Spider-Man PS4 sold 3.3 million units in three days, becomes fastest-selling PS4 exclusive
《漫威蜘蛛人》上市三天销量达 330 万套 打破PS第一方记录
SIE宣布,PS4 独占游戏《漫威蜘蛛人》上市三天的全球销量达到了330万套(9月7日-9日),成为了PlayStation有史以来销售速度最快的第一方游戏。本作上市前的预购销量为100万套,这也是另一个记录。
《漫威蜘蛛人》是《拉捷特与克拉克》团队 Insomniac Games 担纲开发的开放世界动作冒险游戏,改编自漫威经典超级英雄漫画《蜘蛛人》。 采用开放世界舞台来呈现原作广大的纽约曼哈顿舞台,融合高速动作与电影式演出玩法。 让玩家扮演经典超级英雄「蜘蛛人」与面罩背后的平凡人彼得‧帕克,施展飞檐走壁的蜘蛛异能纵横现代丛林的纽约曼哈顿,打击恶势力维护市民安全。
游戏现已登陆PS4平台,届时中文版同步发售。此时在上市后释出以「不夜城(The City That Never Sleeps)」为题的 3 个 DLC 章节,进一步深入描写本篇未提及的角色与情节。
Marvel’s Spider-Man for PlayStation 4 sold 3.3 million units worldwide in its first three days of release (from September 7 to 9), and has topped the record previously set by God of War earlier this year as the fastest-selling PlayStation 4 exclusive title, Sony Interactive Entertainment announced.
One million copies of the game were pre-ordered, which is another record for Sony.
The 3.3 million figure does not factor in sales of Sony’s limited edition PlayStation 4 Pro bundle that includes an “Amazing Red” console and DualShock 4 controller in addition to a copy of the game for $399.99.