No matter you are student /department/parents, even a company, as long as you are interested to open stall on Jump Party, we will accept all. However, the selling things based on first comes first serve basis. Your stall only needs RM150 and profit is your own. What are you still waiting for? Just do it, contact me immediately (Facebook: 俊源) for more information.
Jump Party 离开地球表面4.0 档位招租
不管你是学生,系会,家长,甚至是公司组织,只要你有意在jump party摆档口的,我们通通接受,档口售卖的东西以先到先得的方式,档口只需RM 150令吉的租金,而利润通通归你们所有,你还等什么?心动不如行动,马上INBOX我详谈吧~
13/9/2014 Is Jump Party 4.0~