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2018-4-18 02:44 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-18 03:12 PM 编辑

《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》公开从者查理曼战斗及宝具演示视频

  今日(2018.4.18),《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》公开了新的游戏演示视频,视频中展示了新加入从者查理曼的战斗及宝具动画演示。


  《Fate/EXTELLA Link》以及《Fate/EXTELLA》是承袭在 2010 及 2013 年于 PSP 推出两款游戏的《Fate / Extra》世界观的续作,游戏集结了《Fate》世界观的著名英灵,以 2032 年近未来计算机世界圣杯战争为舞台,在灵子虚构世界「SE. RA. PH」争夺万能的愿望机「圣杯」。

  而「Extra」世界观的最新游戏《Fate/EXTELLA Link》将承袭《Fate/EXTELLA》的剧情,已获得圣杯并且夺回月之世界和平的「御主」和「尼罗」,将要面对全新的从者 - 神圣罗马皇帝「 查理曼(シャルルマーニュ)」引起的新战乱。

  PS4 / PS Vita《Fate/EXTELLA Link》将会在 2018 年 6 月 7 日发售。本作也将确定将推出繁体中文版,Nintendo Switch 版暂时未知。
2018-4-18 06:07 PM
■ Story

◆ The Invasion of Karl der Grosse, Who Possesses the Power of the Oracle

With the sudden appearance of Karl de Grosse, who possesses the power of the Oracle that can enslave and assimilate all things, the Moon World was about to get dragged into a new war.

The Master, Charlemagne, and the other Servants confront the invasion on the principle of the assimilation of all beings.

However, those that agree with Karl de Grosse, those that are lending support for not only their own benefit, and even former allies assimilated and stand before Nero and the others as an enemy by the power the Oracle.

Furthermore, a young Altera that had gone missing can be seen beside of Karl der Grosse…

As various expectations intertwine, a new war is about to begin!

■ System

◆ Command Seal

Master Command Seals to gain the upper hand in battle. Command Seals are proof of the contract between the Master and their Servant.

In Fate/Extella Link, Command Seals enable “Revival” and “Limit Break,” as well as the new “Transition.” By nature, Command Seals can only be used three times, but they refresh each time you head into battle, so feel free to use them without restraint.


Consumes one seal in order to revive a fallen Servant.

Limit Break

Consumes all three seals in order to unleash power beyond the Servant’s limits, allowing them to battle in a strengthened state for a fixed period of time.


Consumes one seal in order to move a Servant to any sector of the map.

◆ Support Unit

Form and fight alongside a Support Unit. You can put up to two Servants in your Support Unit that will assist you in battle.

The Support Unit carries out various support actions, such as guarding you when you are attacked by the enemy, or attacking with you when an Active Skill is activated.

The higher the Servant’s Bond Level with the Master, the more support actions they will be able to learn.

◆ Base Camp

Interact with Servants at the Base Camp. “Our Transient Glory: Charles Patricius,” the floating fortress that is Charlemagne’s Noble Phantasm, will act as the player’s base.

At the Base Camp, there are facilities such as “My Room,” the “Dormitory,” and the “War Room,” where you can interact with Servants, prepare for battle, and more.

You can also level up Servants through the Money is Power system.

In “My Room,” where the Master resides, and the “Dormitory,” where the Servants live, you can enjoy conversations with the Servants. The contents of those conversations will raise and alter your Bond Level with the Servant. If your Bond Level becomes high enough, you may also receive a gift.

Your Bond Level will rise as you demonstrate the true power of a Master by clearing side missions imposed by Servants during battle or by supporting them with Code Casts.

◆ Install Skills

Increase the abilities of a Servant with Install Skills. By setting Install Skills, the Servant will gain various skills and their abilities will be strengthened.

In Fate/Extella Link, you can create a “Double Skill” that combines two effects by fusing together specific Install Skills. Customize Install Skills to the Servant’s characteristics and your own play style, and seize victory on the battlefield.

—If you set skills of the same category in adjacent slots, a “Boost” will activate and increase its effect.

