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2015-4-21 06:56 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-12 07:22 PM 编辑


Official Website:https://www.e3expo.com/

电子娱乐展(又称E3游戏展;英文:Electronic Entertainment Expo/Exposition,简称E3,常被缩写为E3),是全球电子游戏产业最大的年度商业化展览,也是第三大的游戏大会,由娱乐软件协会(ESA)主办。展览只对电子游戏产业圈内人士及记者开放,并且规定18岁以上才能参观。


很多电子游戏的开发者会在展会上展示他们即将上市的游戏,或者发布即将面世的硬件产品,其中的1/5是从未向公众展示过的。大展上面的独立奖项“游戏批评奖”(Game Critics Awards)从1998年开始,颁发给E3上面最出风头的各种游戏。

第一届E3大展是由互动数码软件协会(Interractive Digital Software Association,即娱乐软件协会的前身)于1995年举办的。以前大多数游戏开发者会到其他展会上展示他们的作品,比如消费电子展览(Consumer Electronics Show)和欧洲电脑交易展(European Computer Trade Show)。

游戏开发者大会是另外一个年度的为众多开发者举办的展会,它的会址选在了加利福尼亚,但是它注重的是研究和讨论游戏的发展。另外还有一些游戏界的重要展览(不止是电子游戏),包括Origins和Gen Con。

主资料连接: E3 2015 A9VG, E3 2015 TGBUS 电玩巴士, E3 2015 巴哈姆特

【E3 15】E3 展各大厂商展前发表会时程确认 一连 7 场发表会盛大登场
转载 - http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/116346.html

  全球玩家注目的年度电玩盛会「美国电子娱乐展(E3 展)」今年将于 6 月 16~18 日在洛杉矶国际会议中心(LACC)举行。 包括微软、美国索尼计算机娱乐(SCEA)、任天堂等游戏主机平台厂商,以及 Bethesda、EA、Ubisoft 等游戏发行厂商,都预定在展前举办实体 / 在线发表活动。

  往年一向采取封闭展区低调参展的 Bethesda Softworks,今年首度单独举办展前发表会,而且选在展前 2 天的 6 月 14 日举办,比其他厂商提早 1 天。 而微软、EA、Ubisoft 与 SCEA 则照惯例于展前 1 天的 6 月 15 日上午起依序举办。 已经连续数年没有举办实体展前发表会的任天堂,今年同样在开展当日以在线发表会来进行发表,为此 SQUARE ENIX 特别将自家发表会时间延后。

  巴哈姆特电玩疯今年同样预定与台湾微软、台湾索尼计算机娱乐(SCET)以及 Ubisoft 合作,自台湾时间 6 月 16 日凌晨 00:30 开始,与美国同步依序直播微软 Xbox E3 媒体发表会、Ubisoft E3 媒体发表会、SCEA PlayStation E3 媒体发表会以及任天堂数字活动,邀请玩家在线同乐!


Per usual, Sony’s E3 2014 media briefing will take place on the Monday before the expo officially begins. The company has confirmed that its conference is set for June 9 at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET.
All E3 conference dates/times are now in. To recap, here’s the full schedule:

Bethesda - June 14 6:30 PM PDT / Bethesda发布会 - 14号6月 9.30 AM - Live Stream 直播
Microsoft – June 15, 9:30 AM PT / 12:30 PM 微软发布会 - 15号6月 00.30AM - Live Stream 直播
EA – June 15, 1 PM PDT / 3 PM ET EA发布会 - 15号6月 4.00 AM - Live Stream 直播
Ubisoft – June 15, 3 PM PT / 6 PM ET 育碧发布会 - 15号6月 6.00 PM - Live Stream 直播 暂无
Sony – June 15, 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET 索尼发布会 - 15号6月 9.00 AM - Live Stream 直播
Nintendo (Digital Event) – June 16, 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET 任天堂发布会 - 11号6月00.00AM -Live Stream 直播
Square Enix - June 16 ,9 AM PDT -  / Square Enix 发布会 - 16还6月 00.00AM - Live Stream 直播
"PC Gaming Show" - June 16, 5 PM PDT


       美国ESA娱乐软件协会 最新公开,E3电子娱乐展2015 电玩游戏公司出展详情。索尼PlayStation、微软Xbox、任天堂Nintendo皆已确认,而Electronic-Arts艺电、Ubisoft育碧、Activision动视等游戏软件公司亦显示在列。

       游戏公司于 E3电子娱乐展 的出展情况将于未来多次更新,而现已确认参加的电玩游戏相关知名游戏公司有:


2015-4-21 06:58 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-4 07:01 AM 编辑


Xbox 今年 E3 展将以自家游戏为重心 并透露将发表全新独占 IP

  离今年 E3 展还剩下不到两个月的时间,微软也开始释出了出展的相关消息。Xbox 部门主管菲尔‧史宾瑟(Phil Spencer)在 Twitter 表示他们今年的参展内容将与以往不同,主要是因为这回 Xbox 展区将会以自家游戏的介绍做为宣传重点。

  粉丝们在 Twitter 上问起微软今年会在 E3 展上出什么新招的时候,史宾瑟先是透露「今年会在 E3 展上发表全新的独占 IP」,接着又补充说「我们会将今年的参展重点摆在自家的游戏上」。

