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【PS4/3DS/NS】ドラゴンクエスト11 过ぎ去りし时を求めて

2017-6-5 02:56 PM
Dragon Quest XI details Veronica and Senya, Homura Village

Square Enix has updated the official website for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time with new information and screenshots about characters Veronica and Senya, and the Homura Village.

Get the details below.

■ Characters


A genius girl who uses powerful attack spells. A tomboy who knows no fear, she won’t flinch in a fight no matter whether her opponent is an adult or a monster. Despite her appearance, she is mature and very much hates being treated like a child.

—A fearless genius who uses powerful attack spells!

Veronica contributes to battles as an attacker equipped with various attack spells. Weapons she can equip include two-handed staffs and whips. In addition to being able to increase the power of specialty spells with two-handed staffs, she also specializes in unleashing strong blows to groups of enemies with a whip.

—Veronica Spell: “Kafrizz”

—Two-Handed Staff Weapon Special Skill: “Berserk Magic Circle””

—Whip Weapon Special Skill: “Extreme Dragon Strike”


A healer that supports the party with recovery spells. She has a kind-hearted and gentle personality, but can also be somewhat unreliable and always makes her travel companion Veronica impatient.

—An easygoing healer that supports the party with recovery spells!

Senya specializes in recovery spells and is responsible for healing the party. Weapons she can equip include sticks and spears. Senya can contribute to battles in a variety of ways. For example, equip a stick to further enhance her ability to protect her allies, or wield a spear to take on the role of an attacker.

—Senya Spell: “Multiheal”

—Spear Weapon Special Skill: “Flash Strike”

—Senya Spell: “Kaswoosh”

—Stick Weapon Special Skill: “Holy Light”

■ World

Homura Village

A village blessed by a volcano.

A village lined with Japanese-style buildings at the foot of Hinonogi Volcano. People live sturdily under the leadership of a shrine maiden. Blessed by the volcano, the village thrives in iron manufacture and smithing, and also has a steam bath house.

—Lined with Japanese-style buildings, smoke rises in Homura village from the blacksmith workshops. The shrine where the shrine maiden lives stands in the back of the village.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
2017-6-5 02:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-19 07:15 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》介绍「维若妮卡」与「赛妮雅」的能力

  SQUARE ENIX 预定在 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト XI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》其 PS4 版/3DS 版释出第十一篇消息。

  本次介绍的,是旅行伙伴「维若妮卡」与「赛妮雅」。 这两位角色在之前的报导中,只有稍微介绍「不知恐惧为何物的天才少女」以及「悠闲的治愈手」这样,还有就是只知道赛妮雅能使用回复咒文而已。

  但是在本篇报导中,不光是两人的人物模块,连在战斗中能装备的武器与特技等也将揭晓。 还有,与两位女性密切相关的地点「焰炎乡里(ホムラの里)」情报也会刊登,希望各位读者能阅读到报导最后。

  维若妮卡会使用攻击咒文。 从至今为止公开过的报导中,相信有不少人已经从游戏截图等图片发现,她可以使用「贝基拉冈(ベギラゴン)」与「美拉索马(メラゾーマ)」等强力的攻击咒文。

  能装备的武器则是两手杖与鞭子。 两手杖可以提高咒文的威力,鞭子则是可以对复数敌方给予激烈的打击。





  就算维若妮卡面前的敌人是大人也好、魔物也罢,这位不知恐惧为何物的野丫头。 外表看起来虽然矮,但个性却很成熟,也有讨厌被当成小孩子对待的一面。

  赛妮雅装备手杖的话,既可以使用辅助咒文提高我方防御,也可以使用回复咒文治疗伤势。 不过,她还可以挥舞长枪或使用真空系(バギ系)咒文攻击敌人,是位兼具辅助与攻击的角色。





