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【PS4/XB1/PC】Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

2017-4-21 06:29 PM
2017-5-22 06:10 PM
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Switch Launches This Fall in the West

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Switch Version and DLC #4 Announced

Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe revealed today that Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is coming on Nintendo Switch this Autumn. This version of the game will take advantage of the incredible features of the console like motion control option during the battles, local ad-hoc multiplayer up to 6, local battle with 2 Joy-Con, 1 system AND the chance to play wherever you want!

In addition to the above, DLC #4 will hit consoles this June with two new powerful characters: Fused Zamasu and SSGSS Vegito.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has been available since 28th October, 2016 in Europe, Middle-East, Australasia and Africa for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, and PC. To find out more about Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, please head to the official website on dragonball-videogames.com.
2017-6-10 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-10 07:34 AM 编辑

New Dragon Ball fighting game (2.5D) coming in 2018 for PS4, Xbox One and Steam
《龙珠》格斗新作2018年发售 采用2.5D游戏风格

  根据万代南梦宫刚刚公布的最新文件显示,一款由Arc System Works(《罪恶装备》和《苍翼默示录》开发商)开发制作的《龙珠》格斗游戏新作将在2018年发售。

  游戏对应平台包括PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,是一款2.5D的3V3游戏作品。同时需要注意的是这款文件的显示日期6月12日,所以这款作品很可能将在E3上正式公开。

• Title: "Dragon Ball Fighters"

• Developer: Arc System Works (Guilty Gear, BlazBlue)

• Format: 3vs3 team battle system

2017-6-12 07:42 AM
Dragon Ball FighterZ announcement trailer, closed beta set for summer
展开超魄力对战! 七龙珠 2D 格斗新作《七龙珠 斗士 Z》画面曝光

  微软于 2017 年在美国洛杉矶举办的 E3 电玩展 Xbox 展前发表会中曝光,全新的七龙珠 2D 格斗新作游戏《七龙珠 斗士 Z(暂译,Dragonball Fighter Z)》将会于 2018 年初上市,并且释出了游戏画面。


  根据影片的展示,《七龙珠 斗士 Z》将会以经典的 2D 横向格斗游戏玩法,玩家将可以 3 vs. 3 组队战斗,并以高画质的 3D 角色模块,展现出大魄力运镜的战斗场景。

Following a leak on Friday, Bandai Namco officially announced Dragon Ball FighterZ for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC during the Microsoft E3 2017 press conference. It will launch worldwide in early 2018.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is a collaboration combining classic 2D fighting game mechanics with the Dragon Ball universe developed by Arc System Works. It will be playable at E3 2017.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Bandai Namco:

Dragon Ball FighterZ, developed by Arc System Works, one of the most celebrated developers of classic 2D fighting titles, delivers an explosive, action-packed game that combines classic 2D fighting visuals with advanced 3D character models that look and feel as if they are ripped straight out of the Dragon Ball anime series.

Dragon Ball FighterZ gives fans of all skill levels the opportunity to feel like their favorite Dragon Ball character. Featuring 3 vs. 3 battle mechanics, new and seasoned players are sure to experience the epic scope of Dragon Ball as they select their three-character team to take into battle. The game also encourages players to train and master more than one fighter and style, delivering richer gameplay and motivation to take down the competition.

A closed beta will be held on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One before the end of summer. More details will be announced soon.
2017-6-22 05:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-23 06:52 PM 编辑

Dragon Ball FighterZ adds Trunks


  本作将不同于过去以往的《龙珠》系列游戏,是强化战斗对战类型的本格格斗游戏。开发由Arc System Works担当,将会在游戏中还原动画原作般战斗的爽快感和表现力。力求如同动画一般绚丽流畅的动作画面,使玩家可以在游戏中体验到《龙珠》的世界观。


  《龙珠:斗士Z》将在2018年初上市,届时将登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC三个平台。

Trunks is a playable character in Dragon Ball FighterZ, the latset issue of Weekly Jump reveals.

