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楼主: Ametrades
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Why is english important?

2014-11-27 10:10 AM
because this is international language~
2014-11-27 10:31 AM
First, you need to know, English is the international language.

After you master it, where ever you go you wont have any consent because where ever county yo are going sure have people that understand on this language.

Second, most of the knowledge book are written in English.

if you want to know the knowledge you need to know on English, yes I understand that there will have translations of the version of that book, but in more accurate, still is the original English version.
(you have to know, some time the translations also will have mistake on the meaning of translations)

Third, even in Malaysia, mostly of the high salary job is require know and speak well and understanding well in English.

if you go to interview, and you don't no and not understanding in English I don't think so that you will getting that job.

and by the way, mostly the highly advance and high salary company is from the east, and what is the language that the eastern people speak of?

mostly of the machine that in use, product that is use and in the productions line, witch language that is using?

Fourth, witch is the best and famous university in this world? and witch language they are using on there lesson and teaching?

Fifth, event the most best and the mostly use system, example, Microsoft, Android, IOS and event mostly all of the programming language is in English.

just by the 5 reason on the top, tell me, if you didn't understand English, how advance you can be?


  过后硬着头皮乱讲努力学,到现在才比较会英文,在公司工作也才顺利起来,而且在德国公司工作的时候,很肯定,不会英文会是死路一条因为当时有数个友族同胞,念某某大学,用某某语言教学,当时叫他们混合 chamical 他们完全不会看,因为他们念的时候是某某文,然后在公司使用的是英文,差的混合错误而导致爆炸。

2014-11-27 10:31 AM
懒惰喵喵 发表于 2014-11-27 09:41 AM
because i want to be a backpacker, english is important to communication around the world

Ah haha...same ideal with me...but my english not very fluently
2014-11-27 10:35 AM
firstnight 发表于 2014-11-27 02:16 AM
Because u can watch a movie without subtitle

that sound good
2014-11-27 10:35 AM
i need to alive in this world~
but my english still poor
2014-11-27 11:06 AM
because england invaded all over the world, and people still admire them
2014-11-27 11:28 AM
because my dad said english is important. it's as simple as that.
2014-11-27 11:52 AM
because no one will learn without english
2014-11-27 12:07 PM
for human to communicate, between different races, countries
of course you can live without english, but u cant deny it is very imporant for you to connect to the world
2014-11-27 12:22 PM
本帖最后由 可乐冰冰 于 2014-11-27 12:24 PM 编辑

It can increase the possibility for you to be taken by a company. To me, one more knowledge provide you one more opportunity.
You will NEVER knew when the opportunity will come.
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