  但这并不代表第三方厂商的游戏今年夏天就不会在微软的 E3 展区里出展,史宾瑟在 Twitter 上特别强调:「让我把话说清楚,我们还是有第三方游戏的展出计划,我只是认为(纯属个人意见)把重心放在自家游戏上是相当重要的。」

  举例来说,Activision 旗下的《决胜时刻》系列作品对微软来说是最大宗的第三方游戏之一,在往年 E3 展上也几乎都能在微软的展区里拿到舞台发表的机会,这或许也和《决胜时刻》和微软之间的「限时独占 DLC」协议有关。

  微软去年在 E3 展发表过《Scalebound》,以及《除暴战警》和《幻影沙尘》系列新作等自家游戏。目前计划会在今年参展的有《最后一战 5:守护者》、《极限竞速 6》和一款《战争机器》系列的相关作品,其他有可能会参展的自家作品则有 Rare 的新作以及《量子裂痕》(日前将发售日延到 2016 年),当然,或许他们手上还藏着什么秘密计划,准备在大展时给我们带来惊喜。

  史宾瑟和其他的 Xbox 计划团队,预计于 4 月 20 日举办一场会议,会中将会决定微软在今年 E3 的展出内容,他说公司会在周一花上整天的时间彻底检视 E3 的参展计划,那对他来说是既兴奋又期待的日子。

  2015 年 E3 游戏展预计将会从 6 月 14 日(日)Bethesda 的记者会开始展开,虽然正式的时程尚未公开,但依照惯例,微软的记者会应该会在周一(6 月 15 日)上午举行,EA 和 Ubisoft 会在当日稍晚,Sony 会在晚间开办,任天堂的话可能会等到周二再举办活动。

微软预定于今年 E3 展出扩增实境头戴装置「HoloLens」

  微软宣布,将于今年 6 月 16~18 日在洛杉矶举办的「电子娱乐展(以下简称 E3 展)」中,展出旗下所研发的扩增实境(Augmented Reality)头戴式显示设备「Microsoft HoloLens」。

  HoloLens 是微软于今年 1 月下旬揭露的全新扩增实境头戴装置,采用眼镜造型的半透明显示屏幕,透过 3D 景深扫描技术取得周遭景物的状态,将虚拟的对象 / 信息与眼睛观看到的实际景物重迭,搭配肢体动作侦测技术,让用户可以在现实世界中观看到虚拟的对象,并与之互动。


  微软在扩增实境头戴装置「HoloLens」专属网站的开发者 Q&A 页面上表示,HoloLens 揭示了崭新的创作、协作、工作与游玩方式,微软将在 E3 展这个全球首要的电玩游戏与相关商品商展上向大家展示与透露更多关于 HoloLens 的细节。 不过目前微软尚未公布具体的展出形式与内容。

  另外,微软还开设了 HoloLens 的专属 YouTube 频道,收录硬件研发与试用感想等介绍。


Microsoft details E3 2015 plans

Xbox at E3 2015

With E3 just a few short weeks away, we’re excited to start sharing some of our plans for the gaming industry’s biggest showcase. Today, we’ve announced that the Xbox E3 2015 Briefing will take place Monday, June 15, beginning at 9:30 a.m. PDT. During the briefing, you’ll have a chance to check out everything from in-depth looks at previously-announced games to trailers for our unannounced titles coming in 2015 and beyond. You can stream the Xbox E3 2015 Briefing live beginning at 9:30 a.m. PDT on June 15 on Xbox.com, via the Xbox Live Events Player, on Xbox One or Xbox 360 consoles and on Windows Phone globally. You can also watch the Xbox E3 2015 Briefing during “Xbox: Game On” on Spike TV in the U.S. and Canada at 9:30 a.m. PDT / 12:30 p.m. EDT.

We’re also bringing back Xbox Daily: LIVE @ E3, our live show that covers everything Xbox happening at E3 – breaking news, exclusive announcements, trailer reveals, game demos, and interviews with game creators. The one hour show will be hosted by Larry Hryb, Xbox Live’s Major Nelson, and Graeme Boyd, Xbox Live’s Acey Bongos, and will include guest stars and industry elites, including Head of Xbox Phil Spencer and guests from 343 Industries, Turn 10 Studios, Crystal Dynamics, and others. Xbox Daily: LIVE @ E3 will air on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 4-5:00 p.m. PDT, and can be streamed live on Xbox One, on Xbox.com (both on your desktop and on mobile), and on Xbox 360. Each show will also have interactive experiences created just for fans watching live on Xbox One.

Finally, if you’re in the LA-area, we’ve got something even bigger for you. Xbox will give 500 lucky fans a one-of-a-kind ticket for E3 Week, the gaming industry’s biggest showcase. The Xbox FanFest: E3 2015 is from Sunday, June 14, through Thursday, June 18. Tickets will include:

• Entry into the Xbox E3 2015 Briefing at 9:30 a.m. PDT on Monday, June 15, at the Galen Center in downtown Los Angeles.
• Invite to the exclusive Xbox FanFest Party on Monday afternoon, June 15, where fans will get to play the best exclusives and biggest blockbuster games this holiday and beyond.
• VIP access to the Xbox esports Celebrity Challenge and Twitch Party sponsored by Xbox.
• Meet-and-greet with some of the industry’s top developers, leaders and influencers.
• Even more surprise events during the week.