—Install Skills can be mainly obtained in battle. The higher your Clear Rank, the better the Install Skills you can obtain.

—By fusing together specific skills that have been strengthened to their maximum level, you can create a “Double Skill.”

Types of Install Skills

Red: Attack-based skills. Examples include:
Eternal Arms Mastership: Increases rush attack power.
Martial Blessing: Increase the attack power of Active Skills.
Blue: Defense-based skills. Examples include:
Counter Hero: Lowers the damage taken by Servants.
Anti-Magic (Ice): Grants resistance to magical effects (ice).
Yellow: Auxiliary-based skills. Examples include:
Collector: Increase the item drop rate.
Emperor’s Prerogative (Swordsman): Strengthens Saber-class characteristics.
White: Double Skills. An example:
Emperor’s Prerogative (Lancer) and Natural Body: Combines the effects of both Emperor’s Prerogative (Lancer) and Natural Body.

◆ Code Cast

Support your Servants with Code Cast magic. Through the use of these simple skills, which possess various effects such as ability enhancement and recovery, the Master can support their Servant on the battlefield.

Code Cast

Code Casts have various effects, such as ability enhancement and recovery. Magical equipment known as Mystic Codes are embedded with Code Casts, so switch out the Mystic Code you have equipped based on the stage to swap your Code Casts.

Types of Code Casts include:

heal_friends(16): Slightly recovers the HP of nearby allies.
offense_speed_up(16): Slightly increases attack speed.
offense_range_up(16): Slightly increases attack range.
moon_drive: Activates Moon Drive regardless of the Drive Gauge.

Mystic Code

Mystic Codes can be crafted in the workshop by obtaining recipes through battle and other means. Some Mystic Codes grant Install Skills in addition to Code Casts. However, the creation of powerful Mystic Codes requires Upgrade Parts, which can be obtained in battle.

Since even the same Mystic Code recipe can grant random Code Casts and a different Install Skill level, collect Upgrade Parts to create original Mystic Codes all your own.

Fate/Extella Link is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in Japan on June 7, and in North America and Europe this fall.
2018-4-25 02:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-26 02:27 PM 编辑

《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》公开参战从者介绍短片「师匠」和「阿福」

  Marvelous今天公布了《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》两名参战从者的介绍短片,分别是「斯卡哈」和「阿斯托尔福」,这两位也是在本作才加入的新参战角色。

  《Fate/EXTELLA Link》以及《Fate/EXTELLA》是承袭在 2010 及 2013 年于 PSP 推出两款游戏的《Fate / Extra》世界观的续作,游戏集结了《Fate》世界观的著名英灵,以 2032 年近未来计算机世界圣杯战争为舞台,在灵子虚构世界「SE. RA. PH」争夺万能的愿望机「圣杯」。

  而「Extra」世界观的最新游戏《Fate/EXTELLA Link》将承袭《Fate/EXTELLA》的剧情,已获得圣杯并且夺回月之世界和平的「御主」和「尼罗」,将要面对全新的从者 - 神圣罗马皇帝「 查理曼(シャルルマーニュ)」引起的新战乱。

  PS4 / PS Vita《Fate/EXTELLA Link》将会在 2018 年 6 月 7 日发售。本作也将确定将推出繁体中文版,Nintendo Switch 版暂时未知。

《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》释出「阿斯托尔福」以及「斯卡萨哈」游玩影片
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/5/161825.html

  Marvelous 制作,预定 6 月 7 日发售的 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita 动作游戏《Fate/EXTELLA LINK(フェイト/エクステラ リンク)》,官方新释出两名登场英灵「阿斯托尔福(アス トルフォ)」以及「斯卡萨哈(スカサハ)」的游玩影片。

  本次释出的游玩影片,展示了两名首度参战「EXTRA」系列的新英灵「阿斯托尔福」以及「斯卡萨哈」实际战斗的动作,还有施展宝具充满魄力的画面表现。 本文也再次附上角色介绍,有兴趣的玩家可搭配影片参考。



