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2018-6-13 06:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-13 08:47 PM 编辑

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy adds Mian
《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗》曝光角色「梁、美杏」对战影片

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/163987.html

  任天堂释出 Nintendo Switch、PlayStation 4《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗》新宣传影片,展示角色「梁(Luong)」与「美杏(Mian)」对战画面。

  《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗》是款集结 SNK 人气女主角的格斗游戏,前排的「进攻者」与后排的「支持者」两人一组与对手进行对决,不需组合按钮就能使出的必杀技,采用即便是格斗游戏初学者都能畅玩的新系统。

  今日官方在 E3 展期间曝光《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗》新宣传影片,展示角色「梁(Luong)」与「美杏(Mian)」对战画面。

  PS4、NS《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗》预计 2018 年 9 月 6 日上市。


Mian, who first debuted in The King of Fighters XIV, will be playable in SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy, publisher NIS America announced.

Today’s announcement also includes Luong as a playable character, however, Luong’s Japanese reveal trailer was accidently posted by developer SNK last week.

Here is an overview of both characters, via NIS America:

Meet Luong, the femme fatale and a seductive beauty, and Mian, the Sichuan opera dancer that rarely appears without her mask! Both heroines pack quite a punch with their array of acrobatics and martial arts moves. Watch out for Luong’s whip-like “Tou” Dream Finish and Mian’s “Rangurenbu” Dream Finish! With alluring fighting styles that are as beautiful as they are powerful, you’d better be ready to face them when they arrive!

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on September 6 in Japan, and September 7 in North America and Europe.
2018-6-22 03:32 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-22 06:13 PM 编辑

Neo Geo Mini launches July 24 in Japan
SNK NEOGEO mini 预购正式开跑 7 月 24 日日本首发

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/8/164398.html

  株式会社 SNK 今(22)日宣布,SNK 品牌 40 周年纪念游戏机「NEOGEO mini」自即日起在日本 SNK 官方在线商店与日本亚马逊开放预购,预定 7 月 27 日正式上市,价格 11500 日圆(未税) 。 全球其他国家与地区的预购与贩卖亦将于近日陆续展开。


  NEOGEO mini 的周边配件包括手把(黑白两种配色)、贴纸、HDMI 连接线(TV 输出用)亦将在日本亚马逊同步开放预售。 在 SNK 官方在线商店还独家提供本体与周边配件的套装预售。



NEOGEO mini 手把(黑白两种配色)




NEOGEO mini 贴纸、保护贴、HDMI 连接线(TV 输出用)

  「NEOGEO mini」是一款内含 40 款精选自 90 年代畅销游戏平台「NEOGEO」经典游戏的游戏机,采用以大型电玩机台造型加以微缩的机体设计,本体内建 3.5 吋液晶显示屏幕与大型电玩游戏杆, 可以插电单独游玩也可以外接大屏幕电视游玩,搭配选购的手把还可以多人同乐。



商品名称: NEOGEO mini
收录作品: 40 款
液晶尺寸: 3.5 英吋
外形尺寸/重量: W 108mm × D 135mm × H 162mm/390g
附属配件: 电源线(Type C)※ 不含电源变压器
连接端子: HDMI 孔(TV 输出)、耳机孔、外接手把接孔 × 2

Neo Geo Mini will launch on July 24 in Japan for 11,500 yen, SNK announced.

Pre-orders are available now on Amazon Japan and the SNK Online Shop. Bundles including Neo Geo Mini Pad controllers and more are also available.

As previously announced, the Japanese edition of Neo Geo Mini will include the following 40 titles:

  • Aggressors of Dark Kombat
  • Alpha Mission II
  • Art of Fighting
  • Blazing Star
  • Burning Fight
  • Cyber-Up
  • Fatal Fury Special
  • Garou: Mark of the Wolves
  • King of Monsters 2
  • Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle
  • Metal Slug
  • Metal Slug 2
  • Metal Slug 3
  • Ninja Commando
  • Ninja Master’s: Haou Ninpou Chou
  • Puzzled
  • Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers
  • Real Bout: Fatal Fury
  • Samurai Shodown II
  • Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa’s Revenge
  • Samurai Shodown V Special
  • Sengoku 3
  • Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
  • Super Sidekicks
  • The King of Fighters ’94
  • The King of Fighters ’95
  • The King of Fighters ’96
  • The King of Fighters ’97
  • The King of Fighters ’98
  • The King of Fighters ’99
  • The King of Fighters 2000
  • The King of Fighters 2001
  • The King of Fighters 2002
  • The King of Fighters 2003
  • The Last Blade
  • The Last Blade 2
  • Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy
  • Top Player’s Golf
  • Twinkle Star Sprites
  • World Heroes Perfect

Neo Geo Mini International, which is due out worldwide at a later date, will include 14 different titles from the Japanese edition.
2018-6-27 06:27 PM
2018-7-5 04:20 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-5 04:40 PM 编辑

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy adds Mui Mui
《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗》蜜蜜参战

  SNK 新作《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗》今日公开第13名参战角色,是来自《拳皇14》的蜜蜜(Mui Mui)。后续将公布特瑞(Terry)参展角色。

  《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗》是款集结 SNK 人气女主角的格斗游戏,前排的「进攻者」与后排的「支持者」两人一组与对手进行对决,不需组合按钮就能使出的必杀技,采用即便是格斗游戏初学者都能畅玩的新系统。

  PS4、NS《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗》预计同步繁简体中文版 2018 年 9 月 6 日上市。


Mui Mui will be playable in SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy, NIS America officially announced following a leak last month.

Here is an overview of the character, via NIS America:

A master of kung-fu and a successor of the Dragon Clan, Mui Mui possesses superhuman strength thanks to her affinity with dragons. She can break boulders and smash through walls with her bare hands! Get on her bad side and you’ll get a taste of her punches!