  从以下的游戏截图来看,或多或少能察觉到赛妮雅是位心地善良,且个性自然不做作的少女,但也因此让人有些放心不下。 这也常常让跟她一起行动的维若妮卡担心不已。

  位在「火野野城火山(ヒノノギ火山)」东边山脚的焰炎乡里,是一处饶富火山恩惠,受巫女治理的土地。 就是在第一篇报导中刊登的地图里,右下方的那块大陆。

  制铁与锻造产业非常兴盛,和风建筑并列的街道也是此处的特色。 虽然没有公开画面,但听说也有一间蒸气澡堂。

  不过,维若妮卡与赛妮雅,两人跟焰炎乡里究竟有着什么样的纠葛? 虽然还没有公开,希望在发售之后,玩家能透过游戏亲眼看见真相。

2017-6-8 03:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-8 06:40 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI introduces Silvia’s spells and special skills, Samadhi Kingdom
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》有点给的伙伴希尔比亚介绍

  SQUARE ENIX 预定于 7 月 29 日发售的PS4 / 3DS平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》又在本周 JUMP杂志上公开新情报,这次介绍了另外一位伙伴“希尔比亚”的详情,是个很厉害的人,虽然叫主人公还是“XX酱”,感觉给给的。




  本作还会推出 Nintendo Switch 版,PS4 繁体中文版也确定发售。

The latest issue of Weekly Jump has new information about Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time party character Silvia, as well as the Samadhi Kingdom teased last month.

Silvia is a traveling entertainer who lives a freewheeling life and has the wonderful dream of “making people around the world smile through his own performance.” He is always cheerful and positive, and is the top mood maker among the party. He has magnificent poses and seems to get instinctively entranced. He can participate in battle through attacks, support, and recovery, and can equip one-handed swords, whips, and daggers.

Spells he can use includes:

“Oomph” – Raises an ally’s attack power. A spell useful in boss battles and such.
His special skills include:

“Hustle Dance” – An lively dance that restores HP to all members of the party.
“Miracle Sword” – A one-handed sword skill that can recover HP while dealing damage.
“Whip of Love” – A whip skill that deals great damage to multiple enemies.
“Viper Fang” – A dagger skill that targets a single enemy and occasionally induces poison.

The Samadhi Kingdom is a country of knights surrounded by the desert. It is a historic kingdom that reigns over the desert and values its chivalry. It is rumored that the young prince is himself an outstanding knight. Horse races are also carried out here. A screenshot shows a circus tent in what is described as a castle town where people bustle about.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
2017-6-10 04:21 PM
Dragon Quest XI gameplay shows beginning of the game on 3DS, Delcadar Kingdom on PS4
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》双版本新试玩影像公开

  在今日进行的直播活动中,Square Enix 官方公开了《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》的PS4和3DS双版本的试玩影像。本作将于 7 月 29 日正式发售,对应平台为 PS4 和 3DS,繁体中文版也将确认。





Square Enix shared 26 minutes of new gameplay footage from Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time during its latest “Dragon Quest XI Countdown Carnival” hands-on event in Fukuoka today.

The 3DS footage shows the start of the game in both 3D and 2D play styles. The PlayStation 4 footage shows the player strolling through the Delcadar Kingdom while taking on a pair of quests.

Square Enix also revealed the second possible restriction for the game’s recently announced “Restricted Play” mode, which allows you to play the game with certain features disabled. The first restriction was shopping. The second possible restriction is being unable to run away from battle.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.


2017-6-12 02:44 PM
Dragon Quest XI details Silvia, Samadhi Kingdom

Square Enix has updated the official website for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time with new information and screenshots about character Silvia and location Samadhi Kingdom.

Get the details below.

■ Characters


A traveling entertainer who lives a freewheeling life. He is always cheerful and positive, and is the mood maker of the party. He uses various weapons and skills that utilize the acrobatics he cultivated as a traveling entertainer. His dream is to make people around the world smile through his own performances.

In battle, Silvia utilizes his versatility as a traveling entertainer. Weapons he can equip include one-handed swords, daggers, and whips, allowing him to change how he fights depending on the situation. He can learn many spells and special skills that support his allies in various situations, making him as both an attacker and supporter.

