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【PC/PS4/Xbox One】Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands

2017-1-13 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-13 06:57 PM 编辑

Ubisoft 与 AMAZON 将合作推出《火线猎杀:野境》真人演出宣传短片

  Ubisoft 今天宣布与 Amazon 和 Twitch 合作,打造长达 30 分钟、名为 「WAR WITHIN THE CARTEL」的原创真人演出宣传影片,这支影片预定于 2017 年 2 月 16 日进行首播。 此部真人影片以即将上市的开放世界游戏《火线猎杀:野境》为背景蓝图,并将故事的焦点置于将玻利维亚变成毒品王国的残酷集团圣塔布兰卡上。 「WAR WITHIN THE CARTEL」 真人影片将会在 Ubisoft 的 Twitch 频道(www.twitch.tv/Ubisoft)进行首播,首播后即可透过 Amazon Prime Video 付费服务随选观赏。


  Ubisoft 表示,「WAR WITHIN THE CARTEL」影片将带领观众一探究竟圣塔布兰卡贩毒集团的内部运作情况。 圣塔布兰卡贩毒集团由令人敬畏且冷酷无情的首领噩梦 (El Sueño) 牢牢掌控着。 在他们的据点遭到攻击后,由安全部门首领石墙 (El Muro) 、生产部门首领欧吉桑 (El Yayo) 、走私部门首领选美皇后 (Nidia Flores) 和影响力部门首领枢机主教 (El Cardenal) 组成的领导群想要揪出集团中的叛徒并严惩不怠。 在情节堆砌、于片尾引爆了重大事件,并埋下了《火线猎杀:野境》游戏开头的伏笔:美国特种部队「魅影小队」奉命去瓦解这个贩毒集团。 「WAR WITHIN THE CARTEL」 由洛杉矶数字工作室 Legion of Creatives 拍摄制作,并请到了享有葛莱美奖得主、企业家、演员与嘻哈传奇人物众多头衔的 Tip “T.I.” Harris 饰演圣塔布兰卡集团成员 Marcus。

  「Ubisoft 致力于透过游戏、电影和其他媒介提供全方位的顶级娱乐飨宴,」Ubisoft 资深营销业务副总裁 Geoffroy Sardin 表示。 「WAR WITHIN THE CARTEL」 影片替原本就已经十分辽阔的《火线猎杀:野境》游戏世界再添深度,而且我们很开心能在这项计划上与 Amazon 、 Twitch 和 Legion of Creatives 携手合作。

  「在现实世界的新闻圈和流行文化娱乐圈,贩毒集团与打击毒枭都是非常热门的主题。 「WAR WITHIN THE CARTEL」影片里的角色、动作和环境,无论在造型上和感受上都带给观众宛如头条新闻的震撼力,我们为此引以为傲」执行制作人 Roberto Orci 表示。

  《火线猎杀:野境》中文版将与全球同步在 2017 年 3 月 7 日在 PS4、Xbox One 与 PC 平台上推出,预购初回版与限定版的玩家将可获得「秘鲁毒贩」,达 45 分钟的额外游戏内任务,玩家将在玻利维亚的高山上展开危险的任务,试图瓦解圣塔布兰卡与秘鲁贩集团的黑暗联盟。 中文限定版的内容将包含游戏主程序、玻利维亚地图、游戏原声 CD 以及限定版解锁内容,收录了狩猎者步枪与摩托车、3 款徽章、3 款武器迷彩、3 项角色自定义道具以及经验值强化道具。
2017-1-21 07:21 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-21 04:09 PM 编辑

Ghost Recon Wildlands Single Player Gameplay Walkthrough Video

  在之前公布了《火线猎杀:野境(Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands)》的大量合作模式演示之后,育碧在近日首次公布了游戏的单人模式演示。在这段演示中,游戏开发者向我们展示了游戏中的全新场景、载具、地图菜单、装备界面、指挥系统以及侦查系统等内容。



  《火线猎杀:野境》将在今年今年 3 月 7 号正式在PC、PS4以及 XboxOne 平台发售,游戏也将提前开放一次 B 测,但时间并未公布。


2017-1-26 07:51 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-26 06:40 PM 编辑

Ghost Recon: Wildlands Closed Beta Begins February 3
《火线猎杀:野境》封闭测试日期确认! 2月3日至6日扫荡毒枭!