【宝具:不属此世的幻马. 骏鹰】




「事情就是这样啦,请多指教! 我是骑兵,阿斯托尔福! 就当成坐上大船,全都交给我吧! 」



【宝具:溢满死亡的魔境之门(Gate of sky)】


异境. 魔境「影之国」的女王兼守门人,也是枪术与卢恩魔术的天才。


「哼...... 似乎有不知死活的家伙来了。 你有办法杀死我吗? 」

  PS4 / PS Vita《Fate/EXTELLA Link》将于 2018 年 6 月 7 日发售。
2018-5-2 01:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-2 07:42 PM 编辑

Fate/Extella Link Francis Drake and Robin Hood short gameplay videos

The latest character-focused short gameplay videos of Fate/Extella Link feature playable Servants Francis Drake and Robin Hood.

Fate/Extella Link is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in Japan on June 7, and in North America and Europe this fall.



《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》公开「德雷克」与「罗宾汉」演示视频

  Marvelous 制作,预定 6 月 7 日发售的 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita 动作游戏《Fate/EXTELLA LINK(フェイト/エクステラ リンク)》,官方新释出两名登场英灵「Rider德雷克」以及「Archer罗宾汉」的游玩影片。



  《Fate/EXTELLA Link》以及《Fate/EXTELLA》是承袭在 2010 及 2013 年于 PSP 推出两款游戏的《Fate / Extra》世界观的续作,游戏集结了《Fate》世界观的著名英灵,以 2032 年近未来计算机世界圣杯战争为舞台,在灵子虚构世界「SE. RA. PH」争夺万能的愿望机「圣杯」。

  而「Extra」世界观的最新游戏《Fate/EXTELLA Link》将承袭《Fate/EXTELLA》的剧情,已获得圣杯并且夺回月之世界和平的「御主」和「尼罗」,将要面对全新的从者 - 神圣罗马皇帝「 查理曼(シャルルマーニュ)」引起的新战乱。

  PS4 / PS Vita《Fate/EXTELLA Link》将会在 2018 年 6 月 7 日发售。本作也将确定将推出繁体中文版,Nintendo Switch 版暂时未知。
2018-5-9 04:37 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-9 05:02 PM 编辑

Fate/Extella Link Arjuna and Darius III Gameplay Videos ~ PS4 & Vita
《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》「阿周那」与「大流士」战斗及宝具演示视频

  Marvelous 制作,预定 6 月 7 日发售的 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita 动作游戏《Fate/EXTELLA LINK(フェイト/エクステラ リンク)》,官方新释出两名登场英灵「阿周那」与「大流士」的游玩影片。

阿周那 声优:岛崎信长


  印度神话的英雄。 雷神因陀罗之子。 与宿敌迦尔纳是同母异父的兄弟。 勤勉、清廉、公正无私、光明磊落,人格毫无缺点堪称完美。

大流士三世 声优:安井邦彦


  阿契美尼德王朝波斯王国(现今的伊朗)最后国王。 以刺青与金饰妆点超过三公尺巨大身躯的黑色巨人。




  《Fate/EXTELLA Link》以及《Fate/EXTELLA》是承袭在 2010 及 2013 年于 PSP 推出两款游戏的《Fate / Extra》世界观的续作,游戏集结了《Fate》世界观的著名英灵,以 2032 年近未来计算机世界圣杯战争为舞台,在灵子虚构世界「SE. RA. PH」争夺万能的愿望机「圣杯」。

  而「Extra」世界观的最新游戏《Fate/EXTELLA Link》将承袭《Fate/EXTELLA》的剧情,已获得圣杯并且夺回月之世界和平的「御主」和「尼罗」,将要面对全新的从者 - 神圣罗马皇帝「 查理曼(シャルルマーニュ)」引起的新战乱。

  PS4 / PS Vita《Fate/EXTELLA Link》将会在 2018 年 6 月 7 日发售。本作也将确定将推出繁体中文版,Nintendo Switch 版暂时未知。
2018-5-16 06:11 PM
Fate/Extella Link Gilles de Rais and Lancelot short gameplay videos; story choices, new actions, gimmicks, and costumes detailed

The latest character-focused short gameplay videos of Fate/Extella Link feature playable Servants Gilles de Rais and Lancelot.

