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【PS4/Xbox One/PC】Call of Duty:Infinity Warfare

2016-2-12 06:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-3 06:47 PM 编辑


Infinity Ward 开发新作《使命召唤:无尽战争》曝光 初次跨出地球战场挺进太阳系

  Activision 今(3)日凌晨宣布,将会于 11 月 4 日于 PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / PC 三平台推出《使命召唤》系列最新作品《使命召唤:无尽战争(Call of Duty:Infinite Warfare)》,并且首度公开`了游戏宣传影片,可确认本作将带来系列有史以来初次跨出地球战场,前进浩瀚太阳系中展开科幻战争。

  新加坡索尼互动娱乐(SIES)也一同宣布,《使命召唤:无尽战争》将于 11 月 4 日在马来西亚推出 PlayStation 4 繁体中文版和简体中文版。 同时也会带来典藏版,其中将包含以高画质重制推出的《使命召唤 4:现代战争 重制版(Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered)》 ,以高画质分辨率来呈现享誉盛名的《使命召唤 4:现代战争》完整战役关卡,以及 10 张多人游戏地图。 《使命召唤:无尽战争》 以及 《使命召唤:无尽战争》 典藏版都将包含《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版(Modern Warfare Remastered)》,将可于 PlayStation 4、PlayStation Move 控制器上使用。

  《使命召唤:无尽战争》将由 Activision Blizzard(Nasdaq:ATVI)的全资子公司发行,而且将由 Infinity Ward 领军开发。 Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg 表示:「今年我们很荣幸能为各位 Call of Duty 的玩家带来全新高度的游戏体验。 」「《使命召唤:无尽战争》是由打造初代 Call of Duty 以及 Modern Warfare 的工作室所推出的新作,本作的大胆程度和全新眼界,将让玩家体验一场超乎想象的史诗级规模冒险。 而受到广大玩家热爱的《使命召唤 4:现代战争》也将在新世代的游戏平台中以《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered)》的姿态重生。 我们全心投入这次重制的作业,并带来了原始版本无法比拟的全新画面水平以及视觉拟真度。 这将会是 Call of Duty 玩家们最棒的一年。 」

  Infinity Ward 工作室的领导者 Dave Stohl 表示:「《使命召唤:无尽战争》 将让 Call of Duty 粉丝们享受系列作中未曾体验过的领域。 」「在一方面来说,本作品为人津津乐道的地方是拥有划时代的勇气,勇于尝试,而且具备深刻的战争故事。 而在另一方面,它的未来设定将会让玩家体验到史诗级规模的旅程,并为游戏粉丝们提供游戏性方面的惊奇革新与全新体验。 本作将会使用壮丽的新设定来呈现一场大规模、老派的全面战争。 这将会是相当有趣的体验。 」

  《使命召唤:无尽战争》 以深刻丰富的叙事口吻将剧情置于游戏的前线与核心。 Infinite Ward 以扩展命令以及责任层级的方式,开创游戏的全新局面。 在压倒性的逆境之下,玩家将扮演舰长的角色,率领众官兵对抗无情的敌人。 这些战场老兵将踏入超乎寻常的环境中,在考验训练成果的过程中,显露出他们的真实性格。 为了达到胜利的目标,他们必须在各种抉择时刻中作出一个又一个艰难的决定。 游戏会将从未看过的绚丽环境、新型武器,以及新式的玩家能力带入 Call of Duty 游戏中。 在战役模式的游戏过程中,除了小量的加载时间外,玩家不会非常有突兀的停顿感(例如从陆上战斗切换到高速太空战斗机);战役模式也是让粉丝们喜爱本系列作的重要招牌特质。

  对于在线游戏体验,《使命召唤:无尽战争》 将会以未来型态的战争,对这个分秒必争的世界对带来最大的冲击。 Call of Duty 的多人模式移动系统也有所演化,将着重于前线的交战状态。 另外,《使命召唤:无尽战争》将带来独特的多人合作殭尸模式,让玩家们在全新故事、独特游戏方式与机制中享受疯狂的冒险。 更多关于多人游戏以及全新殭尸模式的体验,将会在日后发表。