The lavender-haired fighter joins previously announced playable characters Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Cell, Frieza, and Majin Buu.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is developed by Arc System Works on Unreal Engine 4 and due out worldwide for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2018.
2017-7-10 10:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-10 10:36 PM 编辑

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Switch Launches September 22 in the West

Bandai Namco Brings Super Saiyan Power to the Nintendo Switch on September 22, 2017

The Dragon Ball Xenoverse series of games has taken Dragon Ball fans on new adventures, new heights of action & excitement, and now Nintendo fans will have their chance to experience the biggest most detailed Dragon Ball game ever when Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 launches for the Nintendo Switch on September 22, 2017 in the Americas and Europe.

Featuring Nintendo Switch specific controls and functionality, players will be able to execute famous moves such as the Kamehameha and the Spirit Bomb with the Joy Con Motion Controls. Players will also be able to join friends for grand Dragon Ball adventures through a six-player local play mode, exclusive to the Nintendo Switch.

It’s Time to Go Super Saiyan on Nintendo Switch

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 builds upon the highly popular Dragon Ball Xenoverse with enhanced graphics that will further immerse players into the largest and most detailed Dragon Ball world ever developed. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch includes Nintendo Switch-specific features and a different way of playing with your friends both locally and online.

Key Features

• Switch specific controls and functionality, for example perform the Kamehameha and Spirit Bomb with the Joy-Con motion controls.

• Six player local play mode (additional Nintendo Switch units required).

• Use individual Joy-Con controllers to play the game with a friend locally.

• Relive the Dragon Ball story by time traveling and protecting historic moments in the Dragon Ball universe.

• More in-depth avatar creation system and battle adjustments compared to Dragon Ball Xenoverse.

2017-7-13 07:10 PM
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Switch debut trailer
Switch《七龙珠 异战 2》宣传片公开

  万代南梦宫 Namco Bandai 公开了 Switch版《七龙珠 异战 2》的宣传片,游戏将于 9 月 7
日于日本率先发售。欧美英文版则是 9 月 22 日上市。

  Switch 版的《七龙珠 异战 2》将包含有特殊的控制方式,包括多个角色的发波招式和筋斗云的驾驶,同时该版本还支持6个玩家本地多人模式。另外提前预定的玩家可以收获一个游戏码来解锁所有的主线游戏角色,这也意味着玩家可以在游戏刚开始就游玩超过70名角色。

Bandai Namco has released the debut trailer for the Switch version of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.

The Switch version offers exclusive features including Switch-specific controls and functionality (performing the Kamehameha and Spirit Bomb with the Joy-Con motion controls, for example), a six-player local multiplayer mode, and the ability to use each Joy-Con individually to play the game with a friend locally.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is due out for Switch in Japan on September 7, and in the Americas and Europe on September 22. It is already available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

2017-7-17 10:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-17 07:19 PM 编辑

Dragon Ball FighterZ ‘Trunks’ reveal trailer, closed beta registration opens July 26
《七龙珠 斗士 Z》公布「特南克斯」实机游玩影片 展现新生代超级赛亚人实力

  Arc System Works 开发,BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 预定 2018 年初推出的 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 对战格斗游戏《七龙珠 斗士 Z(Dragon Ball Fighters Z)》,配合美国拉斯韦加斯举办的「EVO 2017」格斗游戏大赛公布了新登场角色「特南克斯」的实机游玩影片,供玩家参考。

  在 6 月 E3 展正式发表的《七龙珠 斗士 Z》是由曾制作推出《圣骑士之战》、《苍翼默示录》等知名格斗游戏系列的 Arc System Works 以 Unreal Engine 4 引擎开发,采用赛璐珞风格全 3D 绘图融合传统 2D 对战格斗玩法的 2.5D 战斗系统,呈现超越动画原作魄力的 3 对 3 激烈战斗。

Bandai Namco has released a new trailer for Dragon Ball FighterZ revealing the first gameplay footage of Trunks, who was first announced in June.