Previous gameplay videos showcased Arjuna and Darius III, Francis Drake and Robin Hood, Astolfo, Scathach, Charlemagne, Karna, Iskandar, Archimedes, Altera, Medusa, Artoria Pendragon, Lu Bu Fengxian, Cu Chulainn, Jeanne d’Arc, Gilgamesh, Gawain, Tamamo no Mae, Elizabeth Bathory, Li Shuwen, Nero Claudius, and Nameless.

Marvelous also updated the game’s official website with new information and screenshots on the game’s story choices, new actions, gimmicks (including enemies and items), and costumes:

■ Story

A Story that Changes Based on Your Choices

In the main story, there will be scenes where you must make decisions as a Master, such as deciding an invasion route or determining priority matters. Occassionally, you may also be faced with major decisions…

—Make your own decisions as a Master!

—Choose to make a surprise attack.

—Choose to divide.

—Choose to create a diversion.

Some of the Story that Will Unfold in the Moon World

—The citizens of the millennium capital are believed to have fallen into the hands of Gilles de Rais, who does unjust acts without opposition. What of the citizens’ safety?

—Drake, who has the nickname “Woman who Set the Sun,” declares war against Gawain, the “Knight of the Sun.”

—Artoria was told something upsetting about her “face.” What could have been said to have angered this usually calm woman?

—Arjuna has a strong attachment to a “certain man” who manifests in SE.RA.PH. Is there something that the two will encounter?

—Elizabeth is caught by an immoral entertainment company. The details are unknown, but she seems to be introuble, so help her.

—Gilgamesh awaits the Masters. Are his mysterious mechanisms a new Noble Phantasm or something different?

■ System

◆ New Action

“Link” with Allies to Fight Enemies Together

By approaching an ally Servant, you can enter the “Link” state and share class characteristics. The class characteristics of many allies gathered become stronger, so Link up to face enemies.

Also by activating a “Rush” attack in the Link state, ally Servants will attack alongside you.

“Back Attack” to Deal Big Damage

By attacking an enemy Servant from the back, you can deal a lot of damage. Also, Assassin class Servants have even greater Back Attack power than the other classes.

Aim to actively use Back Attacks through Active Skills that confine the enemy and by cooperating with allies.

◆ Gimmicks

Break through the Enemy’s “Strategy”

Enemies will use attacks that make use of various “strategies” on the battlefield. If their strategies are successful, you will be at a disavantage, and occasionally may be defeated, so always fight while paying attention to the enemy’s movements.

—Save the Master

Find the real Lancelot from among the enemies mimicked by Lancelot, and rescue the Master. During the Master’s abduction, Code Casts and Command Seals cannot be used. Additionally, if you fail to rescue the Master, you will be defeated, so be sure to save them quickly.

—Break the Jamming

Through the enemy’s jamming, map information will become unavailable to check. Attack the plant that is causing the jamming before your allies are hit with a surprise attack.

—Find Robin Hood, Who Can Become Invisible

Robin Hood, whose Noble Phantasm “No Face May King: Faceless King” lets him become invisible, swoops down to attack. You will be able to sense him as he draws near, so find Robin Hood and defeat him.

◆ Enemies

In addition to Servants, various “enemies” will also be summoned into SE.RA.PH as threats that block your path.

—Attack Program: A cyber body created in SE.RA.PH. It attacks in accordance with its orders.

—Skeleton Soldier: The immortal corps (Athanaton) Darius III used while alive became a Noble Phantasm and are summoned as soldiers that fight alongside the king.

—The King’s Troops: Strong soldiers loyal to Iskandar summoned by Iskandar’s Noble Phantasm “Ionioi Hetairoi: Army of the King.”

◆ Items

You can obtain items that have various effects from the item folders enemies drop on the map.