  而本系列中呼声最高的作品《使命召唤 4:现代战争》,也将在万众期盼下于本世代的主机平台推出重制版本。 由 Infinity Ward 监制,Raven Software 开发的 《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版》* 将让玩家体验新世代的动作游戏。 游戏中各种令人惊心动魄的时刻,让此游戏成为备受赞誉的作品。

  《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版》 将使用本世代明亮鲜艳的视觉技术,佐以全面强化的材质分辨率与细节、高动态范围的光线、VFX 粒子打光与阴影效果、全新制作的动作与声音、慑人的音效等等。 粉丝们将能重新体验完整而且具备代表性的剧情战役,并和 Price 上尉、Gaz 以及 Soap 在世界各地一起执行原版游戏中的任务,例如「All Ghillied Up」、「Charlie Don’t Surf」以及「Crew Expendable」。 玩家也能体验到 Call of Duty 重新定义过的多人在线模式,其中包含连杀奖励、经验值,顶尖状态等等,并重新推出 10 张最受粉丝青睐的经典多人对战地图,例如「Crash」、「Backlot」以及「Crossfire」。

  Raven Software 工作室的领导人 Brian Raffel 表示:「原始版本的 Modern Warfare 将电玩游戏的水平提升至另一个层次,所有的玩家将会永远记得这个最优秀的作品。 我们很荣幸能为 Call of Duty 的粉丝们开发这款游戏的重制版,我们投注了全部的心力在这款游戏上。 」

  • 典藏版以及数字典藏版 – 内含 《使命召唤:无尽战争》 以及 《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版》,建议零售价马币MYR 309。
  • 数字豪华版 – 内含 《使命召唤:无尽战争》、《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版》 下载版以及 Season Pass,建议零售价马币MYR 377。
  • 专家典藏版 – 内含 《使命召唤:无尽战争》、《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版》、Season Pass、收藏用 SteelbookTM,官方游戏原声带以及额外游戏数字道具,建议零售价马币MYR 459。

  此外,也将同步推出《使命召唤:无尽战争》的 PlayStation 4 一般版(实体版、数字版),建议售价马币 MYR 229。 另外,新加坡索尼互动娱乐也表示,即日起于全台 PlayStation 特约经销商预购 PlayStation 4 游戏《使命召唤:无尽战争》实体版(包含:一般版、典藏版、专家典藏版),即可获得限量预购赠品「《使命召唤:无尽战争》双面海报」及「特制T恤」。
2016-3-2 06:49 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-3 06:34 PM 编辑

《使命召唤13》即将正式公布 IW开发2016年假期发售



  动视表示IW的新《使命召唤》将是“革新性”,具体细节尚未公布。2013年IW开发的《使命召唤10:幽灵》是《使命召唤》系列首次登陆“新主机”PS4和Xbox One的一代,但游戏反响并不好。


《使命召唤》新作由索尼展示 动视不出席今年E3

  动视Activition 确认今年的E3 2016上将展出由Infinity Ward负责开发的《使命召唤》新作。另外,动视官方博客表示由于动视将不出席E3 2016,因此届时将与索尼合作展示本次新作的最新情报,并非常期待与玩家分享新作的更多细节内容。同时,由动视主持的《使命召唤》锦标赛第一赛季将在今年秋冬天拉开帷幕。


https://blog.activision.com/comm ... -of-duty-year-round
2016-3-30 07:11 AM
Rumor: Call of Duty 2016 to be set in the very far future, to feature space combat

This year's Call of Duty is set in space - report

The next Call of Duty will feature a radical departure for the series - it's set in space.

2016's Call of Duty will offer space combat between warring sci-fi groups in the far flung future.

Previous entries in the series such as Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3 have strayed into the near-future, but this year's Call of Duty will be firmly placed in sci-fi territory.

First details of the game appeared online over the weekend, from serial industry source Shinobi. The information tallies with reports Eurogamer has independently heard.

The game is being developed by Infinity Ward and is not a direct sequel of its previous Call of Duty effort, Ghosts, which received a mixed response.

Activision declined to comment when contacted for this story.

