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【PS4 / PSV / PC】God Eater 3

2018-8-16 01:56 PM
God Eater 3 details Lulu, Guuzou, and the Bullet Editor

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of God Eater 3 detailing recently announced new character Lulu Baran and Aragami Guuzou, as well as the Bullet Editor.

■ Lulu Baran (voiced by Ayaka Nanase)

An Adaptive God Eater (AGE) from Port “Baran” who confronts the protagonist and company in the Ashlands. A test subject for the “Accelerator Trigger” combat support system being developed in Baran for God Eaters, she has high mobility and an outstanding ability to overcome her enemies. Since becoming AGE-compatible when as a child, she has been subjected to and carried out numerous merciless missions. She has no family.


A large-scale port that thrives on commerce and industry, Baran is home to various research and development related to the Ashlands and Adaptive God Eaters. While it displays great technological strength—contracting the development of new equipment and weapons from other ports and the like—it frequently carries out dangerous experiments that have a major impact on the surrounding Ashlands, and is often criticized of violating the Ashland Navigation Act.

■ New Aragami: Guuzou

A medium-sized Aragami that is constantly floating. Its entire body is covered in strong armor, and it repeatedly changes forms while unleashing various Oracle-based long-distance attacks. Although it is of the Aragami variety that appeared in the Ashlands, it is still considered to be in the process of adapting to the Ashland environment.

Guuzou has two forms: a defense form where it shuts itself away within its strong armor, and an attack form where its armor expands and it shifts to attack. In its defense form, it erects a barrier that negates shooting attacks, and in its attack form, it makes free use of wide-ranging long-distance attacks. Since the most effective way to fight it differs in each form, ascertaining its current form is the key to victory.

■ Bullet Editor

Players can freely customize the bullets they fire via the game’s “Bullet Editor.” By combining several parts called “Modules”—which affect bullet trajectory, power, and more—you can go into battle with original “Custom Bullets” made to match your personal play style.

God Eater 3 introduces a new “Cost” system to the Bullet Editor. Unlike standard bullets, which are fired by using Oracle Points, the custom bullets developed in the Bullet Editor do not use Oracle Points. Rather, the total Cost per shot is calculated based on the bullet’s Module configuration, which accordingly determines the number of bullets that can be brought to the battlefield.

God Eater 3 will be released worldwide for PlayStation 4 and PC. A release date has yet to be announced.
2018-8-16 01:57 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-16 03:26 PM 编辑

《噬神者3》新情报 新角色新荒神公布

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 于为各位玩家带来了旗下人气大作《噬神者3(God Eater 3)》的最新登场人物情报以及新荒神相关情报。


露露. 马兰 | ルル・バラン
(CV:七瀬 彩夏)


关键词 据点“马兰 バラン”






2018-9-3 08:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-6 07:36 PM 编辑

《噬神者3》举办最新版本体验会 更多情报近期对外公开
转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201809/6157920734.html




完整报导 - https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/167864.html

2018-9-10 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-11 04:28 PM 编辑

God Eater 3 for PS4 launches December 13 in Japan

  在今日的索尼 PlayStation® LineUp Tour TGS2018 展前发布会上,《噬神者3》预计将在 2018 年 12 月 13 日发售。繁体中文版暂时未知是否同步发售。

  《噬神者3》为《噬神者》系列最新作,游戏将登陆PS4及Steam平台,具体发售日暂时未定。本作开发由曾负责过《灵魂献祭》的Marvelous 第一工作室,所属于Marvelous 第一工作室的铃木一彻担任开发监督,届时说不定可以玩到略带“灵魂献祭”风味的《噬神者》。

  《噬神者3》将于 2018 年 12 月 13 日发售,登陆PS4和Steam平台,敬请期待。



The PlayStation 4 version of God Eater 3 will launch on December 13 in Japan for 8,200 yen, Bandai Namco announced.

A 9,980 yen first-print limited edition of the game will include a copy of the game, special box, Digipak original soundtrack CD, and original art book.