—Drive Gauge Up (Small)

—Drive Gauge Up (Big)

—Noble Phantasm Gauge Up (Small)

—Noble Phantasm Gauge MAX

—Healthy Recovery (Small)

—Health Recovery (Big)

—Attack Up

—Attack Speed Up

You can also obtain rare Install Skills from “Secret Folders” that can be opened by absorbing Magic Spheres. In a Secret Folder area, defeat all the enemies to automatically absorb the Magic Spheres. You can get an item when you reach the maximum amount.

◆ Costumes

Fight with Servants wearing different outfits than usual. By acquiring costumes through playing the game or via downloadable content, you can change how your Servants appear. Costumes are reflected in not only battle scenes, but in event scene illustrations as well.

Fate/Extella Link is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in Japan on June 7, and in North America and Europe this fall.
2018-5-16 06:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-17 07:35 PM 编辑

《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》释出第五波短篇影片 兰斯洛特-加龙省及吉尔. 德. 雷参战
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/162724.html

  Marvelous 近(17)日公布将于 6 月 7 日(四)发售的《Fate/EXTELLA LINK(フェイト/エクステラ リンク)》(PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita)短篇影片,「吉尔. 德. 雷(ジル・ド・レェ)」篇、「兰斯洛特-加龙省(ランスロット)」篇。

  可欣赏新参战英灵动作及宝具部分内容的游玩影片第五波内容为,操控海魔战斗行径惨无人道的魔术师-吉尔. 德. 雷,以及圆桌武士之一,能将各式兵器当作拟似宝具战斗的狂战士-兰斯洛特-加龙省。

  本次报导还会介绍,敌人会运用的各式战略、能够活用的道具、特殊攻击方法等游戏系统最新情报。 也请玩家们一并确认。



《Fate/EXTRA》系列最新作《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》
公布游玩影片「吉尔. 德. 雷」「兰斯洛特-加龙省」和游戏最新情报!

Marvelous 近日在预计 6 月 7 日发售的 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita 专用游戏《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》官方网站,公布了「吉尔. 德. 雷」「兰斯洛特-加龙省」的游玩影片,能够欣赏英灵的动作与宝具场面。

另外还公布敌人会运用的多样化战略,以及阻挡去路的 Enemy(エネミー)等游戏系统最新情报。


能欣赏新参战英灵动作及宝具部分内容的游玩影片,近日公布的第五波内容为「吉尔. 德. 雷」、「兰斯洛特-加龙省」篇!

操控海魔战斗行径惨无人道的魔术师-吉尔. 德. 雷,以及圆桌武士之一,能将各式兵器当作拟似宝具战斗的狂战士-兰斯洛特-加龙省,敬请欣赏两位英灵的动作。


战场上,敌人会运用各种战略展开攻势! 不破解战略就会陷入不利的局面,有时还会因此落败,战斗时必须时常注意敌人的动向!





敌方干扰使地图情报无法确认! 在我方部队受奇袭部队攻击被击溃之前,击破制造干扰的 Plant(プラント)吧。


以宝具「无颜之王」抹消身形的罗宾汉袭向我方。 一旦靠近就能察觉他的气息,细心找出并击倒罗宾汉吧!

阻挡去路的各式 Enemy 们

除了由 SE. RA. PH 召唤的英灵们,还会有各式各样的 Enemy 成为挡在玩家去路上的威胁!

SE. RA. PH 内部产生的计算机体。 会听从命令发动攻击













还能藉由吸收魔力球开启隐藏台座取得稀有的安装技能(インストール スキル)!



从敌方英灵的背后进行攻击就能给予更多的伤害。 暗杀者职阶英灵实行的背后攻击,威力会比其他职阶又更高!



在游戏内或透过 DLC 取得服装,为英灵更衣! 有些服装甚至不仅战斗场面,连事件场面插图都会改变!?


决定进攻路线、决定优先事项,玩家身为御主,会在主线剧情中遇上许多做出选择的时刻。 有时还不得不做出重大抉择)......。






平心静气做出惨无人道行径的吉尔. 德. 雷,似乎掌握了千年京的居民们


阿尔托利亚似乎对 “貌相” 一事感到不悦

阿周那对现界于 SE. RA. PH 的「某个男人」抱持强烈的执着。 两人能有相会的时刻吗?

