available now for pre-order from the Rockstar Warehouse and look for it to also be available from select retailers.

2018-6-5 05:07 PM
《荒野大镖客:救赎2》将以字幕支持中文语系 公布特别版、终极版和典藏版细节
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/163544.html)

  Rockstar Games 制作,预定 10 月推出的 PS4 / Xbox One 开放世界动作冒险游戏《荒野大镖客:救赎2》台译:《碧血狂杀 2(Red Dead Redemption 2)》,在今(5)日公布特别版、终极版和典藏版的细节与其预购奖励以及语言版本支持。 《荒野大镖客:救赎2》将以字幕支持亚洲语言包含日文、韩文、繁体中文与简体中文。



这匹俊美的铁灰色阿尔登马战马,是玩家在战场中的可靠帮手。 牠的勇气与体力皆高于一般的马匹,熟知在战火中的生存之道。


  除了上述的战马与亡命之徒生存包之外,在 PlayStation Store 与 Xbox 市集的数字版预购还能额外得到下列内容:

范特林帮派一直不断在想方设法,试图赚更多钱并取得新补给品。 这笔游戏内游戏币奖励将能给阿瑟. 摩根足够钱来购买武器、一些粮食、实用物品以及弹药。
《荒野大镖客:救赎2》的世界埋藏着各种宝藏。 这份独家的故事模式藏宝图,能让阿瑟在寻宝之路上抢得先机。 必须在 2018 年 7 月 31 日前预购。




玩家可获得一项独家银行抢劫任务,在任务中阿瑟及帮派同伙要前往罗德这个南方城镇,闯入并抢劫银行。 另外在其他地方,哮狼帮抢占了一个大型牧场。 肃清这个帮派的藏身处并抢走他们藏匿的财物,便可大赚一笔。
这纯种赛马背部有着美丽的反向花斑黑色毛色,优异的奔跑速度及加速能力更是玩家领先群伦的保证。 另外玩家还能获得手工打造,以深巧克力色皮革搭配银色奖章细部装饰制成的独家新乐园马鞍。 这匹马与马鞍可在《荒野大镖客:救赎2》故事模式中使用。
配备这些特殊故事模式物品后,阿瑟就能获得帮助。 将鹫鹰爪护符装备在阿瑟的靴子上,能让他的环境观察技能维持更久。 只要在个人背包内携带美洲鬣蜥鳞片,就能减少阿瑟骑马时所受到的伤害。
故事模式额外奖励、奖励和各式折扣。 核心数值提升可增强阿瑟的体力、生命值与死亡之眼核心。 与玩家的帮派共同进行抢劫任务可得到更多游戏币,而出售动物尸体也能赚到更多利润。 帮派营地的升级也有折扣。
这套阿瑟在故事模式里的独家服装,风格是参考南部边境牛仔与强盗的穿著而设计。 整套服装包括一顶黑色宽檐牛仔帽、深靛蓝色外套,以及仿旧丹宁布皮套裤。
在旧西部世界,一套精良的武器是保住小命的基本条件。 玩家可免费在游戏故事模式的枪匠工坊取得三种武器:耐用的火山手枪、发发致命的泵动式霰弹枪以及多功能兰卡斯特狐鼠步枪。

  《荒野大镖客:救赎2》特别版可以在 PlayStation Store、Xbox 市集与其他特约零售商预购。




服装奖励:玩家的在线角色可获得两套独家服装。 黑玫瑰赏金猎人服装包含一件牛血色长外套、附有金怀表链的背心,以及一条塞入巧克力色皮靴的暗色裤子。 而铜头蛇执法人员服装则包含了一件附毛内衬的鞍褐色的皮背心、双色调的手套,以及一条塞入黑色皮靴的细条纹黑裤。
黑栗色纯种马:这匹黑栗色毛色的纯种赛马能让玩家飞快抢先对手,另外玩家还能得到以曜石黑皮革搭配金色金属装饰的独家高地切割马鞍。 两者皆可在在线模式获得。
等级奖励:终极版的玩家一开始便有极大优势,在在线等级达到 25 之前,升级速度提高。

  《荒野大镖客:救赎2》:终极版可以在 PlayStation Store、Xbox 市集与其他特约零售商预购。

预购数字版的 GTA 游戏币奖励

  不管玩家预购何种版本,在 PlayStation Store 或 Xbox 市集里完成的所有数字版预购,都能让玩家 GTA 在线模式的花园银行帐户里立刻获得 GTA 游戏币的进帐:

《荒野大镖客:救赎2》数字标准版预购:可获得 50 万 GTA 游戏币
《荒野大镖客:救赎2》数字特别版预购:可获得 100 万 GTA 游戏币
《荒野大镖客:救赎2》数字终极版预购:可获得 200 万 GTA 游戏币


《荒野大镖客:救赎2》典藏盒是特约零售商及 Rockstar Warehouse 的独家商品,内附一系列亡命之徒的必备之物,并装在一只厚重的金属制奉献箱里(Red Dead Redemption 2 游戏为分开贩卖)。

金属制奉献箱,附钥匙与锁头:灵感来自范特林帮用来存放维护营地运作的贡献金保险箱。 这个厚重的金属箱子附有钥匙与锁头,盒身有着黑色金属条及刻有「康禾煤油与焦油」字样的铭牌。


双面拼图:一百片的木质双面拼图,正面为描绘圣丹尼繁忙港口的插画,背面则是经典的 Rockstar Games 标志。



别针组:含六个不同的别针,分别代表《荒野大镖客:救赎2》不同的主要武器,包括霰弹枪、左轮手枪与死亡之眼的「X」记号。 同时附上精美帆布袋。

扑克牌:印满美术插图的范特林帮纪念扑克牌,插图包括帮派的主要角色,如阿瑟. 摩根、约翰. 玛斯顿、哈维尔. 艾斯桂亚、比尔. 威廉森及德奇. 范特林。

惠勒和罗森公司产品目录:从武器到服装都一应俱全,惠勒和罗森公司目录是世纪交替的时代中不可或缺的购物工具。 这共一百五十页的书本为《荒野大镖客:救赎2》游戏中各地商店里的目录复刻版。

十二张香烟卡:您可以在《荒野大镖客:救赎2》的游戏世界里找到这些图案精美的收藏用卡片。 这项实体化收藏品包含了不同香烟卡组各一张,如「名枪恶贼」、「舞台巨星」、「翻山越海的奇迹」等。

现在已可在 Rockstar Warehouse 预购,或之后透过零售商购买。
2018-7-24 07:00 PM
Rockstar Games 公布《荒野大镖客:救赎2》官方攻略本

  Rockstar Games 今天公布了《荒野大镖客 救赎2》的游戏官方指南,包含标准版和收藏家版两个不同的版本。

  据 Rockstar 描述,标准版将包含游戏中每个任务的必要信息,游戏中各角色信息,游戏世界中的各种特征,还将包含游戏内地图等。Rockstar 官网的预购界面显示,指南拥有英语、法语、意大利语、德语和西班牙语版本。


  两种版本官方指南现已开启预购,将在 10 月 26 日与游戏本体一起进行发售。

官方网站 - https://www.rockstargames.com/ne ... lete-Official-Guide


  《荒野大镖客2》将在10月26日发售,游戏平台为PS4和Xbox One,中文版同步。
2018-8-7 05:21 PM
《荒野大镖客2》巨幅广告牌出现在纽约市街头 展现四位游戏中的角色

  作为今年秋季最受期待的游戏之一,任何一点点有关Rockstar《荒野大镖客2(Red Dead Redemption 2)》的消息都可能引起很多人关注。而最近,一些新的游戏角色原画在纽约市街头震撼登场了——它们出现在了硕大无比的广告牌上。


  这些画像被命名为“你身边的不法之徒”。广告牌上的角色有出现在前一作的John Marston和Dutch Van der Linde,也有两名很可能是新角色,不过其中一个持两把小手枪的女人也可能是前作中的Bonnie。

  《荒野大镖客2》将会在10月26日登陆PS4、Xbox One。

2018-8-8 11:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-8 11:03 PM 编辑

Red Dead Redemption 2 gameplay video coming August 9
《荒野大镖客:救赎2》将于明晚 11 点公开官方游戏内容视频

  Rockstar Games 制作,预定 10 月推出的 PS4 / Xbox One 开放世界动作冒险游戏《荒野大镖客:救赎2》台译:《碧血狂杀 2(Red Dead Redemption 2)》将于时间 8 月 9 日晚上 11 点正式公开。


  《荒野大镖客2》将在10月26日发售,游戏平台为PS4和Xbox One,中文版同步。

Rockstar Games will release an official gameplay video of Red Dead Redemption 2 on Thursday, AUgust 9 at 8:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. ET / 4:00 p.m. UK, the publisher announced.

The video will be available on YouTube and Rockstar Games’ official website.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 26.
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