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【PS4/XB1/PC】Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

2017-9-6 10:25 PM
2017-9-12 11:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-12 11:20 PM 编辑

《七龙珠斗士Z》弗利萨预告片 大王最强形态秒杀孙悟空

  《七龙珠斗士Z》由《罪恶装备》厂商Arc System Works打造,所以一经公布就备受期待,游戏超还原原作动画质感以及流畅的战斗,日前发行商BNGI又公布了最新预告片,系列最受欢迎的大反派“弗利萨”大王参战,他的多重形态堪称绝对威胁,甚至可以秒杀孙悟空一行人,一起来看下。

  游戏包括系列众多角色以及各种形态,比如孙悟空,贝吉塔,人造人18/16/17,特南克斯,超赛悟空,超赛贝吉塔。正式版预定2018年2月登陆Xbox One,PS4,PC平台,敬请期待。

2017-9-15 06:50 PM
2017-9-18 04:11 PM
Dragon Ball FighterZ adds Yamcha, Tien, and original character Android 21
《七龙珠斗士Z》公布新角色 天津饭乐平和神秘人物

转载 - 电玩巴士(http://ps4.tgbus.com/news/201709/20170918094602.shtml

  万代南梦宫前天又公布了《七龙珠斗士Z》3 位新增人物,除了乐平与天津饭外,一个名为人造人 21 号(Android 21)的新原创角色也将会在游戏中出现,现在还不是很清楚她是否会作为可用角色供玩家选择。


  除了对人造人21 的早期一瞥之外,南梦宫还展示了乐平使用气功波和狼牙风风拳,以及天津饭使用他的气功炮的画面。天津饭的师弟“饺子”也将作为援助角色在游戏中登场。

  《七龙珠斗士Z》将是一款回归经典的2D格斗机制游戏,采用3V3对战形式,收集了龙珠系列中全部登场的角色,因此玩家可根据自己喜好选择不同的角色参战。本作由曾开发过《罪恶装备》系列、《苍翼默示录》系列以及《夜下降生》等知名游戏作品的 Arc System Works制作。游戏鼓励玩家练习并掌握不同的战斗风格。

  本作采用虚幻 4 引擎打造,因此各种环境、招式特效也都完美再现了原动画风格。《七龙珠斗士Z》还包含了高画质的角色模组,将展现出强大魄力的战斗场景,就让我们好好期待这样一款《七龙珠》系列的格斗游戏吧!

  《七龙珠斗士Z》将于 2018 年在全球发售,登陆 PC、PS4 以及 Xbox One 平台。

Yamcha and Tien Shinhan are playable in Dragon Ball FighterZ, and an original character called Android 21 will appear, the latest issue of V-Jump reveals.

Android 21, designed by Akira Toriyama, is a central figure in the main story, described as like a scientist with an intellect comparable to Dr. Gero, creator of the Androids. She is a character shrouded in mystery and said to cause a big uproar in the story. She is shown with Android 16 in all three screenshots.

Yamcha is a on-the-ground, close-range, rush-type fighter. He uses surprise attacks and combos derived from his signature attack, “Wolf Fang Fist.” His special attack, Spirit Ball, can be controlled with additional input. He can also use his Meteor special attack, “Neo Wolf Fang Fist.” Here are his stats:

Power: 2
Speed: 4
Reach: 2
Technique: 3
Energy: 2

Tien is a high-performance fighter who overwhelms his opponents with various techniques, from Tri-Beam to Dodon Ray, Volleyball Attack, and even assists through Chiaotzu’s Telekinesis, which can seal the opponent’s movement. When using Tri-Beam, it is possible to rapid-fire with additional input, but HP will deplete for every shot. He can also use his Meteor special attack, “Neo Tri-Beam.” Here are his stats:

Power: 3
Speed: 3
Reach: 3
Technique: 3
Energy: 2

Dragon Ball FighterZ is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in February 2018.
2017-9-21 03:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-21 06:35 PM 编辑

Dragon Ball FighterZ story teaser trailer, screenshots
《七龙珠 FighterZ》新角色饮茶、天津饭及故事关键人造人 21 号登场

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/152803.html

  台湾万代南梦宫娱乐配合 2017 年东京电玩展即将开展,邀请包含巴哈姆特在内的亚洲众家媒体,前往位于日本东京都内的万代南梦宫娱乐本社大楼,采访该公司旗下众多游戏作品。 其中,请到了《七龙珠 FighterZ》的広木朋子制作人,为媒体介绍这款作品。

  她表示《七龙珠 FighterZ》先前推出封测 beta 满意度高达 90%,获得令人振奋的结果。 之后也会公开 beta 的时程,还请大家期待。

  今日也首度揭露全新登场角色「饮茶」还有「天津饭」,并展示了他们的战斗样貌。 可以看到他们分别使出了招牌的狼牙风魔拳以及气功炮。

  同时也曝光了由原著「鸟山明」老师设计的新角色「人造人 21 号」,制作人表示这个角色是个科学家,将会和人造人 16 号的复活息息相关。 原创故事的内容也有交给鸟山老师监修,虽然现在还不能公开细节,但故事不会是个「一本道」游戏。

  制作人也提到,这款游戏会设法透过故事模式让新接触的玩家学会所有技巧,降低对战和格斗游戏高手的差距。 而且一般来说,新手不太会看回放画面研究对战,她们还新加入了回放频道的功能,吸引新手主动去研究技巧。 在线对战也准备了阶级对战的要素,设法让新手不会一开始就和太强的对手打造成挫折,但详细的内容还在调整中。

  但问到《七龙珠 FighterZ》有没有机会让玩家自定义招式。 制作人响应这款是格斗游戏,所以没有调整招式自己换招式的要素,会让玩家对战无法平衡公平。 她们也有意识到电竞 eSports 的潮流,但现在先集中在开发提升质量,让玩家热衷游戏后才有机会推行。

Bandai Namco has released a story teaser trailer and new screenshots for Dragon Ball FighterZ at Tokyo Game Show 2017, featuring newly confirmed characters Android 21, Yamcha, and Tien.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in February 2018.


2017-9-25 06:47 PM


2017-10-3 04:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-10-4 04:48 PM 编辑

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Deluxe Edition for PS4 launches November 22 in Japan

  万代南梦宫日前宣布,《龙珠:超宇宙2(Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2)》豪华版将于11月22日在日本地区登陆PS4平台,售价6100日元。

  《龙珠:超宇宙2》豪华版包括完整的游戏内容,所有四个“龙珠超级包”DLC,可用角色“黑悟空”和用于下载PS4自定义主题“Future Trunks Arc”的产品代码。


Bandai Namco will release a Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Deluxe Edition for PlayStation 4 in Japan on November 22 for 6,100 yen, the company announced.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Deluxe Edition includes the full game, all four “Dragon Ball Super Pack” add-ons, playable character Goku Black (included as a first-print bonus in the original release), and a product code to download a “Future Trunks Arc” PlayStation 4 custom theme.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is available worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.
2017-10-3 05:16 PM
2017-10-5 06:09 PM
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DLC characters Dabra and Majin Buu (Gohan Absorbed) trailer

Bandai Namco has released a trailer for new Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 downloadable characters Dabra and Majin Buu (Gohan Absorbed).

Both characters are due out this fall across all versions of the game, and also include Zamasu as a new master. They will not be part of the game’s existing Season Pass.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.

2017-10-10 06:27 PM
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