被缺德艺能事务所要挟(? )的伊丽莎白

吉尔伽美什似乎等着御主们的到来。 这神秘机构究竟是宝具还是其他不同的存在?

2018-5-31 05:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-31 07:27 PM 编辑

英灵们跨越作品框架一同参战《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》亚洲地区发售日期确定
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/163334.html

  SEGA Games 宣布,预计将于 2018 年 9 月 13 日(四)针对香港、台湾、韩国、东南亚推出 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita 动作游戏《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》的亚洲版本,支持繁体 中文。



  《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》是《Fate/EXTRA》系列的最新作品。 为《Fate》系列的英灵们跨越作品框架一同参战,可在场域上自由驰骋、使用华丽招式进行战斗的动作游戏。





  除了于前作登场的 16 名英灵,本作还新加入了 10 名英灵。 还有进化后的图像及系统,以及新的剧本等多种新要素。

  另外,PS4 版还可以透过联机多人对战。 最多能有 8 名御主一同进行 4 对 4 的对战。


  除此之外,本次还决定于亚洲推出在日本造成话题的 Premium 限定版。

  限定版内容包含ワダアルコ特别绘制的麻将牌「月之圣牌组」、「Fate/EXTELLA LINK Original Sound track」CD、PS4 版附有斯卡哈服装「魔境士官」的产品代码;PSVita 版则是无铭服装「正义弓道家」 的产品代码、以及ワダアルコ特别绘制的豪华 BOX 盒。



  《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》预定 9 月 13 日(四)在亚洲同时发售 PS4 与 PS Vita 版。


  《Fate》系列最初的作品《Fate/stay night》为 2004 年在 PC 发售的冒险游戏,推出后立即创下压倒性的销售纪录,进而推出续集、家庭用游戏、小说、TV 版动画、剧场版动画等作品。

  之后也陆续于 2010 年推出游戏《Fate/EXTRA》、2011 年推出动画《Fate/Zero》、2012 年推出小说《Fate/Apocrypha》、2015 年推出 iOS / Android 专用 App《Fate/Gra nd Order》、更于 2016 年推出游戏《Fate/EXTELLA》等许多系列作品。

※ 游戏画面为开发中的内容。

语言:繁体中文 / 韩文 / 日文字幕,日文语音
主机平台:PlayStation 4/PlayStation Vita
上市日期:2018 年 9 月 13 日
游玩人数:PS4 版:1 人(联机时 2~8 人)
     PS Vita 版:1 人
游戏分级:辅导级 15+
开  发:MarvelousInc.
发营销售:SEGA Games
2018-6-1 04:48 PM
2018-6-7 07:00 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-8 06:55 PM 编辑

Fate/Extella Link DLC Lineup No. 1 ‘Tropical Set’ trailer, screenshots
「Fate」系列最新作《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》正式发售 公布首波 DLC「盛夏套装」介绍影片

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/163756.html

  Marvelous 旗下 3D 动作游戏《Fate/EXTELLA LINK(フェイト/エクステラ リンク)》(PS4 / PS Vita)正式发售。 价格为 PS4 普通版 7980 日圆 (未税)、豪华限定版为 14980 日圆 (未税)、PS Vita 普通版为 5980 日圆 (未税)、 豪华限定则为 12980 日圆 (未税)。

  本作是 2016 年 11 月发售的《Fate/EXTELLA(フェイト/エクステラ)》续篇作品。 本次故事,以圣杯建构出的灵子虚构世界「SE. RA. PH」为舞台,描写御主与英灵们的战斗。 本次让新英灵. 查里曼与查理大帝登场,将以这两位英灵为中心展开故事。

  其他英灵部分,除了前作登场的 16 位英灵,还追加了弗朗西斯. 德雷克、斯卡萨哈、阿斯托尔福等 10 位新英灵。

  另外,也自即日起开放下载首波 DLC 服装「盛夏套装(トロピカルセット)」,并公布介绍影片。 并一并揭露自 6 月 14 日起开放下载的第二波 DLC「度假套装(リゾートセット)」及 7 月后 DLC 的开放下载时程,敬请一并确认。

《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》正式发售!
即日起开放下载首波 DLC 服装!