Head on over to the Xbox E3 Online Experience for complete information, as well as rules and regulations, on Xbox FanFest: E3 2015.

This year, we have an amazing games lineup to share (who knew it’d be so hard to pack all of our exclusive E3 premieres into an hour and a half?), so we’re saving a lot of exciting reveals for gamescom in August. It’s already shaping up to be a great year.


Microsoft to appear at E3 PC Gaming Show


Xbox to Appear at The PC Gaming Show

PC Gamer today announced that Microsoft has joined the upcoming “AMD Presents The PC Gaming Show Powered by PC Gamer” event as both a sponsor and participant. Taking place in Los Angeles on Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at the Belasco Theater, the show will feature appearances and announcements from some of the biggest names in the PC gaming industry. Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer and several game developers will share the latest details about gaming on Windows 10 as well as showcase several upcoming games.

“For us, the PC Gaming Show is the ideal place to speak directly to PC gamers, and it’s a great time to talk about Windows 10 - the best operating system we've ever created for gamers on PCs,” said Phil Spencer, head of Xbox at Microsoft. “With Windows 10, we’re bringing the best of Xbox with the best of Windows gaming, including Xbox Live and the new Xbox app, Game DVR for nearly every game, and DirectX 12 for better gaming graphics and performance.”

“Windows is a vital element of the PC gaming experience for so many of us, and I’m excited to see what Microsoft has in store,” said Tim Clark, Global Editor-in-Chief, PC Gamer. “The PC Gaming Show is a celebration of every aspect of the platform, so I’m delighted Xbox has decided to play such a key part in it.”

Presented by AMD, organized by PC Gamer, and streamed live in partnership with Twitch, the show will bring the PC gaming community together under one roof for announcements and presentations from both major companies and rising independent developers. Hosted by Sean ‘Day[9]’ Plott, participants of the show include Dean Hall (DayZ), Blizzard, Bohemia Interactive, Tripwire Interactive, Fullbright, Cliff Bleszinski (Boss Key Productions), Devolver Digital, Nexon, Creative Assembly, Square Enix, CCP Games, Paradox Interactive, and many more.

For more information and to register for press access, please visit PCGamingShow.com and follow #pcgamingshow.
2015-4-24 06:49 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-15 08:01 PM 编辑

Square Enix will be hosting a dedicated E3 conference
SQUARE ENIX 宣布将于今年 E3 展中举办自家发表会

  SQUARE ENIX 宣布,将在今年美国电子娱乐展(E3 展)举办自家展前发表会,时间则是定在 6 月 16 日 E3 展首日上午 9:00(美西时间),全程将透过 Twitch 与 YouTube 在线直播。

  往年 E3 展 SQUARE ENIX 多半选择在索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)与微软等主机平台厂商的发表会上宣布自家新作的动向,很少自行举办发表会,只有 2013 年在 PlayStation 发表会上发表《Final Fantasy XV》与《王国之心 3》时,曾在隔日上午举办了一场小型的说明会(相关报导)。

  继先前 Bethesda 宣布今年将自行举办 E3 展前发表会之后,如今 SQUARE ENIX 也跟着确认将在这次 E3 展举办自家的发表会。 预料将会以《Final Fantasy XV》、《王国之心 3》、《古墓奇兵:崛起》等发表多时的开发中强作为主打,另外日前发表的《杀出重围:人类分裂》以及《正当防卫 3》等新作游戏应该也会有进一步的消息,亦可能有目前尚未发表的新作游戏在会中曝光。

  对 SQUARE ENIX 旗下新作游戏有兴趣的玩家不妨多多留意后续更多消息的释出。

Square Enix E3 2015 Conference

E3 is just around the corner! With our exciting slate of games coming out in 2015 and beyond, Square Enix will be hosting a dedicated E3 conference in Downtown LA on Tuesday, June 16, at 9AM PST/ 5PM GMT/ 1AM JST. Start E3 right with a dose of some exciting news before the show officially kicks off later in the day.

What news do we have in store? You’ll just have to wait and see. Can’t attend E3? Not a problem. Viewers unable to attend the show can follow us on our live streaming channels below and see the conference as it happens:

Twitch: Twitch.TV/SquareEnixPresents
Youtube: Youtube.com/SquareEnixPresents

We’ll also be updating in real time directly from the conference floor so be sure to follow us on Twitter to get up to the minute updates from this event!