—Whip Weapon Special Skill: “Whip of Love”

—Dagger Weapon Special Skill: “Viper Fang”

—Silvia Spell: “Oomph”

—One-Handed Sword Weapon Special Skill: “Miracle Sword”

—Acrobatic Special Skill: “Killer Juggling”

—Feminine Special Skill: “Hustle Dance”

■ World

Samadhi Kingdom, the Country of Knights

A kingdom that reigns over the desert. It is known as a historic country that values its chivalry, where many knights push themselves in training day in and day out in the castle. Above all, it is common gossip that this country’s young prince is an exceptional knight. In the town around the castle, there is a circus performance, horse races, and many people hustling and bustling about.

—Inside the castle, which is built like a temple, many knights push themselves in training, and in the town around the castle, a large crowd can be seen around the circus tent.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
2017-6-12 02:46 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-23 07:21 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》公布自由奔放的旅行艺人希尔维亚背景设定及能力

  SQUARE ENIX 于近(22)日公布了《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト XI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》(PlayStation 4 / Nintendo 3DS)里登场角色之一-希尔维亚(シルビア)的背景设定及能力。

  希尔维亚是名旅行艺人,梦想要带给世界上所有人笑容而周游列国。 活用身为旅行艺人所培养出的杂技能力,能自在使用单手剑、短剑,以及鞭子等各式各样的武器。 而呪文及特技部分,则有众多能在各种局面下辅助我方的技能。 而言行举止方面,也是名带动玩家冒险气氛的开心果。

  此外,在这次的报导中,也公布了位在冒险舞台罗德杰特席亚(ロトゼタシア)之中的莎玛蒂王国(サマディー王国),而希尔维亚似乎也与该地的冒险有着密切关联。 莎玛蒂王国是个重视骑士道,历史悠久的大国,城下町似乎也有马戏团在此演出,以及举行运用马匹竞速的比赛等活动。 或许玩家能在此享受到,本作新娱乐要素的「赛马」。

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》

《勇者斗恶龙》系列本传最新作《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》。 这次将介绍希尔维亚的人物形象与战斗时的特征及得意技。 应该能让玩家见识到他独树一格的个性及多才多艺的一面。 也将介绍与希尔维亚有着密切关连的冒险世界!





「让世界上所有人充满笑容可是我的使命呢! 」

自由奔放的旅行艺人。 时常抱持着开朗乐观的想法,更是旅行时的开心果。
活用作为旅行艺人培养出的杂技,运用多样化的武器及技巧。 梦想用自己的表演带给世界上的人们笑容。

希尔维亚正如其旅行艺人的身分相当多才多艺。 能够装备单手剑、短剑、鞭子等武器,并能因应局面柔软地改变战法。 也拥有众多能在各种局面下辅助我方的呪文及特技,不论是在攻击面还是辅助面都能大显身手。









主角一行人在广大的罗德杰特席亚里旅行着。 现在将为玩家们介绍在这冒险世界里的另一个全新地区。 在此地的冒险似乎也与希尔维亚有着密切关联......。


支配着沙漠地带的王国。 是个重视骑士道、历史悠久声名远播的大国,城里有众多骑士日以继夜勤于训练。 尤其该国年轻王子更是位众人称赞的出色骑士。 在城下町里也有马戏团演出,以及举行运用马匹竞速的比赛,人潮络绎不绝。

2017-6-15 06:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-15 06:59 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI for PS4 introduces ‘Bowgun Adventure’ feature
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》PS4版本独特要素及魅力介绍

  SQUARE ENIX 预定于7月29日发售的PS4 / 3DS平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》本周JUMP杂志继续公开新情报,这次主要介绍了PS4版的魅力,在广阔的世界中骑马驰骋、在幻想风的洞窟中探索、攀爬屋顶拾取隐藏道具、极具临场感的战斗、剧情的代入感也非比寻常。



The latest issue of Weekly Jump reveals a new “Bowgun Adventure” feature for the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time.