The company also announced that registration for the summer-due closed beta will open on July 26. The beta itself will feature nine characters. Currently, seven characters have been announced: Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Cell, Frieza, Majin Buu, and Trunks.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2018.

2017-7-18 10:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-18 10:44 PM 编辑

Dragon Ball FighterZ adds Krillin and Piccolo
地球人克林和比克确认参战《七龙珠 斗士 Z》

  据外媒报道,克林和比克两位《七龙珠》系列中的知名角色确定加入《七龙珠 斗士 Z》。


  《七龙珠 斗士 Z》是 Arc System Works 制作的一款2.5D格斗游戏,本作以对原著的还原度受到玩家们的称道。目前官方已经公布的角色还包括孙悟空、贝吉塔、孙悟饭、沙鲁、弗利萨、魔人布欧、特兰克斯。《七龙珠 斗士 Z》将在2018年初正式上市,届时将登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC三个平台。

Krillin and Piccolo are playable characters in Dragon Ball FighterZ, the latest issue of V-Jump reveals.

Here are the details:


Power: 3
Speed: 2
Reach: 4
Technique: 4
Energy: 3

Piccolo has technical skills such as extending his arms to grasp his opponent and charge techniques. He has a variety of methods to break the opponent’s guard. He can fire beams at super high speeds. By long-pressing the button, he can charge up for a stronger attack. He also has a technique that fires a Ki blast to deal great damage. When connecting from a combo, it will deal even greater damage.


Power: 2
Speed: 3
Reach: 1
Technique: 4
Energy: 4

Krillin has low power and reach, but can use a variety of techniques. He can even use Kamehameha, meaning fighting from a distance should not be a problem. He can use skills to confuse the enemy such as the “Afterimage Technique,” which leaves behind an image of Krillin before turning into an attack. He can also use “Destructo Disc,” which is impossible to guard against. After firing Ki blasts, Krillin can alter their trajectory and have them explode in the sky to shoot out multiple Ki blasts.

The magazine also reveals that players will be able to control chibi characters in online mode, similar to the online system in the Guilty Gear Xrd series, and that those chibi characters will be able to battle against each other.

Previously announced playable characters include Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Cell, Frieza, Majin Buu, and Trunks.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2018. A closed beta is scheduled for the summer, with registration opening on July 26.
2017-7-21 06:08 PM
Dragon Ball FighterZ Details Piccolo, Krillin and Online Battles

Piccolo and Krillin Join the Dragon Ball Fighterz Roster

Two new playable characters have been added to the roster of Dragon Ball FighterZ, the 2.5D fighting game developed by Arc System Works. Both characters have their respective fighting style and distinctive skills! Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe also revealed more details about Online Battles.

Piccolo is considered to be one of the most technical characters with his expandable arm to grab his opponents. He has various ways to break the opponent’s guard and he can also fire fast and powerful beams. Players can charge up for a stronger attack by long-pressing the button. To create a huge blow, Piccolo can use his ability to release Ki blast from afar or for an effective strike, players can even connect it with a combo move!

Krillin doesn’t have that much reach and power but easily compensates with several different techniques such as the Kamehameha to fight a long-range game. He can also skillfully confuse his opponents by leaving an image of himself before turning into an attack. Furthermore, players have the choice to use the famous Senzu Bean. Fans will also be delighted to know that his signature and blockable attack is also included in Dragon Ball FighterZ.

In the Online Battles of Dragon Ball FighterZ, players can fight and interact with other users in the FighterZ lobby. That’s the perfect place to rise up to the arena stage and get matched with other users who are willing to battle! Players can also communicate with Z-Stamp, use facial expressions from Dragon Ball characters and watch their match with the replay mode!

Dragon Ball FighterZ is slated for an early 2018 launch on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Registration for the closed beta will open on 26th July.

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