Early purchases of the game will include a code to download the “Vajra-kun (Chimera)” costume that can be worn by the protagonist.
2018-9-11 04:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-11 04:28 PM 编辑

《噬神者 3》释出最新宣传影片 PS4 版确定 12 月 13 日上市
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/168031.html

  BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 10 日在日本举办的 PlayStation 新作发表会「PlayStation LineUp Tour」活动中宣布,开发中的戏剧性讨伐动作游戏《噬神者 3(God Eater 3)》确 定将于 12 月 13 日推出 PS4 版(PC Steam 版尚待公布),同时公布最新宣传影片,供玩家欣赏。


  《噬神者 3》是《噬神者》系列最新作,以人类对抗神秘生命体「荒神」的战斗为主题。 故事叙述近未来神秘生命体「荒神」将一切事物捕食殆尽,世界面临崩坏边缘。 由生化企业「芬里尔」开发,可作为活体兵器「神机」的特殊部队「噬神者」,成为人类对抗生存威胁的唯一希望。

  除了荒神之外,又出现了起因不明的灾难「灰域」,漂浮于空气中的灰域发生后会逐渐扩散,吞噬所有接触到的物品并将一切化为灰烬,使人类陷入空前的危机。 芬里尔无法抵抗灰域的侵袭,稳固的统治体制也逐渐崩坏...... 奋力求生的人类于是在各地设立地下据点「港湾」,并打造出专门对抗「灰域」的新型士兵「对抗适应型噬神者」(又称 AGE),与席卷大地的威胁搏斗。

  官方同时宣布将推出《噬神者 3》初回限定生产版,内含画册、原声 CD 等丰富外围。

  • PS4 版《噬神者 3》游戏软件
  • 特制收纳盒
  • Digipak 规格原声配乐 CD
  • 原创美术画册
  • 特典服装「金刚君〔帝王〕」下载代码


  《噬神者 3》将于 2018 东京电玩展展出试玩与举办舞台活动。
2018-9-19 06:28 PM
2018-9-20 06:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-21 04:38 PM 编辑



《噬神者 3》制作人介绍游戏特色 新型 AGE 对抗灰域威胁
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/168566.html

  万代南梦宫娱乐配合 2018 年东京电玩展的举办,在东京都内邀请到各国电玩媒体,举办游戏发表会。 其中请到了 PS4 / PC 动作游戏《噬神者 3》的富泽佑介以及富山勇也制作人,由他们介绍游戏特色和公布新情报。

  《噬神者 3》故事叙述近未来神秘生命体「荒神」将一切事物捕食殆尽,世界面临崩坏边缘。 在《噬神者 2》时间轴的十年之后,除了荒神之外,又出现了起因不明的灾难「灰域」,漂浮于空气中的灰域发生后会逐渐扩散,吞噬所有接触到的物品并将一切化为灰烬,使人类陷入空前的危机。 芬里尔无法抵抗灰域的侵袭,稳固的统治体制也逐渐崩坏...... 奋力求生的人类于是在各地设立地下据点「港湾」,并打造出专门对抗「灰域」的新型士兵「对抗适应型噬神者」(又称 AGE),与席卷大地的威胁搏斗。

  大家可以看到,本作的世界观和先前相比,更加的深刻沉重。 前作的「噬神者」是被崇拜的对象,英雄般的存在。 本作是比较艰困的立场。 之前的芬里尔体制已经不堪负荷,所以 3 代的开头人类是在像是牢狱的地方生存,因为某个契机移动到船队上,之后会坐上船队,组队对抗荒神。

  《噬神者 3》身为动作游戏的最大特色是高速战斗,由「斩击」、「射击」、「防御」和「吞噬」4 大要素构成,切换这 4 种方式来攻击是游戏的最大特征。


  还加入展盾突进,可以面向敌人展开像是盾牌的突进手段,这是之前作品没出现过的新方式。 藉由展盾突进,可以贴近或逃离敌人,带来更快的速度感。 藉由新系统的展开全方位的空间运用。

  还有「荒神」变得也会「捕食攻击」! 过去玩家扮演的噬神者可以藉由吞噬敌人,强化自身的能力。 但本作中牠们也会「捕食」进入荒神解放状态,例如荒神阿努比斯,会从 4 足变成 2 足行动,每种荒神都会有牠们的解放状态。

  富泽也透露,AI 伙伴的行动模式和前几作的设计基本上相同,会聪明的支持玩家,陷入困境时也会主动帮忙。 比较不同的是,新的「缔约」系统,NPC 和玩家间的缔约效果可以加强能力,同时强化两人。
2018-9-22 04:48 PM
2018-9-27 03:18 PM
God Eater 3 details Caravans, Hilda, and Amy

Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots of God Eater 3, introducing Caravans and new characters Hilda Henriquez and Amy Chrysanthemum.