2016-4-27 07:02 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-28 06:56 AM 编辑

The next Call of Duty is called... Infinite Warfare

  昨晚有玩家发现在美服PS商店中赫然出现了一款名为《使命召唤:无限战争(Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare)》的游戏,这应该就是今年2016年即将推出的《使命召唤》系列新作的标题了。

  按照Activision在每年五月前后公布《使命召唤》系列新作的惯例,我们应该很快就能与这款作品正式见面。按照该系列三年一轮回的开发周期,今年的《使命召唤》系列新作应该由Infinity Ward工作室领衔开发,该工作室曾经创造了《现代战争(Modern Warfare)》三部曲的辉煌,也为我们在《使命召唤:幽灵(Ghost)》中留下了些许遗憾。

2016-4-29 07:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-29 07:13 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare marketing image leaked, Modern Warfare Remastered includes campaign & 10 MP maps



  虽然目前还无法确定该海报的真实性,但从目前各方的情报来看,《使命召唤:无限战争》和《使命召唤4:现代战争 高清重制版》应该确实是存在的。目前Activision对此事没有进行任何正式的回应。
2016-5-2 06:44 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-3 07:32 AM 编辑

Official Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare Reveal Trailer

  《使命召唤13:无限战争》将于2016年11月4日发售,登陆PC,PS4和Xbox One。遗产版将附赠《使命召唤4:现代战争》的高清重置版以及该作的10张多人模式地图。《使命召唤13:无限战争》回归系列本源,描述大规模战争场面,CG描绘的代入感强烈的军事行动场景占据本作的主要内容。准备好迎接与SDF的一场恶战,为了保卫我们的生命而战斗吧。


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Redefines the Franchise With classic War Story in a Bold, New Setting

Call of Duty is returning to its roots for a classic, epic battle of two armies unlike anything seen before in the record-setting series. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will launch worldwide Friday, November 4, immersing players in a war story that, for the first time in franchise history, extends beyond the reaches of Earth into the vast expanse of our solar system. Published by Activision and led by Infinity Ward, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will also be available as the Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition, which includes the return of the full campaign and 10 multiplayer maps from the famed Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, released in high-definition brilliance as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered*.

Infinite Warfare and the Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition, featuring Modern Warfare Remastered, will be available for PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, and PC.

“This year, we’re both honouring the heritage of Call of Duty while taking players to incredible new heights," said Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing. “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a bold, new vision from the studio that created the original Call of Duty and Modern Warfare, and an adventure on an insanely epic scale that only Call of Duty could deliver. And Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is one of the most beloved games of all-time, reborn for a new generation. We have lovingly remastered it with a whole new level of graphical fidelity and realism that wasn’t possible when the original was released. It’s going to be a great year for Call of Duty players.”

“With Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, we are taking Call of Duty to places fans have never experienced in the series,” said Dave Stohl, Studio Head of Infinity Ward. “On one hand, this game is the kind of gritty, boots on the ground, visceral war story that Call of Duty is known for. On the other, its future setting takes players on a journey of epic scale and proportions, providing incredible gameplay innovations and new experiences for our fans. This is a grand scale, old-school, all-out war in an epic new-school setting. And it’s going to be a hell of a lot of fun.”

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare puts storytelling front and center in a rich, immersive narrative. Infinity Ward breaks new ground by exploring the weight of leadership and its responsibilities. In a desperate time of overwhelming adversity, the player, as Captain of their own warship, must take command against a relentless enemy. Experienced soldiers are thrust into extraordinary circumstances that will test their training and reveal their true character as they learn to lead and to make the hard decisions necessary to achieve victory. The game also introduces stunning, never before seen environments, new weaponry and inventive player abilities to Call of Duty. The entire campaign – from boots-on-ground combat to piloting high speed space-fighters – occurs as a near seamless experience with few visible loading times, and delivers the hallmark, blockbuster franchise moments that fans love.

