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2017-5-31 06:16 PM
《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》联动一骑当千DLC现已上架

  Marvelous 出品的 PS4 平台 TPS 游戏《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》与《一骑当千》的联动角色已经在日服商店开始配信,这个DLC中将有《一骑当千》中的四名角色登场,她们分别是孙策、吕蒙、关羽和吕布。每套服装售价为700日元,DLC套装的价格为2500日元,在6月7日之前,各位可以以2200日元的价格将其收入囊中。

  事实上,这并不是《闪乱神乐》系列第一次和《一骑当千》联动。在《闪乱神乐 EV 少女们的选择》中,《一骑当千》中的三位角色就已经在游戏里出现了。

  除了联动要素之外,像“浸水之后会变得透明”的衣服也会在同时上架。《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》日版现已上市,本作的中文版即将在 2017 年 6 月 27 日上市。


The latest set of downloadable content for Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash in Japan adds four Ikki Tousen: Extravaganza Epoch characters as playable characters.

Here’s the list of all the content part of the collaboration, which are available today:

Playable Character: Shimei Ryomou – 700 yen
Playable Character: Unchou Kan’u – 700 yen
Playable Character: Hakufu Sonsaku – 700 yen
Playable Character: Housen Ryofu – 700 yen
Costume: Ryomou’s Shinobi Outfit – 150 yen
Costume: Kan’u’s Shinobi Outfit – 150 yen
Costume: Sonsaku’s Shinobi Outfit – 150 yen
Costume: Ryofu’s Shinobi Outfit – 350 yen
Card Pack: Ikki Tousen: Extravaganza Epoch Card Pack Ryomou – 300 yen
Card Pack: Ikki Tousen: Extravaganza Epoch Card Pack Kan’u – 300 yen
Card Pack: Ikki Tousen: Extravaganza Epoch Card Pack Sonsaku – 300 yen
Card Pack: Ikki Tousen: Extravaganza Epoch Card Pack Ryofu – 300 yen
Character Doll Set: Ikki Tousen: Extravaganza Epoch – 250 yen
Support Fan Set: Ikki Tousen: Extravaganza Epoch – 250 yen
Banner Set: Ikki Tousen: Extravaganza Epoch – 250 yen

Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash is available now for PlayStation 4 in Japan, and will launch in North America and Europe this summer.
2017-8-3 06:25 PM
《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》来自《New Wave G Burst》的「芭蕉」参战

  Marvelous 于昨(2)日公布,现正发售中的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》,即日起开放下载追加玩家操纵角色,来自手机游戏《闪乱神乐 New Wave G Burst》里的「芭蕉」首度参战。

8 月 2 日(三)起《闪乱神乐 New Wave G Burst》的「芭蕉」将于《桃色海滩戏水大战》首度参战

  粉丝引颈期盼的「芭蕉」终于成为玩家操纵角色于《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》首度登场。 平时售价为 700 日圆,自开放下载日 8 月 2 日(三)~8 月 8 日(二)这段期间,将以特别价 390 日圆供玩家购买下载。

  其他与芭蕉相关的道具也适逢欧派日一律以 81 日圆大特惠价贩卖。 更惊人的是将免费开放下载卡包『芭蕉』。





  同时公布能欣赏「芭蕉」跃动模样的第五波 DLC 介绍影片,请玩家们一并欣赏。

《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》第五波 DLC 介绍影片


【开放下载日】:2017 年 8 月 2 日(三)



来自《闪乱神乐 New Wave G Burst》首度参战!
芭蕉(声优:藤田 咲)
喜欢在能让人静下心来的地方咏诗。 个性沉稳,深深被日影充满神秘感的气质吸引。

生日:9 月 17 日
年龄:15 岁
血型:O 型
三围:B83 W57 H80
2017-10-5 05:03 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-5 06:52 PM 编辑

《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》开放下载《VALKYRIE DRIVE》合作角色
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/153467.html

  Marvelous 于今(5)日公布 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战(闪乱カグラ PEACH BEACH SPLASH)》即日起开放下载《VALKYRIE DRIVE(ヴァルキリードライヴ)》合作角色 “神乐坂伦花” 与 “神乐坂乱花”。 价格各为 700 日圆,也贩卖能以 1100 日圆取得包含两位角色在内所有合作道具的超值套组。