There are specific targets all over the world that you can shoot with a bowgun. And there will be rewards for doing so. It seems that the bowgun adventure begins through an invitation from an NPC in a certain town.

Other than that, the magazine reveals a new “Magic Slot” casino game, which is a bonus game that starts if you get all sevens on the slots.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.


2017-6-19 06:14 PM
Dragon Quest XI goes gold; gameplay shows smithing, skill panel, horse racing, and casino

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time has gone gold, series creator Yuji Horii confirmed at today’s Dragon Quest XI “Countdown Carnival” hands-on event in Nagoya. That means development on the game is complete and it is ready for mass production.

New gameplay footage was also shown, demonstrating the “Mysterious Smithing” and the “Skill Panel” systems using the 3DS version, and “Horse Racing” and “Casino” features using the PlayStation 4 version.

Finally, Squaer Enix revealed the third possible restriction for the game’s “Restricted Play” mode, which allows you to play the game with certain features disable. The first two announced restrictions are being unable to shop and being unable to run away from battle. The third possible restriction is being unable to equip armor.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.



2017-6-19 06:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-19 06:30 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI teases 3DS StreetPass feature, introduces eight new monsters

The latest issue of Weekly Jump teases the 3DS-exclusive StreetPass feature in Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time, as well as introduces eight new monsters.

While the latest issue of Weekly Jump gave us a look at the PlayStation 4-exclusive “Bowgun Adventure” and “Magic Slot” casino game features of Dragon Quest XI, V-Jump teases the game’s 3DS-exclusive StreetPass feature. StreetPass involves mysterious creatures known as “Incarnations of Time.” It seems that players can visit a village where the Yocchi tribe of these creatures live. There is also a screenshot showing a number of different colored Yocchi fighting with different weapons. As for what will happen by passing other players, what sorts of facilities exist in Yocchi Village, and the Yocchi’s actual purpose, we’ll hear more about that in the June 26 issue of Weekly Jump.

The eight new monsters are pictured in the second and third rows of the left page pictured above. They include:

Slot Machine – A man who wanted to win at the slots, turned into a slot monster.

Drum Goat – A chubby monster and master of the drum. It plays the drum and summons monsters.

Fairy Bat – A bat that takes advantage of its cute appearance to attack its enemies with charm.

Ghost Parasol – Attacks humans who pick it up mistaking it as an umbrella with its sharp claw.

Ebi Metal – A monster whose thick, hard shell protects it like metal, which an ordinary sword stands no chance against.

Drago Bishop – A leader of the dragon world, whose wealth of knowledge makes it a skilled teacher.

Megaton Keil – A monster who makes various poses to show off its muscles.

She-Golem – A golem made of coral, said to have been made as a destructive weapon long ago.

Dragon Quest XI details PS4-exclusive features

Square Enix has updated the official website for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time with new information and screenshots about the game’s PlayStation 4-exclusive features.

Get the details below.

■ A Beautifully Expressed, Dramatic Adventure

Fields that spread as far as the eye can see, significant story scenes, dungeons of variosu environments, diverse townscapes… everything is vividly expressed and promotes the gratification of the adventure.

The setting of this adventure is Lotozetasia, a world that spreads as far as the eye can see.

—Your horse will be of the utmost convenience in traveling this expansive world.

—You can even blow back monsters!

Facial expressions and actions are fully depicted.

—Push your way through spider webs…

—Crawl through holes…

—And freely make use of various actions.

The world of this adventure is beautifully depicted.

—Intricate townscapes.

—Giant statues that reach the clouds.

—Magical caves.

—A casino to earn quick money.

—Fiery lava.

—Beautiful, shining springs.

A diverse ecoystem of monsters.

—Monsters will form herds…

—Make suspicious prayers…

—And… can even be found gathered for class?

■ Two Battle Styles

Free Movement Battles

Freely move the character and viewpoint.

—Freely move your character.

—Sneak up behind enemies!

Auto Camera Battles

Battles full of presence.

—Scenes full of presence.

—Offense and defees are also of major importance!