One of the most critically acclaimed titles in the series, inspired by overwhelming community interest, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is being remastered for current generation consoles. Executive produced by Infinity Ward and developed by Raven, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered* puts players into a modern-day action-thriller filled with the heart-stopping moments that made it one of the most critically-acclaimed games of all-time.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered boasts vibrant current generation visuals, with fully improved texture resolution and detail, high-dynamic range lighting, lit and shadowing VFX particles, revamped animation and audio, stunning sound and much more. Fans will relive the full, iconic campaign as they’re transported around the globe with Capt. Price, Gaz and Soap across all the missions from the original game, including “All Ghillied Up,” “Charlie Don’t Surf,” and “Crew Expendable.” Players will also experience the online multiplayer mode that redefined Call of Duty by introducing killstreaks, XP, Prestige and more, and battle head-to-head in 10 fan-favorite maps from the original multiplayer mode, including classics such as “Crash,” “Backlot” and “Crossfire.”

“The original Modern Warfare raised the bar on video games and forever will be remembered as one of the best. It’s an honour to be developing the remaster and we are committed to faithfully remastering this classic for Call of Duty fans,” stated Brian Raffel, studio head of Raven Software.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is included with the following editions of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare:

• Legacy Edition and Digital Legacy Edition – Includes both Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered ($79.99)

• Digital Deluxe Edition – Includes Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered and Season Pass ($99.99)

• Legacy Pro Edition – Includes Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, Season Pass, collectible Steelbook, official game soundtrack and additional digital items ($119.99)
2016-5-3 06:55 AM
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered Screenshots

2016-5-3 07:36 AM


2016-5-5 07:17 PM
《使命召唤 无限战争》战役模式不支持多人联机


  《使命召唤:无限战争》将游戏的背景放到了未来,在本作中,玩家将体验到紧张刺激的太空战。Infinite Ward工作室成员称,希望本作能够为玩家带来非凡的游戏体验。

  同时,僵尸模式也首次正式加入由Infinity Ward工作室制作的《使命召唤》系列作品之中,正如此前报道的一样,本作的僵尸模式也将采用全新的故事背景并引入独特的游戏玩法。Activision负责人表示,他们将在E3期间公布本作的更多详情。
2016-5-6 06:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-6 06:31 PM 编辑

CoD: Infinite Warfare's debut trailer gets savaged on YouTube, Activision responds


  动视老板Eric Hirshberg说到:“首先,你不能否认这些玩家的热情,我们对于粉丝们有这么强烈的观点,把《使命召唤》系列“占为己有”的看法很开心。这种产生这么大能量的事情在整个星球上都屈指可数,《使命召唤》便是其一,我认为这是一件好事情。”

  “其次,我们知道许多玩家对于本作“脱离地球”的设定不太感冒,因此我们才决定复刻《使命召唤:现代战争》三部曲,让喜欢写实军事的玩家也能尽兴。”动视老板Eric Hirshberg补充道。



  不知道各位玩家在听了动视老板Eric Hirshberg的话,会有什么想法,玩家是希望《使命召唤》系列回归本质,还是走向外太空,变成一款科幻游戏呢?


Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg response during an earnings call today

First of all, you gotta love the passion of gamers. This is an industry like no other and a fan base like no other. We love that our fans treat this franchise like their own and have such strong points of view about it. There just aren't many entertainment franchises on earth that can generate the kind of passion that Call of Duty can... and that's a good thing.

Secondly, of course, we know there are people in our community who are nostalgic for the boots on the ground-style gameplay; that's why we made Modern Warfare Remastered. But we also have millions of people in our community who want to have new innovative experiences in the game each year and Infinite Warfare is going to deliver that.

The good news is this year we found a way to deliver both in one package while keeping our community together. While of course we see the passionate opinions on line, we also look at other measurements and the fact is — while it's very early — pre-orders are off to a very strong start. Views of the reveal trailer ... are up and, in fact, the number of likes per view on the Infinite Warfare trailer are the highest we've ever seen.

We've seen this in the franchise before. The reveal trailer for Black Ops 2, which took the franchise into the future for the first time, had the most dislikes of any reveal trailer we had ever made at that time. And that went on to become our most successful game ever.

Right now, the franchise has never been stronger. We have more people playing Black Ops 3, a game that takes place in the future, with boost jumps and fictitious weapons, than any game in our history.

What we know for sure is that if we always just did what worked in the past and never took any creative risks, we wouldn't have a franchise. The day to worry is the day we stop trying new things.
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