PS4 版《Until Dawn-悲剧山庄》公布游戏实玩影片
SCEJA 预定于 2015 年 8 月 27 日推出,实体版售价 6,900 日币,下载版 5,900 日币的 PS4 版独占恐怖游戏《Until Dawn-悲剧山庄》(Until Dawn - 惨剧の山荘 -),日前公布游戏实玩影片。
本作为一款具有 1980 年代恐怖电影风格的冒险游戏,描述 8 名年轻人为了悼念一年前去世的朋友,相约前往位于 Blackwood Pines 森林深处中的别墅,却在当地遭到杀人魔袭击的故事,玩家可从 8 名角色中任选一名使用,以 DUALSHOCK 4 前方的 LED 灯作为手电筒展开探索,游戏中可能是所操作的人物身亡,也可能是其他角色被杀, 不同登场人物所引发出来的状况也各自不同,在每作一个选择就会对剧情走向有深远影响的「蝴蝶效应系统」(バタフライエフェクトシステム)操作下,游戏登场人物的命运将完全掌控在玩家手中,共有数千种不同独特模式等待玩家亲身经历。
New trailer demonstrates cause and effect in Until Dawn
Something we’ve spoken about a lot with Until Dawn is the Butterfly Effect system and how that affects the story; where your moment to moment decisions can have immediate or long-term impact on the events of the night.
The way we have implemented this system in game means there are thousands of potential branches to every player’s individual story. Some of your decisions might appear to be inconsequential – a conversation choice that makes a character come across as a bit of an ass, for example – but if you’d made a different choice that character might have ended up the hero. Everything you choose can affect how other characters react, potentially with dire consequences. Some choices are more obvious but much more difficult, like choosing which friend will live and which will die.
The thing is, you won’t always know what impact your choices will have until after you’ve made them – it was important to us that players shouldn’t second guess their path through the story of Until Dawn. It’s only after you’ve made a decision that you’ll find out the consequences of that choice, sometimes only hours later.
Our latest trailer shows the potential aftermath of your decisions. Only your choices determine who survives Until Dawn…
Tim Hodges - Product Manager, SCEE