《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》第六波 DLC 介绍动画


  另外针对《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》替角色们更换服装的「更衣室」,也免费开放下载追加了 VR 模式的数据更新 Patch 1.14 版本。 支持的模式为「VR 角色鉴赏(VR キャラビューワー)」与「VR 情景画廊(VR ジオラマ)」两种。 关于玩法已汇整于官方部落格,请玩家们前往确认。

《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》即日起开放下载《VALKYRIE DRIVE -BHIKKHUNI-》合作角色

  Marvelous 于近日公布,针对现正好评发售中的 PlayStation 4 专用游戏软件《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》,即日起开放下载与攻击性爆乳 HYPER BATTLE 游戏《VALKYRIE DRIVE -BHIKKHUNI-》 的合作玩家操纵角色,「神乐坂 伦花」与「神乐坂 乱花」。

  另外也同时免费开放下载,令人感受到角色就近在眼前,支持「PlayStation VR」的追加模式数据更新。

「神乐坂 伦花」与「神乐坂 乱花」姊妹首度于《闪乱神乐》系列参战

  「神乐坂 伦花」&「神乐坂 乱花」姊妹首度成为玩家操作角色于《闪乱神乐》系列登场! 请一并欣赏能一睹到两人爽快华丽英姿的第六波宣传影片。


神乐坂伦花(声优:洲崎 绫)


神乐坂姊妹的姐姐。 总是笑容满面开朗随和,但有时却会因想法太过于纯真导致行为失控,总是让妹妹的乱花感到胆颤心惊。 以其独到的见解将日本刀宛如舞动般运用,伦花移动后的轨迹似乎带有非常香的气味。

生日:8 月 1 日
年龄:16 岁
三围:B93 W57 H84






神乐坂姐妹的妹妹。 个性好强自由奔放,像男孩子一般的言行举止相当引人注目的热血少女。 擅长以拳技为主的肉搏战。 此外姐妹皆对身体接触非常敏感。

生日:8 月 19 日
年龄:15 岁
三围:B89 W53 H81



免费开放下载支持「PlayStation VR」的模式

  粉丝众所期待《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》的 VR 支持模式终于实装于游戏内! 在能为角色更换服装的「更衣室」,实装了 VR 支持模式,让内容全面获得升级。

  玩家能享受到对喜爱的角色自由设定服装、发型、饰品、声音、动作,于两人独处的空间度过充实时光的「VR 角色鉴赏」,与在 VR 空间制作出「情景」的「VR 情景画廊」两种模式。
2018-2-17 01:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-17 01:15 PM 编辑

Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash Announced for PC, Coming March 7


Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash PC Release Announcement & Pre-Order Bonuses!

Marvelous Europe and XSEED Games today announces that Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, the sizzling, summer-themed third person “splasher” in the popular busty brawler series, will be heating up Windows PC exclusively via Steam on March 7th, 2018.

Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash will be available to purchase digitally as both a standard edition for $39.99, and as part of the “Sexy Soaker” special edition, which comes filled with digital extras such as the games soundtrack, the Soaking Wet High School Uniform costume, a set of colourful bikini costumes, the Futomaki Roll Bazooka weapon, a Bebeby pet card, and a special set of skill cards, for $49.99.

Both editions will be available to pre-order on Steam with a 15% pre-purchase discount, a discount which will drop to a 10% launch week discount once the game goes live on March 7th, 2018.

All pre-orders of Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash on Steam will also include the “Eternal Summer Camisole” DLC, which will be an exclusive pre-order bonus for 2 weeks before being made available for purchase at $3.99.

Mirroring its release on PlayStation 4, we will also be offering two DLC costumes – the “Clean-Up Maid (Mint)” and “Clean-Up Maid (Marine Blue)” – as well as the “Special First-Print Pack,” to all players for free during the first four weeks following the game's release. After this promotional period, these items will be sold as the “Clean-Up Maid Pack” for $9.99.

In addition to one of the most robust lineups of Senran Kagura characters available for play to date, all post-launch DLC characters from the console release are planned to be available for purchase at launch on PC.