【E3 15】SQUARE ENIX 公布 E3 展预告影片 透露将展出多款未公开新作

  今年将单独举办自家 E3 展前发表会的 SQUARE ENIX,日前在官方 YouTube 频道公布了一段 E3 展预告影片,透露将在 6 月 16~18 日举办的 E3 展中展出多款未公布新作。

  这段预告影片中几乎没有带到任何实际游戏画面,主要是以文字叙述搭配视觉背景与混音配乐来呈现,具体公布的展出内容包括《Final Fantasy XIV:苍天的伊修加尔德》、《正当防卫 3》、《黑客入侵:人类分裂》、《勇者斗恶龙 英雄集结 闇龙与世界树之城》等。

  除了上述的具体内容之外,影片中还卖关子的插入了许多被遮盖的文字与消音用的哔声,因此绝大多数的展出内容目前还无从得知。 另外,这段预告影片的背景音乐是以《超时空之钥》中世篇主角卡艾尔(カエル ,青蛙)的主旋律所改编,究竟只是单纯的宣传素材? 还是与这次即将展出的内容有关? 仍有待后续确认。


  SQUARE ENIX E3 展前发表会预定美国时间 6 月 16 日上午 10:00、台湾时间 6 月 17 日凌晨 1:00 举办,将透过 YouTube 官方频道在线直播,后续预定于美国时间 6 月 16 日上午 11:30、台湾时间 6 月 17 日凌晨 2:30 公布这次 E3 展在线节目的完整节目表,对 SQUARE ENIX 游戏感兴趣的玩家不妨密切注意。
2015-5-1 07:38 AM
There's now an E3 Press Conference for the PC

PC Takes Center Stage in LA During E3 With the PC Gaming Show

Live Event on June 16 Celebrates the Games, Tech and People Behind PC Gaming's Golden Age; Cliff Bleszinski, Blizzard Entertainment, Cloud Imperium Games, Dean Hall and Tripwire Interactive to Appear. AMD, Bohemia Interactive and Digital Storm to Sponsor.

“AMD Presents The PC Gaming Show Powered by PC Gamer,” a first-of-its-kind event for developers, publishers, hardware companies, press and fans, will take place in Los Angeles on Tuesday, June 16, 2015. Presented by AMD, organized by PC Gamer, and streamed live in partnership with Twitch from the Belasco Theater, the show will bring the PC gaming community together under one roof for breaking news and perspective from some of the biggest names in the industry. Hosted by Sean ‘Day[9]’ Plott, the first announced participants of the show include Dean Hall (DayZ), Blizzard Entertainment, Cliff Bleszinski (Boss Key Productions) and Cloud Imperium Games (Star Citizen).

For more information and to register for press access, please visit: PCGamingShow.com and follow #pcgamingshow.

This is an incredible time for PC gaming, with more powerful and affordable hardware than ever before, thousands of games available through Steam, Origin and other platforms, and millions of viewers regularly watching esports events. The PC Gaming Show is a call to the PC community to come together to celebrate this era, and the innovations that lie ahead.

"At AMD, our focus is on driving gaming innovation in all possible ways. The PC Gaming Show embodies the spirit of innovation, openness and community that's part of our DNA – delivered by gamers, for gamers," said Matt Skynner, Corp. VP & General Manager, Computing and Graphics at AMD. "The time is right for a PC-focused event in the week of E3 and we're honored to be part of bringing the industry together."

Organized by PC Gamer, with support from Presenting Partner, AMD, the inaugural PC Gaming Show will see participation from a range of game developers, including Blizzard Entertainment, Bohemia Interactive, Cloud Imperium Games, Tripwire Interactive, Square-Enix, Obsidian Entertainment, Paradox Interactive and Humble Bundle among many others.

"We’re living in a golden age of PC gaming, but unlike other platforms the PC has no format holder, no marketing department, and—until now—no event during E3 week purely devoted to it," said Tim Clark, Global Editor-in-Chief, PC Gamer. "We think a show like this, which brings together people from every corner of PC gaming to celebrate the exciting things happening, is long overdue. We hope you’ll join us, in person or on stream, to be part of it."
2015-5-6 06:16 PM
SEGA 表示将于 2015 年 E3 展缺席 不设摊展出自家游戏


  SEGA 发言人透过电子游戏月刊 Game Informer 正式对外证实,这家以《音速小子》和《全军破敌》等作品闻名的发行商将不会在今年的 E3 展场中设置自己的展区。

  据发言人表示,SEGA 先前在一月底就决定将位在旧金山的办公室搬迁至加州南部,这也是为何公司无暇在 E3 设置展区的原因之一:「直到下个月,SEGA 美国分公司都会专注于重组以及搬迁至加州南部的相关事宜,为此我们决定将不会在 E3 设置自己的展区。 」

  他补充说道:「我们大多数的大型作品,像是《英雄连队(Relic Entertainment)》、《足球经理(Sports Interactive)》以及《全军破敌(Creative Assembly)》这些 3A 级的工作室的作品都预定在 2015 下半年或是 2016 发行,我们也计划在搬迁完毕之后再进行相关的发表宣传。 但我们还是会和其他许多生意上的伙伴合作参加今年的 E3 电玩展。 」

注1:SEGA 在 2013 年 1 月在 THQ 资产拍卖中花了 2,660 万美元买下 Relic Entertainment 并取得《英雄连队》的版权。
注2:《全军破敌》系列最新作《全军破敌:战锤(Total War: Warhammer)》目前正以 PC 为平台开发中。
注3:E3 2015 预计将于 6 月 16-18 日于美国洛杉矶展开。
2015-5-14 07:06 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-14 06:19 PM 编辑

Nintendo announces E3 2015 plans, World Championships return after 25 years
【E3 15】美国任天堂总裁 “瑞吉” 再度恶搞出招! 任天堂释出 2015 年美国 E3 展预告影片

  全球最大的电玩展览「美国电子娱乐展(Electronic Entertainment Expo,简称 E3 展)」即将在下个月举办,任天堂于今日公开了 2015 年 E3 展的参展内容,并释出了一段幽默的预告影片。