■ The “Ashlands” Outbreak and the Collapse of the Fenrir Organization

In the near future, mysterious life forms called “Aragami,” which “devour” everything, devoured the majority of the world and led it to the brink of total collapse. The only hope to stand against that threat is a special military force known as “God Eaters,” who can use “God Arcs,” which are biomechanical hybrid weapons developed by biotechnology corporation Fenrir.

With the outbreak of the the unknown calamity that is the “Ashlands,” humanity fell into an unprecedented crisis.

The ash-like particles of the “Ashlands” drifting about the air continued to spread throughout the area immediately after its outbreak, deteriorating the structure and turning to ashes of anything they touched. The branches of Fenrir had no means of penetrating the “Ashlands,” and the leadership structure of Fenrir eventually collapsed.

The few that survived constructed underground bases that became widely known as “ports,” and produced soldiers known as “Adaptive God Eaters,” or “AGE” for short. Adaptive God Eaters have high resistance to the “Ashlands,” and continued to fight against the threat above the ground.

■ The “Caravans” Cruising the Ashlands

In order for each port to obtain the means to transport good and share information as the Ashlands expand, packs of mobile fortresses able to travel within the Ashlands called “Caravans” were quickly constructed. In the world of God Eater 3, where nearly all infrastructure has been lost due to the Ashlands, Caravans are humanity’s sole lifeline. Each mobile fortress ship is called an “Ash Crawler,” while it is common for the ship that would become the Caravan mother ship to don the name of its home port.

Ash Crawlers are covered with an “Anti-Aragami Armored Barrier” that devouring by the Ashlands. Also, its “Resonance Radar” allows it to perceive nearby Ash density conditions, as well as obtain information about the positioning of Aragamis. However, its performance is significantly influenced by the innate disposition of the God Eater using the radar.

An Encounter with a Caravan

The protagonist, an Adaptive God Eater from the port Pennywort, and his childhood friend Hugo spend each day completing merciless missions while somehow managing to survive. One day during a mission, an Ashland phenomenon known as an “ash storm” occurs in the Pennywort area, and the port falls into the crisis of disappearing entirely. With no means to rescue their comrades left behind in Pennywort, the protagonist and company panicked, but suddenly receive a transmission from a Caravan with a request to kill an Aragami. Having received this request, the protagonist and company’s fates begin a significant motion.

The Ash Crawler “Chrysanthemum”

The Ash Crawler that appears before the protagonist and company is the mother ship of the port “Chrysanthemum.” While it mainly undertakes transportation work for mid-size cargo and boasts the ability to move at high speeds within the Ashlands, its weapons are kept to a minimum in order to maintain a light weight, meaning its combat ability is essentially nonexistent.

■ New Characters

Hilda Henriquez (voiced by Umeka Shouji)
“Welcome to our Caravan. This is the Ash Crawler Chrysanthemum.”

The owner of the Ash Crawler Chrysanthemum. She runs the port of the same name through the transportation of goods and reclamation of new transportation routes in the Ashlands. During a cargo transportation job commissioned by Gleipnir, she happens to be present when the port Pennywort is engulfed by an ash storm, and encounters the protagonist and company.

Amy Chrysanthemum (voiced by Minami Tsuda)
“Okay, got that? The mission lasts until you get home.”

The mission operator of Chrysanthemum. In the Ash Crawler Chrysanthemum, she handles various duties including mission order management, combat management, communication with other Caravans and ports, and database management.

Mysterious Girl

A girl that seems to be a key element to the story. She seems something like a horn sticking out from her head, and wears clothes of foreign nature. In what way will this girl end up being connected to the story?

God Eater 3 is due out for PlayStation 4 on December 13 and PC in early 2019 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4 and PC in early 2019 in the Americas and Europe.
2018-9-27 03:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-27 03:42 PM 编辑


  万代南梦宫为旗下新作《噬神者3(God Eater 3)》将于 2018 年 12 月 13 日登陆 PS4 平台,2019 年初登陆 PC 平台。今日官方发布了该游戏的新截图,我们可以看到更多有关游戏的故事,角色,战斗等场景。

  截图中可以看到游戏几位角色登场亮相,游戏由主角收到了遇险信号开始,在冒险的路上遇到了Irda Enriquez,任务操作员Amy Chrysanthemum,神秘女性等角色,这些角色都将会帮助主角完成冒险。


  本作繁体中文版将在 2019 年初发售。

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