  Ubisoft 今天宣布将在 2017 年 2 月 3 日至 6 日期间于 Xbox One、PS4 和 PC 平台上举行《火线猎杀:野境》Beta 封测。 Beta 封测游戏版本将自 2 月 1 日起开放预载。 想亲自体验魅影小队的玩家,可联机至 GhostRecon.com/Beta 网站登记,即有机会参加 Beta 封测。 所有于 1 月 26 日至 1 月 29 日期间参与《荣耀战魂》Beta 封闭测试的亚洲区* PS4 玩家,也将同时获得参加《火线猎杀:野境》Beta 封闭测试资格。

  Beta 封测将带玩家前进玻利维亚探索伊塔夸(Itacua)这个繁荣动荡的省分。 魅影小队将设法除掉圣塔布兰卡贩毒集团的重要成员,以瓦解这个邪恶的犯罪组织。 Beta 封测版提供的游戏内容将与正式版相近,玩家可以在单人游戏中里体验,或是在四人合作模式下与多达三位好友一起游玩。 身为魅影小队成员的玩家,可以自由运用各式各样的载具、战术装备和武器完成使命。

  《火线猎杀:野境》中文版将与全球同步在 2017 年 3 月 7 日在 PS4、Xbox One 与 PC 平台上推出,预购初回版与限定版的玩家将可获得「秘鲁毒贩」,长达 45 分钟的额外游戏内任务,玩家将在玻利维亚的高山上展开危险的任务,试图瓦解圣塔布兰卡与秘鲁贩集团的黑暗联盟。 中文限定版的内容将包含游戏主程序、玻利维亚地图、游戏原声 CD 以及限定版解锁内容,收录了狩猎者步枪与摩托车、3 款徽章、3 款武器迷彩、3 项角色自定义道具以及经验值强化道具。




Ghost Recon Wildlands – Closed Beta Showcases Co-Op, Starts February 3

The cartel-controlled open world of Bolivia will be receiving visitors early next month during the Closed Beta for Ghost Recon Wildlands. From February 3-6, aspiring Ghosts and their co-op partners will infiltrate the province of Itacua where they can work towards dismantling the Santa Blanca cartel in any way they choose. Players will be able to travel solo or team up with up to three friends in co-op as they take advantage of the wide variety of vehicles, weapons, and equipment available to the Ghosts.

The closed beta will be available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with pre-loading beginning on February 1. Those interested can sign up for a chance to participate at the official website.










2017-2-1 07:24 AM
2017-2-2 07:29 AM
2017-2-7 07:21 AM
2017-2-11 04:43 PM
2017-2-17 07:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-2-17 07:44 AM 编辑

Ghost Recon: Wildlands Open Beta Begins February 23


Ubisoft Announces Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands Open Beta, Coming February 23-27

Today, Ubisoft announced that the Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands Open Beta will be available to all players from February 23rd to 27th, 2017, on current-gen consoles and PC. Players eager to jump into the Ghost’s boots and tame the Wildlands will be able to pre-load the Open Beta starting this Monday, February 20th, 2017.

Each player entering this Open Beta will get access to an exclusive mission – the “Unidad Conspiracy” mission, in which players will spark a war between the Unidad, a local corrupt militia group, and the Santa Blanca cartel – by playing the full game before March 31st, using the same Ubisoft account.

The Open Beta will introduce players to two provinces among the 21 of the final game: Itacua, a flourishing and mountainous province where the grip of the cartel is looser, ideal to perfect your sniping skills and get introduced to the Wildlands. Montuyoc, set in the snowy Altiplano, and the second province available in this Open Beta, is much more challenging – players who have suppressed the Itacua bosses will gain XP and skills boosts allowing them to face this dangerous area, home to Santa Blanca elite training centers. Players can of course confront Montuyoc right away… at their own risk.

As in the full game, all the content in the Open Beta will be playable with up to three friends on the same platform via four player co-op, or in single player. Players are free to utilise a large variety of vehicles, tactical equipment and weapons to get the job done.

Set in the largest action-adventure open world ever created by Ubisoft, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands takes place in Bolivia, a few years from now, as the country has been turned by the vicious Santa Blanca drug cartel into a narco-state. Players are tasked with eliminating the cartel by any means necessary. The massive and responsive open world encourages a variety of playstyles, allowing players the freedom to choose how they execute any and all missions.

The Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands PC Specs and System Requirements have also been announced today, please visit Ubiblog to get the full details.

For more information about Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands, please visit ghostrecon.com.

2017-2-17 06:23 PM
2017-2-20 10:50 PM
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