This will also be the first time the title will feature truly worldwide multiplayer support, connecting Senran Kagura fans across the world as they battle for aquatic supremacy online and show off their custom outfits for their favourite shinobi.

About the Game

The summer of bouncy, high-flying hijinks continues for the girls of Senran Kagura! They've fought rival ninja, evil masterminds, and apocalyptic demons from beyond the veil of sanity, but nothing—NOTHING in their lives has ever prepared them for... a water gun fight?!

Summoned to a mysterious tournament by its shady organizers, the buxom shinobi students team up and face off, using all kinds of water weapons to soak and splash their opponents. Choose a team of five from the more than 30 girls available, outfit them with customizable weapons and abilities, lead them through lighthearted water gun battles across five single-player storylines, or join your friends online and take on opposing teams worldwide. Come on in; the water's great!

Key Features

• Water, Water Everywhere: Water powers not only the girls' 10 types of water weapons, but their state-of-the-art hydro-jetpacks, which are used to fly and slide around each large arena at will.

• Splash Across the Seven Seas: Go online, with players in your region or worldwide, for 5-on-5 team battles and survival matches. Climb the rankings and prove you're the top shinobi.

• Stack the Deck Your Way: With over 800 attribute cards available, providing improved weapons, unique skills, and summonable pets, players can equip any combination of 6 skill cards and 3 pet cards per match for a combo their opponents will never see coming.

• Become Bosom Buddies: The dressing room returns with all-new methods of interaction (including squirt guns, of course). Customize each character’s outfit, but be forewarned that it may not be fully intact (or opaque!) by the time the match ends.

Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash is also available for the PlayStation4 as both a physical release and digital download from the PlayStation Store.
2018-2-27 04:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-2-27 07:15 PM 编辑

Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash adds DLC character Neptune from Hyperdimension Neptunia
《桃色海滩戏水大战》第 10 波追加内容 3 月释出 游戏女神「妮普禔努」参战!

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/159572.html

  Marvelous 今(27)日宣布,贩卖中的 PS4 爆乳水战游戏《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》,将于 3 月 8 日释出第 10 波追加内容,新增来自《超次元战记 战机少女》的主角「妮普禔努」。

  「妮普禔努」将以套组方式提供,价格 700 日圆,内含可操作角色「妮普禔努」以及相关的主题配件,包含连帽洋装、木芥子人偶、应援团扇与关东旗。 除角色外的配件亦可单独购买。

  《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》繁体中文版现已上市。

Neptune from the Hyperdimension Neptunia series will join Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash as a downloadable content character on March 8 in Japan, publisher Marvelous announced.

Here is the full lineup of upcoming content, via the game’s official website:

Playable Character: Neptune (700 yen)
Playable Character: Neptune
Neptune’s Parka One Piece
Neptune Character Doll
Neptune Support Fan
Neptune Banner Flag

Neptune’s Parka One Piece (350 yen)
Neptune’s Brain Wave Controller
Neptune’s N-Charm
Neptune’s Cross Choker
Neptune’s Cross Bracelet (right)
Neptune’s Cross Bracelet (left)
Neptune Character Doll (100 yen)
Neptune Support Fan (100 yen)
Neptune Banner Flag (100 yen)

Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash is available now worldwide for PlayStation 4, and will launch for PC on March 7.

2018-3-8 11:44 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-8 07:29 PM 编辑

《桃色海滩戏水大战》第 10 波追加内容女神「妮普禔努」演示视频公开

  Marvelous 贩卖中的 PS4 爆乳水战游戏《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》,将于 3 月 8 日今天释出第 10 波追加内容,新增来自《超次元战记 战机少女》的主角「妮普禔努」,官方也公开了一段她的介绍视频。

  「妮普禔努」将以套组方式提供,价格 700 日圆,内含可操作角色「妮普禔努」以及相关的主题配件,包含连帽洋装、木芥子人偶、应援团扇与关东旗。 除角色外的配件亦可单独购买。

  《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》繁体中文版现已上市。

2018-4-3 04:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-3 06:14 PM 编辑

Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash Sunshine Edition launches July 26 in Japan
《桃色海滩戏水大战》 阳光版发表 价格更低还送新泳装

  Marvelous 贩卖中的 PS4 爆乳水战游戏《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》,将于 7 月 26 日推出 PS4《《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》的新装版《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战 阳光版》。




Marvelous will release a Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash Sunshine Edition for PlayStation 4 in Japan on July 26, the company announced. This is essentially a low-price version of the game with special box art and bonus costumes.

