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【Xbox One/Win 10】Halo Wars 2

2017-1-11 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-11 07:12 PM 编辑

THQ partners with Microsoft for physical release of Halo Wars 2 on Windows 10
《光环战争2》实体版内容公布 终极版可提前4天游戏

  微软即时战略游戏《光环战争2(Halo Wars 2)》即将在 2 月 21 日发售。而今天零售商公布了本作实体版的内容以及售价。

  微软 343 Industries 和 THQ Nordic 合作为玩家们带来了Windows 10实体版的《光环战争2》,游戏支持 XBOX PLAY ANWHERE。其中实体版还分为:标准版和终极版。终极版包含标准版的内容上还将获得游戏季票,以及提前4天游玩的福利,最终要的是还将获得《光环战争1》的高清重制版。

  两个版本的售价分别是:标准版60欧元,终极版80欧元,而《光环战争1》的高清重制版也将单独发售。。不过这一次国区有专享价格:标准版199元;终极版 379元。《光环战争2》将于2月21日全球同步发售,登陆WIN10及XBOX ONE平台,敬请期待。



THQ Nordic Partners with 343 Industries and Microsoft Studios for Physical Retail Release of Halo Wars 2 on Windows 10

THQ Nordic is partnering with Microsoft Studios and 343 Industries to bring Halo Wars 2 for Windows 10 to retail stores worldwide via physical packaging release. In addition, purchases of the physical retail release of Halo Wars 2 on Windows 10 PC will grant digital access to the Xbox One version via Xbox Play Anywhere.

Both the Standard and Ultimate Edition of Halo Wars 2 will be available at retail stores with high-quality packaging. The physical retail release of Halo Wars 2 Ultimate Edition is stunning and provides fans with four-day early access to the core game, a Season Pass and Halo Wars: Definitive Edition, an enhanced version of the original Halo Wars that is playable on both Windows 10 and Xbox One as an Xbox Play Anywhere title. Learn more about Xbox Play Anywhere

“After working on so many titles together with Microsoft in 2016, we are stoked to start the year with another partnership. Being able to deliver such a big franchise to RTS and Halo fans alike, the opportunity to buy and own this game in a beautiful physical shape is something we appreciate a lot.” – Lars Wingefors, founder & Group CEO of THQ Nordic

“For fans who love to own the box, we’re excited to partner with THQ Nordic and bring Halo Wars 2 to physical release on Windows 10,” stated 343 Industries Studio Head of Strategy Games Development Dan Ayoub. “THQ Nordic has been great to work with and we look forward to the game’s release on Feb. 21, 2017.”

Halo Wars 2 Ultimate Edition includes four-day early access, releasing on February 17, 2017, retailing at 79,99 EUR/USD, and the Standard Edition will release on February 21, 2017, retailing at 59,99 EUR/USD.

Halo Wars 2 Standard Edition
Release: February 21, 2017
RRP: 59,99 EUR/USD
You will get:

• Halo Wars 2 for Windows 10 and Xbox One via Xbox Play Anywhere

Halo Wars 2 Ultimate Edition
Release: February 17, 2017
RRP: 79,99 EUR/USD
You will get:

• Halo Wars 2 for Windows 10 and Xbox One via Xbox Play Anywhere four days before the official release

• Halo Wars Definitive Edition, an enhanced version of the original Halo Wars that runs natively on Xbox One and Windows 10 PC, featuring improved graphics, additional Achievements and includes all of the DLC created for the classic real-time strategy game.

• This physical version of Halo Wars 2 for Windows 10 requires a one-time, non-transferrable online activation at install with digital token

• The exclusive Season Pass

HW2_PC_UE_ESRB.png (5.44 MB, 下载次数: 4)


2017-1-13 07:05 PM
《最后一战 星环战役 2》公布多人模式「闪电战」玩法 Beta 测试时间

  游戏厂商 343 Industries 与 Creative Assembly 宣布《最后一战 星环战役 2》多人模式「闪电战(暂译,原名:Blitz)」将于 1 月 20 至 30 日开放 Beta 测试。

  《最后一战 星环战役 2》多人模式中的「闪电战」玩法于 2016 年 10 月首次公开,游戏中玩家运用卡牌执行战术策略进行对战。 在经过长时间测试后,官方今日宣布,「闪电战」玩法将于 1 月 20 日起在 Windows 10 与 Xbox One 上开放 Beta 测试。

  在本次「闪电战」Beta 版本中,玩家将在 Proving Grounds 地图上进行对战,并可与 Windows 10 与 Xbox One 玩家配对,展开 1v1、2v2 或是 3v3 对决。 除此之外还有每日、每周任务让玩家挑战。


  Windows 10、Xbox One《最后一战 星环战役 2》多人模式中的「闪电战」玩法将于 1 月 20 至 30 日开放 Beta 测试。 《最后一战 星环战役 2》预定于 2 月 10 日上市。
2017-2-7 07:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-8 07:23 PM 编辑

Halo Wars 2 Cinematic Launch Trailer
实时战略游戏《最后一战 星环战役 2》曝光上市宣传影片 迎战兼具力量和智能的敌人

  微软 343 Industries 工作室与 Creative Assembly 合作开发实时战略游戏《最后一战 星环战役 2(Halo Wars 2)》即将于 2 月 21 日上市,购买旗舰版的玩家将可于 17 日抢先进入游玩。 今(7)日,官方特别释出《最后一战 星环战役 2》上市宣传影片。