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on September 6 in Japan, and September 7 in North America and Europe.
2018-7-19 06:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-7-19 07:09 PM 编辑

《SNK女主角组队热斗》中文宣传视频 9月6日登陆PS4/NS



2018-7-26 03:37 PM
SNK 40th Anniversary Collection ‘Crystalis’ trailer


NIS America and SNK have released a new trailer for SNK 40th Anniversary Collection introducing Crystalis, one of the many SNK classics included in the collection.

Here is an overview of Crystallis, via NIS America:

Originally released in Japan as God Slayer: Haruka Tenku no Sonata, Crystalis was a game ahead of its time, sporting an elaborate story, advanced graphics, and high quality soundtrack. Today, that same cult classic returns on Nintendo Switch!

Awaken in a post-apocalyptic world, where the forbidden ways of science have been revived by the Draygonia Empire. Guided by the four wise sages and wielding the Sword of Wind, the protagonist must aid a fellow survivor named Mesia and combine the four elemental Swords of Wind, Fire, Water, and Thunder to create the legendary sword, Crystalis. Will he be able to stop the evil ambitions of Emperor Draygon in time to save the world?

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection is due out for Switch on November 13 in North America and November 16 in Europe.
2018-8-3 02:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-3 07:16 PM 编辑

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy adds female Terry Bogard
《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗》饿狼格斗家「泰莉‧波格」性转登场!?

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/166297.html

  SNK 制作,SEGA Games 预定 9 月 6 日同步推出中文版的 PS4 / Nintendo Switch 对战动作游戏《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗(SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy)》,现公布将加入来自 SN K 经典格斗游戏《饿狼传说》系列的格斗家「泰利‧波格(Terry Bogard)」的性别转换版本。

  《SNK 女杰狂热大乱斗》是款集合 SNK 经典女性角色于一堂的组队对战动作游戏,叙述众多来自 SNK 经典游戏的性感可爱女孩被囚禁在神秘的豪华洋房,组成双人小队参与格斗盛宴。

  先前官方公布的登场角色都是来自 SNK 旗下知名游戏的 “女性” 角色,本次则是破天荒公布以《饿狼传说》系列主角「泰利‧波格」性别转换而成的女(? )杰,由高桥智秋担任配音。 承袭泰利的经典造型,配合游戏主题风格调整为性感小可爱与超短热裤,帽子上的「Fatal Fury(致命的狂怒,即《饿狼传说》的英文名称)」字样也变成「Fatal Cutie(致命的可爱女孩)」。


Terry Bogard will appear in SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy as a playable character, publisher NIS America and developer SNK announced. “What happened to him!?” NIS America asks. “Well that’s what he’d like to know, too.”

Here is an overview of the character, via NIS America:

Terry Bogard has been the face of SNK fighting games since his original debut in Fatal Fury (1991). Appearing in a number of titles since his introduction, as well as several animated and live-action adaptations, Terry’s signature long blonde hair and cap are an instant icon in video game history. This tough-talking son of Southtown, and adoptive father to the Garou: Mark of the Wolves hero Rock, returns since his last appearance in The King of Fighters XIV as part of the Fatal Fury Team. Now, Terry faces his greatest challenge yet in the mysterious realm of SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy!

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on September 6 in Japan, and September 7 in North America and Europe.

2018-8-9 06:23 PM
SNK 40th Anniversary Collection ‘Ikari Trilogy’ trailer


NIS America and SNK have released a new trailer for SNK 40th Anniversary Collection introducing games of the Ikari trilogy, three of the many SNK classics included in the collection.

Here is an overview of the Ikari trilogy, via NIS America:

Shoot-em-ups were all the rage in ’80s, and in 1986, SNK launched Ikari Warriors, a game that took guerrilla carnage to a new level of lunacy! In this game, the player assumed the roles of two muscly men named Ralf Jones and Clark Steel (King of Fighters, anyone?), who were blasting and mowing down enemy forces in a South American jungle to save their commanding officer.

After the success of Ikari Warriors, there were two more entries in the series that took Ralf and Clark on further adventures, Victory Road (1988) and Ikari III: The Rescue (1990). Each of these titles brought a unique focus to the gameplay. Victory Road focused on the use of guns and explosives, while Ikari III: The Rescue brought more attention to hand-to-hand combat.

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection is due out for Switch on November 13 in North America and November 16 in Europe.
2018-8-20 07:27 PM
《SNK女主角组队热斗》换装系统演示 御姐夏尔米惊艳亮相





《SNK女主角组队热斗》中文首发特典 收录各主题曲的原声集

  SEGA Games宣布,格斗动作游戏《SNK女主角组队热斗》将于2018年9月6日(四)在香港・台湾・韩国・东南亚推出Switch/PS4版,并决定首批购入特典「SPECIAL SOUNDTRACK」。



  这次发表的原声带收录了SNK音效团严选的16首乐曲的Full Album。历代SNK人气游戏的女主角们的主题曲,专为本作重新编曲。

  另外,本作主题曲《cresc.》,由坂崎百合(CV:加隈亜衣)演唱的「Calling Heart」等,都收录在该CD中。

  《SNK女主角组队热斗》预计于9月6日(四)同时在包括亚洲的全世界推出 PS4/Switch版。

2018-8-24 06:18 PM
SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy customization gameplay


SNK has released a new, 25-minute playthrough video of SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy focused on the game’s customization feature.

In SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy, players will be able to use the items and costumes obtained through playing the game to freely customize their heroines. In addition to the actual customizing, the video also shows the customized characters in battle.

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on September 6 in Japan, and September 7 in North America and Europe.
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