  美国任天堂(Nintendo of America)去年和著名的知名恶搞影片创作团队「Mega64」合作,和美国任天堂总裁「瑞吉 ‧ 费斯艾米(Reggie Fils-Aime)」一同拍摄了一段「生化瑞吉」的恶搞影片来揭露 2014 年度的消息。 今年则 “瑞吉” 又再度恶搞出招,除了透露曾在 1990 年举办的传说级电玩活动 “Nintendo World Championships” 将相隔 25 个年头再度复活! 而身为总裁的瑞吉因盘算自己也要以参赛者的身分参赛,而丢下总裁之位去游玩任天堂的经典主机意图自主训练。

  有兴趣的玩家不妨点选以下影片,来确认任天堂今年的幽默影片和 E3 活动概要。

Nintendo World Championships 2015:5 月 30 日起在北美主要都市的电玩卖店 Best Buy 举办地方预赛,6 月 14 日在洛杉矶的 L.A. LIVE NOKIA Theatre 举办决赛,来选出 2015 年的任天堂游戏世界冠军。 决赛实况也预定会在在线进行直播。

Nintendo Digital Event(6 月 16 日 PT 上午 9 点、台湾时间 17 日上午 12 点):今年度也确认不会举办大型的 E3 展前媒体发表会,和去年度相同只举办在线的网络直播,预定透露最新的游戏和硬件情报。

Nintendo Treehouse: Live @ E3:在美国 E3 会场的任天堂摊位举办多场网络直播,来解说关于任天堂硬件和游戏的各种细节。 直播节目时间表将于后续公布。

Nintendo Access: Mario Maker at Best Buy:E3 展开展期间,电玩卖店 Best Buy 店内也将同步举办 Wii U 版《玛利欧制作大师(Mario Maker)》的试玩活动。


Nintendo World Championships Headline Nintendo’s Expanded Lineup at E3 2015

Nintendo reaches out directly to gaming fans, media and partners with a dynamic lineup for E3 2015, starting with the exciting return of the Nintendo World Championships after a 25-year hiatus. At select Best Buy locations around the country, consumers can vie for a coveted spot in the tournament finals set in Los Angeles to kick off E3 week on Sunday, June 14. Separately on Tuesday, June 16, online viewers can score the latest Nintendo news as it breaks by tuning in to the Nintendo Digital Event, followed by Nintendo Treehouse: Live @ E3, daily live-streamed game demonstrations from the Nintendo booth. Finally, Nintendo will deliver a piece of its E3 experience to consumers nationwide, with two hands-on sampling days of the upcoming Mario Maker Wii U game at participating Best Buy stores. This year, Nintendo will go beyond the show to deliver the E3 spirit and inside scoop to a bigger audience than ever via e3.nintendo.com and Nintendo’s social media channels.

“Whether you’re tuning in online or joining us at the show, we want to include fans of all ages this E3 with an innovative and nostalgic focus on fun,” said Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s President and Chief Operating Officer. “I’m especially eager to bring back the Nintendo World Championships and to crown the 2015 Nintendo World Champion.”

The E3 2015 video game trade show takes place June 16-19 in Los Angeles. Nintendo’s main events taking place during E3 include:

Nintendo World Championships 2015

On May 30, select Best Buy locations in major cities around the country will host qualifying tournaments for the Nintendo World Championships, which were last seen in 1990. The winners from each regional event, plus competitors invited by Nintendo, will meet on June 14, at the NOKIA Theatre L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles for a multi-round Nintendo game competition. In the end, one player will be crowned the 2015 Nintendo World Champion. Fans in Los Angeles will have the opportunity to attend the tournament, while others can watch online. More details about the qualifying tournaments will be shared in the coming weeks.

Nintendo Digital Event

Once again Nintendo will deliver its main news via an online video program. The Nintendo Digital Event will start at 9 a.m. Pacific on Tuesday, June 16. Viewers will be treated to detailed information about the various games and experiences Nintendo has in store for its systems.

Nintendo Treehouse: Live @ E3

Nintendo Treehouse: Live @ E3 2015 is ready to bring fans even more in-depth coverage of Nintendo products directly from the show floor. The unscripted action delivered by the gaming experts in the Nintendo Treehouse and various game developers will be live streamed. More information about the specific times will be announced closer to E3.

Nintendo Access: Mario Maker at Best Buy

On two days during the week of E3, participating Best Buy locations will open their doors to let fans try out the upcoming Mario Maker game for the Wii U console. The game lets players have fun with friends as they enjoy playing through levels in a variety of Super Mario Bros. styles. The events will take place 4-9 p.m. local time on Wednesday, June 17, and noon-5 p.m. local time on Saturday, June 20. Attendees will receive a sweet 30th anniversary Super Mario Bros. pin while supplies last.

More information about the Nintendo World Championships, events at select Best Buy stores and other Nintendo events during E3 will be announced shortly. Keep an eye on Nintendo’s social media channels, or visit e3.nintendo.com.