  《最后一战 星环战役 2》是款以《最后一战》作为世界观的实时战略游戏,由负责《最后一战》系列游戏的 343 Industries 与曾经手开发《全军破敌》与《异形:孤立》的 Creative Assembly 合作开发。 本作故事设定在《最后一战》初代作 28 年之后,玩家将扮演「火灵号」的舰长卡特,率领超级战士、疣猪号、天蝎号等经典军事单位,在庞大的战场上对抗兼具力量和智能的强大敌人,展开拯救全人类的对局。

  《最后一战 星环战役 2》一般版即将于 2 月 21 日上市,旗舰版则抢先于 17 日发行,购买旗舰版的玩家将可于 17 日抢先进入游玩。


Real Time Strategy Returns in the New Halo Wars 2 Launch Trailer

Calling all Spartans! We’re only a few weeks away from the launch of Halo Wars 2 on Tuesday, Feb. 21 (or Friday, Feb. 17 for Ultimate Edition owners)! In advance of launch, Xbox and 343 Industries are excited to show you just what you’re dealing with in this brand-new launch trailer, created by the geniuses at Blur.

In case you haven’t been following Halo Wars 2, here’s a quick refresher. After experiencing a pyrrhic victory following the events of the first Halo Wars, Captain Cutter and the brave crew of the UNSC Spirit of Fire wake up after 28 years of cryosleep to discover themselves orbiting a familiar Forerunner construct; Halo 3 fans, you know what it is. After receiving a distress signal and sending down some Spartans to investigate, the crew meets Atriox – an incredibly dangerous Brute who is as intelligent as he is strong. He poses a grave threat to humanity, and it’s up to you to stop him and his Banished.

In addition to the robust campaign, Halo Wars 2 is packed with a full suite of multiplayer modes that are suited to players of all skill levels and familiarity with real time strategy (RTS). Build your base, assemble your army and battle for control of the map in Domination, test your strategies solo or with a friend against AI in Skirmish, fight to hold more bases than your opponent in a timed Strongholds match, duke it out until you’re the last one standing in Deathmatch, or jump straight into the action with the all-new deck building multiplayer experience, Blitz.

Don’t forget; Halo War 2 is an Xbox Play Anywhere title, so a single digital purchase of the game on Xbox One or Windows 10 will include the other version at no additional cost. Stay tuned to Xbox Wire as we continue to share more news about Halo Wars 2 in the upcoming weeks, and don’t forget to join 343 Industries for the launch live stream event on Feb. 16.
2017-2-10 06:30 PM
Halo Wars 2 ~ War of Wits Adverts



Atriox and Cutter Battle in a Halo Wars 2 Live-Action War of Wits

As we continue the countdown to the launch of Halo Wars 2, Xbox and 343 Industries look to awaken your inner strategist and test your wits in these two new live-action trailers.

We find the two faction leaders – Atriox, leader of the Banished and Captain Cutter of the UNSC Spirit of Fire – plucked out of their intergalactic conflict and engaged in a “War of Wits” in what can only be described as relatable struggles.

In each trailer, both Atriox and Cutter use their strategic military minds to fight it out over the ownership of an airplane armrest or haggle over the price of a used car. Only the strategist who best knows his enemy will win.

Don’t forget; Halo Wars 2 launches on Feb. 21 (Feb. 17 for Ultimate Edition owners) and is an Xbox Play Anywhere title, so a single digital purchase of the game on Xbox One or Windows 10 will include the other version at no additional cost. Stay tuned to Xbox Wire as we continue to share more news about Halo Wars 2 in the upcoming weeks, and don’t forget to join 343 Industries for the launch live stream event on Feb. 16.

2017-3-17 07:27 AM
2017-3-21 07:33 AM
2017-4-14 07:20 AM
2017-4-18 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-18 07:25 AM 编辑

《光环战争:终极版》4 月 20 日登陆 Win10 及 STEAM

  今天微软联合光环系列游戏开发商343 Industries对外宣布,《光环战争:终极版》即将登陆XboxOne、Windows10和STEAM平台。

  《光环战争:终极版》是 Xbox360版《光环战争》的强化重置版,游戏支持4K,这款游戏之前只有购买《光环战争 2》才能获得,如今微软方面决定单独进行销售。



2017-6-13 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-21 06:40 PM 编辑

Halo Wars 2 expansion ‘Awakening the Nightmare’ announced

Microsoft, 343 Industries, and The Creative Assembly have announced Halo Wars 2 expansion “Awakening the NIghtmare.” It will launch this fall for Xbox One and PC.

“Awakening the Nightmare” will add a new campaign, two new multiplayer leaders, two new multiplayer maps, and a brand-new cooperative mode called “Terminus Firefight” featuring the return of the Flood.


《最后一战 星环战役 2》新数据片《唤醒恶梦》9 月 26 日问世

  微软今日在欧洲游戏展 Gamescom 2017 展前记者会宣布,由 343 Industries 工作室与 Creative Assembly 合作开发实时战略游戏《最后一战 星环战役 2(Halo Wars 2)》最新数据片《最后一战 星环战役 2:唤醒恶梦(暂译,Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare)》将于 9 月 26 日在 Xbox One 与 Windows 10 PC 平台推出。

  微软表示,新数据片将带来全新战役、新地图、两名新多人模式指挥官、「枪林弹雨」新模式等内容。 其中,「枪林弹雨」新模式源自于《最后一战 3:ODST》的合作模式,玩家将面对一波波的敌人,要想办法努力加以击退。

  微软同时宣布,研发团队正在为游戏开发观战模式与竞技场功能,让玩家未来可以在在线观看其他玩家对战,同时也可以透过 Xbox Live 进行竞技等。
2017-8-19 11:19 AM
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