The Sunshine Edition will cost 3,980 yen for the standard physical or digital release, 8,100 yen for the physical limited edition, and 5,480 yen for the digital Nyuu Nyuu PlayStation Store Special Pack.

The limited edition includes a “Yumi Oppai Mousepad” (w223mm x h264mm) and special box.

All versions of the Sunshine Edition will include a “Sunshine Swimsuit 5-Costume Set Product Code.” For users who already own Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, these costumes can be purchased as downloadable content for 1,000 yen until August 9, when it will then cost 1,200 yen.

Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash is available now worldwide for PlayStation 4 and PC.
2018-8-1 04:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-1 05:03 PM 编辑

Peach Ball: Senran Kagura launches December 13 in Japan
《PEACH BALL 闪乱神乐》将于 12 月登陆 Switch平台

转载 - A(VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201808/9695520178.html

  由Tamsoft开发的Switch平台《闪乱神乐》系列新作《PEACH BALL 闪乱神乐》今日确定将于2018年12月13日发售,普通版售价为4980日元,限定版9960日元。


· 本作是一款弹珠游戏,类似于桌上弹球的玩法,不过鉴于它是闪乱肯定不会是正常的玩法。

· 由于春花开发了一种能让肉体发生变化的药,少女们都变成了兽娘,玩家们需要依靠弹球来帮她们恢复。

· 加入新模式“性感挑战”。任务完成后将会获得point点数,可以用点数来解禁“性感挑战”模式。该模式中用弹珠和水射向少女们,会有很工口的演出效果(不愧是闪乱),最终会爆衣,大家懂的。如果想轻松挑战该模式的话,用游泳用的脚蹼触碰胸及臀部会效果拔群。

· 喜闻乐见的“更衣室模式”依然存在。

· 支持Joy-Con手柄的震动效果。

  关于《PEACH BALL 闪乱神乐》更多情报将于明天(8.2)19:00举办的“《闪乱神乐》2018新作发布会”中公开,届时还会公布系列正统新作。

Peach Ball: Senran Kagura will launch for Switch on December 13 in Japan for 4,980 yen, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals. The pinball game is developed by Tamsoft.

A 9,960 yen limited edition will include a copy of the game, a physical version of Senran Kagura Reflexions including the additional characters and three new Fabulous Reflexions, and a downloadable content code.

The story sees Haruka develop a body transformation medicine called Kemonar, which turns the girls into cute beasts. In order to turn them back into humans, you must play pinball.

The game is set at a day-and-night amusement park. By clearing missions and building up points, players can enjoy new “Sexy Challenge” scenes. If a ball hits one of the girls, you can enjoy various suggestive reactions, such as water pouring onto them, and in the end their clothes come off. There are also Super Sexy Challenge scenes, which make the girls easier to hit since their chests and butts move closer to the pinball flippers.

The series’ “Locker Room Mode” will also return, and there is also an HD Rumble-supported “Skinship Mode.”
2018-8-2 05:19 PM
First look at Peach Ball: Senran Kagura

The Amazon Japan product page (2) for Peach Ball: Senrna Kagura has revealed the first screenshots and official information about the upcoming pinball game.


Senran Kagura appears on Switch as a “sexy” pinball game.

Enjoy chest-pounding pinball with the cute girls of Senran Kagura transformed into animals in a day-and-night amusement park.

In addition to realistic transmission of the jolts, bounces, and the feel of the ball through HD Rumble, players can enjoy new “Sexy Challenge” scenes with the girls that you would only find in a Senran Kagura game by building up points and unlocking a bonus stage. There’s even a higher level “Super Sexy Challenge”…!

The series’ traditional “Locker Room,” “Diorama,” and “Skinship” modes will also return. Customize the girls to your liking and make the most of your pinball time.