■ Exploration Elements

Explore every nook and corner of the world. Take on the “Bowgun Adventure.”

—A character in a certain town will invite you to join in on the Bowgun Adventure.

—You can shoot at the targets you find that are scattered all over the world with your bowgun.

—Targets can be found in various locations. Be sure to look around everywhere.

■ Magic Slots

The Magic Slot will let players enjoy gorgeous scenes and mysterious events.

—Go on a great adventuer with Rocket, a slime, and fight monsters and get items.

—Monsters you defeat can even get up and become your allies!?

—If you get all 7s, a bonus game will start.

—At the end of the bonus game, you’ll battle against a powerful boss.

—The Magic Slots are full of mysteries.

—You can of course enjoy casino games such as the traditional slots and poker, as well.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
2017-6-19 06:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-29 07:06 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》公开 PS4 版独特游戏要素以及多张新游戏图片

  SQUARE ENIX 公开预定在 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト XI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》(PS4 / 3DS)最新情报。

  在本篇报导当中,将会统整介绍包含过去已经公开情报在内的 PlayStation 4 版游戏特有要素。 内容有「十字弓冒险(ボウガンアドベンチャー)」和「魔术吃角子老虎(マジックスロット)」等等,只有在 PS4 版游戏中才能够玩到的独特游戏内容,有兴趣的玩家千万不要错过。

※ 报导内游戏图片皆为 PS4 版图片。

  PS4 版游戏最大的特征,当然就是美丽的高分辨率游戏画面,相信已经在考虑要购买游戏的玩家应该都很清楚。 玩家在游戏中可以一路跳到屋顶上,趴下钻进洞穴里,以及挥手拨开蜘蛛网,主角一行人所有动作都非常仔细刻划。



  在 PS4 版游戏当中,可以享受到名为「十字弓冒险」的游戏内容。 所谓「十字弓冒险」,是在世界各地寻找被藏在各种地方的「标靶」,并且使用十字弓射下来的内容。 从游戏图片上就可以发现,有些标靶会设置在普通进行游戏时,应该不会去注意到的地方。


  正如先前报导过的情报一样,在《勇者斗恶龙 11》当中,准备了「赛马(ウマレース)」和「赌场(カジノ)」等要素,让玩家在冒险空档享受。



  在赌场里面可以玩到扑克、吃角子老虎以及轮盘(ルーレット)等不同的游戏,以下就要和大家介绍只有 PS4 版才可以玩到的游戏「魔术吃角子老虎」。


  在转轴上方可以看到名为「史莱林(スラりん)」的史莱姆(スライム),展开有时与其他怪兽作战,有时可能会找到道具的「大冒险」。 打倒的怪兽还会加入成为伙伴,在演出效果上非常有看头。

  另外如果转出「777」的话,就会进入可以赚取大量金币的「奖励游戏(ボーナスゲーム)」。 在奖励游戏最后还会与头目作战,只要获得胜利,就可以再一次进入奖励游戏。



  PS4 版游戏采用所谓图标遇敌式系统,所以在非战斗状态下,还是可以观察到怪兽们的行动。 像是倒吊在树枝上的小恶魔(ドラキー),或者是在草原上休息的杀人豹(キラーパンサー),仔细观察这些在战斗当中不会表现出来的行动,其实也可以增加冒险的乐趣呢。


  《勇者斗恶龙 XI》的世界非常广大,所以在旅行时懂不懂得活用载具,就是一个重要关键。 只要骑上马背,就算是遥远路途也能轻松踏破。

  在 PS4 版当中,只要在骑乘状态下冲撞敌人,就可以把怪兽直接撞飞哦。


  如同过去报导介绍的一样,在 PS4 版战斗时,可以选择「自由移动战斗(フリー移动バトル)」和「自动运镜战斗(オートカメラバトル)」,两种不同的形式来作战。


  而自由移动战斗则是可以让玩家,在战斗当中自己调整位置和视角。 可以绕到敌人背后,从自己喜欢的角度来作战。


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