2015-5-22 07:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-11 07:13 PM 编辑

PlayStation E3 Experience is back, Live in Theaters on June 15



  当然慷慨的索尼也不会让玩家们跋涉而来以后空手而归。每个来影院收看发布会直播的玩家都会收到PS相关奖品,去年的活动中玩家收到了《Battlefield:强硬路线》的beta资格以及《命运》的测试资格,同时还有海报和VIP卡片。影院直播正式开市前还会有由著名主持人Geoff Keighley主持的时长30分钟的特别视频以及制作人访谈。



Experience E3 2015 Live in Theaters on June 15th

Whenever I interact with the PlayStation community I’m always struck by their passion and excitement for gaming. I saw this firsthand at E3 2014, when I teamed up with PlayStation and Fathom Events to bring the E3 Press Conference live to over 10,000 fans around the country as part of the PlayStation E3 Experience in movie theaters. It was amazing to see fans line up all across America to experience the news and announcements live with others in the community.

This year I’m happy to announce that the PlayStation E3 Experience will return on Monday, June 15. Due to the quick sell-outs in 2014, we will be staging it in significantly more theaters — and yes, it will still be free. Last year tickets in most markets sold out in 15 minutes or less, so for 2015 we are increasing the number of theaters by more than 150%, with at least one theater in every state across the US — including Hawaii and Alaska — plus 3 cities in Canada.

You and fellow members of the PlayStation community will get to see the full PlayStation E3 press conference in HD on the big screen, plus there are special bonuses for those who come out to the theater experience. I’ll be hosting an exclusive 30-minute in-theater post show with extended footage and interviews with developers, and everyone who attends will take home a PlayStation surprise, which will consist of PlayStation goods and digital codes we can’t disclose yet. (Last year attendees received early access to the Destiny Alpha and Battlefield: Hardline beta, along with a great poster and VIP laminate).

To make it fair to everyone in the community, this year we are giving you advance notice of ticket sales. Free tickets will be made available on Wednesday, May 27 starting at 9:00 a.m. PT at playstation.com/e3experience. Eighty percent of theater capacity will be reserved for ticket holders, with 20% of the theater held for those on the wait list, who will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis. We saw the big lines last year and want to make sure that everyone has a fair chance to be in the theater.

The PlayStation.Blog guys also tell me that their big PlayStation LiveCast show will be back again in a big way, kicking off with the PlayStation Press Conference on June 15th, starting at 5:45 p.m. Pacific Time. They’ll have plenty of game demos, new trailers, and developer interviews over the next three days – and you’ll be able to watch on your PS4 or PS3 using the Live Events Viewer app, too. Stay tuned for more details.

Geoff Keighley - Host, Producer


索尼公开E3 2015出展计划 登场游戏阵容出炉

  日前索尼公司终于公开了他们E3 2015的展出计划,其中包含各展台内容和活动行程,此外还介绍了出展游戏阵容。目前官方也公开了他们的E3预告短片,下面也请玩家们来欣赏一下。


  索尼E3 2015展前发布会

  本次索尼的E3展前发布会将于马来西亚时间2015年6月16日上午9点举行,届时玩家们可以通过PS官方网站、Twitch和Youtube等方式观看直播,此外通过PS4或PS3的“Live Events Viewer”应用程序来观看直播。





  索尼也将在洛杉矶会议中心西馆中举行E3社区活动,活动将于马来西亚时间2015年6月18日早晨7点至上午11点举行,活动中玩家们将有机会近距离接触San Diego Studio的开发者们,并有机会体验《美国棒球联盟15》、《Drawn to Death》、《Guns Up!》和《Killstrain》等四款游戏,此外在活动区域附近玩家们还有机会体验《星球大战:战争前线》。



  Drawn to Death
  Guns Up!
  Alone With You
  Capsule Force
  Cosmic Star Heroine
  Enter the Gungeon
  Gang Beasts
  废土之王(Nuclear Throne)
  盐和避难所(Salt & Sanctuary)
  To Leave
  Death Tales
  心之所向 艾莉西亚(Heart Forth, Alicia)
  火箭联盟(Rocket League)
  我是面包(I Am Bread)
  月之猎手(Moon Hunters)


  此外在IndieCade展区中,索尼也会为大家展示4款PS4独立游戏,它们分别是《重力幽灵(Gravity Ghost)》、《Distance》、《森中之夜(Night in the Woods)》和《ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS》。
2015-6-3 06:54 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-11 07:22 PM 编辑

Geoff Keighley to host YouTube Live at E3
【E3 15】YouTube 开设 E3 直播频道 带来发表会、游戏试玩与创作者访谈等丰富内容


  YouTube 日前在自家的 E3 展频道「Live at E3」上宣布,今年将首度在 YouTube 上直播所有「2015 年美国电子娱乐展(E3 2015)」的重点活动,自 6 月 14 日起,带来包括各大平台厂商与游戏发行商的展前活动、媒体发表会以及知名制作人的访谈等 E3 展的重大惊喜与重点时刻。

  YouTube 的 E3 直播将从 6 月 14 日举办的「任天堂世界冠军赛」开始,紧接着是当日晚间的 Bethesda Softworks 媒体发表会。 6 月 15 日将邀请知名电玩记者乔夫‧基思利(Geoff Keighley)与众多 YouTube 电玩影音创作者带来 Xbox、PlayStation、EA、Ubisoft 媒体发表会的实况报导。