Box Art

Senran Kagura: Peach and Reflexions Limited Double Pack

• Nan Yaegashi-illustrated special-make box
• A copy of Peach Ball: Senran Kagura
• “Nyuu Nyuu Special DLC Set”
• Costume: “Show Girl of a Foreign Land” (five colors)
• Costume: “Secret Refinement Park Girl” (five colors)

• Diorama Motion: “Charm and Enchant Set”
Peach Ball: “Girls’ Bras Ball Set” (five types)
*This downloadable content will be sold at a later date for 1,500 yen.

• A copy of Senran Kagura Reflexions Premium
Includes the main game; Yumi, Murasaki, Ryona, and Yomi character downloadable content; and “VIP Course,” “Marvelous Course,” and “Paradise Course” “New Fabulous Reflexions Set”
*The “New Fabuluous Reflexions” will also be sold as downloadable content for 1,000 yen.

More information should be announced during the Senran Kagura New Title Presentation on August 2.

Peach Ball: Senrna Kagura is due out for Switch on December 13 in Japan.
2018-8-2 10:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-3 07:40 PM 编辑

Peach Ball: Senran Kagura opening movie, gameplay
Nintendo Switch《桃色弹珠台 闪乱神乐》“爆乳超弹珠台” 12 月 13 日动感登场

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/166305.html

  Marvelous 和 HONEY∞PARADE GAMES 在昨(2)日晚间举办的《闪乱神乐》系列新作发表会中宣布,Nintendo Switch《桃色弹珠台 闪乱神乐(PEACH BALL 闪乱カグラ)》将会在 2018 年 12 月 13 日发售。

  《桃色弹珠台 闪乱神乐》是款以《闪乱神乐》为题材的 “爆乳超弹珠台” 游戏,系列登场的性感女忍者群将会以兽人娘的装扮姿态现身游戏中,将透过 NS Joy-Con 控制器的 HD 震动来呈现弹珠击打到角色肉体时的晃动感受。

  游戏叙述《闪乱神乐》系列的女忍者们因为不小心喝下春花开发的身体变化药物而纷纷野兽化。 为了拯救忍者少女们,玩家要给予特别的胶囊「桃色弹珠(PEACH BALL)」一些 “恰到好处” 的震动,来弹射到镇坐在弹珠台上面的兽化少女的身上。 成功弹射到的话有机会发动「性感挑战」,还可以尝试发动更上级的「超级性感挑战」,来让她们恢复原状。

  Nintendo Switch《桃色弹珠台 闪乱神乐》将在 2018 年 12 月 13 日发售。 限定版售价 9,960日圆+税 / 通常版售价 4,980 日圆+税。

《闪乱神乐》宣布推出第二季动画「东京妖魔篇」预定 10 月开播

  由 Marvelous 所推出动作游戏《闪乱神乐》系列改编,同名动画宣布将于 10 月推出第二季「东京妖魔篇」的消息,并同步公开了宣传影片。

  《闪乱神乐》是由 Marvelous 所制作发行的系列游戏,推出至今除多款动作游戏外,也有像是《闪乱神乐 桃色海滩戏水大战》这类较为倾向于射击对战类型的作品,其系列作推出至今也有许多死忠的支持者。

  而作品曾于 2013 年时推出电视动画,在事隔多年后,官方于近日正式公开了第二季动画「东京妖魔篇」的消息,并同步公开了宣传影片,以及以剧中主要角色之一的雪泉,以及雪不归的主视觉图。

  《闪乱神乐》动画第二季,将交由 TNK 负责制作动画、柳泽テツヤ负责执导、主题曲由 佐咲纱花演唱,目前预定将于 10 月在日本 AT-X 等频道播出。


Marvelous and Honey∞Parade Games released the opening movie and debuted the first gameplay footage of Peach Ball: Senran Kagura during the Senran Kagura New Title Presentation 2018. Additionally, the game’s official website has been officially opened.

Peach Ball: Senran Kagura is due out for Switch on December 13 in Japan.



  不过在直播会期间,官方还直播了很多画面非常“劲爆”的演示内容,关键词分别有:爆乳、震动、真人出演。于是很快的在直播会进行到一大半时,YouTube 强制关闭了《闪乱神乐》的直播间……= =

  不过有许多人手快,录下了直播会的大部分信息,其中包含PS4新作《闪乱神乐 7EVEN -少女们的幸福-》的新宣传图,以及一段相当“羞耻”的MV。

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