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【PC/PS4/XB1】Sniper Elite 4

2017-2-10 10:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-14 06:59 PM 编辑

Sniper Elite 4 launch trailer released and Season Pass detailed
《狙击精英 4》公布游戏上市影片

  英国游戏开发商 Rebellion 于今天( 2 月 14 日)在欧美地区推出的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版潜入射击游戏《狙击精英 4》(Sniper Elite 4),同时公布了介绍游戏内容的上市影片。

  本作为 2005 年推出,描述二战顶尖狙击手出任务的战略 FPS《狙击精英》系列最新作,游戏剧情直接延续 2014 年发行的《狙击精英 3》内容,以意大利战线为舞台,描述 CIA 前身的战略情报局(Office of Strategic Services)特务 Karl Fairburne 为引导盟军推翻已不堪一击的意大利独裁政权, 以反攻府势力支持者之姿单独潜入意大利,准备与反抗军连手展开进逼政权核心展开冒险故事。

  本作采用了名为「Officer Ranking」新系统,在敌军中有各种不同阶级的士兵及军官等 NPC,玩家在潜入敌营时可藉由狙杀高阶军官获得导致对方部队撤退等好处,所解决的敌方部队军阶愈高,攻略难度也会随之下降。 另外,游戏也加入了跑酷要素,可驻扎在岩场及建筑物外壁等适合狙击的场所,还可与其他敌人连手并肩作战,其他还包括 X-Ray Killcam 的大量使用及 Co-op 模式等要素。


'Timing is Everything': Sniper Elite 4 Launch Trailer Unveiled

1943. Outnumbered and deep behind enemy lines, an elite specialist hunts a Nazi Officer through the streets of Southern Italy.

There's a time to be stealthy and a time to be lethal. A time to go low and a time to go high. A time to strike and a time to move ... TIMING IS EVERYTHING!

Sniper Elite 4's launch trailer shows agent Karl Fairburne use all of his cunning, adaptability and ruthless precision, just as players can when Sniper Elite 4 launches on February 14th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC!

Season Pass Detailed

Rebellion today also revealed that the Sniper Elite 4 4 Season Pass will give players access to ALL 12 of the game's post-launch content packs, including 4 full campaign missions for 1-2 players!

The Season Pass includes the following:

All Pre-order Bonus Content

• Target: Führer campaign mission – Infiltrate a secret Mediterranean U-boat facility and use wits and creativity to take out the target in over 30 ways.

• Camouflage Rifle Skin Pack – Blend into the lush environments of wartime Italy with highly detailed skins for all seven of the game’s starting rifles, for use in any mode.

Three Huge New Campaign Missions

• A completely new three-chapter campaign, separate from the main storyline, which features massive, diverse new environments that eventually lead Karl out of Italy for a thrilling finale.

Three Content-Stuffed Expansion Pack

• Each expansion pack will be released alongside a campaign mission, and they’ll each include 3 new weapons, 8 new weapon skins and 2 new characters.

Weapon and Character Packs

• Three further weapon packs – including silenced weapons, famous wartime Allied rifles, and equipment for taking on foes at close quarters...

• Three new characters for use in both co-op and multiplayer.

As previously announced, all new multiplayer maps and modes released after launch will be FREE for the whole community.

The Sniper Elite 4 Season Pass will be priced $34.99 and will be available at launch.
2017-3-17 10:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-17 10:45 PM 编辑

Sniper Elite 4 'Deathstorm' campaign and free multiplayer add-ons coming next week

  《狙击精英 4》发售已经将近一个月。Rebellion 将于 2017 年 3 月 21 日发售本作的首部付费DLC“死亡风暴Deathstorm Part1:Inception”。

