如果您计划买屋子,loan着屋子,贷款刚批,屋子还没买贷款保险,或面对着house owner insurance(房屋贷款保险)的问题,这里给你一个很清楚的分别,什么是MRTA 和MLTA,MRTA是比较有利于银行,但MLTA是比较有利于消费者的,作为精明计算的您,您又会选择哪一个作为您的房屋贷款保险呢?

If you are planning to buy a house , currently register for loan,loan just approved, haven't buy the house owner insurance,or facing the house owner insurance ( mortgage insurance) problem , here to give you a very clear comparison , what is the MRTA and MLTA ? MRTA is benefit to the bank , but MLTA is actually more benefit to the house owner.
Be a smart consumer, which will you choose?