  E3 展期间将带来「Let’s plays」新作游戏直播,邀请 YouTube 电玩明星在 YouTube 摊位舞台参与直播节目。 「Meet the Makers」单元邀请游戏创作者登台示范游戏以及与粉丝互动。 另外还包括往年曾举办过的宣传影片大赛、任天堂数字活动与树屋直播(Treehousee Live)等内容。

  有兴趣的玩家不妨可以订月 Live at E3 频道,并密切注意巴哈姆特 GNN 的现场采访报导。


2015-6-3 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-12 07:20 PM 编辑

Ubisoft 公开 E3 2015 展出阵容 16 日上午 6 点举行展前发表会 另外还将带来惊喜发表

  Ubisoft 今日宣布,在即将于下周展开之 2015 年 E3 电子娱乐展中带来旗下 3 款备受期待的未上市新作最新内容展示、同时还将公布数款令人振奋的全新作品。 Ubisoft 将在 E3 开展前一天举办独立发表会活动、并于后续三天展期中于展览摊位现场以及针对玩家打造的「Uplay Lounge」盛大展出旗下游戏阵容。


  「E3 电玩展对于整个游戏业界来说一向是个非常特别的时刻,因为我们全部汇聚于此共同分享我们对于未来娱乐产业的愿景、并且揭露我们投注力量与热情所打造的游戏。 而玩家们首次体验这些作品时的兴奋之情与意见回馈更是过程中所最能激励我们的」,Ubisoft 共同创办人暨执行长 Yves Guillemot 表示:「我们很高兴能成为这个优秀大家庭的一部份,而我们旗下才华洋溢的团队更将会继续勇敢冒险、带来更多突破,藉由我们的游戏带来更高的自由度与选择,创造长久且丰富的游戏体验给所有玩家。 」

  Ubisoft 独立展前发表会将于台湾时间 6 月 16 日上午 05:45(GMT +8)于美国洛杉矶市区的奥芬大剧院(Orpheum Theatre)举行,发表会全程将透过 Ubisoft 官方 Twitch 频道(http://www.twitch.tv/ubisoft )以及 Uplay 全程转播。 完整发表会实况影片以及所有 E3 电玩展期间 Ubisoft 最新影片与游戏预告片都将于 YouTube 官方频道(https://www.youtube.com/UbisoftSEA )上公开;而在 E3 展览期间,Ubisoft 也将在洛杉矶国际会议中心南厅 #1023 摊位盛大展出完整游戏阵容,包含以下新作之实机试玩版本:

《刺客教条:枭雄》繁体中文版(PS4 / Xbox One / PC)
2015 年 10 月 23 日中文版同步上市、PC 版稍晚推出

  1868 年的伦敦,工业革命鼎盛时期。 你将扮演无情的刺客雅各布. 弗莱,对抗以进步之名压榨低下阶层劳工的财阀与权贵,并且在这段充满刺激、阴谋以及残酷的血腥暴力的冒险中定义集团式犯罪组织的诞生。

《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁》繁体中文版(PS4 / Xbox One / PC)
预定 2016 年春季中文版同步上市


《虹彩六号:围攻行动》繁体中文版(PS4 / Xbox One / PC)
2015 年 10 月 13 日中文版同步上市

  启发自真实世界中的反恐行动,《汤姆克兰西之虹彩六号:围攻行动》邀请玩家主宰破坏的艺术,展开激烈的 CQC 近身距离作战,带来高致命性、仰赖战术策略、充满团队合作及爆破场面的核心游玩体验。

  连续第三年举办的「Uplay Lounge」也将提供玩家亲自试玩 Ubisoft 在 E3 期间所公布最新游戏阵容的机会,并且得以零距离会见游戏开发者、与其他玩家相互较劲,以及更多精彩活动内容,现场活动也将透过在线直播分享给全球的玩家。 今年的「Uplay Lounge」选在洛杉矶市中心的 Bank Tower 71 楼的「SkySpace」举办,在当地时间 16 日、17 日两天下午对外开放,更多活动详情请参阅:http://www.uplaylounge.com

  在 E3 电玩展期间,玩家可透过「#UbiE3」卷标自各社群平台追踪 E3 电玩展的相关信息以及在线转播,亦可订阅 Ubisoft 中文官方专页 http://www.facebook.com/UbisoftSEA 或造访 Ubisoft 香港与台湾全新中文官方网站 http://www.ubisoft.com.hk / http:// www.ubisoft.com.tw 掌握最新中文游戏信息,包含中文字幕预告片以及即将于本周上线的 UbiBlog 中文官方部落格。


Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 to be revealed at Microsoft E3 press conference
《植物大战殭尸》新作预告:会是《花园战争 2》?

  在 2013 年的 E3 微软展前发表会上,EA 与 PopCap 共同发表了以 Frostbite 技术打造的第三人称对战游戏《植物大战殭尸:花园战争》,这个以经典塔防与射击游戏元素结合的怪诞组合在当时意外受到不少玩家青睐。 而县在今年的 E3 将至,PopCap 似乎有意打算再推出新作...... 至少在这最近放出的预告片中看来似乎是真有其事。

  光这一连串的背景音效,自然让人不免与《植物大战殭尸:花园战争》产生联想,而该新作的完整发表会将会在微软的 E3 展前发表会上揭露,与前年《植物大战殭尸:花园战争》初发表的方式如出一辙。 准备好迎接更多的植物与殭尸了吗?


