Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night courtyard and Zangetsu battle gameplay
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由前《恶魔城》系列创作者五十岚孝司领军制作的 PS4 / Xbox One / NS / PC / PSV 动作游戏《血咒之城:暗夜仪式(Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)》今日公布最新研发进度影片。
PS4 / Xbox One / NS / PC / PSV《血咒之城:暗夜仪式》预定 2018 年上半年问世。
The latest Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night development update includes gameplay of a new courtyard area and battle against a character named Zangestu.
Here’s creator Koji Igarashi on the new footage:
Courtyards are just as important to an IGAvania as castles, right? Maybe not? Well, this time the courtyard is a very important part of the game, and that’s why we’re sharing a look at this area.
Zangetsu is a samurai character we’ve previously announced. He resents anyone and anything tainted by demonic power. As a result, he’s hostile toward Miriam, whose existence is directly connected to the demon ritual. This is also a new stage we’re introducing for the first time.
In addition to the footage, Igarashi also shared three tracks from the game composed by veteran game music team Noisycroak:
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, and PS Vita in the first half of 2018.
2017-12-1 07:44 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-1 03:03 PM 编辑
由前《恶魔城》系列创作者五十岚孝司领军制作的 PS4 / Xbox One / NS / PC / PSV 动作游戏《血咒之城:暗夜仪式(Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)》今日公布最新宣传片,在展示新武器的同时,玩家还可以看到很多主角的服装和配饰,还有新发型的表现。
由前《恶魔城》系列创作者五十岚孝司领军制作的 PS4 / Xbox One / NS / PC / PSV 动作游戏《血咒之城:暗夜仪式(Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)》此前已经历过大幅延期,在上次延期声明中官方表示游戏会在2018年上半年发售,但并没有说具体日期。
PS4 / Xbox One / NS / PC / PSV《血咒之城:暗夜仪式》预定 2018 年上半年问世。
2018-3-29 02:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-29 07:30 PM 编辑
《血咒之城:暗夜仪式》将于 6 月推送 Demo 游戏角色及 BGM 抢先公开
马上3月就要结束了。由前《恶魔城》系列创作者五十岚孝司领军制作的 PS4 / Xbox One / NS / PC / PSV 动作游戏《血咒之城:暗夜仪式(Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)开发组也兑现了早期的承诺,赶在3月结束前更新了游戏的kickstarter页面,本次公开的内容非常丰富,包括有游戏的英文声优阵容,顺带披露了一堆未公布过的角色和新的BOSS。
Battle with swords and whips in this retro-style action game brought to you by game creator Koji Igarashi and Inti Creates!
Play as Zangetsu, a demon slayer bearing a deep grudge, who must travel through perilous lands to defeat a powerful demon lurking in a dark castle. Zangetsu will meet fellow travelers along the way, who can join your journey as playable characters.
Switching to these characters with their unique abilities will unlock new paths through the treacherous stages. Your choices in recruiting these adventurers will change the difficulty of the game, and may even affect the ending!
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon is the 8-bit style game promised as a stretch goal of the 2015 Kickstarter campaign for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
Inti Creates 今(12)日宣布,由五十岚孝司领军制作的 8 位风格横向卷轴 2D 动作游戏《血咒之城:月之诅咒(Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon)》将于 5 月 24 日在 PC / PS4 / Nintendo Switch / Xbox One / PS Vita / N3DS 上推出数字版,价格 980 日圆(含税)。
《血咒之城:月之诅咒》是以参与《恶魔城》系列制作广为玩家所知的游戏创作者五十岚孝司与 Inti Creates 合作制作的全新作品,延伸自 2015 年发起募资制作的新作《血咒之城:暗夜仪式(Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)》,并采用 80 年代任天堂红白机的 8 位风格呈现。
由前《恶魔城》系列创作者五十岚孝司领军制作的 PS4 / Xbox One / NS / PC / PSV 动作游戏《血咒之城:暗夜仪式(Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)》在接受媒体采访时表示目前开发已经接近最后的阶段,图像素材基本已经完成,目前正在将这些素材导入使之成为游戏。