PlayStation 4/PlayStation Vita 专用游戏软件《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》即日起正式发售。 同时开放下载首波 DLC 服装「盛夏套装」,并在官方网站内公布了「盛夏套装」介绍影片,以及将自 6 月 14 日起开放下载的第二波「度假套装」情报。

即日起开放下载首波 DLC 服装『盛夏套装』

以泳装为中心的服装阵容『盛夏套装』即日起开放下载! 也准备了全六种泳装合为一组的超值套组(1840 日圆 含税)。 官方网站同时公布介绍影片,敬请一并欣赏。

<首波 DLC『盛夏套装』6 月 7 日开放下载>

尼罗. 克劳狄乌斯『热情的比基尼』
价格:400 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图也会改变)

价格:400 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图也会改变)

伊丽莎白. 巴托里『海边的鲜血魔娘』
价格:400 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图也会改变)

价格:400 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图也会改变)

弗朗西斯. 德雷克『大姐头的华丽暑假』
价格:400 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图也会改变)

价格:300 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图不会改变)

第二波 DLC 服装『度假套装』6 月 14 日开放下载

延续首波以泳装为中心的服装阵容第二波『度假套装』,将于 6 月 14 日开放下载! 也准备了全七种泳装合为一组的超值套组(2080 日圆 含税)。

<第二波 DLC『度假套装』预定6 月 14 日开放下载>

价格:400 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图也会改变)

阿尔托利亚. 潘德拉刚『夏季战斗服』
价格:400 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图也会改变)

价格:400 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图也会改变)

价格:400 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图也会改变)

阿斯托尔福『闪亮闪亮. 摇曳摇曳』
价格:400 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图也会改变)

价格:300 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图不会改变)

价格:300 日圆 含税(选单、剧情中的插图不会改变)

7 月 5 日:第三波『第一波特殊套装』(共七种)
7 月 19 日:第四波『第二波特殊套装』(共八种)
8 月 2 日:第五波『假日套装』(共八种)


Marvelous has released a new trailer and screenshots for Fate/Extella Link introducing the “Tropical Set” costumes that make up the first set of downloadable content launching alongside the game today in Japan.

Here is an overview of both the first and second downloadable content releases:

DLC Lineup No. 1: Tropical Set (Japanese Release Date: June 7 | Set Price: 1,840 yen)

Nero Claudius Costume: “Passionate Bikini” (400 yen) – has illustration variation
Tamamo no Mae Costume: “Beach Flower” (400 yen) – has illustration variation
Charlemagne Costume: “Heroic Surf Pants” (300 yen) – does not have illustration variation
Francis Drake Costume: “Big Sis’ Splendid Summer Vacation” (400 yen)
Elizabeth Bathory Costume: “Fresh Blood Demon Girl of the Beach” (400 yen)
Jeanne d’Arc Costume: “Cool & Sporty” (400 yen) – has illustration variation

DLC Lineup No. 2: Resort Set (Japanese Release Date: June 14 | Set Price: 2,080 yen)

Altera Costume: “Wild Swim” (400 yen) – has illustration variation
Astolfo Costume: “Sparkly and Frilly” (400 yen) – has illustration variation
Scathach Costume: “Beach Crisis” (400 yen) – has illustration variation
Arjuna Costume: “Shiva’s Bathing Outfit” (300 yen) – does not have illustration variation
Gawein Costume: “Sun Set Sun” (300 yen) – does not have illustration variation
Artoria Pendragon Costume: “Summer Uniform” (400 yen) – has illustration variation
Medusa Costume: “Masked Gorgon” (400 yen) – has illustration variation

Fate/Extella Link launched for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita today in Japan, and is due out this fall in North America and Europe.

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