标题: 这样学英语最有效!给学前儿童的好礼。。。》》》》》》》 [打印本页]
作者: sonnet 时间: 2016-8-30 03:43 PM
标题: 这样学英语最有效!给学前儿童的好礼。。。》》》》》》》
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作者: sonnet 时间: 2016-8-30 03:44 PM
Paul And Mary Progressive Readers (Abridged Edition)
12 本精美读本只需RM80 (不含邮费)
This abridged edition of the 12 'progressive' readers in two sets has been carefully written in short, simple sentences and easy-to-read language.
It is an ideal series for young children who are just beginning to read. The first book has a core vocabulary of 18 words. Each new book in the series uses this core vocabulary and adds to it another 20 or 30 words. In total, a child will learn about 400 words after reading the entire book series.
This step-by-step approach to learning uses word repetition to build a child's confidence in reading. The fun-loving twins Paul and Mary are the heroes of these adventures, and the full-colour illustrations are a valuable tool to help the child's understanding. These Paul and Mary readers allow a child to progress quickly in their reading skills. It is a perfect series for use in school and at home.

作者: sonnet 时间: 2016-8-30 03:46 PM
INCLUD. 6 Textbooks, 6 Activity Books and 3 DVDs
Book size: 184mm (W) x 260mm (H) [7¼" (W) x 10¼" (H)
No. of pages: 32
Binding: Saddle-stitched

Textbook Level 1 covers simple words with the letter sounds.
Introducing the 26 letter sounds of the alphabet
Short a, b, c, d, Short e, f, g, h, Short i, j, k, l, m, n, Short o, p, q, r, s, t, Short u, v, w, x, y, z

Textbook Level 2 contains simple words and short phrases with short vowel sounds. The text is presented in an easy-to-read manner.
Learning to blend with short vowel sounds
Short a (-at), Short e (-et), Short i (-it), Short o (-ot), Short u (-ut)

There are simple words, short phrases and sentences in Textbook Level 3.
Rhyming with short vowel sounds, including consonant blends
Short a (-am, -ap, -ag, -an), Short e (-ed, -eg, -en), Short i (-ib, -id, -ig, -in, -ip), Short o (-ob, -od, -og, -op), Short u (-ub, -um, -ug, -un)

There are simple words, short phrases and sentences in Textbook Level 4.
Words with long vowel sounds, including consonant blends
Long a (-ai-, -ay, -a-e), Long e (-ee-, -ea-), Long i (-ie-, -i-e), Long o (-oa-, -ow, -o-e), Long u (-ue-, -u-e, -ew), Long oo (-oo-)

Textbook Level 5 contains more words and sentences to help children recognize and pronounce the sounds.
More words with consonant blends, including short and long vowel sounds
bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl, br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, sk, sm, sn, sp, st, scr, spr, str, -nd, -nt, -st, -lk, -lt, -ft, -mp;
Double consonant blends -ll, -ss; Consonant blends ending with -y

Textbook Level 6 contains more words and sentences to help the child recognize and pronounce the sounds.
Words with other consonant and vowel combinations, and more
ch, sh, th, wh, -ck, -nk, -ng, qu, shr, thr, -tch, -ght, kn, wr, -mb, -ce, -ge, -dge, -oi-, -oy, -ou, -ow-, -au-, -aw-, -al-, -or-, -ar-, -er-, -ir-, -ur-; Double syllabic words with -y, -le, -er; Compound words

作者: sonnet 时间: 2016-8-30 03:47 PM
(Books 1-6)
PRICE: RM33.00 only
Language: English
Book size: 170mm x 170mm
No. of pages (each book):24
Jack & Jill Readers is designed especially for children who are learning to read for the first time. More than 100 new words are introduced in this series. Words selected are high-frequency words, and are commonly used in printed text to enhance children's reading skill. Sentences are repeated throughout the book to enable the child to read along with the parent. This format also lead to greater fluency, reading rate, and reader confidence.
Jack & Jill Readers consist of 6 books. Each book carries a theme that is familiar to the child. Themes such as family, home sweet home and playtime are among the themes in this series. These themes serve as a tool to encourage the reading habit in your child. Let your child learn to read with the Jack & Jill Readers. Get all six books for your child now.

作者: sonnet 时间: 2016-9-1 03:19 PM
作者: sonnet 时间: 2016-9-6 01:12 PM
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