Platinum Games announcing new game at E3
外媒透露E3 2015将展示PlatinumGames未公开新作

  日前国外知名游戏媒体IGN透露,他们将在自己的E3 2015直播活动中展示PlatinumGames某款未公开新作的游戏片段。此次直播活动预计于马来西亚时间2015年6月17日凌晨6点举行,不过实际上PlatinumGames也可能在此前举行的某场展前发布会中正式公开这款新作,详细情报还有待公开,请玩家们耐心等待。

  目前PlatinumGames也在为XBOX One开发新作《Scalebound》,该游戏自公布以来就没有什么后续消息,希望在本次的E3中官方能为大家带来惊喜。

E3 2015: Unannounced Platinum Game Coming to E3

IGN is going to be premiering the gameplay reveal of an unannounced Platinum game during our E3 2015 live show.

Tune into IGN at 3pm PT (6pm EST/10pm GMT) on Tuesday, June 16 for an extended look at gameplay from a new game from the Japanese studio that brought us Vanquish and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

E3 2015: Unannounced Platinum Game Coming to E3

IGN is going to be premiering the gameplay reveal of an unannounced Platinum game during our E3 2015 live show.

Tune into IGN at 3pm PT (6pm EST/10pm GMT) on Tuesday, June 16 for an extended look at gameplay from a new game from the Japanese studio that brought us Vanquish and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Teaser Trailer


ADR1FT 'Moonlight' Trailer


Hollowpoint Story Trailer ~ PS4 & PC






SOMA E3 2015 Trailer

SOMA E3 Trailer and the Worst Part of Dying

Following last week's release date announcement and gameplay video for SOMA, Frictional Games is releasing yet another trailer in advance of E3 2015.

Coming to PC and PlayStation 4 on September 22nd, SOMA is the next sci-fi horror experience from Frictional Games, creators of the genre-defining Amnesia and Penumbra series.

Something is happening in PATHOS-2. Communications have gone dark. Key personnel have gone missing or been declared dead in preceding weeks, and the machines are acting…strangely, almost human.

Oculus @ E3 2015 - Step into the Rift

2015-6-12 06:09 PM
Scalebound and Crackdown to skip E3 for Gamescom 2015


Looking Toward E3 And Beyond

This has been a great year for gaming at Microsoft, and it’s only going to get better in the coming weeks and months. With the greatest games lineup in Xbox history coming to Xbox One this year, and Windows 10 being the best operating system for gaming we’ve ever released, this is going to be an exceptional year for gamers. No matter where or how you play, I truly believe 2015 will be our biggest year yet.

Throughout the week of E3, we will talk about our Xbox One games lineup and some of what we are doing for gaming on PCs and tablets with Windows 10. Not only are we focused on the gaming platforms you play on today – consoles and PC – but we’re also passionate about new, immersive ways to play. This morning we announced our partnership with Oculus VR and shared why Windows 10 will be the best platform for experiencing virtual reality on the Oculus Rift. Gamers who buy the Rift will get to play games with the included Xbox One controller, as well as stream their favorite Xbox One games to Rift through Windows 10.

We recognize that gamers want choice in how they game, whether that’s gaming in virtual reality on the Rift or the mixed reality experiences that will be made possible with Microsoft HoloLens. What we’ve shown so far with HoloLens is just a sneak peek of what’s is possible with holographic gaming and computing – the ability to bring holograms into your physical world. I can’t wait to see what sort of experiences game developers create and how fans react to both of these exciting technologies.

The Windows 10 launch on July 29 is a major milestone for Microsoft as a company. We’re working to make Windows 10 the best version of Windows ever for gaming – both for gamers and for developers. More than ever before, feedback from our fans is driving the direction of our gaming plans. The Xbox Feedback site has been instrumental in proposing and prioritizing the hundreds of features we’ve rolled out in our monthly updates on Xbox One. Similarly, updates to the Xbox app on Windows 10 devices are being driven in large part by the fans – something that will continue through the release of Windows 10.

On Monday morning, we will unveil games and experiences coming to Xbox One this holiday and beyond at our Xbox E3 Briefing. I can’t wait to share the passion of our game creators, demonstrate how Xbox One continues to evolve, and provide a closer look at gaming across devices. I believe this year we have the greatest games lineup in Xbox console history, led by Halo 5: Guardians and blockbuster titles like Forza Motorsport 6 and Rise of the Tomb Raider. There’s even more news than we could fit into the 90 minute briefing. So be sure to tune into our live show, Xbox Daily: LIVE @ E3, Monday through Wednesday at 4PM PT for additional game reveals, world premiere trailers, interviews, and demos.

E3 is just the beginning. Over the next few weeks and months, we’ll be sharing many more of our plans for 2015 and beyond. Having a jam-packed lineup of games to show at E3 means that there simply isn’t enough time to give each of our upcoming titles its well-deserved time in the spotlight. We’ve decided to save some of our most eagerly-awaited future titles for gamescom in August. Rest assured that titles like Crackdown, Quantum Break and Scalebound will be front and center at gamescom along with new game reveals for both Xbox One and Windows 10.

See you next week at E3!

Phil Spencer - @XboxP3

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