  DLC“死亡风暴 Part1:Inception”,内含一个具有完整故事线的迷你战役;此外还有一部“暗夜战士扩展包”,为玩家引入三款全新的武器,八款枪械的夜间伪装皮肤,以及两个全新的角色。除了付费内容外,免费的新 DLC 也是有的。Rebellion 在最近一个月会相继为《狙击精英 4》加入一个全新的歼灭模式,此外还有一款全新的“暗夜林地”地图。

  《狙击精英 4》死亡风暴 DLC 共分三部分,第二部分将于 4 月末发售,第三部分将于 5 月或6月发售。

Sniper Elite 4: Deathstorm' Launches Next Week

The first chapter in Deathstorm, a brand new mini-campaign for Sniper Elite 4, launches March 21st, 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. It headlines a glut of new content coming to the game on Tuesday, including free multiplayer add-ons!




Deathstorm Part 1: Inception is the opening chapter and mission in the three-part campaign, playable from start to finish for 1-2 players. Set after the events of the main game, the first chapter takes players to the colder terrain of northern Italy, and a Nazi naval base recently targeted in a bombing run.

With imposing scaffolding, a German destroyer and myriad Kriegsmarine soldiers to negotiate, Karl Fairburne must help finish what the bombing run started. But his primary mission concerns the secret Manhattan Project: To retrieve a critical, mysterious package codenamed Deathstorm...




The new Sniper Elite 4 content doesn't end there; The Night Fighter Expansion Pack also arrives on March 21st, It includes three new weapons, night-time camo rifle skins for eight weapons and new male and female characters skins.

Multiplayer fans, meanwhile, can look forward to Elimination, a brand new mode that also drops on March 21st, and it's free.

This two-team mode for up to 12 players is all about trying to whittle down your opponent's numbers. If you kill an enemy player, they're forced to sit out on the sidelines. But if their team kills one of your teammates, they tag back in one of their sidelined comrades. In Elimination, all is not lost, even when you're 1 v 6.


Sniper Elite 4 players are getting their first free multiplayer map on March 21st too, called Nigth Woods. As previously pledged by Rebellion, All additional multiplayer maps and modes for the game will be free.

Rebellion have also released a provisional roadmap for upcoming content, which you can find on SniperElite4.com.
2017-3-21 10:42 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-22 07:44 AM 编辑

《狙击精英4》首部付费DLC死亡风暴Part1 宣传片

  上周开发商 Rebellion 公布《狙击精英4》的“发行后内容”将会在 3 月 21 日推出第一波。Rebellion 将于 3 月 21 日发售本作的首部付费DLC“死亡风暴Deathstorm Part1:Inception”。

  这次的内容包最主要的更新是游戏全新三部曲单人小战役剧情中的第一部分,“死亡风暴Part1”,该内容售价 6.99 美元,或者包含在季卡里。

  另外同时推出的还有全新的夜行战士扩展包,包含 3 个新武器,针对 8 款武器的夜间作战皮肤,新的男女角色皮肤,售价 7.99 美元,或者包含在季卡里。


2017-4-22 07:39 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-22 04:15 PM 编辑

《狙击精英4》公布新混剪宣传视频 媒体评分亮瞎眼!

  今天Rebellion工作室公布了一段《狙击精英4(Sniper Elite 4)》的混剪视频,时长30秒,应该是作为电视广告或者视频网站广告出现的。



  《狙击精英4》已于2月14日登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台,Steam版售价158元。
2017-4-25 10:17 PM
2017-7-12 10:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-13 07:15 PM 编辑

《狙击精英4》新DLC预告片 毁灭德军核武器


  购买“消除”的玩家除了能够体验“死亡风暴”的最后一部分剧情之外,还能够获得多人模式中的5名新轴心国角色。和“消除”同时上线的还有新扩展内容——“上膛(Lock and Load)”,这个DLC将包含SVT、M30、毛瑟M712三种武器,具体售价暂未公布。


  《狙击精英4》已经在2017年2月14日正式上市,对二战、狙击感兴趣的玩家,可以去PS4、Xbox One和PC任意平台进行购买。

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